<Lucifer_arma> guru3: Hey, was it intentional to remove my mod powers forever?  I don't recall the decision, I just recall that you forgot to do it until after the time period promised was over, and I didn't use them in the meantime
<ct|kyle> oi Lucifer_arma
<Lucifer_arma> hey ct|kyle
<Lucifer_arma> roasting green chiles, teaching my youngest how to use Linux, and making burritoes
<Lucifer_arma> what are you up to?  ;)
<Lucifer_arma> Why am I even reading this thread?  It basically amounts to D33P saying "Let Durf back....and admit that you were wrong."
<Lucifer_arma> Oddly, if he simply said "Let Durf back and he'll behave better, and if not, ban him again if you need to", we'd all probably be like "Sure, let's try that, that sounds reasonable"
<Lucifer_arma> If I keep reading this thread, am I going to see someone saying that?  Because if not, it's a complete waste of time.
<Lucifer_arma> Nobody ever wants to admit they were wrong....
<ct|kyle> Lucifer_arma:threads a waste of time, as they beleive Durf did nothing wrong
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<Magi> Lucifer_arma, I was gonna summarize what everyone wanted in that thread but as I went to post it locked lol, didn't care enough to make another post.
<Magi> Now everytime I'm in a server with Durf or D33P they cry to me about how bad the devs are, like I'm their high school guidance counselor or something
<sinewav> lol guidance counselor... yeah, those guys need counseling for sure.
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<Lucifer_arma> Magi: I just don't get it
<Lucifer_arma> Durf obviously has two options, both of which are perfectly valid.
<Lucifer_arma> option 1:  WIth or without apology, with or without admitting any wrongdoing, he can simply say something like "I won't ever threaten you forums again, I want to be a contributing member of this community" etc.
<Lucifer_arma> We'd probably let him back in.  No guarantees, but speaking for myself, I'd let him back in.  I'm a firm believer in second chances, and his ban has been quite long.  So if he came back with that line,
<Lucifer_arma> yeah, I'd give him another chance.
<Lucifer_arma> Option 2: Go ahead and fork the game.  If he really believes he is right, and that he knows better, then he can prove it by forking the game.
<Lucifer_arma> Truth is, if he forks the game and makes a new release, and we continue to do nothing, he'll win that argument by default.
<Lucifer_arma> I think what he's afraid of there is that if he forks the game, makes a new release, and we continue to do nothing, he won't get any new players because his new release will SUCK ALL OF IT.
<Lucifer_arma> and not in a good way.
<Lucifer_arma> If I were in his shoes, I'd have either walked away forever or forked the game.  I don't waste my time trying to be right, for the most part (there are notable exceptions littered around the forums)
<Lucifer_arma> The problem with D33P's thread is that neither D33P nor Durf is willing to accept that Durf *may* have done anything wrong.  Until they validate the opposite point of view (which happens to be the most popular as well), they won't get anywhere
<Lucifer_arma> And that's logical.  Validation is key here.  There is a path where they don't have to admit to any wrongdoing, but can reassure us that they understand how we might see it that way and won't do it again.
<Lucifer_arma> Ok, actually, I wouldn't be surprised if guru3 and z-man demand something more substantial.  Even in that case, they can provide without necessarily hurting their egos by admitting fault.
<Lucifer_arma> Well, I could if I were in their shoes, but that's because I'm good at being an asshole
<Lucifer_arma> Maybe I should offer a class
<Lucifer_arma> Asshole 101: Professor, Lucifer.  Meeting times, never.
<Lucifer_arma> Final: when you can't pass it.
<Lucifer_arma> All of my students will fail.
* izissise (~izissise@ has joined #armagetron
<guru3> good morning Lucifer_arma
<guru3> not my intention to remove your powers forever
<guru3> I just really didn't want to go back onto the forums
<guru3> sadly it looks like enough stuff has piled up that I'll have to
<Lucifer_arma> I don't blame you.  I think I'm checking them twice every three weeks right now.  I just saw a post that clearly needed to be removed (The armagetron story one), and noticed I couldn't remove it
<guru3> of course, it looks like I've forgotten my password now
<guru3> which is super awkward
<Lucifer_arma> GOL (giggles out loud)
<guru3> but first nature calls
<Lucifer_arma> my phone's not ringing ;)
* Lucifer_arma needs a needle to poke a huge zit.  Anybody got one?
