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Log from 2007-12-08:
--- Day changed Sat Dec 08 2007
00:17 -!- spidey is now known as spybot
00:19 -!- spybot is now known as spidey
00:23 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["Leaving."]
00:23 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@78-1-117-171.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #armagetron
00:47 <luke-jr> P4|away: spinace is pwning you
00:50 <epsy> lol luke
00:51 <epsy> what about player 1 ?
00:53 <luke-jr> him too
00:53 <luke-jr> read_rating ctxp4
00:53 <luke-jr> 1435.28075511348 37.0130497542422 0.0599384662233515
00:53 <luke-jr> read_rating g5
00:53 <luke-jr> 1367.71893518565 32.3202048790936 0.0599942454411954
00:53 <luke-jr> read_rating player_1
00:53 <luke-jr> 1479.2548979666 19.6494633150957 0.059827026094454
00:53 <luke-jr> read_rating spinace
00:53 <luke-jr> 1558.88711229325 33.5304236318078 0.0599503688109686
00:54  * luke-jr ponders
00:54 <epsy> i guess that's because he never suicided
00:55  * epsy suicided 1 time
00:55 <luke-jr> suicide is ignored atm
00:55 <epsy> really?
00:55 <luke-jr> yeah
00:55 <Lucidiot> suicide is wrong
00:55 <Lucidiot> :)
00:56 <epsy> Lucidiot, you definitively wear your nick right
00:56 <Lucidiot> epsy, were you aware that Jesus loves you?
00:56 <epsy> does he?
00:56 <epsy> ew, another fucking gay
00:57 <Lucidiot> He does.  Ask luke-jr, he'll be able to tell you as well.
00:57 <GodTodd> hrmm...when did the name of the game change to "armagejesus"?
00:58 <epsy> oh wait
00:58 <epsy> too tired >.>
00:58 <epsy> can't speel
01:00 <GodTodd> bah...i'll just spend time in my other channels...a place where people are more tolerant and don't try and force beliefs on others
01:02 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 gfduxitgerhyuiovfg<hqiùHMhAU_IGHIUDRLGHUGYgyhugbysgfæÊ€æÊ»þýýûÎî"]
01:06 <philippeqc> epsy, sorry, might have confused you!
01:07 <philippeqc> and yes for css
01:08 <luke-jr> ]load Ratings
01:08 <ljrbot> luke-jr: Error: No plugin named "Ratings" exists.
01:08 <luke-jr> liar
01:09 <luke-jr> ]load Ratings
01:09 <ljrbot> luke-jr: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
01:10 <luke-jr> ]load Ratings
01:10 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
01:10 <luke-jr> ]rating ctxp4
01:10 <ljrbot> luke-jr: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
01:11 <luke-jr> ]load Ratings
01:11 <ljrbot> luke-jr: Error: Ratings is already loaded.
01:11 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
01:11 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
01:11 <luke-jr> ]rating ctxp4
01:11 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ctxp4's current rating is 1398-1471 (from 1406-1478)
01:11 <luke-jr> ]rating epsy
01:11 <ljrbot> luke-jr: epsy's current rating is 1462-1497 (from 1462-1502)
01:11 <luke-jr> ]rating g5
01:11 <ljrbot> luke-jr: g5's current rating is 1339-1402 (from 1338-1402)
01:11 <luke-jr> ]rating spinace
01:11 <ljrbot> luke-jr: spinace's current rating is 1525-1591 (from 1493-1553)
01:13 <luke-jr> ]rating
01:13 <ljrbot> luke-jr: Invalid arguments for rating.
01:13 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
01:13 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566 (from 1543-1566)
01:19 <GodTodd> ]rating luke-jr's mental capacity
01:19 <ljrbot> GodTodd: Invalid arguments for rating.
01:19 <luke-jr> ]rating GodTodd
01:19 <ljrbot> luke-jr: GodTodd's current rating is 1462-1497 (from 1150-1850)
01:19 <luke-jr> wow, you actually play?
01:20 <GodTodd> once in a while
01:20 <GodTodd> got a problem with that?
01:22 <luke-jr> I had no idea…
01:23 <GodTodd> story of your life
01:23 <GodTodd> i haven't played in a while because trunk won't run for me
01:23 <luke-jr> ]rating GodTodd
01:23 <ljrbot> luke-jr: GodTodd's current rating is 1150-1850 (from 1150-1850)
01:24 <luke-jr> hm
01:24 <luke-jr> odd
01:24 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
01:24 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566 (from 1543-1566)
01:26 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
01:26 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
01:26 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
01:26 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566
01:26 <luke-jr> ]rating ctxp4
01:26 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ctxp4's current rating is 1398-1471 (from 1406-1478)
01:28 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
01:28 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
01:28 <luke-jr> ]rating ctxp4
01:28 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ctxp4's current rating is 1398-1471 (from 1406-1478)
01:28 <luke-jr> ]rating spinace
01:28 <ljrbot> luke-jr: spinace's current rating is 1525-1591 (from 1500-1553)
01:28 <luke-jr> ]rating essential
01:28 <ljrbot> luke-jr: essential's current rating is 1223-1533 (from 1337-1529)
01:28 <luke-jr> ]rating spinace
01:28 <ljrbot> luke-jr: spinace's current rating is 1500-1553
01:28 <luke-jr> hmmm
01:28 <luke-jr> ]rating spinace
01:28 <ljrbot> luke-jr: spinace's current rating is 1500-1553
01:28 <luke-jr> that's not good
01:29 <luke-jr> ]rating essential
01:29 <ljrbot> luke-jr: essential's current rating is 1337-1529
01:29 <luke-jr> ]rating spinace
01:29 <ljrbot> luke-jr: spinace's current rating is 1500-1553 (from 1498-1554)
01:29 <luke-jr> O.o
01:30 <luke-jr> ]rating spinace
01:30 <ljrbot> luke-jr: spinace's current rating is 1500-1553 (from 1498-1553)
01:30 <xfroggy> what's the rating for or from?
01:30 <luke-jr> Arma
01:30 <xfroggy> general or server specific?
01:30 <luke-jr> general
01:31 <luke-jr> ]rating ~*sp*~viper~
01:31 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~*sp*~viper~'s current rating is 1468-1533 (from 1464-1529)
01:31 <xfroggy> wtf is general lol
01:31 <luke-jr> …
01:31 <xfroggy> there's a count somewhere from all servers or something?
01:32 <luke-jr> all servers participating
01:32 <xfroggy> ah gotcha
01:32 <luke-jr> basically cat your ladderlog to a socket
01:32 <luke-jr> add authentication if you want server-specific ratings
01:32 <xfroggy> ]rating ~_x_~
01:32 <ljrbot> xfroggy: ~_x_~'s current rating is 1394-1575
01:32 <xfroggy> :D
01:33 <luke-jr> ]rating spinace
01:33 <ljrbot> luke-jr: spinace's current rating is 1503-1557 (from 1501-1559)
01:33 <xfroggy> whats good, high or low? lol
01:33 <luke-jr> high, I think
01:33 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
01:33 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566
01:33 <luke-jr> xfroggy: it's the same score system used by pro chess
01:33 <xfroggy> oh
01:34 <xfroggy> ]rating _~_x_~
01:34 <ljrbot> xfroggy: _~_x_~'s current rating is 1465-1504 (from 1150-1850)
01:34 <xfroggy> hrm
01:34 <luke-jr> :o
01:34 <xfroggy> ]rating .:]_~_x_~
01:34 <ljrbot> xfroggy: Error: Spurious "]".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
01:35 <xfroggy> hrm
01:35 <luke-jr> xfroggy: pick one and rename while you're in a server
01:35 <luke-jr> if A renames to B, A's rating copies over B's
01:35 <luke-jr> and they are perm associated
01:35 <xfroggy> oh server actually is keeping track
01:36 <luke-jr> ]rating ".:]_~_x_~"
01:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: .:]_~_x_~'s current rating is 1465-1504 (from 1150-1850)
01:36 <luke-jr> you playing right now?
