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Log from 2009-06-14:
--- Day changed Sun Jun 14 2009
00:03 -!- emmy_arma [n=peiaeman@pc240018.static.is.airbites.ro] has quit ["Leaving"]
00:04 -!- emmy_arma [n=peiaeman@pc240018.static.is.airbites.ro] has joined #armagetron
00:05 <emmy_arma> hi - are you having a match on + fort ? it shows full on the server (12/2) oO
00:06 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@161.48-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
00:27 -!- emmy_arma [n=peiaeman@pc240018.static.is.airbites.ro] has quit ["Leaving"]
00:30 -!- pavelo [n=pavelo@cl-300.mbx-01.si.sixxs.net] has left #armagetron []
00:32 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lckdscl@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit ["gone! quit! exit! etc."]
00:59 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m345336d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
01:16 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@191-141-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:20 -!- fonkay [n=dreamboa@blk-7-175-173.eastlink.ca] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:20 -!- fonkay [n=dreamboa@blk-7-175-173.eastlink.ca] has joined #armagetron
01:44 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has quit ["Ragequit."]
01:53 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
03:03 <Lucifer> civ?
03:04 -!- Luke-Jr [n=luke-jr@2002:46bb:1a76:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
03:04 -!- Luke-Jr [n=luke-jr@2002:46bb:1a76:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has joined #Armagetron
04:40 -!- sinewav [n=sinewav@adsl-75-22-26-118.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
04:57 -!- sinewave [n=sinewav@adsl-75-22-26-118.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
05:03 -!- sinewav [n=sinewav@adsl-75-22-26-118.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
05:05 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m345336d0.tmodns.net] has quit ["-a-"]
05:20 -!- GodTodd [n=Truth@pool-173-74-72-105.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
05:21 <GodTodd> Lucifer, dude, http://web.me.com/schwartzw/TheSchwartz/My_Albums/Pages/Auggie_BBS_User_gifs.html#154
05:21 <Lucifer> there's one of me in there, isn't there?
05:21 <GodTodd> http://web.me.com/schwartzw/TheSchwartz/My_Albums/Pages/Auggie_BBS_User_gifs.html#153
05:21 <Lucifer> lemme guess, it's the black and white one that has 3 of me in it?  ;)
05:21 <GodTodd> 2 actually ;)
05:21 <GodTodd> 153 is
05:21 <GodTodd> 154 is closer up
05:22 <GodTodd> heh
05:22 <Lucifer> oh god, that second one is terrible
05:22 <GodTodd> there's one of me drunk in the jpg section
05:22 <GodTodd> more proof that stuff is forever on the net
05:22 <Lucifer> heh, yeah
05:22 <Lucifer> the auggie crowd ultimately excommunicated me  :)
05:23 <GodTodd> did they?
05:23 <Lucifer> yeah
05:23 <GodTodd> how the hell'd you piss them off?
05:23 <Lucifer> I went in there once a loooooong time ago, stoned off my rocker, and got a holier-than-thou lecture about how drugs are bad
05:24 <Lucifer> years later, after I'd learnt my lesson, I went in there and found everybody there was smoking pot
05:24 <Lucifer> so I reminded them of that previous incident, and got kicked
05:24 <GodTodd> heh
05:24 <Lucifer> went back, and got this holier-than-thou lecture about lifestyle choices and freedom and shit
05:24 <Lucifer> I guess I really left voluntarily
05:24 <GodTodd> i was last on that bbs in like 96 or 97
05:25 <GodTodd> not long before it went away
05:25 <Lucifer> I was in there in 94, and sometime after that, they moved/disappeared/whatever
05:25 <Lucifer> they all moved to the eagle's nest, and the second incident happened in 2001, before 9/11
05:25 <GodTodd> well...moved, changed names, then disappeared
05:25 <GodTodd> yeah
05:25 <GodTodd> EN is still up
05:26 <Lucifer> there's literally only one person from those days I'd like to see again, and she left auggie the same time I did the first time
05:26 <GodTodd> who'sat?
05:26 <Lucifer> Lucy
05:26 <GodTodd> erm...dunno her
05:26 <Lucifer> girl from hong kong, was heh actually going to augsburg U
05:27 <Lucifer> so she knew billy in person
05:27 <GodTodd> heh
05:27 <GodTodd> poor her ;)
05:28 <Lucifer> yeah, but when I left there in 93, she left soon after, because when I went back in 94, she was long gone
05:29 <GodTodd> sheesh that place was fulla geeks
05:29 <Lucifer> no shit
05:29 <Lucifer> you still looking at the photo album?  ;)
05:29 <Lucifer> the only reason I sent pictures to billy was because Lucy wanted one, heh
05:29 <GodTodd> heh
05:29 <GodTodd> i'm not even sure who put in the one there is of me
05:29 <GodTodd> i've got ideas but it wasn't me
05:30 <GodTodd> i'm making sure that's the only one
05:30 <GodTodd> ;)
05:30 <Lucifer> wasn't me, afaik, you and I had no overlap on there
05:30 <Lucifer> if you find one of don, post it on your facebook status :)
05:30 <GodTodd> heh
05:30 <Lucifer> you did friend him on facebook, right?  ;)
05:30 <GodTodd> i'm tempted to do that for yours ;)
05:30 <GodTodd> yeah
05:31 <GodTodd> spot too
05:31 <Lucifer> I'm tempted to download them and put them in a facebook album :)
05:31 <GodTodd> oh, i done downloaded them
05:31 <GodTodd> :D
05:31 <Lucifer> well, I better do as I say so they can't be used against me
05:31 <GodTodd> http://web.me.com/schwartzw/TheSchwartz/My_Albums/Pages/Auggie_BBS_User_gifs.html#264
05:31 <GodTodd> her?
05:34 <Lucifer> http://web.me.com/schwartzw/TheSchwartz/My_Albums/Pages/Auggie_BBS_User_gifs.html#264
05:34 <Lucifer> ah, yeah
05:34 <Lucifer> her
05:34 <Lucifer> :)
05:34 <GodTodd> oops
05:34 <GodTodd> i lied
05:34 <GodTodd> http://web.me.com/schwartzw/TheSchwartz/My_Albums/Pages/Auggie_BBS_User_gifs.html#318
05:35 <Luke-Jr> Yandere?