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<Magi> Lucifer_arma, ya that arma story one, my guess is karas got drunk
<Magi> similar to the way devnull spams rants when he's drunk
<Lucifer_arma> there were a few Karas rants
<Magi> yep, he's an odd one even in sumo, sometiems he's okay but usually he's shitfaced and messing with people
<Magi> as for durf and deep, they're just so far gone in this belief that they think the mods and devs are so wrong, that everything that happens or doesn't happen is their fault
<Lucifer_arma>  /dev/null's stuff isn't so blatantly provocative.  Karas was targeting specific people, /dev/null targets everybody
<Magi> and they just try and convince more and more people to believe it and side with them
<Lucifer_arma> making him easier to ignore
<Magi> lol ya, I actually played in game with dev and got complimenets like "you're actually not half bad" so I'll take it!
<Lucifer_arma> yeah, I know, believe it or not.  I've seen it.  I do occasionally play in disguise
<Lucifer_arma> In all the years I've known him (I've known him since before he got convicted for fucking his cousin), I've probably beat him less than 10 times.
<Magi> Oh also, Durf thinks you're liz, and everytime he says it I want to bash my head off my keyboard
<Lucifer_arma> heh.  No, Liz IS bipolar, I'm the one with the bipolar KID.  Big difference.
<Lucifer_arma> and my kid isn't Liz.
<Lucifer_arma> she doesn't even like this game.
<Magi> Liz is, how dev would put it, "food"
<Magi> entertaining sometimes anyways, until she does stupid shit lol
<Lucifer_arma> Hell, I'd probably be dumb enough to marry her if I were single.  She's got attitude I like.
<Lucifer_arma> well, yeah, then there's the stupid shit, heh.
<Magi> I even told durf and d33p when they were getting into the fort scene just to ignore liz and stay away from her
<Lucifer_arma> but I *did* marry my first wife, and the two aren't that different.
<Magi> but sure enough Durf couldn't do hat
<guru3> right, back in
<Lucifer_arma> I've played with liz and had a great time with her and with the other players
<Lucifer_arma> my exposure to liz is limited, but apparently different than her reputation suggests
<Lucifer_arma> considering how my psychological warfare she uses, I'd be interested in sitting down in-person and playing chess with her
<Lucifer_arma> s/my/much
<Lucifer_arma> guru3: I'm glad you were able to navigate the password recovery system ;)
<guru3> it was tough going, but I did it
<Lucifer_arma> brave.  Such courage to wage such warfare.
<guru3> and you're a moderator again
<guru3> *mumbling*and the competetions forum is unlocked again as well*mumbling*
<Magi> \o/
<guru3> which i apparently can't spell
<Lucifer_arma> thank you.  In celebration I'll go edit one of Durf's posts.
<guru3> ...
<Lucifer_arma> 'cause there's nothing to moderate right now ;)
<Magi> actually Lucifer_arma could you be as kind to move Ladle 97 in general to Competitions?
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<Lucifer_arma> apparently not, I have no idea how to do that
<Lucifer_arma> really, I just tried and got a shitload of error messages :/
<guru3> what does it say?
<Lucifer_arma> Why is moving a post so hard?
<guru3> quick-mod tools -> move topic
<Lucifer_arma> So, I go into the moderator control panel after finding the Ladle 97 post.
<guru3> "go"
<Lucifer_arma> quick-mod tools?
<guru3> destination forum: competitions, uncheck leave shadow
<guru3> "yes"
<guru3> at the bottom of the thread
<Lucifer_arma> aha, I didn't even know that was there
<Lucifer_arma> I did exactly as you said, without having read it because I'm that cool  ;)
<guru3> how long you been a mod? ;)
<Lucifer_arma> well, I've been, well, you know, busy!