01:36 <luke-jr> ]rating ".:]_~_x_~"
01:36 <xfroggy> nope
01:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: .:]_~_x_~'s current rating is 1150-1850
01:36 <luke-jr> hrm
01:36 <luke-jr> something's odd
01:36 <xfroggy> i was about 10 min ago
01:36 <xfroggy> i get diff ones lol
01:37 <xfroggy> ]rating ".:]_~_x_~
01:37 <ljrbot> xfroggy: Error: No closing quotation
01:37 <xfroggy> ]rating ".:]_~_x_~"
01:37 <ljrbot> xfroggy: .:]_~_x_~'s current rating is 1150-1850
01:37 <luke-jr> that's the default range
01:37 <xfroggy> lol it just up from last one
01:37 <luke-jr> ]rating "gtrigrejg"
01:37 <ljrbot> luke-jr: gtrigrejg's current rating is 1465-1504 (from 1150-1850)
01:37 <luke-jr> aha
01:37 <xfroggy> eh wtf
01:37 <xfroggy> that thing is acting weird ^^
01:38 <xfroggy> it changes two times?
01:38 <xfroggy> ]rating "gtrigrejg"
01:38 <ljrbot> xfroggy: gtrigrejg's current rating is 1150-1850
01:38 <xfroggy> now its 1150
01:39 <luke-jr> the first access to an unknown name seems to be broken
01:40 <luke-jr> I can't restart the server tho cuz the clients aren't on autoreconnect :?
01:41 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-227-223-104.client.mchsi.com] has joined #armagetron
01:41 <ghableska> #weather 50266
01:41 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 21.7°F (6:37 PM CST on December 07, 2007). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 65%. Dew Point: 12.2°F. Pressure: 29.20 in 988.7 hPa (Rising).
01:41 <luke-jr> ]rating ghableska
01:41 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ghableska's current rating is 1514-1535
01:41 <luke-jr> not bad
01:42 <xfroggy> LOL
01:43 <xfroggy> so my guess ".:] ~_x_~" was created lol
01:49 <luke-jr> ]rating spidey
01:49 <ljrbot> luke-jr: spidey's current rating is 1404-1433
01:50 <xfroggy> which servers participating?
01:50 <luke-jr> dunno
01:50 <luke-jr> some ed run
01:50 <luke-jr> I also manually injected some of Xzl, FA, and DDL
01:51 <xfroggy> i dont play on any of those lol
01:51 <luke-jr> you did at some point
01:51 <xfroggy> ctwf
01:51 <xfroggy> ddl i probably entered and left
01:52 <luke-jr> it doesn't pay attention to anything but kills
01:52 <xfroggy> since neither one has my current name ^^ (.:])
02:05 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
02:07 -!- cusco [n=tretas@client-86-27-69-21.winn.adsl.virgin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
02:09 <K-Yo> #tea
02:09 <armabot> K-Yo: Fortress Café: Players (3/32): SF | jomb0, SF | MrPinky, SF | PicooZ
02:09 <K-Yo> #ctwf
02:10 <armabot> K-Yo: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress: Players (9/14): Blade Runner, easy|RIDER, Enjoi~, Jordi, niro, oGRe, Rainman, ~DaWG~, °¯°³cot °°¯
02:10 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit ["time to sleep for me :O"]
02:16 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has joined #armagetron
02:17 -!- P4|away is now known as P4
02:23 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
02:32 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has joined #armagetron
02:33 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
02:33 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
02:33 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-227-223-104.client.mchsi.com] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]
02:34 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
02:34 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
02:34 <luke-jr> ]rating ugherogre
02:34 <ljrbot> luke-jr: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
02:35 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
02:35 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
02:35 <luke-jr> ]rating ugherogre
02:35 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'ugherogre'!
02:35 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
02:35 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'luke-jr'!
02:35 <luke-jr> err
02:35 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
02:35 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
02:35 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
02:35 <ljrbot> luke-jr: 52
02:35 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566
02:36 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
02:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
02:36 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
02:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566
02:36 <luke-jr> ]rating spidety
02:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'spidety'!
02:36 <luke-jr> ]rating spidey
02:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'spidey'!
02:36 <luke-jr> ]rating spidey
02:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: spidey's current rating is 1404-1433
02:36 <luke-jr> ]rating spidey
02:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: spidey's current rating is 1404-1433
02:36 <luke-jr> wtf
02:37 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
02:37 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
02:37 <luke-jr> ]rating spidey
02:37 <ljrbot> luke-jr: spidey's current rating is 1404-1433
02:37 <luke-jr> ]rating luke
02:37 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke's current rating is 1333-1357
02:37 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
02:37 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566
02:42 -!- ljrbot [n=supybot@wsip-70-184-212-127.om.om.cox.net] has quit ["Ctrl-C at console."]
02:43 -!- ljrbot [n=supybot@2002:440d:6de2:0:2b0:d0ff:fe49:6b31] has joined #armagetron
02:45 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
02:45 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566
02:47 -!- philippeqc [n=philippe@c83-250-130-241.bredband.comhem.se] has quit ["Leaving"]
02:48 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
02:48 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566 (from 1539-1570)
02:48 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
02:48 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566 (from 1539-1570)
02:48 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
02:48 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566 (from 1540-1571)
02:48 <luke-jr> the wrong part is changing!
02:50 <luke-jr> the wrong part is changing!
02:50 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
02:50 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566 (from 1540-1571)
02:50 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
02:50 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566 (from 1541-1572)
02:57 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
02:57 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566 (from 1542-1572)
02:57 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
02:57 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566 (from 1542-1573)
02:59 <GodTodd> ]rating luke-jr's mental capacity
02:59 <ljrbot> GodTodd: Invalid arguments for rating.
02:59 <GodTodd> ]rating "luke-jr's mental capacity"
02:59 <ljrbot> GodTodd: I don't know anything about 'luke-jr's mental capacity'!
03:00 <spidey> http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/?p=584
03:00 <spidey> fuck yea
03:00 <GodTodd> nor does anyone, ljrbot, nor does anyone
03:00 <spidey> one step closer to zombie infestation
03:08 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
03:08 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
03:09 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
03:09 <ljrbot> luke-jr: 'DEBUG: 1554.7624356493 10.7735766525512 0.0599936545020151\n'
03:09 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566 (from 1542-1573)
03:11 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
03:11 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
03:11 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
03:11 <ljrbot> luke-jr: 'DEBUG: 1554.7624356493 10.7735766525512 0.0599936545020151\n'
03:11 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566 (from 1542-1573)
03:14 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
03:14 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
03:14 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
03:15 <ljrbot> luke-jr: 'DEBUG: 1554.7624356493 10.7735766525512 0.0599936545020151\n'
03:15 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1543-1566 (from 1542-1573)
03:21 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
03:21 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
03:21 <luke-jr> O.o
03:21 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
03:21 <ljrbot> luke-jr: 'DEBUG: 1557.43545383343 14.8413745246526 0.0600056728228476\n'
03:21 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1542-1573 (from 1543-1566)
03:37 -!- cusco [n=tretas@client-86-27-69-21.winn.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #armagetron
03:42 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
03:42 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
03:42 <luke-jr> ]rating cusco
03:42 <ljrbot> luke-jr: cusco's current rating is 1550-1731
03:42 <luke-jr> :O
03:42 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
03:42 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1542-1573
03:42 <luke-jr> cusco pwns me
03:42 <luke-jr> :\
03:42 <luke-jr> maybe
03:43 <luke-jr> 70.5% chance I'm better than 1550
03:44 <luke-jr> 12.1% chance cusco is worse than 1573
03:44 <luke-jr> so 8.5% chance I'm better than cusco :|
03:47 -!- cusco [n=tretas@client-86-27-69-21.winn.adsl.virgin.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
03:47 -!- cusco [n=tretas@client-86-27-69-21.winn.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #armagetron
03:49 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
03:58 -!- cusco [n=tretas@client-86-27-69-21.winn.adsl.virgin.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
04:00 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-227-223-104.client.mchsi.com] has joined #armagetron
04:01 -!- cusco [n=tretas@client-86-27-69-21.winn.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #armagetron
04:02 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has joined #armagetron
04:15 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
04:20 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has joined #armagetron
04:36 -!- laspace [n=laspace@c-71-202-113-215.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
04:47 -!- Self [n=sd@h110.92.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #armagetron
04:48 -!- Self is now known as Self_Destructo
04:49 <Self_Destructo> howdy folks
04:49 <Self_Destructo> I'm guessing a pretty much dead channel. :p
04:51 <luke-jr> …
04:51 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
04:51 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'luke-jr'!
