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Log from 2008-03-05:
--- Day changed Wed Mar 05 2008
00:19 -!- rico [n=x-javach@user-54412611.l6.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #armagetron
00:20 -!- Hoax [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
00:20 -!- Hoax [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
00:24 -!- Hoax [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
00:24 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
00:32 -!- rico [n=x-javach@user-54412611.l6.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has quit ["webirc@xclan.armagetron.co.uk"]
00:38 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has quit ["leaving"]
01:04 <armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r8250 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/src/tron/gGame.cpp: Ping improvements. I though I committed this yesterday.
01:05 <armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r8251 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/src/network/nAuthentication.cpp: Faster logins in recording mode.
01:07 <armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r8252 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/src/tron/gCycle.cpp: Disabled debug mode exception for chatbot settings on the server (for debug replays).
01:37 -!- liberweesco [n=libervis@89-172-45-245.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #armagetron
01:39 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has joined #armagetron
01:41 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-214-219-145.client.mchsi.com] has joined #armagetron
01:41 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-214-219-145.client.mchsi.com] has left #armagetron []
01:42 <armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r8253 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/src/tron/gWall.cpp: Fixed oversized hole bug.
01:43 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:43 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@adsl-67-67-196-151.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
02:07 -!- Stewie-arma [n=Stewie-a@cpe-76-88-47-247.san.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
02:59 -!- spidey_ [n=spidey@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
03:02 -!- Netsplit zelazny.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: +P4, Hoax-, duudii, +noob7_away, cusco, liberweesco, guru3, g5vc, tramshed, luke-jr,  (+1 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
03:02 -!- Netsplit zelazny.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: flex, mkzelda, spidey_
--- Log closed Wed Mar 05 03:03:11 2008
--- Log opened Wed Mar 05 03:03:24 2008
03:03 -!- wrtlprnft_ [n=wrtlprnf@] has joined #armagetron
03:03 -!- Irssi: #armagetron: Total of 16 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 2 voices, 14 normal]
03:03 -!- wrtlprnft [n=wrtlprnf@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
03:03 -!- Irssi: Join to #armagetron was synced in 39 secs
03:05 -!- eboettcher [n=f00__@pdpc/supporter/student/box1209] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
03:07 -!- g5vc [n=g5vc@host-87-242-37-155.prtelecom.hu] has joined #armagetron
03:07 -!- eboettcher [n=f00__@c-71-193-114-169.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- spidey_ [n=spidey@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- mkzelda [i=mkzelda@unaffiliated/mkzelda] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- flex [n=savas@unaffiliated/savas] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- eboettcher [n=f00__@c-71-193-114-169.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has quit [Killed by ballard.freenode.net (Nick collision)]
03:08 -!- eboettcher [n=f00__@c-71-193-114-169.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- liberweesco [n=libervis@89-172-45-245.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- eddiefantastic [n=ed@eddie.plantpeanuts.co.uk] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- duudii [n=n13@mastercontrolprogram.de] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- guru3 [n=guru3@81-235-164-45-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- P4 [n=P404@unaffiliated/p4] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- noob7_away [n=masterco@mastercontrolprogram.de] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- cusco [i=cusco@client-86-27-88-155.winn.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #armagetron
03:08 -!- ServerMode/#armagetron [+vv P4 noob7_away] by irc.freenode.net
03:08 -!- eboettch1r [n=f00__@c-71-193-114-169.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
03:09 -!- eboettcher [n=f00__@c-71-193-114-169.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has quit [Killed by kubrick.freenode.net (kubrick.freenode.net (eboettcher[n=f00__@c-71-193-114-169.hsd1.in.comcast.net] Ghosted bal)]
03:14 -!- spidey [n=spidey@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has quit [Connection timed out]
03:26 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@133-148-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #armagetron
03:26 -!- empha [n=rolf@133-148-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
03:26 -!- Goodygumdrops [n=Goodygum@h191.23.40.162.ip.alltel.net] has joined #armagetron