<guru3> hrhr
<Lucifer_arma> Magi: I also bumped it, so it'll show up for people.
<Magi> cool thanks
<Lucifer_arma> I'm still busy, this is a rare moment of me-time that I"m getting, and I'm choosing to spend it here.
<Lucifer_arma> actually, I'm quite frustrated and not ready to go to bed, and my kid has a suicide attempt pending (based on how she was acting this evening), so I'm taking a respite before the storm
<guru3> I come onto the forums now it seems to gain stress
<guru3> the only reason I worked up to it today is because this afternoon I'm going over to a friends' to play Plannetary Anhilation
<Lucifer_arma> an interesting comparison.  You should go date someone who's going to totally fuck you over just so you can find the forums stress-relieving
<Magi> lol
<guru3> the forums were stress-relieving once
<guru3> and maybe the will be again some day
<guru3> I'll give it another year or two
<z-man> Ohi guru3 and Lucifer_arma!
<guru3> ohi z-man
<Lucifer_arma> bah.  They've never been stress-free for you.  They probably never will be.  That's one of those "Oh, I made this, so I'll suffer because I love <this other thing>" situations.  We all have those situations.
<Magi> hi z-man
<Lucifer_arma> heya Z<tab>.
<guru3> I did see your e-mail, thanks for the heads up
<guru3> but I'd also had a poke about it here
<guru3> which I then ignored for two weeks
<guru3> (sorry everyone about that)
<guru3> (see above)
<z-man> Normal procedure :)
<Lucifer_arma> you need a "don't apologize" rule
<Lucifer_arma> seriously
<guru3> maybe it's a southern thing?
<Lucifer_arma> that reminds me, I need to get my kid to quit apologizing
<Lucifer_arma> nah, I'm from Texas
<Lucifer_arma> and I don't apologize ;)
<guru3> deep south
<Lucifer_arma> there are actually solid reasons for such a rule, mind you.
<guru3> I don't quite put Texas in the same category is Georgia
<Lucifer_arma> doesn't get any deeper than Texas.  We *still* want to secede.
<Magi> lol
<guru3> deep south is not characterised (in my opinion, but it's been years since I've lived there) by an independence streak...
<guru3> I take that back...
<Lucifer_arma> I wouldn't either.  Georgia is too yankee.
* Lucifer_arma notes that he's reported his country as "Republic of Texas" for 10 years on arma forums
<Lucifer_arma> In Texas, it's still legal to hang a noose in a tree near a black person.
<Lucifer_arma> if they happen to slip into it and die, well, sorry, should have been paying more attention
<guru3> ...
<Lucifer_arma> I don't believe that's true in Georgia.  In fact, I have a very good friend who's from Atlanta, and as an Atlantean, she's prettu sure the city can fly
* Lucifer_arma is obviously not in favor of lynching anybody and is merely satirizing the common Texas attitude about such things.
<Lucifer_arma> And now for something completely different.  A man with a tape recorder up his nose:
<guru3> z-man, Lucifer_arma, anything else I need to do on the forums this morning?
<Lucifer_arma> z-man: That's your cue
* Magi is now known as somerandom
<Lucifer_arma> fuck if I know, I just showed up after a week or so of not being around
<somerandom> make magi mod
* somerandom is now known as Magi
<Magi> wow who said that
<z-man> Promote Light to full admin so we don't need you?
<z-man> Oh, puma. wants his Moonlight account back that got hijacked.
<Lucifer_arma> GOLA (giggling out loud again)
<guru3> I sent puma a PM about that
<guru3> and I'll consider about Light
<Lucifer_arma> I think we should just hand over almost everything to Light.  You know, administration stuff, anyway.
<Magi> Not that I think Light is a bad guy, I just question him being put in charge of the competition forums when he's not all that invovled in actual competitions, I suppose as an unbiased stand point for a mod it makes sense
<Magi> was weird
<Lucifer_arma> He's much more involved than any of us, and is likely to be so for at least the next six months
<Lucifer_arma> I'd promote him to triumvir, if it didn't screw up the whole "there's only 3 of us" thing
<z-man> For me "We won't hack or threaten to hack" would be almost enough. I'd also demand removal of the right to send PMs.