04:51 <luke-jr> O.o
04:51 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
04:51 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
04:51 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
04:51 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1542-1573
05:02 <Self_Destructo> oh w/e
05:04 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
05:04 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
05:05 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.destructo
05:05 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1274-1307
05:05 <luke-jr> ]rating tramshed
05:05 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'tramshed'!
05:05 <luke-jr> ]rating wrtlprnft
05:05 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'wrtlprnft'!
05:06 <luke-jr> ]rating ghableska
05:06 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'ghableska'!
05:06 <luke-jr> O.o
05:06 <luke-jr> ]rating cusco
05:06 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'cusco'!
05:06 <luke-jr> ok, liar
05:06 <Self_Destructo> ok spammer
05:06 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
05:06 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
05:06 <luke-jr> ]rating cusco
05:06 <ljrbot> luke-jr: cusco's current rating is 1550-1731
05:06 <luke-jr> ]rating cusco
05:06 <ljrbot> luke-jr: cusco's current rating is 1550-1731
05:06 <luke-jr> ]rating cfergre
05:06 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'cfergre'!
05:06 <luke-jr> ]rating cusco
05:06 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'cusco'!
05:06 <luke-jr> aha
05:07 <Self_Destructo> so
05:07 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
05:07 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
05:07 <luke-jr> ]rating cfergre
05:07 <luke-jr> ]rating cusco
05:07 <Self_Destructo> about my question
05:07 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'cfergre'!
05:07 <ljrbot> luke-jr: cusco's current rating is 1550-1731
05:07 <luke-jr> ]rating spidey
05:07 <ljrbot> luke-jr: spidey's current rating is 1404-1433
05:07 -!- kidd_ [n=fn-javac@] has quit ["Java user signed off"]
05:09 <Self_Destructo> ]rating sexylucidiot
05:09 <ljrbot> Self_Destructo: I don't know anything about 'sexylucidiot'!
05:09 <Self_Destructo> :p
05:09 <luke-jr> …
05:10 <luke-jr> ]rating ~*sp*~destructo
05:10 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~*sp*~destructo's current rating is 1274-1307
05:10 <Self_Destructo> lol
05:10 <luke-jr> guess it matched those names
05:10 <Self_Destructo> it must have
05:11 <Self_Destructo> maybe you could apply glicko to ed's ladder somehow
05:11 <luke-jr> …
05:11 <luke-jr> glicko replaces the ladder
05:11  * Self_Destructo is still trying to figure out how I am going compile ed's server on windows
05:11 <Self_Destructo> glicko sucks then
05:12 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.armagetron
05:12 <luke-jr> …
05:12 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about '~"xzl.armagetron'!
05:12 <luke-jr> ]rating '~"xzl.armagetron'
05:12 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about ''~"xzl.armagetron''!
05:12 <luke-jr> ]rating "~\"xzl.armagetron"
05:12 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about '~"xzl.armagetron'!
05:12 <luke-jr> ]rating "~""xzl.armagetron"
05:12 <ljrbot> luke-jr: Invalid arguments for rating.
05:12  * luke-jr glares at Self_Destructo for that name
05:12 <Self_Destructo> ?
05:13 <luke-jr> actually, the " worked in your name… hm
05:13 <Self_Destructo> lol
05:13 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.armagetron(bot)
05:13 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.armagetron(bot)'s current rating is 1681-1724
05:13 <luke-jr> doh
05:13 <luke-jr> lol
05:13 <Self_Destructo> lol
05:13 <luke-jr> your bot pwns everyone
05:13 <Self_Destructo> not me
05:13 <Self_Destructo> lol
05:13 <Self_Destructo> it's an XzL bot, of course it owns!
05:14 <luke-jr> ]rating {dd}darkchaos
05:14 <ljrbot> luke-jr: {dd}darkchaos's current rating is 1848-2041
05:14 <Self_Destructo> whoa
05:14 <Self_Destructo> how many rounds?
05:14 <luke-jr> …
05:15 <Self_Destructo> I can't read that font. ;)
05:15 <luke-jr> it's a LMS/Deathmatch rating system
05:15 <luke-jr> it doesn't care about rounds
05:15 <Self_Destructo> ahh, that's why your script sucks so badly
05:15 <luke-jr> all it cares about is who you can dump and how good they are
05:16 <Self_Destructo> ]rating ~"XzL.FroZen
05:16 <ljrbot> Self_Destructo: I don't know anything about '~"XzL.FroZen'!
05:16 <luke-jr> you mean why you suck according to it ☺
05:16 <Self_Destructo> ....
05:16 <Self_Destructo> no
05:16 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
05:16 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
05:16 <Self_Destructo> I win rounds but hardly win matches
05:16 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"XzL.FroZen
05:16 <ljrbot> luke-jr: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
05:16 <luke-jr> it doesn't care about matches either
05:16 <Self_Destructo> slol
05:16 <Self_Destructo> s?
05:16 <Self_Destructo> lol
05:16 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
05:16 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
05:16 <Self_Destructo> no s
05:16 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"XzL.FroZen
05:16 <ljrbot> luke-jr: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
05:17 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
05:17 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"XzL.FroZen
05:17 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
05:17 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.frozen's current rating is 1181-1221
05:17 <luke-jr> there, now it lowercases for you
05:17 <Self_Destructo> ahh :)
05:18 <luke-jr> the ONLY thing it pays any attention to ATM is DEATH_FRAGs
05:18 <Self_Destructo> he's got to be better than that
05:18 <Self_Destructo> becuase I can't even win with him around
05:19 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.destructo
05:19 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1274-1307
05:19 <luke-jr> maybe too little ladderlog from your server
05:19 <Self_Destructo> how long?
05:19 <luke-jr> ed's new server is sending them live
05:19 <luke-jr> I should have a service bot soon that can send yours
05:20 -!- Lucidiot [n=User@S010600105a100929.ss.shawcable.net] has left #armagetron ["Peace and Light"]
05:20 <luke-jr> also
05:21 <luke-jr> that ladderlog clip from your server all went into the first RP
05:21 <luke-jr> so it wasn't weighed at all
05:21 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
05:21 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1542-1573
05:21 <luke-jr> ]rating gcc
05:21 <ljrbot> luke-jr: gcc's current rating is 1553-1592 (from 1557-1589)
05:22 <luke-jr> ]rating gcc
05:22 <ljrbot> luke-jr: gcc's current rating is 1552-1591 (from 1557-1589)
05:22 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
05:22 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1538-1575 (from 1542-1573)
05:22 <luke-jr> ]rating gdb
05:22 <ljrbot> luke-jr: gdb's current rating is 1385-1424 (from 1385-1418)
05:23 <luke-jr> ]rating gcc
05:23 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
05:23 <ljrbot> luke-jr: gcc's current rating is 1551-1590 (from 1557-1589)
05:23 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1537-1574 (from 1542-1573)
05:23 <luke-jr> ]rating laxtex
05:23 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'laxtex'!
05:23 <luke-jr> ]rating latex
05:23 <ljrbot> luke-jr: latex's current rating is 1534-1573 (from 1535-1568)
05:24 <luke-jr> ]rating gcc
05:24 <ljrbot> luke-jr: gcc's current rating is 1552-1591 (from 1557-1589)
05:24 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
05:25 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1535-1572 (from 1542-1573)
05:25 <luke-jr> I'd better stop sucking
05:25 <luke-jr> lol
05:26 <Self_Destructo>  (from 1542-1573)?????