03:28 -!- flex [n=savas@unaffiliated/savas] has quit ["bye"]
--- Log closed Wed Mar 05 03:48:47 2008
--- Log opened Wed Mar 05 03:50:40 2008
03:50 -!- wrtlprnft [n=wrtlprnf@] has joined #armagetron
03:50 -!- Irssi: #armagetron: Total of 8 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 1 voices, 7 normal]
03:52 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has quit [Nick collision]
03:52 -!- Irssi: Join to #armagetron was synced in 241 secs
03:53 -!- StickyNoob [n=sticky@] has quit [Nick collision]
03:53 -!- StickyNoob [n=sticky@] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@adsl-67-67-196-151.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- Goodygumdrops [n=Goodygum@h191.23.40.162.ip.alltel.net] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@133-148-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- eboettch1r [n=f00__@c-71-193-114-169.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- cusco [i=cusco@client-86-27-88-155.winn.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- noob7_away [n=masterco@mastercontrolprogram.de] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- P4 [n=P404@unaffiliated/p4] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- guru3 [n=guru3@81-235-164-45-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- duudii [n=n13@mastercontrolprogram.de] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- eddiefantastic [n=ed@eddie.plantpeanuts.co.uk] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- liberweesco [n=libervis@89-172-45-245.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- mkzelda [i=mkzelda@unaffiliated/mkzelda] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- spidey_ [n=spidey@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- g5vc [n=g5vc@host-87-242-37-155.prtelecom.hu] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- z-man-work [n=moos@l23.thp.uni-koeln.de] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-38-124.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- pippijn [n=pippijn@unixcorps/staff/pippijn] has joined #armagetron
03:53 -!- ServerMode/#armagetron [+vv noob7_away P4] by irc.freenode.net
03:53 -!- wrtlprnft_ [n=wrtlprnf@] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
04:56 <mkzelda> #weather 27545
04:56 <armabot> mkzelda: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
04:57 <ct|kyle> mkzelda: The current temperature in Hedingham, Raleigh, North Carolina is 66.6?F (10:59 PM EST on March 04, 2008). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 89%. Dew Point: 62.6?F. Pressure: 17.99 in 609.1 hPa (Falling).  Tornado Watch 98 in effect until midnight EST tonight...
04:58 <mkzelda> 66.6
04:58 <ct|kyle> heh that is what it said better than  23.5 where i am
04:59 <mkzelda> the tornado is what im looking for
04:59 <mkzelda> its a bit wild atm
05:00 <ct|kyle> ah
05:00 <mkzelda> couldnt sleep cause its intense
05:00 <mkzelda> dogs are upset
05:01 <ct|kyle> it is almost a white out here
05:02 <ct|kyle> snow is falling so fast, the weather people miss predicted the amount of snow
05:15 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
05:19 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
05:23 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Client Quit]
05:24 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
05:28 -!- Netsplit brown.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: duudii, cusco, +P4, eddiefantastic, armabot, luke-jr, ct|kyle, guru3
05:29 -!- Netsplit over, joins: ct|kyle, armabot, eddiefantastic, +P4, duudii, guru3, luke-jr, cusco
05:29 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
05:37 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
05:43 -!- Netsplit brown.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: GodTodd, Ttech, z-man-work
05:44 -!- Netsplit over, joins: z-man-work
05:45 -!- Netsplit over, joins: GodTodd
05:47 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Ttech
06:02 -!- Stewie-arma [n=Stewie-a@cpe-76-88-47-247.san.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving"]
06:28 -!- liberweesco [n=libervis@89-172-45-245.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has quit [Client Quit]
06:37 -!- torres [n=torres@unixcorps/staff/pippijn] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
06:38 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
06:38 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
06:40 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Client Quit]
07:14 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@34.161-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
07:27 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has quit [Connection timed out]
07:37 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@34.161-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
07:41 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
07:48 -!- LuciEatsPeople [n=satan@adsl-68-91-193-150.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #armagetron
07:56 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@adsl-67-67-196-151.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
08:09 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@] has joined #armagetron
08:11 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit []
08:21 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
08:21 -!- kidanger_ [n=kidanger@] has joined #armagetron
08:21 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
08:21 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
08:23 -!- kidanger_ [n=kidanger@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
08:34 -!- Netsplit brown.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: eddiefantastic, LuciEatsPeople, GodTodd, luke-jr, +P4, g5vc, Goodygumdrops, spidey_, tramshed, duudii,  (+11 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
08:35 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Hoax-, +P4, eddiefantastic, armabot, emphasis, LuciEatsPeople, GodTodd, z-man-work, cusco, luke-jr (+11 more)
08:35 -!- Netsplit brown.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: eboettch1r, emphasis, g5vc, Goodygumdrops
08:35 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Goodygumdrops
08:37 -!- Netsplit over, joins: g5vc
08:38 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@133-148-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #armagetron
08:38 -!- eboettch1r [n=f00__@c-71-193-114-169.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
08:38 -!- eboettch1r [n=f00__@c-71-193-114-169.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has quit [Success]
08:38 -!- eboettcher [n=f00__@c-71-193-114-169.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
10:24 -!- torres [n=torres@pD9E9F5D8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
10:40 -!- infa [n=x-javach@host81-156-205-152.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #armagetron
10:48 -!- infa [n=x-javach@host81-156-205-152.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has quit ["webirc@xclan.armagetron.co.uk"]
11:42 <armabot> armagetronad: wrtlprnft * r8254 /www/beta/trunk/www-aabeta/releases.php: new win32 experimental build
11:42 <armabot> Executed aauptest: /home/supybot/a
11:56 <armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8255 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/ (5 files in 4 dirs): Manuel Moos: Added two access levels below authenticated that you can USER_LEVEL players to; intended to be used to take away rights authenticated players usually get (like, starting votes) for selected users.
11:57 <armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8256 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/ (. config/settings_authentication.cfg): Manuel Moos: Updated config file with new access levels.
12:27 <armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8257 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/ (7 files in 6 dirs): Manuel Moos: Shuffled around access levels. Authenticated now is all on the bottom, only barely above "Program". Default access level for remote users stays 15, only that it's now named "Remote User".
12:29 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@] has joined #armagetron
12:55 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
13:04 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #armagetron
13:18 <armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8258 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/ (6 files in 5 dirs):
13:18 <armabot> armagetronad: author: Manuel Moos
13:18 <armabot> armagetronad: Added access levels and individual biases for kick and suspend votes.
13:18 <armabot> armagetronad: Also added texts and config items for include and direct command votes.
13:25 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco] has joined #armagetron
13:27 -!- flex [n=savas@unaffiliated/savas] has joined #armagetron
13:38 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
13:57 <flex> hey z-man-work, i just checked again (using 0.3 r8253) and still i see that ping difference
13:58 <flex> same issue
14:40 -!- torres [n=torres@unixcorps/staff/pippijn] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
15:01 <z-man-work> flex: I'll recheck when I'm home.
15:02 -!- Infa [n=x-javach@host81-156-205-152.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #armagetron
15:05 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
15:05 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has joined #armagetron
15:06 -!- torres [n=torres@pD9E9E653.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
15:06 <flex> alright, thanks.
15:16 -!- guru3 [n=guru3@81-235-164-45-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
15:16 -!- guru3 [n=guru3@81-235-164-45-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #armagetron
15:16 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has joined #armagetron
15:23 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
15:36 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit []
15:38 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
15:40 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has quit ["leaving"]
15:43 -!- Infa [n=x-javach@host81-156-205-152.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has quit ["webirc@xclan.armagetron.co.uk"]
15:47 <armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8259 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/ (. config/settings_authentication.cfg src/engine/ePlayer.cpp): Manuel Moos: Default hiding level adapted to docs: no hiding for anyone.