<Lucifer_arma> when there's four, ignoring the fact that we have to come up with a new name to replace Evil Triumvirate, we risk the possibility of a deadlock vote if there's four of us
<Magi> Oh that's a simple solution Lucifer_arma ;D
<guru3> hurrah!
<guru3> I found my missing blob of blutac!
<Lucifer_arma> z-man: so we're actually pretty close in position (not surprising) and I'd be willing to throw my support to the differences you give, because, well, why not?  ;)
<guru3> this time I have to remember where I left it
<z-man> And I find the forums very stress relieving now that I started the Durfbomb game :)
<Lucifer_arma> that's a draw for me to come back more often :)
<Magi> I dont z-man, I get targeted by Durf and D33P in-game whenever I make a joke about it on forums lol
<Lucifer_arma> screenshot it, make a post that you know will get locked and moved
<Lucifer_arma> you could score points for Durf
<Magi> I was seriously tempted to a few times, not going to lie lol
<z-man> They can be all the assholes they want on their own forums.
<guru3> I'm really not sure I'd want to let Durf back
<z-man> Aww, Z-Girl woke up.
<Lucifer_arma> you know, I've been doing this DBT thing with my suicidal kid.  There's a huge emphasis on validation.  Validating emotions, mostly, but there's also validating points of view.
<Lucifer_arma> None of it requires or implies agreement with anything.  It's really as simple as "Ok, you're angry."  It's really that simple.
<Lucifer_arma> We can validate Durf's point of view, and we don't have to agree with it.  In fact, we know we don't agree with it.
<Lucifer_arma> The real problem that I see is that Durf isn't willing to validate our points of view (we have many that happen to agree, although each person has their own separate view)
<Magi> I've had this conversation with Durf before like "people enjoy the development stuff you do, but we don't enjoy the argumenting and 3 months worth of posts" and then he basically repsonded with "so Im only allowed to come back as a slave, and I'm not allowed to argue?"
<Magi> Sounds like he isn't ready to give it up
<Lucifer_arma> He's not.  We saw D33P's discussion.  Several of those posts felt like Durf had either written them, or told someone what to write
<Magi> They were in the same server together talking about it the entire time, Word even took some screenshots, I was in server with them often as well
<Lucifer_arma> It annoys me this whole just/unjust thing.  Who the fuck are you to decide what's just?
<Magi> Although I suppose the only bonus to D33P is that he keeps it relatively civil whereas Durf gets down right nasty about it
<z-man> Well, not decide, but you can have a view about it.
<Lucifer_arma> You GOT your trial in front of your peers, and they were basically unanimous (again, everyone had their own views, but the agreement was "Ban this fucker")
<Lucifer_arma> So, then, in DBT we talk about Radical Acceptance.  Wow, that's a big topic, but it's also small.  The name alone should tell you everything you know about it.
<Magi> Lucifer_arma, My brother does the same things with his autistic daughter when she has episodes and goes on rampages, he tells her it's okay to be mad/upset
<z-man> I was tempted to unlock D33P's thread again and force the focus on the 'was the threat just' thing.
<z-man> Because even if you assume we're evil and incompetent, they have no chance of proving that.
<Lucifer_arma> Durf needs to do some radical acceptance.  He got banned for shit he did.  He needs to accept that.  He can change his behavior in the future, but his past behavior has already happened.
<z-man> Because there would have always been the fork option on the table.
<Lucifer_arma> the fork option is still on the table
<Lucifer_arma> the bottom line is that when it comes to leadership, Durf doesn't have THAT.  He NEEDS us to keep the project going, to keep doing what we do, even if we're absent most of the time.
<Magi> From what i've heard those two already plan on making their own game, but the way I see it now is they're trying to get as many people on their side to help them/join them
<Lucifer_arma> He NEEDS us to provide leadership.  He just wants to offer help.  You know, on his terms.
<z-man> Yeah, it's ok to BE angry, but you got to stop sometime and maybe try to not let others suffer too much.