05:27 <luke-jr> that's what my rating is at the end of the last RP
05:27 <Self_Destructo> ok
05:27 <luke-jr> and what any kills of me use
05:28 <Self_Destructo> ok, take a break, answer my question
05:29 <Self_Destructo> I have 0.2.8 in D:\ and EdsAAHACK in D:\ and I want to compare EdsAAHACK to 0.2.8, How do I do that with SVN?
05:29 <luke-jr> diff
05:29 <luke-jr> w/o svn
05:30 <Self_Destructo> ok, I hate to be so dumb, but can you be more specific? like what arguments do I type in, etc.
05:31 <luke-jr> diff -ur from-directory to-directory
05:37 <Self_Destructo> hmm, isn't working, so I tried this:
05:37 <Self_Destructo> C:\Documents and Settings\James Generaux>svn diff --old D:\0.2.8\ --new D:\EdsAAHACK\
05:37 <Self_Destructo> svn: Sorry, svn_client_diff3 was called in a way that is not yet supported
05:37 <Self_Destructo> svn: Only diffs between a path's text-base and its working files are supported at this time
05:39 <Self_Destructo> so I guess somehow I've got to establish 0.2.8 as the base SVN and export EdsAAHACK ontop of it and see my changes through the log :/
05:39 <Self_Destructo> sounds easy, but I'm kinda new to SVN
05:39 <Self_Destructo> unless you can think of a better way
05:41 <luke-jr> …
05:55 <Self_Destructo> grrr
05:55 <Self_Destructo> this isn't going well
06:00 <luke-jr> ]rating drunkenduk
06:00 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'drunkenduk'!
06:00 <luke-jr> O.o
06:01 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
06:01 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
06:01 <luke-jr> ]rating drunkenduk
06:01 <ljrbot> luke-jr: drunkenduk's current rating is 1607-1773 (from 1700-1874)
06:01 <luke-jr> wow
06:01 <luke-jr> that's from 3 AIs killing him
06:01 <Self_Destructo> hmm
06:02 <Self_Destructo> sounds like it isn't working right to me. ;)
06:02 <Self_Destructo> sounds more like it is working from the top down
06:02 -!- laspace [n=laspace@c-71-202-113-215.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #armagetron []
06:02 <Self_Destructo> the lower the number the better you are
06:10 <Self_Destructo> bleh, the only real way to be able to do this is to intergrate SVN with Apache so I can use localhost for URLs'
06:13 <luke-jr> ☺
06:13 <luke-jr> that wouldn't work either
06:13 <luke-jr> ☹
06:13 <luke-jr> …
06:13 <Self_Destructo> hmm
06:14 <Self_Destructo> a tmp directory on aa's svn?
06:15 <Self_Destructo> would that even be possible?
06:19 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-227-223-104.client.mchsi.com] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]
06:21 <luke-jr> Self_Destructo: just use diff
06:21 <Self_Destructo> diff isn't working
06:21 <luke-jr> install it
06:23 <luke-jr> Self_Destructo: want your server to send ratings?
06:29 <Self_Destructo> umm, is it working right?
06:31 -!- spidey [n=spidey@unaffiliated/mcspiddles] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
06:34 <luke-jr> Self_Destructo: seems to be
06:34 <Self_Destructo> is it working backwards like I asked?
06:35 <Self_Destructo>  drunkenduk's current rating is 1607-1773 (from 1700-1874)
06:35 <Self_Destructo> are you saying his drop in rating is from 3 bots dumping him?
06:36 <luke-jr> correct
06:36 <Self_Destructo> and I can increase my rating by going in there and owning the bots?
06:36 <Self_Destructo> obviously by a sustantial amount it looks like
06:36 <Self_Destructo> maybe you should remove the bots being counted in this. ;)
06:37 <Self_Destructo> it also seems to rate someone quite high for not playing more than a few minute and not playing against the good people
06:39 <luke-jr> losing to a crappy player is not the same as killing a crappy player
06:41 <Self_Destructo> I'd like to see the final output file of what you have
06:41 <Self_Destructo> sorted from highest rank down
06:45 <luke-jr> ok
06:45 <luke-jr> add to server_info: CONSOLE_LADDER_LOG 1
06:45 <luke-jr> and restart
06:46 <luke-jr> btw, this will setup a (parallel) private server rating too
06:46 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
06:46 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'luke-jr'!
06:46 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
06:46 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
06:46 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
06:46 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1535-1572
06:46 <Self_Destructo> ?
06:46 <Self_Destructo> private server rating?
06:47 <luke-jr> so in addition to this global rating, there'll be one that only takes stuff on your own server into account
06:47 <Self_Destructo> i see
06:48 <Self_Destructo> and... can I see the output that you have now please?
06:48 <Self_Destructo> i want to see everyone's ranking from the top down
06:49 <Self_Destructo> luke-jr: I am sending you a file, can you recieve it over this?
06:50 <luke-jr> if your end was configured right, I could
06:50 <Self_Destructo> hmm
06:50 <luke-jr> the db right now is mostly DDL and stuff
06:50 <luke-jr> and not very readable ^^;;
06:51 <Self_Destructo> I'm sending you the file right now...?
06:52 <luke-jr> not if your firewall has anything to do with it
06:52 <Self_Destructo> what port?
06:53 -!- spidey [n=spidey@unaffiliated/mcspiddles] has joined #armagetron
06:53 <Self_Destructo> hmm, nvm
06:53 <luke-jr> ]rating spidey
06:53 <ljrbot> luke-jr: spidey's current rating is 1404-1433
06:53 <Self_Destructo> I will seend over gmail
06:53 <luke-jr> ok
06:54 <luke-jr> email*
06:54 <luke-jr> GTalk's file transfer won't work
06:54 <Self_Destructo> sent it via email
06:57 <luke-jr> looks like a small portion of the full
06:57 <Self_Destructo> ....?
06:57 <luke-jr> but it says his baseline was rev 7400 :þ
06:57 <Self_Destructo> ?
06:57 <luke-jr> sigh
06:57 <Self_Destructo> lol
06:57 <Self_Destructo> :)
06:57 <luke-jr> what are you trying to do anyhow
06:58 <Self_Destructo> seeing if it would be possible to compile on windows
06:58 <luke-jr> have fun with that
06:58 <Self_Destructo> but before I can I have to somehow add all of his chaged files into CodeBlocks
06:58 <luke-jr> I'd get the main code compiling first
06:59 <Self_Destructo> yeah, been working on that
07:00 <luke-jr> are we going to get the stats recording Xzl? :þ
07:00 <Self_Destructo> you know, I really think there should be some other option for the error we windows compilers always get stopped on in src/defs.h:105: error: new declaration `bool isblank(int)': in file armagetronad\src\defs.h
07:01 <Self_Destructo> surely it isn't even necessary at all for any of the builds
07:02 <Self_Destructo> it's only applied if it's for WIN32 but WIN32 doesn't even support the command
07:02 <luke-jr> lol
07:02 <luke-jr> well, nobody here knows how Windows works, I think
07:05 <luke-jr> wait
07:05 <luke-jr> WTF
07:05 <Self_Destructo> ?
07:06 <luke-jr> I have winner and loser backward
07:07 <Self_Destructo> LOLOLOLOLOL
07:07 <luke-jr> -.-
07:07  * luke-jr wipes the ratings db
07:07 <Self_Destructo> i thought it was working backwards
07:07 <luke-jr> now I'll move it to hachi so I can build a web interface too
07:08  * luke-jr wonders why that guy got 100 increase from bots killing him O.o
07:08 <luke-jr> eh
07:08 <luke-jr> nm
07:08 <luke-jr> that's a dumb question
07:08 <Self_Destructo> lol
07:08 <GodTodd> don't worry...we expect it
07:09 <Self_Destructo> I'm still laughing
07:12 <Self_Destructo> I may work on getting the trunk to build on windows before I do that. O.o :)
07:13 <Self_Destructo> Get me warmed up since I am all setup now. :)
07:14 <Self_Destructo> #ifdef WIN32
07:14 <Self_Destructo> inline bool isblank(int x){ return ((x == ' ') || (x == '\t')); }
07:14 <Self_Destructo> #endif
07:14 <luke-jr> Self_Destructo: can I do it, in case there's problems?