05:35 <Lucifer> holy shit, I barely remember that picture
05:36 <GodTodd> haha
05:36 <Lucifer> I don't remember the girl on the right
05:36 <Lucifer> er, left
05:36 <Lucifer> the one on her left I do remember, but I don't remember her name
05:36 <Lucifer> she was fucking hot, though
05:36 <Lucifer> you can't tell in that picture
05:36 <Lucifer> ooo, that reminds me, I might also like to see phoenix again
05:37 <Lucifer> did you find a pic of phoenix?  ;)
05:37 <GodTodd> there's a few
05:37 <GodTodd> http://web.me.com/schwartzw/TheSchwartz/My_Albums/Pages/Auggie_BBS_User_gifs.html#318
05:37 <GodTodd> that and the next 2
05:37 <Lucifer> that's all the nm pics they have?
05:38 <Lucifer> er, he, I mean
05:38 <Lucifer> that is billy's site, after all :)
05:38 <GodTodd> hell that's just the gif section
05:38 <GodTodd> already went through the jpg section
05:39 <Lucifer> http://web.me.com/schwartzw/TheSchwartz/My_Albums/Pages/Auggie_BBS_User_gifs.html#330
05:39 <Lucifer> there we go
05:39 <Lucifer> I had quite the thing for asian chicks back then, heh
05:39 <GodTodd> silmar was from somewhere not too far wasn't he?
05:39 <Lucifer> I actually met phoenix, and we had a great time
05:39 <Lucifer> oh boy, I'm not remembering many names
05:39 <GodTodd> or is he after your time?
05:40 <Lucifer> and, quite honestly, I'm mostly remembering girls' names
05:40 <Lucifer> which shouldn't be a surprise
05:40  * Lucifer wonders what ever happened to phoenix
05:40 <GodTodd> not sure
05:40 <GodTodd> you know...there's a FB group for all us old losers from there
05:40 <GodTodd> heh
05:41 <Lucifer> I was about to suggest searching for it, heh
05:41 <Lucifer> got a link?
05:42 <GodTodd> sec
05:43 <GodTodd> http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20069986774#/group.php?gid=20069986774
05:45 <GodTodd> http://web.me.com/schwartzw/TheSchwartz/My_Albums/Pages/Auggie_BBS_user_jpegs.html#292
05:45 <GodTodd> that appears to be the only one of me in Billy's grubby paws
05:46 <GodTodd> wish i knew who i was on the phone with tho
05:46 <GodTodd> heh
05:51 <Lucifer> haha, it's lisalisa the one I adore!
05:52 <GodTodd> lisa rocks
05:52 <GodTodd> met her a few times
05:52 <GodTodd> got drunk
05:52 <GodTodd> good times, man, good times
05:52 <GodTodd> heh
05:52 <GodTodd> you know...both admins of that group are in austin
05:52 <GodTodd> heh
05:53 <GodTodd> you had to know slayer
05:55 <GodTodd> oh, dude...you probably left before chat1, chat2, etc. was replaced on upgrade
06:08 <Lucifer> yeah, those were still there
06:08 <Lucifer> I knew slayer
06:09 <Lucifer> does brandy and iced tea mix well?
06:09 <GodTodd> dunno
06:09 <GodTodd> i don't know that i've ever had brandy
06:15 <Lucifer> wow, I don't remember anybody
06:15 <Lucifer> heh
06:15 <Lucifer> I clicked through all the photos after phoenix and only a few names tugged at my memory
06:15 <Lucifer> must not have been that memorable a time after all, eh?
06:16 <Lucifer> it's odd that I was thinking about it earlier, and then you randomly came in and linked me to pics from there
06:19 <GodTodd> heh
06:20 <GodTodd> we're, like, psychically connected
06:20 <GodTodd> ;)
06:21 <GodTodd> yeh, not sure how come i decided to look through that group again...it'd been a month and a half since i even looked at it
06:22 <GodTodd> oh, by the by, have you checked out the new Red Dwarfs?
06:22 <Lucifer> there's new ones?
06:23 <Lucifer> you mean after series 8?
06:23 <GodTodd> yep
06:23 <GodTodd> aired in the UK in april, i believe
06:23 <Lucifer> holy shit!
06:23 <GodTodd> on dvd on monday
06:23 <Lucifer> that means they'll be on the piratebay on tuesday
06:23 <GodTodd> or, as soon as you torrent it and burn it
06:23 <GodTodd> nope
06:24 <GodTodd> i have them already
06:24 <GodTodd> ;)
06:24 <GodTodd> well...they will be on piratebay on tuesday but they might be there now as tv records to tide over to the dvd rips
06:24 <Lucifer> is it the one marked Back To Earth?
06:25 <GodTodd> yep...3 parter
06:26 <GodTodd> there's talk of a series 10 too
06:26 <Lucifer> there's only 3 in the series?
06:26 <GodTodd> yep
06:27 <GodTodd> something about not wanting to do a series 9 but this technically *is* series 9
06:27 <GodTodd> some weird brit shit
06:27 <GodTodd> heh
06:28 <Lucifer> ok, downloading, thanks for the heads-up :)
06:29 <GodTodd> np
06:30 <GodTodd> i meant to tell you a couple days ago (yes, i'm on twitter and that's the only way i knew this, cuz robert llewellyn's site talked about it) but forgot and then our geeky pics came up and then I remembered
06:30 <GodTodd> heh
06:31 <Lucifer> haha
06:31 <Lucifer> geeky pics
06:32 <Lucifer> I just realized that in two of those pictures, taken at completely different times, I'm wearing the same shirt
06:33  * Lucifer wants a bottle of wine
06:33 <Lucifer> brandy is supposed to be drank by itself, isn't it?
06:33 <Lucifer> without diluting it?
06:34 <GodTodd> yeah
06:34 <GodTodd> in a snifter
06:35 <Lucifer> I don't have a snifter
06:35 <GodTodd> that means you're not a snob
06:35 <GodTodd> :)
06:36 <Lucifer> I can use a wine glass :)
06:36 <Lucifer> you're supposed to warm the brandy with the snifter, right?  Slush it around and have your hand under it?
06:43 <Lucifer> hmmm, how about brandy and milk?