15:54 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #armagetron
16:07 <wrtlprnft> z-man-work: “By default, most Admins can use all commands”
16:08 <wrtlprnft> z-man-work: isn't that the wrong way around?
16:20 -!- LuciEatsPeople [n=satan@adsl-68-91-193-150.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
16:41 -!- flex [n=savas@unaffiliated/savas] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
16:41 -!- flex [n=savas@unaffiliated/savas] has joined #armagetron
16:42 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
16:46 -!- deja_vu_ [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #armagetron
16:46 -!- deja_vu_ [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
16:51 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@135.205-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
17:01 -!- flex [n=savas@unaffiliated/savas] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
17:25 -!- vallhalla81 [n=dave@cpc4-warw4-0-0-cust623.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
17:37 -!- vallhalla81 [n=dave@cpc4-warw4-0-0-cust623.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has left #armagetron []
17:56 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p508722EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
17:57 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has quit ["leaving"]
18:10 -!- Netsplit brown.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: emphasis, torres, ct|kyle
--- Log closed Wed Mar 05 18:18:33 2008
--- Log opened Wed Mar 05 18:18:56 2008
18:18 -!- wrtlprnft_ [n=wrtlprnf@] has joined #armagetron
18:18 -!- Irssi: #armagetron: Total of 4 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 1 voices, 3 normal]
18:20 -!- Irssi: Join to #armagetron was synced in 125 secs
18:21 -!- wrtlprnft [n=wrtlprnf@] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
18:21 -!- empha [n=rolf@] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@133-148-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- torres [n=torres@unixcorps/staff/pippijn] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@135.205-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p508722EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- guru3 [n=guru3@81-235-164-45-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- eboettcher [n=f00__@c-71-193-114-169.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- g5vc [n=g5vc@host-87-242-37-155.prtelecom.hu] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- Goodygumdrops [n=Goodygum@h191.23.40.162.ip.alltel.net] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-38-124.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- z-man-work [n=moos@l23.thp.uni-koeln.de] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- P4 [n=P404@unaffiliated/p4] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- cusco [i=cusco@client-86-27-88-155.winn.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- duudii [n=n13@mastercontrolprogram.de] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- eddiefantastic [n=ed@eddie.plantpeanuts.co.uk] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- StickyNoob [n=sticky@] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- noob7_away [n=masterco@mastercontrolprogram.de] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- mkzelda [i=mkzelda@unaffiliated/mkzelda] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- spidey_ [n=spidey@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- pippijn [n=pippijn@unixcorps/staff/pippijn] has joined #armagetron
18:21 -!- ServerMode/#armagetron [+vv P4 noob7_away] by irc.freenode.net
18:21 -!- You're now known as wrtlprnft
18:22 -!- Hoax [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
18:22 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
18:22 -!- Hoax [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Client Quit]
18:22 -!- Hoax [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
18:23 -!- Hoax [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Client Quit]
18:25 -!- gotbb [n=None@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust888.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
18:25 -!- gotbb [n=None@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust888.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Client Quit]
18:26 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
18:26 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
18:27 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@133-148-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
18:27 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
18:30 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@135.205-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
18:32 -!- z-manuel [n=manuel@p508722EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
18:32 -!- philippeqc [n=philippe@c83-250-137-7.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #armagetron
18:34 <philippeqc> hi
18:34 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@135.205-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
18:35 -!- flex [n=savas@unaffiliated/savas] has joined #armagetron
18:36 <wrtlprnft> hi philippeqc 
18:36 <wrtlprnft> you missed the netsplit/general chaos fest
18:38 <philippeqc> did I?
18:38 <philippeqc> what was it about
18:38 <wrtlprnft> well
18:38 <wrtlprnft> freenode went crazy
18:40 <philippeqc> ok
18:41 <philippeqc> doesn't sound like such a great thing
18:41 <wrtlprnft> yeah…
18:41 <philippeqc> so now we cannot send pm?