07:15 <Self_Destructo> this is what I think we should just remove
07:15 <luke-jr> wait
07:15 <luke-jr> wtf
07:15 <luke-jr> what error?
07:15 <Self_Destructo> getting the trunk to build on windows?
07:16 <Self_Destructo> ../armagetronad/src/defs.h:105: error: new declaration `bool isblank(int)'
07:16 <Self_Destructo> C:/MinGW/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.5/../../../../include/ctype.h:169: error: ambiguates old declaration `int isblank(int)'
07:16 <luke-jr> eh
07:16 <luke-jr> should be ok then
07:17 <luke-jr> Self_Destructo: mind if I configure and restart your server?
07:17 <Self_Destructo> the only way to pass it is to comment it out, so removing it peroid would not hurt?
07:17 <Self_Destructo> go ahead
07:17 <Self_Destructo> if anyone is one it please tell them that you are restarating it
07:19 <luke-jr> I did
07:24 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
07:24 <ljrbot> luke-jr: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
07:25 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
07:25 <ljrbot> luke-jr: Error: There was no plugin Ratings.
07:25 <luke-jr> ]load Ratings
07:25 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
07:25 <luke-jr> ]ratings steven_gerrard
07:25 <ljrbot> luke-jr: Error: The "Ratings" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "steven_gerrard" in it.  Try "list Ratings" to see the commands in the "Ratings" plugin.
07:25 <luke-jr> ]rating steven_gerrard
07:25 <ljrbot> luke-jr: steven_gerrard's current rating is 1291-1709 (from 1150-1850)
07:26 <Self_Destructo> ]rating ~"XzL.Destructo
07:26 <ljrbot> Self_Destructo: I don't know anything about '~"xzl.destructo'!
07:26 <Self_Destructo> .....
07:29 <Self_Destructo> Linking executable: ..\dist\armagetronad.exe
07:29 <Self_Destructo> mingw32-g++.exe: ..\dist\libSDL.a: No such file or directory
07:29 <Self_Destructo> mingw32-g++.exe: ..\dist\libSDL_image.a: No such file or directory
07:29 <Self_Destructo> mingw32-g++.exe: ..\dist\libSDL_mixer.a: No such file or directory
07:29 <Self_Destructo> Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
07:29 <Self_Destructo> hmm :/
07:31 <Self_Destructo> no .exe, and no libSDL, libSDL_image, or libSDL_mixer
07:32 <luke-jr> ]rating mr.pink
07:32 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'mr.pink'!
07:32 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
07:32 <luke-jr> ]rating mr.pink
07:32 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
07:32 <ljrbot> luke-jr: mr.pink's current rating is 1317-1604 (from 1150-1850)
07:32 <luke-jr> ]rating steven_gerrard
07:32 <ljrbot> luke-jr: steven_gerrard's current rating is 1234-1622 (from 1150-1850)
07:34 <Self_Destructo> Directory : D:\Armagetron Advanced Source\armagetronad\branches\\armagetronad_build_codeblocks\
07:34 <Self_Destructo> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
07:34 <Self_Destructo> Switching to target: Armagetron - Win32 Release
07:34 <Self_Destructo> Linking executable: ..\dist\armagetronad.exe
07:34 <Self_Destructo> Process terminated with status 0 (0 minutes, 3 seconds)
07:34 <Self_Destructo> 0 errors, 0 warnings
07:34 <Self_Destructo> hmm, I got it to compile, but no .exe is there
07:34 <Self_Destructo> and still no libSDL, libSDL_image, or libSDL_mixer
07:34 <Self_Destructo> :/
07:35 <luke-jr> …
07:35 <luke-jr> ]rating steven_gerrard
07:35 <ljrbot> luke-jr: steven_gerrard's current rating is 1234-1622 (from 1150-1850)
07:35 <luke-jr> ]rating mr.pink
07:35 <ljrbot> luke-jr: mr.pink's current rating is 1344-1596 (from 1150-1850)
07:36 <luke-jr> ]rating mr.pink
07:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: mr.pink's current rating is 1378-1622 (from 1150-1850)
07:41 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@ip68-13-109-226.om.om.cox.net] has quit ["Konversation terminated!"]
07:41 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has joined #armagetron
07:45 <Self_Destructo> ]rating ~"XzL.Destructo
07:45 <ljrbot> Self_Destructo: I don't know anything about '~"xzl.destructo'!
07:46 <Self_Destructo> you didn't load up the old ladderlogs?
07:46 <Self_Destructo> luke-jr: ^^
07:46 <luke-jr> no
07:46 <Self_Destructo> should have
07:46 <Self_Destructo> i want to see my real score
07:46 <Self_Destructo> or RP
07:49 <luke-jr> :þ
07:54 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
07:58 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has joined #armagetron
07:59 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
08:01 <luke-jr> ]ratings luke-jr
08:01 <ljrbot> luke-jr: Error: The "Ratings" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "luke-jr" in it.  Try "list Ratings" to see the commands in the "Ratings" plugin.
08:01 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:01 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1046-1389 (from 1150-1850)
08:01 <luke-jr> ouch
08:01 <luke-jr> I got pwned
08:02 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
08:02 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has joined #armagetron
08:03 <luke-jr> I got spidey
08:03 <luke-jr> err
08:03 <luke-jr> ]rating spidey
08:03 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'spidey'!
08:03 <luke-jr> spidey: play on SD's server for a bit
08:03 <luke-jr> eddiefantastic: host/port changed to stats.aa.dashjr.org 9999
08:03 <luke-jr> eddiefantastic: I have a Perl script that will auto reconnect if you want it
08:05 <luke-jr> ]rating rebel.ec|d
08:05 <ljrbot> luke-jr: rebel.ec|d's current rating is 1563-1822 (from 1150-1850)
08:10 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
08:10 <ljrbot> luke-jr: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
08:11 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
08:11 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
08:14 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.destructo
08:14 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1571-2028 (from 1150-1850)
08:14 <luke-jr> :O
08:15 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.destructo
08:15 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1626-2044
08:15 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:15 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1046-1389
08:17 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:17 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1016-1332 (from 1046-1389)
08:19 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.destructo
08:19 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:19 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1585-1927 (from 1626-2044)
08:19 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1016-1332 (from 1046-1389)
08:19 <luke-jr> ]rating rebel.ec|d
08:19 <ljrbot> luke-jr: rebel.ec|d's current rating is 1544-1744 (from 1557-1761)
08:19 <luke-jr> ]rating `shok.
08:19 <ljrbot> luke-jr: `shok.'s current rating is 1303-1536 (from 1223-1475)
08:22 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:22 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1124-1432 (from 1046-1389)
08:22 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.destructo
08:22 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1544-1851 (from 1626-2044)
08:22 -!- Rebel_Eclipsed [i=PureSimp@S01060050bf781fb9.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #armagetron
08:22 <Rebel_Eclipsed> luke-jr you here?
08:22 <luke-jr> ]rating rebel.ec|d
08:22 <ljrbot> luke-jr: rebel.ec|d's current rating is 1534-1729 (from 1557-1761)
08:23 <Rebel_Eclipsed> rating for what?
08:24 -!- Rebel_Eclipsed [i=PureSimp@S01060050bf781fb9.ed.shawcable.net] has quit [Client Quit]
08:27 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:27 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1064-1326 (from 1087-1371)
08:27 <luke-jr> ]rating `shok.
08:27 <ljrbot> luke-jr: `shok.'s current rating is 1383-1584 (from 1376-1598)
08:28 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.destructo
08:28 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1514-1748 (from 1452-1750)
08:28 <luke-jr> ]rating vadorx
08:28 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'vadorx'!
08:29 <luke-jr> ]rating vadorx
08:29 <ljrbot> luke-jr: vadorx's current rating is 1150-1850
08:30 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:30 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1114-1350 (from 1087-1371)
08:31 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@111.168-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
08:33 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:33 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1166-1390 (from 1087-1371)
08:33 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:33 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1158-1379 (from 1087-1371)
08:34 <luke-jr> ]rating `shok.