06:43 <Lucifer> I just remembered I have milk I need to drink before it goes bad
06:43 <GodTodd> heh
06:44 <Lucifer> I've made it all day without a cigarette, sorta
06:44 <Lucifer> I smoked one when I woke up
06:44 <Lucifer> but I've been chewing this nicotine gum
06:45 <Lucifer> so I'm thinking what I want to do is get pretty drunk, down some vitamin C, and pass out
06:45 <Lucifer> oh yeah, and a bunch of tea, so when I wake up, I'll have a nice full bladder
06:45 <Lucifer> then, assuming I didn't drink too much, I'd jump on my bicycle and see how much nicotine I manage to flush out by the end of tomorrow
06:46 <Lucifer> since the early cravings in a quit are caused directly by nicotine withdrawal...
06:46 <Lucifer> of course, then there's always teh question of "is it wise to crash your nicotine levels like that?" and "Will it actually work?"
06:48 <GodTodd> i'm at almost 44.5 hours without nicotine
06:48 <GodTodd> well...new nicotine, anyway
07:00 <Lucifer> really?  you're quitting?
07:03 <GodTodd> trying to
07:03 <GodTodd> yeah
07:04 <Lucifer> .ping
07:04 <tronner> pong
07:04 <GodTodd> after 72 hours it's all about the mental addiction, isn't it?
07:04 <Lucifer> no
07:05 <Lucifer> after 72 hours, most of the nicotine should be gone from your body, but it still takes another week for the rest of it to go
07:05 <Lucifer> but in practical terms, it's all gone
07:05 <Lucifer> HOWEVER :)
07:05 <Lucifer> it takes another 3 days at least for your body to adjust to being nicotine-free
07:06 <Lucifer> in practice, it actually takes longer, but the biggest things will happen in those three days
07:06 <Lucifer> stuff like blood sugar regulation (previously handled by nicotine/smoking)
07:06 <Lucifer> a few other things
07:06 <Lucifer> the actual hunger that comes with it should also go away after those 3 days, provided you didn't go nutso eating
07:06 <Lucifer> ummm, check out whyquit.org
07:07 <Lucifer> he's got tons of information about how it actually works
07:07 <GodTodd> so far the cravings haven't been too bad
07:07 <Lucifer> so I gues technically, yes, after the 72 hours, it is about the psychological addiction, but since it takes time fr your body to return to "normal", and it's been so long you don't know what normal is anymore,
07:07 <GodTodd> i'm sure they'll get worse tho
07:07 <GodTodd> heh
07:08 <Lucifer> it's easy to associate the feelings you have on the fourth day with the nicotine withdrawal symptoms
07:08 <Lucifer> cravings are supposed to peak on the third day, then drop off sharply
07:08 <GodTodd> my main thing is that i don't remember what i did *instead* of have a cigarette
07:08 <Lucifer> actual cravings, that is :)
07:08 <Lucifer> well, I've been cchewing this gum to help remember what to do instead of smoke :)
07:09 <GodTodd> i have a fake smoke
07:09 <Lucifer> I'm not naive enough to think the gum will enable me to quit
07:09 <Lucifer> eat celery :)
07:09 <Lucifer> when I had that 3 week quit, I ate a lot of celery the first couple of days
07:09 <GodTodd> cut a straw in half and folded it over and stapled it to give some sucking resistance
07:09 <GodTodd> i use that for cravings
07:09 <Lucifer> fuck
07:09 <Lucifer> now I remember how hard it is to drink brandy straight
07:09 <GodTodd> heh
07:10 <GodTodd> little strong?
07:10 <Lucifer> yeah
07:10 <Lucifer> it's only 80 proof, too
07:10 <Lucifer> maybe I'm just used to wine, heh
07:10 <GodTodd> i remember a time when 80 proof was a warmup
07:10 <GodTodd> man that was a long time ago
07:10 <GodTodd> heh
07:11 <Lucifer> I'm so snotty, I don't buy alcohol that's less than 100 proof
07:11 <Lucifer> hard liquor, that is
07:11 <Lucifer> I also generally don't buy wine that's less than about 13% ABV
07:11 <GodTodd> i'd have to leave the county to get hard liquor
07:11 <Lucifer> really?  there's liquor stores all over the place here....
07:12 <GodTodd> we're a dry county
07:12 <GodTodd> only beer and wine
07:12 <Lucifer> now, I'm really drinking somebody else's liquor right now, but I think she won't mind, provided I don't bum a cigarette off her the next time I see her
07:12 <GodTodd> heh
07:12 <Lucifer> my reasoning is that alcohol helps flush out nicotine, and so does vitamin C :)
07:12 <GodTodd> alcohol does?
07:12 <GodTodd> really?
07:12 <Lucifer> yeah
07:13 <GodTodd> hmmm..
07:13 <Lucifer> but you have to be careful with it when you use it to quit smoking, because a) most smokers have alcohol as a trigger for smoking, and b) you don't want to replace one addiction with another
07:13 <Lucifer> lucky for me, smoking is absolutely not an option right now
07:13 <Lucifer> I have no smokes, I have no money, and I have no gas
07:14 <Lucifer> I'm far enough from public places where I might see someone smoking that I can't even reliably walk off to bum a cigarette, and those places are all closed right now anyway
07:15 <Lucifer> ok, I've got to mix this with something, or get a chaser
07:18 <GodTodd> heh
07:18 <GodTodd> yeah...that's what worries me on the alcohol thing...i'm used to smoking when i drink
07:21 <Lucifer> ok, I'm going to throw some sugar, milk, and brandy into a glass and drink it
07:24 <GodTodd> hmmm
07:25 <Lucifer> that's actually working, could use a little vanilla, though
07:31 <GodTodd> i got lots of vanilla
07:32 <GodTodd> heh
07:32 <GodTodd> apparently tish remembers you from auggie
07:49 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
08:03 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m445336d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
08:05 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@] has joined #armagetron
08:06 <Lucifer> they had some fucking money for that
08:16 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@191-141-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #armagetron
08:50 <GodTodd> who had money for what now?