18:41 <philippeqc> got my hello?
18:42 <philippeqc> suddenly, I feel all alone on the Internet!
18:43 <Hoax-> you guys hear something?
18:43 <philippeqc> about what?
18:44  * wrtlprnft didn't get a lilo message yet
18:44 <Hoax-> nvm, thought i heard someone talking :D
18:44 <wrtlprnft> s/lilo/christie/ :-(
18:44 <philippeqc> christie?
18:44 <wrtlprnft> well, christie is now sending those global notices
18:44 <epsy> fuck the browsers which doesn'T support inline-bliocks
18:44 <epsy> :|
18:46 <philippeqc> what global notices?
18:46 <philippeqc> Yeah, I'm really that IRC-clueless
18:47 <wrtlprnft> 10:51 [FreeNode] -christel(i=christel@freenode/staff/christel)- [Global Notice] Hi all! We experienced some rather heavy ddos attacks earlier this morning causing quite a lot of disturbance to the network, the problems should be under wraps now (thanks to the OSL and NERO) and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. Hope you have a nice day and thank you for using freenode!
18:47 <wrtlprnft> these
18:47 <wrtlprnft> but that's 8 hours old now
18:48 <philippeqc> never seen a christel message before
18:48 <philippeqc> well, CTCP to you too
18:48 <wrtlprnft> no clue how xchat 2.8.4 Ubuntu shows global notices
18:50 <philippeqc> he, I have lost my password for my reserved name on IRC for nearly 2 years now!
18:50 <philippeqc> Still havent had a single occurence where somebody tried to use the nick
18:50 <philippeqc> I guess philippeqc is just too cool a nick, and people dont dare to use it. ;)
18:50 <wrtlprnft> well, noone can know if you're really philippeqc
18:51 <philippeqc> but who would care to fake being me?
18:51 <wrtlprnft> you suck too much, that's true
18:51 <wrtlprnft> just kidding
18:52 <philippeqc> yeah I know
18:52 <philippeqc> ;)
18:52 <philippeqc> me is happy being me
18:52 <philippeqc> I'm unique on all the Internets
18:57 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@135.205-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
19:03 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p508722EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
19:10 <philippeqc> Frack
19:10 <philippeqc> I'm at a "circle and elipse cannot be parent/child" problem
19:11 -!- philippeqc36 [n=x-javach@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
19:11 <philippeqc36> hey i need help
19:11 <philippeqc> Hello!
19:11 <philippeqc36> someone stole my nickname :(
19:11 <philippeqc> My first clone!
19:11 <philippeqc> I'm famous!
19:12 <philippeqc36> a clone?
19:12 <philippeqc36> uh wtf
19:12 <philippeqc36> hey you use my nick
19:12 <philippeqc36> give it back to me you fucker!
19:12 <philippeqc> Where did you get it from?
19:12 <philippeqc36> i was born with it
19:12 <philippeqc> Lol
19:13 <philippeqc> Well, mom surely did pick the 36 part with care and attention
19:13 <philippeqc36> nah
19:13 <philippeqc36> i had to change my name bequz it saiz nickname not avaliable :(
19:14 <philippeqc> Sorry mate, I wont use it for long.
19:14  * philippeqc36 will kill you
19:14 <philippeqc36> nah, the joke's over :þ
19:14 -!- philippeqc36 [n=x-javach@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has left #armagetron []
19:14 <philippeqc> ;)
19:15 <Hoax-> #kill epsy
19:15 <armabot> epsy will die on Wed Mar  5 19:47:33 2008 due to being stabbed in the eye by Hoax-
19:15 <epsy> :(
19:15 <epsy> ø_Ø
19:15 <philippeqc> oups, you expired now epsy
19:15 <philippeqc> that or my clock is off a bit
19:15 <epsy> =(
19:16 <Hoax-> :)
19:16 <philippeqc> #trout Hoax-
19:16 <epsy> isn't it 'slap'?