08:34 <ljrbot> luke-jr: `shok.'s current rating is 1351-1523 (from 1376-1598)
08:36 <luke-jr> ]rating `shok.
08:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: `shok.'s current rating is 1344-1506 (from 1376-1598)
08:36 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1172-1380 (from 1087-1371)
08:36 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.destructo
08:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1579-1765 (from 1452-1750)
08:36 <luke-jr> ]rating infernal_flame
08:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: infernal_flame's current rating is 877-1444 (from 1150-1850)
08:42 <luke-jr> ]rating infernal_flame
08:42 <ljrbot> luke-jr: infernal_flame's current rating is 835-1274 (from 877-1444)
08:42 <MrBougo> ]rating MrBougo
08:42 <ljrbot> MrBougo: I don't know anything about 'mrbougo'!
08:42 <MrBougo> :D
08:42 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.destructo
08:42 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1571-1746 (from 1579-1765)
08:42 <MrBougo> whats that?
08:42 <luke-jr> ratings
08:43 <luke-jr> how good you are in LMS/DM
08:43 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:43 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1206-1393 (from 1172-1380)
08:43 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:43 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1202-1386 (from 1172-1380)
08:43 <luke-jr> aw
08:43 <luke-jr> MrBougo: currently only Xzl is participating
08:44 <luke-jr> (server)
08:44 <MrBougo> eh
08:44 <MrBougo> :p
08:44 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:44 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1243-1427 (from 1202-1386)
08:44 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.destructo
08:44 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1541-1713 (from 1576-1749)
08:46 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.destructo
08:46 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1547-1717 (from 1576-1749)
08:46 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:46 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1248-1426 (from 1202-1386)
08:47 <luke-jr> ]rating infernal_flame
08:47 <ljrbot> luke-jr: infernal_flame's current rating is 813-1207 (from 835-1274)
08:47 <luke-jr> ]rating infernal_flame
08:47 <ljrbot> luke-jr: infernal_flame's current rating is 1018-1405 (from 835-1274)
08:49 <Self_Destructo> ]rating ~"XzL.Destructo
08:49 <ljrbot> Self_Destructo: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1523-1690 (from 1576-1749)
08:49 <luke-jr> ]rating tbb|raz
08:50 <ljrbot> luke-jr: tbb|raz's current rating is 1411-1866 (from 1150-1850)
08:50 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:50 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1226-1397 (from 1202-1386)
08:50 <luke-jr> ]rating infernal_flame
08:50 <ljrbot> luke-jr: infernal_flame's current rating is 992-1359 (from 835-1274)
08:50 <luke-jr> ]rating infernal_flame
08:50 <ljrbot> luke-jr: infernal_flame's current rating is 992-1359 (from 835-1274)
08:51 <luke-jr> ]rating infernal_flame
08:51 <ljrbot> luke-jr: infernal_flame's current rating is 961-1293 (from 992-1359)
08:51 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:51 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1239-1408 (from 1226-1397)
08:52 <luke-jr> ]rating infernal_flame
08:52 <ljrbot> luke-jr: infernal_flame's current rating is 1065-1380 (from 992-1359)
08:52 <luke-jr> ]rating tbb|raz
08:52 <ljrbot> luke-jr: tbb|raz's current rating is 1257-1671 (from 1411-1866)
08:54 <luke-jr> ]rating infernal_flame
08:54 <luke-jr> ]rating tbb|raz
08:54 <ljrbot> luke-jr: infernal_flame's current rating is 1120-1406 (from 992-1359)
08:54 <ljrbot> luke-jr: tbb|raz's current rating is 1102-1499 (from 1411-1866)
08:55 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:55 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1276-1439 (from 1226-1397)
08:55 <luke-jr> ]rating player 5
08:55 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:55 <ljrbot> luke-jr: Invalid arguments for rating.
08:55 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1292-1452 (from 1226-1397)
08:55 <luke-jr> ]rating player_5
08:55 <ljrbot> luke-jr: player_5's current rating is 1336-1869 (from 1150-1850)
08:55 <Self_Destructo> LUKE
08:55 <luke-jr> what
08:56 <Self_Destructo> stop it
08:56 <luke-jr> …
08:56 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"xzl.destructo
08:56 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1523-1690
08:56 <luke-jr> :þ
08:57 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:57 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1302-1460 (from 1292-1452)
08:57 <Self_Destructo> umm, why don't you make it so it shows who has the top highest rating after everyround and what that rating is, of course...
08:57 <luke-jr> maybe
08:57 <Self_Destructo> and everyone that is in the server at the moment's rating along with it
08:58 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:58 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1342-1493 (from 1292-1452)
08:59 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
08:59 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1351-1500 (from 1292-1452)
09:00  * Self_Destructo requests luke and his bot be kicked for spam
09:00 <luke-jr> request denied
09:00  * luke-jr PMs it
09:01 <Self_Destructo> there is no one keeping up with a build for windows in 0.3.0?
09:01 <luke-jr> ?
09:01 <luke-jr> 0.3.0 is done, gone, bye-bye
09:01 <Self_Destructo> umm, yeah... and there's no way for a code blocks guy to build it
09:03 <luke-jr> you are aware that trunk is totally broken right now, right?
09:03 <Self_Destructo> yes
09:03 <Self_Destructo> but I'm talking about /branch/0.3.0
09:03 <luke-jr> 0.3.0 is a dead branch
09:04 <Self_Destructo> oh?
09:04 <Self_Destructo> so you guys reverted back to
09:04 <luke-jr> no
09:04 <luke-jr> 0.3 is experimental
09:04 <Self_Destructo> ah, I see
09:04 <luke-jr> it's just snapshots of trunk
09:04 <Self_Destructo> ok
09:05  * Self_Destructo is going to take a shot at the trunk
09:05 <luke-jr> lol
09:05  * Self_Destructo grabs his 16 gauge chot gun
09:05 <Self_Destructo> shot*
09:09 <Self_Destructo> man, you guys have been going at it on nNetwork
09:14 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
09:14 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
09:30 <spidey> ]kill luke-jr
09:30 <ljrbot> spidey: Error: "kill" is not a valid command.
09:31 <spidey> liar
09:34 <luke-jr> ]reload Ratings
09:34 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
09:35 <spidey> my bot's cooler than luke-jr's =p
09:35 <luke-jr> you don't even have a bot
09:36 <MrBougo> he does
09:36 <MrBougo> me too
09:36 <MrBougo> :D
09:36 <MrBougo> MRBOTO
09:36 <spidey> #fallin-angels
09:36 <spidey> :<
09:36 <spidey> mine's bash
09:36 <spidey> =p
09:36 <luke-jr> ]rating infernal_flame
09:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: infernal_flame's current rating is 1200-1332 (from 1153-1301)
09:36 <luke-jr> ]rating =77=
09:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: =77='s current rating is 1363-1557 (from 1343-1703)
09:36 <MrBougo> ]rating
09:36 <luke-jr> ]join #fallin-angels
09:37 <ljrbot> MrBougo: Invalid arguments for rating.
09:37 <MrBougo> ]rating me
09:37 <ljrbot> MrBougo: I don't know anything about 'me'!
09:37 <MrBougo> ]rating *
09:37 <ljrbot> MrBougo: I don't know anything about '*'!
09:37 <MrBougo> ]rating \
09:37 <ljrbot> MrBougo: I don't know anything about '\'!