09:00 <Luke-Jr> for pizza of course
09:05 <Lucifer> GodTodd: the new red dwarf episodes
09:05 <Lucifer> that looked almost like a feature film
09:05 <Lucifer> you know, in terms of quality of production
09:05 <Lucifer> hmmm, maybe it looked just like a feature film :)
09:06 <Lucifer> so, I'm starting to get really annoyed when people use definitive as a synonym for definite
09:06 <Lucifer> and then they misspell it, of course
09:10 <ivantis> {
09:10 <Luke-Jr> }
09:10 <GodTodd> ahh, yeah...definitely better quality than the previous episodes
09:10 <Luke-Jr> close your blocks, ivantis
09:11 <ivantis> Luke-Jr: luke-jr was better
09:11 <Luke-Jr> ivantis: f u
09:11 <Luke-Jr> ivantis: yandere
09:12 <ivantis> Luke-Jr: while I am talking with you, did you receive a payment from me a few days ago?
09:12 <Luke-Jr> dunno
09:12 <ivantis> Check
09:12 <Luke-Jr> why
09:12 <ivantis> It didn't appear on my bank account thing, but it said it was sent in pay pal
09:12 <Luke-Jr> did PayPal confirm?
09:13 <ivantis> Just wanna know if you got it
09:13 <ivantis> Dunno
09:13 <ivantis> I think
09:14 <GodTodd> Lucifer:  or should I say "definetively better quality"? ;)
09:15 <ivantis> Now I think I should go to bed, I have shit to do tomorrow
09:15 <Lucifer> he plans his shits?
09:15 <GodTodd> 8 am on the nose
09:15 <GodTodd> errr...on the toilet
09:15 <ivantis> I will shit on your nose if you don't stfu
09:16 <GodTodd> boy howdy it takes a while to get through 7 ST:TNG seasons
09:16 <ivantis> 8 am? It's the summer, man. I'm never up before 11
09:16 <GodTodd> so you shit your bed?
09:16 <Lucifer> you shit in your bed in the summer?
09:16 <GodTodd> that's just wrong, dude
09:16 <Lucifer> no shit
09:16 <Lucifer> who cleans up that shit?
09:16 <GodTodd> lotso shit
09:16 <Lucifer> then you sleep on it for another 3 hours?
09:17 <GodTodd> at least 3 hours
09:17 -!- sinewave [n=sinewav@adsl-75-22-26-118.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
09:17 <Lucifer> dude, you need to *wipe* that shit
09:17 <GodTodd> can you wipe in your sleep?
09:17 <ivantis> And then I do a barrel roll in it
09:18 <GodTodd> hmmm...with the blanket and the mattress would that make it an "ivantishit sandwich"?
09:20 <GodTodd> well...now that i've got karen hooked on doctor who and torchwood i think it's time to indoctrinate her into the Church of the Red Dwarf
09:20 <Luke-Jr> ROFL
09:21 <Luke-Jr> never imagined Lucifer or GodTodd the type to mock someone for cussing
09:21 <GodTodd> gesundheit
09:21 <Lucifer> we didn't mock ivantis for cussing, we mocked him for being an assmunch
09:21 <GodTodd> i'm the type to mock someone for breathing
09:21 <GodTodd> if it strikes my fancy
09:23  * GodTodd likes cussing.
09:23 <ivantis> assmunch? its buttmunch
09:24 <GodTodd> don't correct your betters
09:24 <GodTodd> it's unbecoming
09:24 <ivantis> "so wut u liek munch on donkeys dude u r dum"
09:25  * GodTodd wonders once again why Troi only had that short skirt on in the very beginning.
09:25 <GodTodd> not that the skin-tight suit is bad...just ;)
09:25 <Lucifer> she got rid of the skirt and the bun so she could show off long hair and cleavage
09:26 <Lucifer> she stopped looking like a little girl and started looking like a woman :)
09:26 <ivantis> }
09:26 <GodTodd> you can have cleavage and a short skirt
09:26 <GodTodd> well...not *you*
09:26 <Lucifer> sure, *I* can, but Troi can't
09:26 <ivantis> wut now luke
09:27 <ivantis> ]
09:27 <ivantis> )
09:27 <ivantis> you lose
09:27 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o Lucifer] by ChanServ
09:27 -!- ivantis was kicked from #armagetron by Lucifer [dude, you're annoying]
09:27 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50872249.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
09:27 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o Lucifer] by Lucifer
09:27  * GodTodd also wonders if there's an alien female Riker won't do.
09:27 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m445336d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
09:28 <ivantis> no who kicked me I get disconnect u have biem kicked
09:28 <Lucifer> Riker was in love with that holodeck chick, remember?
09:28 <Lucifer> ivantis: can you speak plain english, please?
09:28 <GodTodd> yeah but he didn't do her
09:29 <Lucifer> there are things we can learn from Riker
09:29 <GodTodd> if it's got a hole go for it?
09:29 <Lucifer> eat whatever's on your plate, screw whatever's in your bed
09:29 <ivantis> lolwutr u gis talking about
09:29 <Lucifer> if, in either cse, it tries to crawl off before you do it, put it back
09:29 <GodTodd> even an androgenous life form that leans toward being female
09:30 <Lucifer> I'd have done her too
09:30 <Lucifer> you saw her lips, didn't you?
09:30 <GodTodd> well...yeah...but that's beside the point
09:30 <ivantis> even a dude? lol GAYYY
09:31 <GodTodd> tho he did get to do ensign ro too
09:31 <Lucifer> oh yeah, that's a very respectable feat
09:31 <Luke-Jr> lulz ivantis is laik super mudkipz n stuf
09:31 <ivantis> norlu wutr talking about
09:32 <GodTodd> does /ignore still work here?
09:32 <Luke-Jr> lol
09:32 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o Lucifer] by ChanServ
09:32 -!- ivantis was kicked from #armagetron by Lucifer [dude, you're not making any sense, and I'm doing your mother]
09:32 <GodTodd> she's probably ugly
09:32 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m445336d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
09:32 <@Lucifer> Riker would do her
09:33 <ivantis> I would do her first
09:33 <@Lucifer> who, your mother?
09:33 <GodTodd> dude, you're sick
09:33 <Luke-Jr> OMFG
09:33 <@Lucifer> haha
09:33 <Luke-Jr> ivantis: come to #anime so I can ban you
09:33 <Luke-Jr> sick retard
09:33 <ivantis> lukejr is noob
09:33  * Lucifer is laughing out loud
09:33 <GodTodd> yeah...no sick sex unless it's pedophilia for Luke-Jr
09:34 <Luke-Jr> GodTodd: die
09:34 <GodTodd> sure thing...i'll get right on that, sparky
09:34 <@Lucifer> GodTodd: you need to come into restaurant city so I can get a free ingredient when I visit your store
09:35 <GodTodd> i got your free ingredient right here
09:35 <ivantis> I would only fuck someone if they were within 6 years of my age
09:35 <@Lucifer> your mom can't be within 6 years of your age, that's biologically impossible
09:35 <Luke-Jr> Lucifer: there was a girl who had a baby at 5 years
09:35 <@Lucifer> wait a minute, isn't ivantis only 12?