<Lucifer_arma> They need to just make the game.  We'll be happy to let them pimp their game here.  We did absolutely nothing to shut down WW's fork.
<Lucifer_arma> We even helped promote it!
<z-man> Z-Girl is very upfront. "NOW I AM ANGRY" she will yell :)
<Lucifer_arma> z-man: that's awesome.  :)  That's really awesome.
<guru3> I wish I got angry more
<Magi> pls don't get angry and move competition forums, thanks <3
<Lucifer_arma> You get to say "That's ok, it's ok to be angry".  Then there's the whole "check the facts" thing we do in DBT.
<Lucifer_arma> GAWD.  This DBT stuff should be a required class to finish high school.
<guru3> the last time I got angry I was working on some (Matlab I think) code that just wasn't doing it
<guru3> so I smacked my desk
<guru3> everyone in the workroom looked at me
<Lucifer_arma> I slammed doors and shit.  This was an hour ago, and nobody noticed because they're all asleep.
<guru3> the code incident was maybe 2 months ago
<guru3> I can't really remember being angry since
<Magi> Tron is the largest cause of anger in my life
<Magi> :<
<Lucifer_arma> The anger lingers.  It's stupid shit like my wife being home all night, but spending no time with anybody.  you know, dumb shit.
<z-man> I routinely slam the table when Visual Studio locks up halfway into an hour long debug session.
<Lucifer_arma> She worked hard peeling green chiles, but we've exchanged like 20 words tonight.
<Lucifer_arma> On the flip side, my sons now know what "You're in the groove now, Jackson" is referring to
<guru3> on my bright side I did get the code in question to work
<Lucifer_arma> not me, she's asleep, so there's no possibility of interaction left for the night
<Magi> Sure there is, it just probably won't end well
<Lucifer_arma> nah, she'd love it if I fucked her while she was asleep.  She's asked for it.
<Lucifer_arma> but being angry doesn't, um, get my motor running
<guru3> well this is now incredibly awkward
<Magi> We could talk about cats, that seems to work on the forums
<guru3> what do ya'll think about smart watches?
<Lucifer_arma> I used to own a swatch
<z-man> I'd forget to charge them and they'd just be bricks on my wrist.
<Lucifer_arma> I don't wear shit on my wrists, to be honest.  I'd be more interested in a smart pocket watch.
<z-man> Apart from earrings which I don't notice any more, I don't like anything attached to my body directly.
<z-man> Lucifer_arma: that's your cell phone :)
<guru3> lol
<Lucifer_arma> that reminds me, I need to get my ears pierced again
<guru3> i kind of like the idea of the smartwatch
<guru3> so I've been trying it out for a bit
<Lucifer_arma> z-man: looking at a cell phone at work is different than looking at a pocket watch ;)
<guru3> the biggest thing I've noticed, which I don't think people that don't have them would
<z-man> I had a watch once, but my arms are hairy and the stupid metal wristband caught them
<guru3> is that it's another set of social cues to look for
<guru3> the meaning of someone checking their watch changes
<Lucifer_arma> z-man: that why I dont' wear my dad's knock-off Rolex!
<guru3> Rollex
<Lucifer_arma> that's not what it says on the watch
<z-man> guru3 got a fake one.
<guru3> I've always loced the idea of fake watch names
<guru3> Tinex
<guru3> Casia
<guru3> Onega
<guru3> etc
<Lucifer_arma> mine's fake too, though, heh.  I need to put a battery in it, so I can wear it, so that 5 years from now in a formal event I can wear it.
<Lucifer_arma> and show it off, because that's what my dad did with it.  :)
<guru3> I just got a wind up watch for formal events
<Lucifer_arma> (he knew it was fake)
<guru3> take it out, wind it up, I'm good for the day
<z-man> I wonder if google glass would be more successful if it were a monocle.