09:37 <MrBougo> mh
09:37 <luke-jr> MrBougo: go play a bit on Xzl
09:37 <MrBougo> no
09:37 <MrBougo> :)
09:37 <luke-jr> then stop abusing hte bot
09:37 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
09:37 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1309-1426
09:38  * luke-jr hasn't killed or been killed this RP
09:39 -!- Self_Destructo [n=sd@h110.92.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
10:33 <eddiefantastic> ]rating ct-eddie
10:34 <ljrbot> eddiefantastic: Try again (EOF from server)
10:34 <eddiefantastic> ]rating luke-jr
10:34 <ljrbot> eddiefantastic: Try again (EOF from server)
10:37 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50871F6F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
11:49 -!- manuel_ [n=manuel@p508706A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
12:07 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50871F6F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
12:12 -!- manuel_ [n=manuel@p508706A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
12:37 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
12:38 <K-Yo> #tea
12:38 <armabot> K-Yo: Fortress Café: Players (2/32): .:] flash, Concord
12:38 <K-Yo> #ctwf
12:38 <armabot> K-Yo: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress: Players (8/14): *_*CaNcEr*_*, BloodyxKingKtoG, crazy move, easy|RIDER, emmy, Kuba, Player 1, ~|DS|~ Hype
13:19 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@111.168-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
13:30 -!- philippeqc [n=philippe@c83-250-130-241.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #armagetron
13:34 <philippeqc> ]rating philippeqc
13:34 <ljrbot> philippeqc: Try again (EOF from server)
13:34 <philippeqc> hihi!
13:43 <xfroggy> ]rating ~_x_~
13:43 <ljrbot> xfroggy: Try again (EOF from server)
13:43 <xfroggy> pff
13:45 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-38-124.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
13:47 -!- manuel_ [n=manuel@p508706A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
14:03 <K-Yo> what is this rating thing?
14:04 <K-Yo> ]rating
14:04 <ljrbot> K-Yo: Invalid arguments for rating.
14:04 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
14:05 <xfroggy> ]rating |<
14:05 <ljrbot> xfroggy: Try again (EOF from server)
14:05 <xfroggy> lol it's broken again I think :D
14:06 <K-Yo> okay
14:06 <K-Yo> what's for? it's an arma rating?
14:06 <xfroggy> yea
14:06 <K-Yo> ok
14:08 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
14:44 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-38-124.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
14:51 -!- P4 is now known as P4|away
14:56 -!- Ice_Wewe [n=icewewe@ppp-216-106-96-147.storm.ca] has joined #armagetron
15:12 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
15:23 <GodTodd> wow...We've announced a few more Digital Overload tournaments. Gears of War 4v4 and Texas Hold'Em are back from last year, and Armagetron, which has been at Digital Overload the past 2 years, finally gets an official tournament.
15:40 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@78-1-117-171.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #armagetron
15:54 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
15:54 <K-Yo> ]rating |<
15:54 <ljrbot> K-Yo: Try again (EOF from server)
15:54 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
16:04 <epsy> ]list
16:04 <ljrbot> epsy: Admin, Bible, Channel, Config, Misc, Owner, Ratings, and User
16:05 <epsy> ]list ratings
16:05 <ljrbot> epsy: rating
16:05 <epsy> ]help rating
16:05 <ljrbot> epsy: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
16:13 -!- Self_Destructo [n=sd@h110.92.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #armagetron
16:14 -!- P4|away is now known as P4
16:31 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #armagetron
16:31 <Self_Destructo> deja_vu: !!!
16:31 <Self_Destructo> hey
16:32 <deja_vu> :o
16:32 <deja_vu> hey :)
16:32 <deja_vu> where did you hide? ;)
17:03 -!- dsop [n=dsp@ns.km20749-03.keymachine.de] has joined #armagetron
17:04 <dsop> hi, some arma developer in here. I've a question concerning the MAPROTATION configuration in arma 0.3.0. Is there a way to specifiy after how many rounds the map is rotated? If not i'll go and hack it myself.
17:25 -!- laspace [n=laspace@c-71-202-113-215.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
17:27 <Self_Destructo> dsop: I don't believe there is... but don't take my word for it
17:27 <Self_Destructo> deja_vu: I didn't hide anywhere. ;)
17:28 <deja_vu> hehe
17:29 <Self_Destructo> I am probably back for good, or at least a little while
17:29 <deja_vu> :)
17:29 <Self_Destructo> how have you been?
17:31 <dsop> Self_Destructo: hmm is this MAP_ROTATION option juts for map file or can i load an .cfg file ?
17:31 <laspace> ZOMG A CFG FILE!
17:31 <laspace> !
17:32 <laspace> >>>>><<<<<
17:32 <deja_vu> hm.. lots of learning
17:32 <Self_Destructo> umm
17:32 <Self_Destructo> just for map files
17:32 <deja_vu> but it's fun^^
17:32 <Self_Destructo> but you can put your configurations into the map file
17:32 <laspace> I LoVE CFG FiLes WiThOuT them ThE WoRlD WoUlD eXpLodE1!!!
17:32 <dsop> ah okay, not yet looked depth into the map file stuff
17:33 <dsop> just reading the source which is fairly simple
17:33 <Self_Destructo> yeah
17:33 <deja_vu> hrm...
17:33 <dsop> Self_Destructo: i'll go implementing this, rotate after 10 or 20 or 30 matches
17:33 <dsop> and send you the patches
17:33 <dsop> if you like to
17:34 <deja_vu> looks like my 3d-accelleration is broken :O
17:34 <dsop> :/
17:34 <deja_vu> more time for work, yay ><
17:35 <Self_Destructo> dsop: ok, I might expand on it myself also.
17:36 <Self_Destructo> deja_vu: how'd that happen?
17:36 <deja_vu> dunno
17:37 <deja_vu> probably because i'm running another x-server
17:37 <Self_Destructo> :/
17:39 <deja_vu> hm.. let's see
17:40 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has quit ["brb"]
17:40 <dsop> Self_Destructo: hmm, the client needs to parse the map file, doesnt he, i mean i try to use your test-0.0.2.aarotate.xml but for sure the client (0.2.8) will fail to validate. Is it right or do i something wrong using the configuration?
17:41 <Self_Destructo> what is the error you get?
17:42 <dsop> validation error
17:42 <dsop> well first of course: no map file found
17:42 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #armagetron
17:42 <dsop> well then i put it into .armagetronad/resource/automatic
17:42 <dsop> and then he says validation error
17:42 <deja_vu> seems to work again :>
17:43 <Self_Destructo> dsop: ok, hang on a sec
17:43 <Self_Destructo> <Resource type="aamap" name="square" version="1.0.1" author="Anonymous" category="polygon/regular">
17:43 <Self_Destructo> did you change that?
17:45 <dsop> no
17:45 <Self_Destructo> <Resource type="aamap" name="aarotate" version="test-0.0.2" author="Anonymous" category="dir/you/put/it">
17:45 <Self_Destructo> something like that
17:45 <Self_Destructo> it has to correspond with the file name an where it is at
17:45 <dsop> well i just pointed to included/Self_Destructo/test-0.0.2.aarotate.xml in the MAP_FILE config
17:46 <dsop> then for sure the server loaded it, but the client didn't have it (because its 0.2.8)
17:46 <Self_Destructo> ok, I'm don't think we got my rotation working
17:47 <Self_Destructo> http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Map/Config_Rotation
17:47 <Self_Destructo> read this
17:48 <dsop> ah okay, i thought i coul use your cool .aarotate
17:48 <Self_Destructo> nah, we still got to build a parser for it and all that
17:48 <Self_Destructo> i left AA a few months ago and basically dropped that where it lies
17:48 <dsop> k
17:48 <dsop> why did you left?
17:49  * Self_Destructo plans to implement it sometime
17:49 <Self_Destructo> had other priorities and this was taking from that
17:50 <Self_Destructo> I'm right now seeing how far I can get the trunk to compile in Windows
17:51 <Self_Destructo> it doesn't even begin to compile
17:52 <dsop> at least it compiles on linux :P
17:52 <Self_Destructo> hehe
17:52 <Self_Destructo> my problem is right now is I have to completely start from scratch when building the project tree
17:53 <Self_Destructo> and there seems to be quite a few additions to the trunk from
17:54 <Self_Destructo> 0.3.0 is just a snapshot of the trunk, hopefully I can make the next experimental version (if there is one) more available to a wider group
17:56 <dsop> hm, yeah, i think it would be great to have a 0.3.0 for windows
17:56 <dsop> well 0.3.0 = trunk = devel isnt it?