09:35 <GodTodd> but temporally possible
09:36 <ivantis> 14, noöb
09:36 <@Lucifer> so you'd fuck an 8 year old?
09:36 <@Lucifer> .math calc 14-6
09:36 <tronner> Lucifer: 8
09:36 <GodTodd> 8-20...sounds like a good range
09:36 <ivantis> within 6 years older than me
09:36 -!- ivantis was kicked from #armagetron by Lucifer [keep your hands off my daughter, while I fuck your mother]
09:37 <Luke-Jr> >_<
09:37 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m445336d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
09:37 <ivantis> Lucifer: no u
09:37 <Luke-Jr> ivantis: did you just tell him no?
09:37 <GodTodd> good jeebus...i just realized that i have a son 3 years younger than ivantis
09:37 <@Lucifer> the problem here is that ivantis has come unarmed to a battle of wits
09:37  * Luke-Jr snickers.
09:38 <@Lucifer> GodTodd: yeah, scary, ivantis could eventually date my daughter once
09:38 <@Lucifer> possibly more if I was fucking his mother
09:38 <ivantis> my mother is still married though
09:38 <Luke-Jr> ivantis: I don't think Lucifer really cares.
09:38 <Luke-Jr> he is Lucifer after all
09:38 <@Lucifer> a little butter will take that ring right off
09:39 <@Lucifer> and she's so fat, I can use her wedding ring as a cock ring
09:39 <GodTodd> meh...wedding rings suck at blocking vaginas
09:39 <GodTodd> oh no
09:39 <GodTodd> i'm the father of a middle schooler
09:39 <GodTodd> fuck
09:40 <@Lucifer> ?
09:40 <@Lucifer> not yet, still a year, right?
09:40 <@Lucifer> or two?
09:40 <@Lucifer> oh shit, my oldest will be in middle school in two years
09:40 <GodTodd> he just graduated 5th grade
09:40 <@Lucifer> FUCK
09:40 <GodTodd> 3 months to middle school
09:40 <GodTodd> err 2 months
09:40 <ivantis> middle school is for squares
09:40 <@Lucifer> hey,, I'm interested in a girl that's probably inside ivantis's fuck range
09:40 <ivantis> I went to junior high
09:40 <GodTodd> 8?
09:41 <@Lucifer> luckily though, I'm interested in a different girl that's outside his range
09:41 <@Lucifer> no, I think she's 19 or 20
09:41 <@Lucifer> really hot, but definitely young
09:41 <ivantis> my range can be extended
09:41 <GodTodd> definitively
09:41 <@Lucifer> I don't know if I could stand her long enough to fuck her, now that I think about it, but she's really hot
09:41 <@Lucifer> and can't keep her eyes off me
09:41 <GodTodd> kinda like a train wreck?
09:41 <GodTodd> ;)
09:42 <@Lucifer> I saw her walking to class, and she looked at me, then looked in front of her and shook her head
09:42 <@Lucifer> in that way that's "wow, I want him, but I can't"
09:42 <@Lucifer> anyway, she's irrelevant, heh
09:42 <GodTodd> heh
09:42 <@Lucifer> this other girl's different, she also can't keep her eyes off me, but I've seen her before
09:42 <ivantis> my friend's girlfriend wanted to fuck our school cop
09:43 <ivantis> it was weird
09:43 <@Lucifer> we chatted a bit in the fall when she was in geology
09:43 <@Lucifer> ivantis: nothing weird about that, cops are hot
09:43 <GodTodd> especially eric estrada
09:43 <Luke-Jr> Lucifer: it probably is when you'd be grounds for jail time
09:43 <GodTodd> rowr
09:43 <ivantis> but she ended up fucking my friend instead
09:43 <@Lucifer> I didn't see this girl in the spring
09:43 <@Lucifer> and when we chatted in the fall, she was real flirty and couldn't keep her eyes off me
09:44 <@Lucifer> I think she told me she was 22 or 23 in the fall, so she's reasonably old enough ;)
09:44 <GodTodd> heh
09:44 <@Lucifer> so then she came in and randomly showed up in a class with me this summer
09:44 <ivantis> sex does not sound like a good experience. maybe at the time, but not afterwards
09:44 <@Lucifer> now, the *problem*, of course, is that I can't actually *do* anything when she's in one of my classes
09:45 <GodTodd> so tell her to quit taking your classes
09:45 <@Lucifer> as long as she's too old to date ivantis, she's old enough, right?
09:45 <GodTodd> :)
09:45 <ivantis> Lucifer: is sex good or bad?
09:45 <ivantis> I can no tell!
09:45 <GodTodd> your mom seems to like it
09:45 <@Lucifer> ivantis: I can't give a good answer to that because I spent the last 13 years fucking a blow-up doll with emotional issues
09:46 <@Lucifer> in fact, the sex has been 100x better since the divorce, even though it's been much scarcer
09:46 <@Lucifer> and holy fuck, I *am* old enough to be ivantis's father
09:46 <@Lucifer> ivantis: I'm also fucking your dad
09:46 <GodTodd> tell me about it
09:47 <ivantis> their relationship has gone to hell since they did it
09:47 <GodTodd> heh...ivantis wasn't even born when i started smoking
09:47 <@Lucifer> ?
09:47 <ivantis> he hates her, and she is now all clingy. it doesn't sound good
09:47 <@Lucifer> oh wait, you're right, shit
09:47 <@Lucifer> she was clinging to my cock, all right
09:47 <P4> does anyone know where to look for GIDs documentation of armaauth?
09:48 <@Lucifer> who is GID?