<guru3> maybe with a walking stick
<Lucifer_arma> I'd go for a monocle
<guru3> for a nintendo wii like interface
<Magi> lol
<guru3> people walking down the street waving their walking sticks
<guru3> it'd be classy
<guru3> and then they'd hit a building
<Lucifer_arma> oh yeah, you see some hot chick and you wave your walking stick around and you see her naked, and she calls the cops 'cause you're a fucking creep
<guru3> maybe a beefier computer in a top hat?
<Lucifer_arma> steampunk is in right now, and manufacturers that want to make money should keep that in mind.
<Lucifer_arma> we don't want 80s style wristwatches....
<Lucifer_arma> we're no longer a species that still thinks digital watches are a good idea
<guru3> I think I'll have to build that computer in a top hat
<guru3> I just did one in a small storage box
<Lucifer_arma> I want one embedded into a dress.
<guru3> quality top hats for as low as 20 GBP
<guru3> go ebay
<Lucifer_arma> like, if I want to google something, I can slap my right butt-cheek, pronounce the search terms, and then I'll see the results
<Lucifer_arma> or I can hit my left butt-cheek and go to system settings
<Lucifer_arma> and all the while some pervert is watching me and thinking "Wow, I'd like to see what she can see"
<Lucifer_arma> obviously it would have to run Ubuntu
<guru3> sweet you can get PINK top hats!
<Lucifer_arma> I didn't need to know that (Austin's Pride celebration is a week away)
<Magi> I think Lucifer just re-invented virtually sexting
<Magi> virtual*
<guru3> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Grey-Felt-Steampunk-Gothic-style-Top-Hat-/331630842305
<guru3> I love ebay
<Lucifer_arma> I'm not clicking on that link.  I can't spend the money
* CDToon (~turanct@2a02:a03f:2644:1a00:226:8ff:fee9:402) has joined #armagetron
<guru3> that's OK it's an auction
<z-man> Ooh, ooh, off topic: Z-Girl was at a Frozen-themed birthday party yesterday where even the boys wore dresses :)
<Lucifer_arma> ok, so, what did y'all do for Pride (or gonna do, if it's in your future)?
<Lucifer_arma> z-man: ah, the US is SO behind on that stuff :)
* G5 (~g5@p2003006A6A424D00DDB653ACE1A4A725.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined #armagetron
<Lucifer_arma> me, we've got Pride next weekend, so I'm going to go with my suicidal kid, and she's going to do her damnedest to pass a man, and I'm going to do my damnedest to pass as a woman.
<Lucifer_arma> my step-daughter's coming with us, and she's going to do whatever, she hasn't been real specific.  And we're going to have a great time.  ;)
<guru3> z-man: did they play let it go?
<guru3> Lucifer_arma: have fun?
<Lucifer_arma> guru3: I don't want to get all crazy emotional, but the truth is that I take vacation days to check her into hospitals when she tries to kill herself.  This will be the first time in over a year I get to take a vacation day for fun.
<guru3> then definetely have fun!
<Lucifer_arma> As long as she stays out of the hospital for the week, which isn't guaranteed, based on the way she was acting tonight.
<z-man> Absoutely!
<z-man> guru3: I didn't stay, so I don't know exactly how it went down. Z-Girl says no.
* G5 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
<guru3> awww
<guru3> but this is what I do miss about tron: talking to interesting and diverse people
<Lucifer_arma> considering the season, they obviously didn't build a snowman
<guru3> well the film was released in like july last year wasn't it?
<guru3> year before last?
<Magi> Was december I think
<guru3> *constructively talking
<guru3> 27 november USA says imdb
<Lucifer_arma> I don't honestly know.  I know that my kid who was interested in it doesn't care about it anymore.
<guru3> why did I think it was summer?
<guru3> oh well
<Lucifer_arma> year?
<guru3> 2013
<Lucifer_arma> so approximately 1.5 years ago
<guru3> so it's been almost 2 years
<guru3> heh
<guru3> 1.75
<Lucifer_arma> well, significant figures
<guru3> split the difference
<Lucifer_arma> so, on a completely different note, we decided our home was a silly place, so we named it Camelot
<Lucifer_arma> so the WiFI is Camelot, of course
<guru3> heh
<Lucifer_arma> Last night, we made everyone rename their computers/devices to something python related
<guru3> sounds like fun
<Lucifer_arma> even I didn't think I should name a compute "from sys import *"
<Lucifer_arma> Instead, I've got Herman and Dead-Parrot
<Lucifer_arma> oh, and another one.  Damn, don't remember now.