19:16 <philippeqc> boo, none of the classic work
19:16 <philippeqc> #slap Hoax-
19:16 <epsy> #slap Hoax-
19:16 <armabot> philippeqc slaps Hoax- for being a raving moron.
19:17 <armabot> epsy slaps Hoax- for being a raving moron.
19:17 <epsy> :|
19:17 <philippeqc> well, armabot sure is right about the raving moron part!
19:17 <philippeqc> #slap Hoax- with a trout
19:17 <armabot> philippeqc slaps Hoax- with a trout for being a raving moron.
19:17 <epsy> hehe
19:17 <philippeqc> bouja! Made it work
19:17 <epsy> #help slap
19:17 <armabot> epsy: (slap <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo $who slaps $1 for being a raving moron.".
19:18 <epsy> O_o
19:37 -!- z-manuel is now known as zmanuel
19:38 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p508722EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
19:38 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p508722EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
19:39 -!- zmanuel is now known as z-man
19:41 <armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8260 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/ (. src/tron/gWinZone.cpp src/tron/gWinZone.h): Manuel Moos: If the team owning a zone is dead at round end, the zone does not collapse harmlessly; instead, it gets "touchy" and will collapse at the slightest contact with an enemy.
19:45 <wrtlprnft> neat!
19:45 <wrtlprnft> now that's a reason to change café scoring
19:47 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
21:00 <flex> hey z-man, any luck? :)
21:04 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
21:10 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:10 -!- Hoax [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
21:19 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
21:21 -!- Hoax [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:22 -!- Hoax [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
21:22 -!- Hoax [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:23 -!- Hoax [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
21:25 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@cpc5-oxfd8-0-0-cust434.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
21:25 -!- Hoax is now known as Hoax-
21:34 <philippeqc> cya
21:34 -!- philippeqc [n=philippe@c83-250-137-7.bredband.comhem.se] has quit ["Leaving"]
21:40 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@135.205-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
21:42 -!- Infa [n=x-javach@host86-151-179-85.range86-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #armagetron
21:56 -!- torres_ [n=torres@pD9E9C8F9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
21:59 -!- Infa [n=x-javach@host86-151-179-85.range86-151.btcentralplus.com] has quit ["webirc@xclan.armagetron.co.uk"]
22:09 -!- torres [n=torres@unixcorps/staff/pippijn] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
22:12 -!- hoop_tron [n=john@ip-195-196.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #armagetron
22:12 <hoop_tron> ^^
22:16 <wrtlprnft> hi, sec
22:17 <wrtlprnft> ok, now I'm there
22:25 <wrtlprnft> z-man: I don't know why, but I set VOTING_KICK_MINHARM to 2 on café, but menu kick votes still lead to kick votes
22:33 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has joined #armagetron
22:37 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
22:40 <armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8261 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/ (. language/english_base.txt src/engine/eVoter.cpp): Manuel Moos: Implemented "include" and "command" votes.
23:00 <StickyNoob> dam arma takes a long time to build
23:00 <pippijn> it does?
23:01 <pippijn> rona takes much longer
23:01 <StickyNoob> make -j 10 does ok
23:01 <pippijn> do you have 8 cores?
23:02 <StickyNoob> no i just like to make sure that all 4 cores are realy getting screwed
23:02 <pippijn> ok
23:02 <pippijn> that's not the way :-)
23:02 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-157-191.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
23:02 <pippijn> what you are doing is indeed screw your cores but not gain performance
23:03 <pippijn> because of the context switches your kernel scheduler has to do to allow 10 concurrent demanding processes to run seemingly parallel
23:08 -!- hoop_tron [n=john@ip-195-196.sn2.eutelia.it] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
23:37 -!- ricochet46 [n=x-javach@user-54412611.l6.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #armagetron
23:37 -!- ricochet46 is now known as rico
23:50 <flex> hellloo kittty islannd adventuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuraaa
23:50 <flex> oops
23:50 <rico> LOL!

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Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.

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