09:48 <P4> it's Group IDs
09:48 <Luke-Jr> P4: teh interwebz
09:48 <P4> so we can use user@authority/gid
09:48 <P4> interwebz is too wide :þ
09:49 <Luke-Jr> I don't think that's actually documented
09:49 <@Lucifer> I'd look in the doxy docs
09:49 <@Lucifer> failing that, I'd chck the source code
09:49 <@Lucifer> then I'd fuck ivantis's mom in the ass again
09:49 <P4> i was checking the source code of the auth server, did i miss anything?
09:49 <Luke-Jr> I don't think there's any docs even in the source
09:49 <Luke-Jr> I think it's just a directory
09:49 <@Lucifer> even though my cock isn't long enough to penetrate past her butt cheeks
09:49 <GodTodd> bah...if i was at least 20 when you were born then you're too young
09:49 <P4> oh
09:49 <P4> so they just log in using /login user@auth/gid?
09:49 <@Lucifer> GodTodd: of course, that means she's illegally young
09:50 <ivantis> 20 when I was born? old man
09:50 <Luke-Jr> /login auth/gid
09:50 <P4> just that? no dynamic assigning to the groups?
09:50 <P4> mh… ok i'll try that
09:50 <P4> thanks :)
09:50 <@Lucifer> P4: you've got control over the auth server code, so you can *do* whatever you want
09:50 <@Lucifer> you just have to make sure it's consistent and predictable to players ;)
09:50 <ivantis> lucifer: you have not answered my question
09:51 <@Lucifer> you can even *do* ivantis's mom, if you don't mind my sloppy seconds
09:51 <GodTodd> and boy are they sloppy
09:51 <Luke-Jr> Lucifer: ivantis hasn't figured out you're trolling him yet
09:51 <P4> i'll try to do /login user@auth redirected to auth/dir
09:51 <Luke-Jr> he's trying to ask you serious questions for some reason
09:51 <Luke-Jr> P4: when do you ever put user in /login?
09:52 <P4> always
09:52 <P4> shoudn't i?
09:52 <ivantis> I think I shoudl go to bed
09:52 <@Lucifer> ivantis: yes, you should, so you don't have to see me when I mount your mother in the living room
09:53 <@Lucifer> oh shit, ivantis's mom probably is within dating range of me
09:53 <@Lucifer> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
09:53 <GodTodd> she probably is
09:53 <@Lucifer> ivantis: is your mom hot?
09:53 <ivantis> no
09:53 <@Lucifer> ivantis: are you sure?
09:53 <@Lucifer> maybe you should send me a picture
09:54 <GodTodd> how old is your mom, ivantis?
09:54 <ivantis> 40 sumthin
09:54 <akira_arma> ...
09:54 <@Lucifer> is she as dumb as you?
09:55 <ivantis> iono
09:55 <P4> see ivantis, you shouldn't troll before :þ
09:56 -!- pavelo [n=pavelo@cl-300.mbx-01.si.sixxs.net] has joined #armagetron
09:56 <@Lucifer> ivantis: what size bra does she wear?
09:56 <@Lucifer> ivantis: you are aware there are different bra sizes, right?
09:56 <ivantis> I do not know
09:56 <@Lucifer> you've never looked?
09:56 <ivantis> no
09:57 <@Lucifer> ok, using men's sizes, then
09:57 <GodTodd> nothing would please me more than to give away mrs. troi
09:57 <@Lucifer> would she be small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large, etc?
09:57 <GodTodd> haha
09:57 <GodTodd> 4xl
09:58 <GodTodd> oh...bra...i thought you meant pants
09:58 <@Lucifer> ivantis: which has more mass?  her butt or her breasts?
09:58 <GodTodd> bra is 58A
09:58 <ivantis> what did the man with 5 penises say?
09:58 <@Lucifer> GodTodd: I'm not asking aabout your mom!
09:58 <@Lucifer> I fucked ivantis's mom 5 times?
09:59 <GodTodd> he said, whoopee i've got 5 penises
09:59 <GodTodd> penii?
10:00 <@Lucifer> he said "I only wish I had 5 hands"
10:00 <GodTodd> he said, i wish that the fifth one wasn't protruding from my ass
10:00 <@Lucifer> I've seen a video of a man with 2 penises fucking a woman with 2 vaginas
10:00 <GodTodd> is that a double date?
10:01 <@Lucifer> he said "I have 4 boyfriends more than I need"
10:01 <@Lucifer> I don't know, but it was a hot video
10:01 <ivantis> pics or it didn't happen
10:01 <GodTodd> i'd be interested in seeing to hermies go at it
10:01 <@Lucifer> ivantis: I'm sure you can google it up
10:01 <GodTodd> to...damn i hate that
10:01 <GodTodd> 2
10:01 <@Lucifer> GodTodd: that's quite interesting too, heh
10:02 <@Lucifer> clearly you're out of date on internet porn, you must have an active sex life
10:02 <@Lucifer> or you're not as freaky as me, hmmmm........
10:02 <@Lucifer> hadn't considered that possibility
10:02 <GodTodd> well...i'm up to date enough to know what 'tgirl" means
10:03 <@Lucifer> I almost had a date with a tgirl
10:03 <@Lucifer> if I, heh, actually had the money to take her out, I would've :/
10:03 <GodTodd> wouldn't that suck if the tgirl was better...equipped...than you though?
10:04 <@Lucifer> of course she is, you know that up front!
10:04 <@Lucifer> she has tits, and a cock
10:04 <@Lucifer> she's obviously better prepared to face the world than I am
10:04 <GodTodd> so...why does she need to go out with you?
10:04 <GodTodd> if i had tits i'd stay home
10:04 <@Lucifer> obviously so I'd buy her drinks and drive her around adn shit
10:04 <@Lucifer> which is why it didn't work, because I'm *broke*
10:04 <GodTodd> "fuck all y'all, i'm playing with my tits"
10:05 <GodTodd> you could fondle tits *and* jack off
10:05 <GodTodd> man, that'd be the life
10:05 <@Lucifer> did you ever notice that you can replace any line in Caught in a Mosh with "If I had tits I'd never leave the house!"
10:06 <GodTodd> why does that not surprise me?
10:06 <@Lucifer> so, this girl, see, she's in Conceptual Physics 2, which is like physics without math
10:07 <@Lucifer> is there something wrong with me being interested in a girl in conceptual physics?