<guru3> hopefully the computer isn't pushing up the daisies
<Lucifer_arma> no, it's just resting
<Lucifer_arma> we're watching the Flying Circus sketches, so, you know....  ;)
<guru3> nobody expects the circus sketches!
<Lucifer_arma> That's ok, 'cause I can give them the rack!
<Lucifer_arma> no, wait, that would be my wife
<Lucifer_arma> ok, fine, I'll give you the comfy chair!
<guru3> I now need to watch some python
<Lucifer_arma> yeah, or else you might end up Twit of the Year
<Lucifer_arma> we quit nominating people for Twit of the Year when we found so many twits around us
<Lucifer_arma> really, we watched someone in the grocery store run themselves over with their cart
<Lucifer_arma> then we were like "Ok, we're done, we'll just dodge the twits"
<guru3> lol
<Lucifer_arma> there's obviously a tournament for that
<Magi> Off to bed, goodnight Lucifer_arma guru3 z-man, have fun
<Lucifer_arma> Goodnight Magi.  Now you've seen what sort of high level conversations the evil triumvirates have....
<Magi> lol
<Magi> Just normal people having normal conversations, unfortunately some people expect you guys to be devs nonstop 24/7
<Lucifer_arma> I'd say we all wipe our asses the same, but some of (them) live in countries that may not use toilet paper.
<Lucifer_arma> I wouldn't know, because in Texas we use toilet paper, and we beat our women.
<z-man> It's fine if you use your OTHER hand for eating.
<Lucifer_arma> I can't believe Perry's running again.  </political crap>
<guru3> good night Magi
* G5 (~g5@p2003006A6A424D00DDB653ACE1A4A725.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined #armagetron
<Lucifer_arma> z-man: if all the stereotypes are true, I'd much rather have a rush of water to scrub my ass with
<Lucifer_arma> that would make my life so much easier
<guru3> done trimming the beard
<Lucifer_arma> you have a beard?  (I trimmed mine a little while ago, preparing to shave and then decided not to)
<guru3> I'm a bit lazy to shave
<Lucifer_arma> nononono, you say "Of course, shithead, I'm a hipster"
<guru3> i do the opposite of no shave november
<guru3> where I shave it off :)
<Lucifer_arma> I try to shave my legs for the whole month.  I end up with a beard that touches my nipples and beautiful smooth legs.
<Lucifer_arma> wife still doesn't want to fuck me, but at least I have awesome body hair
* G5 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
<Lucifer_arma> sometimes, when I'm fucking, I want to just randomly stop and say "ping timeout: 300 seconds" and go get another beer
<guru3> I just wacked my angle on the bed leg
<Lucifer_arma> I take it that wasn't a right angle?
<guru3> I was squishing past the bed
<guru3> and side swiped it
<Lucifer_arma> so  you whacked an angle on it
<Lucifer_arma> was it, like pi/6?
<guru3> ah
<guru3> now I get it ><
<guru3> ankle ><
<Lucifer_arma> oh, ankle!  Got it!
<Lucifer_arma> damn, that must've hurt.
<guru3> it still be stinging a little
<guru3> but fading fairly quickly
<Lucifer_arma> no ace bandage needed?
<guru3> nah not that bad
<guru3> since I was squishing it wasn't a high-speed collision
<Lucifer_arma> ah, so it was random near-bone piece hits metal
<Lucifer_arma> hurts like a mo-fro, but doesn't last long
<guru3> wood leg, but same thing
<Lucifer_arma> did you check your bed for insurance?  You might have a valid claim....
<Lucifer_arma> ok, I've probably moved into the area of "being silly" that really means "I should stop talking and go to bed"
<guru3> possibly
<ct|kyle> guru3: thanks, I hope it was not a mistake