17:57 <dsop> perfect, my patch seems to work
17:57 <Self_Destructo> http://beta.armagetronad.net/fetch.php/0.3%252F0.3.0%252Farmagetronad-0.3.0.win32.exe?source=sf_aa
17:58 <Self_Destructo> trunk is currently expanded on 0.3.0
18:29 <dsop> why the hell does arma use gpl and then say, you can build a modified server version and run it without releasing sources...makes me laugh a bit, well nevermind, this "option" doesnt matter
18:43 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-227-223-104.client.mchsi.com] has joined #armagetron
18:43 <ghableska> #tea
18:43 <armabot> ghableska: Fortress Café: No online players.
18:47 <Self_Destructo> #xzl
18:47 <Self_Destructo> :p
18:47 <Self_Destructo> man, I don't even get a responce from it
18:48 <Self_Destructo> #xzl
18:48 <Self_Destructo> armabot
18:49 <Self_Destructo> ]ranking ~"XzL.Destructo
18:49 <ljrbot> Self_Destructo: Error: "ranking" is not a valid command.
18:49 <Self_Destructo> ]rank
18:49 <ljrbot> Self_Destructo: Error: "rank" is not a valid command.
18:49 <Self_Destructo> :/
18:49 <Self_Destructo> can't rember the command
18:50 <Self_Destructo> #help
18:50 <armabot> Self_Destructo: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
18:50 <Self_Destructo> ]help
18:50 <ljrbot> Self_Destructo: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
18:51 <Self_Destructo> help rank
18:51 <Self_Destructo> ]help rank
18:51 <ljrbot> Self_Destructo: Error: There is no command "rank".
18:51 <Self_Destructo> ]reload
18:51 <ljrbot> Self_Destructo: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
18:52 <Self_Destructo> ]ranking
18:52 <ljrbot> Self_Destructo: Error: "ranking" is not a valid command.
18:53 <Self_Destructo> ]rating ~"XzL.Destructo
18:53 <ljrbot> Self_Destructo: Try again (EOF from server)
18:53 <Self_Destructo> hmmm
18:55 <ghableska> #weather 50266
18:55 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 14.2°F (11:52 AM CST on December 08, 2007). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 58%. Dew Point: 1.4°F. Windchill: 3.2°F. Pressure: 29.43 in 996.5 hPa (Steady).
18:55 <ghableska> brr
18:55 <Self_Destructo> eww, nasty
18:55 <Self_Destructo> #weather 72616
18:55 <armabot> Self_Destructo: The current temperature in Holiday Island, Holiday Island, Arkansas is 44.2°F (11:55 AM CST on December 08, 2007). Conditions: Fog. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 42.8°F. Pressure: 30.13 in 1020.2 hPa (Rising).
18:56 <ghableska> holiday island? o_O
18:56 <Self_Destructo> lol
18:56 <Self_Destructo> This is Berryville, AR
18:56 <ghableska> oh
18:56 <Self_Destructo> it used to be right
18:56 <ghableska> #weather 72615
18:56 <Self_Destructo> i dunno why it's now saying Holiday Island
18:56 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in Harrison, Arkansas is 42.8°F (11:53 AM CST on December 08, 2007). Conditions: Fog. Humidity: 96%. Dew Point: 41.0°F. Windchill: 37.4°F. Pressure: 30.16 in 1021 hPa (Falling).  Dense fog advisory in effect until 3 PM CST this afternoon...
18:56 <Self_Destructo> :)
18:56 <ghableska> #weather 72617
18:57 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in Flippin, Arkansas is 42.8°F (11:35 AM CST on December 08, 2007). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 87%. Dew Point: 39.2°F. Windchill: 37.4°F. Pressure: 30.16 in 1021 hPa (Rising).  Dense fog advisory in effect until 3 PM CST this afternoon...
18:57 <ghableska> flippin, haha
18:57 <Self_Destructo> that's a ways away
18:57 <Self_Destructo> lol
18:57 <Self_Destructo> never had anyone laugh at that
18:57 <ghableska> :p
18:57 <Self_Destructo> but it is kinda funny
18:57 <Self_Destructo> #weather 72638
18:58 <armabot> Self_Destructo: The current temperature in Harrison, Arkansas is 42.8°F (11:53 AM CST on December 08, 2007). Conditions: Fog. Humidity: 96%. Dew Point: 41.0°F. Windchill: 37.4°F. Pressure: 30.16 in 1021 hPa (Falling).
18:58 <Self_Destructo> bleh
18:58 <Self_Destructo> that's Greent Forest, AR
18:58 <Self_Destructo> Green*
18:58 <ghableska> heh
18:58 <Self_Destructo> it's close
18:58 <Self_Destructo> closer to me then to Harrison
19:01 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-227-223-104.client.mchsi.com] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]
19:10 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@111.168-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
19:43 -!- P4 is now known as P4|away
20:05 <epsy> my sytem is unaware of tga images
20:06 <MrBougo> D:
20:08 <laspace> #beer
20:08 <laspace> #b33r
20:08 <laspace> #help
20:08 <armabot> laspace: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
20:08 <laspace> #damnit
20:09 <laspace> #commands
20:09 <laspace> #list
20:09 <armabot> laspace: Admin, Alias, Babelfish, CIA, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, CyborgName, Dict, Freshmeat, Games, Google, Insult, Karma, Later, Linux, Markov, Math, Misc, News, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Python, Quote, RSS, Seen, Services, Sourceforge, Time, User, Utilities, Weather, and Web
20:09 <laspace> #admin
20:09 <laspace> #channellogger
20:09 <armabot> laspace: You've given me 5 invalid commands within the last minute; I'm now ignoring you for 10 minutes.
20:09 <laspace> FUCK U!
20:09 <Self_Destructo> lol
20:09 <MrBougo> aarahharhar
20:09 -!- WadePW [n=WadePW@c-71-202-113-215.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
20:10 <laspace> ...
20:10 <WadePW> #channellogger
20:10 <WadePW> #channellogger
20:10 -!- WadePW [n=WadePW@c-71-202-113-215.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #armagetron []
20:11 <MrBougo> pffrt
20:11 <MrBougo> #help channellogger
20:11 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: There is no command "channellogger".
20:11 <epsy> laspace, what do you search??
20:11 <MrBougo> #list channellogger
20:11 <armabot> MrBougo: That plugin exists, but has no commands.  This probably means that it has some configuration variables that can be changed in order to modify its behavior.  Try "config list supybot.plugins.ChannelLogger" to see what configuration variables it has.
20:11 <MrBougo> actually
20:11 <MrBougo> oh pwned
20:11 <epsy> what are you fucking searching for ?
20:11 <MrBougo> nothing
20:11 <MrBougo> :D
20:15 <epsy> is firefox able to read TGA images?
20:15 <MrBougo> nopes
20:15 <MrBougo> pribly with some plugin though
20:15 <MrBougo> o*
20:16 <epsy> :/
20:20 <epsy> fuck it
20:22 <MrBougo> ptin
20:30 -!- laspace [n=laspace@c-71-202-113-215.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:03 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has quit ["leaving"]
21:05 <epsy> there's over 1200 items in my homefolder
21:05 <epsy> :/
21:07 <epsy> sriousely, that's abusinfg
21:10 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-38-124.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
21:28 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@adsl-163-233-245.mia.bellsouth.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:35 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@adsl-163-233-245.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
21:37 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
21:37 <ljrbot> luke-jr: Try again (EOF from server)
21:37 <luke-jr> ]rating luke-jr
21:37 <ljrbot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1335-1448
21:42 <luke-jr> ]rating ct-eddie
21:42 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'ct-eddie'!
21:43 <luke-jr> ]rating philippeqc
21:43 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'philippeqc'!
21:43 <luke-jr> ]rating ~_x_~
21:43 <ljrbot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about '~_x_~'!
21:43 <luke-jr> ]rating ~"Xzl.destructo
21:43 <ljrbot> luke-jr: ~"xzl.destructo's current rating is 1523-1690
21:47 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-38-124.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
21:55 -!- manuel_ [n=manuel@p508706A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
21:58 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@104.140.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #armagetron
22:20 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@104.140.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:43 -!- P4|away is now known as P4
22:51 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@111.168-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
23:20 -!- manuel_ [n=manuel@p508706A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron

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