10:07 <GodTodd> so not a science major obviously
10:07 <@Lucifer> no, no idea what she's after
10:07 <@Lucifer> ooo, I should ask her
10:07 <GodTodd> business probably
10:07 <GodTodd> accounting
10:07 <GodTodd> some shit like that
10:07 <@Lucifer> there may be a message system in place already for me to send her a message without breaking the rules :)
10:08 <@Lucifer> most conceptual physics students are after teaching or nursing
10:08 <GodTodd> paper airplane?
10:08 <@Lucifer> we don't get business or accounting
10:08 <@Lucifer> no, see, I can't ask her out
10:08 <ivantis> Luke-Jr is mentally insane. he just said that porn is worse than rape?
10:08 <GodTodd> that explains physics classes anymore
10:08 <@Lucifer> worse, I can't do anything that makes her think I'm going to ask her out
10:08 <ivantis> s/\?//
10:08 -!- ivantis was kicked from #armagetron by Lucifer [you're interupting, go away]
10:08 <@Lucifer> it's all about sexual harassment
10:09 <GodTodd> right
10:09 <GodTodd> i understand that
10:09 <@Lucifer> even if I was 100% certain she wanted me to do something, I still couldn't, in the lab, because someone else in the lab might feel harassed if they saw me making a pass at a student
10:09 <GodTodd> and schools crack down on that right now because of all those idiot slut HS teachers
10:09 <@Lucifer> so, there's a girl in a different class that I think was in her geology class (still have to ask)
10:09 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m445336d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
10:09 <@Lucifer> yeah, those fuckers
10:09 <@Lucifer> but there's no conflict of interest with me
10:10 <@Lucifer> but see, if I ran into her in a grocery store, I still couldn't do anything
10:10  * Lucifer is more than a little annoyed by this situation
10:10 <GodTodd> heh
10:10 <ivantis> why not?
10:10 <GodTodd> here's a question....what if you were already dating and *then* she ended up in one of your classes?
10:11 <@Lucifer> no problems there
10:11 <GodTodd> k
10:11 <@Lucifer> now, professional behavior is required at all times in the lab, lest we forget
10:11 <GodTodd> well, obviously
10:11 <@Lucifer> and I can try to claim that because I sorta knew her already.....
10:11 <@Lucifer> only I didn't
10:11 <ivantis> get her expelled, start dating her, and revoke the expulsion
10:11 <ivantis> easy!
10:12 <GodTodd> well....just wait out the summer and use it as recon and attack between semesters
10:12 <@Lucifer> ivantis: the reason there's no conflict of interest is because I don't have that kind of power over her :)
10:12 <@Lucifer> GodTodd: the window is very small
10:12 <GodTodd> so move quick :)
10:12 <@Lucifer> I'll use that as a last resort plan if I have to, but remember there's no guarantee she'll come back in the fall
10:12 <@Lucifer> I didn't see her at all in the spring!
10:12 <GodTodd> right
10:12 <@Lucifer> so if I screw up during that tiny window, I'm tanked
10:12 <ivantis> so what would happen if you started dating her while she was in your class?
10:13 <@Lucifer> ivantis: that's fine too, the problem is that she has to initiate such contact
10:13 <GodTodd> she spent the spring recouperating from all the sex
10:13 <@Lucifer> if our genders were reversed, it would be very different, I could just ask her out
10:13 <@Lucifer> because then she would be a he, and he'd be unlikely to say no :)
10:13 <@Lucifer> well, wait
10:13 <@Lucifer> no, that's not it
10:13 <@Lucifer> if our genders were reversed, I could expect her to ask *me* out
10:13 <@Lucifer> right, that's it
10:14 <ivantis> and that would fail
10:14 <@Lucifer> because MEN are expected to do the asking, and that's what I'm explicitly forbidden from doing
10:14 <GodTodd> so hint
10:14 <ivantis> dude, its 0314. I'm going to bed
10:14 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m445336d0.tmodns.net] has quit ["-a-"]
10:14 <GodTodd> if she's smart enough she'll ask :)
10:15 <GodTodd> i thought fuckwad was in CA
10:15 <@Lucifer> I'm working on it
10:15 <@Lucifer> the hints have to take a backseat to actually supporting the other students on the lab :(
10:15 <GodTodd> well, yeah
10:17 <@Lucifer> and there's a part of me that doesn't want to commit action towards a girl in conceptual physics when I haven't really managed to scout the engineering physics class
10:18 <@Lucifer> since, oh yeah, we're doing engineering physics this semester :)
10:18 <@Lucifer> and, as expected, there are some really beautiful ladies in the class
10:18 <GodTodd> heh
10:18 <@Lucifer> engineering physics 2, so they've already survived one section of engineering physics
10:19 <GodTodd> is that just their name for calculus physics?
10:19 <@Lucifer> yes
10:19 <GodTodd> ah, okay
10:19 <@Lucifer> it *is* engineering oriented, thouh
10:19 <GodTodd> i survived two of those
10:19 <GodTodd> yeah
10:19 <@Lucifer> we talked a lot about statistics and data, too, heh
10:19 <GodTodd> ours was too
10:20 <GodTodd> was just called University Physics for us
10:20 <@Lucifer> well, the girl that's 18/19/20 that I mentioned first is in the 5.5 week algebra-physics class
10:20 <@Lucifer> she's the same height as me, and has a thick frame, but isn't fat at all
10:20 <GodTodd> yeah...that's the "physics for non-science majors" as ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccd called it
10:21 <@Lucifer> but is in what I consider one of the hardest physics classes offered
10:21 <@Lucifer> yeah, but see, that physics class in 5.5 weeks is tought
10:21 <@Lucifer> tought*
10:21 <@Lucifer> it meets for 4 hours a day, 4 days a week
10:21 <@Lucifer> it's easily the hardest class offered in the physics department
10:21 <GodTodd> bah...tougher than calculus I and II in 11 weeks? ;)
10:21 <@Lucifer> to get a harder class, you have to go into the engineering department, and I thought those were easier
10:22 <@Lucifer> probably comparable
10:22 <@Lucifer> the thing with calculus is you can bone in and do it
10:22 <@Lucifer> but physics has to cook
10:22 <@Lucifer> you can't rush physics
10:22 <@Lucifer> so either you're cut out for physics in 5.5 weeks (both sections together obviously total 11 weeks), or you're not
10:22 <GodTodd> yep
10:25 <GodTodd> your calculus classes must have been fun if you were doing it with your bone in
10:26 <@Lucifer> heh
10:26 <@Lucifer> I think one of the girls in the 5.5 week class might have been in my calc 2 class
10:26 <@Lucifer> need to find out about that
10:26 <GodTodd> definitively
10:27 -!- GodTodd was kicked from #armagetron by Lucifer [you know better than that!]
10:27 -!- GodTodd [n=Truth@pool-173-74-72-105.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
10:27 <GodTodd> :D
10:28 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
10:29 <@Lucifer> on monday I intend to know whether or not I can get the message to that girl in conc pysics that she needs to make a move outside the lab
10:29 <@Lucifer> if she wants to get anywhere
10:29 <@Lucifer> ith me
10:31 <@Lucifer> .ping
10:31 <tronner> pong
10:31 <GodTodd> that's how i'd attack it
10:33 <@Lucifer> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4ijDlbvAxw
10:34 <@Lucifer> how do I force alsa to reload?
10:36 <GodTodd> not sure
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11:23 <@Lucifer>  brb
11:23 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@] has quit ["Won't my momma be so proud of me!"]
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19:27 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has joined #aRmAGetRoN
19:47 -!- sine_awave is now known as sinewav
19:50 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@] has joined #armagetron
19:54 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []
20:39 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m335336d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
20:43 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has quit ["Ragequit."]
20:58 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870AC6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
21:05 -!- empha [n=rolf@203-132-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #armagetron
21:07 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870AC6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
21:16 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@191-141-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
21:25 -!- ivantis2 [n=ivantis@m335336d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
21:25 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m335336d0.tmodns.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:25 -!- ivantis2 is now known as ivantis
21:29 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
21:41 -!- pikey [i=55ca3415@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-0693e5c0b91d13a2] has joined #armagetron
21:52 -!- Vanhayes [n=Ping@CPE0013f7c4ff79-CM0013f7c4ff75.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #armagetron
22:00 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m335336d0.tmodns.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:00 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m435336d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
22:02 -!- G5 [n=G5@cl-506.dus-01.de.sixxs.net] has quit ["Over and out."]
22:05 -!- pikey [i=55ca3415@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-0693e5c0b91d13a2] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]
22:25 -!- ivantis2 [n=ivantis@m790e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
22:25 -!- AshitakA [n=AshitakA@pD9E00398.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
22:27 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m435336d0.tmodns.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:27 -!- ivantis2 is now known as ivantis
22:33 -!- teatime [n=bas3@confugus.vm.bytemark.co.uk] has joined #armagetron
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:33 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <ivantis> teatime is a fagggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggot
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <ivantis> who stalked me to here
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:34 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <Luke-Jr> teatime: no crap
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <Luke-Jr> teatime: everyone knows that, no need to spam
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m790e36d0.tmodns.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:35 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@m390e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 -!- ErrantEgo [n=ErrantEg@unaffiliated/errantego] has joined #armagetron
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:36 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 -!- MRZLINED [n=MRZLINED@cpe-071-065-216-167.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #Armagetron
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:37 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <pavelo> we know that.... FOR CRYING OUT LOUD COULD SOMEONE TURN THIS OFF  ???
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:38 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 -!- MRZLINED [n=MRZLINED@cpe-071-065-216-167.nc.res.rr.com] has left #Armagetron []
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <pavelo> now you're getting annoying too
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:39 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:40 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:41 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:41 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:42 <ivantis> guru3 Lucifer: op assistance is required
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <pavelo> fuck this
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 -!- pavelo [n=pavelo@cl-300.mbx-01.si.sixxs.net] has left #armagetron []
22:42 <teatime> ivantis is a cock-sucking queer   ivantis is a cock-sucking queer
22:42 <teatime> Luke-Jr: sorry i though there were still acouple of people who didnt
22:46 <Lucifer> oh, heh
22:46 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o Luke-Jr] by ChanServ
22:46 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has joined #aRmAGetRoN
22:46  * Lucifer doesn't feel like dealing with it
22:47 <Lucifer> Luke-Jr: you deal with it
22:47 <@Luke-Jr> ok
22:47 <@Luke-Jr> teatime: so was that an apology?
22:49 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Success]
22:50 <teatime> Luke-Jr: sorry
22:50 <teatime> freenode slows down the flood so it keeps going for several minutes after i have sent it and cant stop it anymore
22:50 <teatime> it's a good tactic for channels that have quite fast kickbans
22:50 <teatime> but really annoying if you dont
22:50 <teatime> it would be preferable to have x thousand lines of flood scroll past really fast
22:50 <teatime> and then get it over with
22:51 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
22:59 -!- sunny [n=sunny@p5B00DB29.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
23:01 -!- ErrantEgo [n=ErrantEg@unaffiliated/errantego] has left #armagetron []
23:02 -!- mquin [i=mike@freenode/staff/mquin] has joined #Armagetron
23:05 -!- k-yo_ [n=k-yo@did75-14-82-236-24-165.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
23:05 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
23:05 -!- k-yo_ is now known as K-Yo
23:11 <Lucifer> well, I think I've had enough Red Dwarf
23:12 <Lucifer> either that or their writer has to stop because he's getting predictable
23:13 <sunny> someone for fort??
23:16 -!- Vanhayes_ [n=Ping@CPE0013f7c4ff79-CM0013f7c4ff75.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #armagetron
23:19 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@162.57-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
23:20 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870AC6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
23:22 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit ["Quitte"]
23:23 -!- sunny [n=sunny@p5B00DB29.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
23:29 -!- sunny_ [n=sunny@p5B00DB29.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
23:33 <armabot> armagetronad:  * resources/Concord/whalehunt/whalehunt-0.0.1.aamap.xml: Resource by Concord
23:35 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []
23:37 <Lucifer> GodTodd_: that was too predictable!
23:37 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
23:42 <Vanhayes_> ]admin kick vanhayes
23:42 <ljrbot> Vanhayes_: Error: The "Admin" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "kick" in it.  Try "list Admin" to see the commands in the "Admin" plugin.
23:42 -!- Vanhayes [n=Ping@CPE0013f7c4ff79-CM0013f7c4ff75.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
23:43 -!- Vanhayes_ is now known as Vanhayes
23:58 -!- krazny [n=Fred@lns-bzn-31-82-252-232-154.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron

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Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.

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