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Log from 2009-06-25:
--- Day changed Thu Jun 25 2009
00:00 <Vanhayes> well any mode with zones is mapside usually
00:00 <internetExplorer> mapside?
00:00 <Vanhayes> its on the map
00:01 <internetExplorer> technically it's in the map yes
00:01 <internetExplorer> I mean for the player
00:05 <Luke-Jr> internetExplorer: type: /nick IELuser
00:07 <internetExplorer> IEL ?
00:08 <Vanhayes> IE loser
00:08 -!- PinkTomato [n=PinkToma@5aca0656.bb.sky.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
00:08 <internetExplorer> I don't use IE losers :D
00:10 <Luke-Jr> fail
00:10 <Luke-Jr> IE Luser
00:11 <Luke-Jr> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luser
00:11 -!- Flex [n=savas@unaffiliated/flex] has joined #Armagetron
00:11 <Vanhayes> #dict luser
00:11 <armabot> Vanhayes: jargon and foldoc responded: jargon: luser /loo'zr/ n. [common] A {user}; esp. one who is also a {loser}. ({luser} and {loser} are pronounced identically.) This word was coined around 1975 at MIT. Under ITS, when you first walked up to a terminal at MIT and typed Control-Z to get the computer's attention, it printed out some status information, including how many people were (6 more messages)
00:12 <Vanhayes> ha
00:19 <madmax> #more Vanhayes
00:19 <Vanhayes> #more
00:19 <armabot> madmax: already using the computer; it might print "14 users", for example. Someone thought it would be a great joke to patch the system to print "14 losers" instead. There ensued a great controversy, as some of the users didn't particularly want to be called losers to their faces every time they used the computer. For a while several hackers struggled covertly, each changing the message behind (5 more messages)
00:19 <armabot> Vanhayes: already using the computer; it might print "14 users", for example. Someone thought it would be a great joke to patch the system to print "14 losers" instead. There ensued a great controversy, as some of the users didn't particularly want to be called losers to their faces every time they used the computer. For a while several hackers struggled covertly, each changing the message behind (5 more messages)
00:23 <madmax> #more Vanhayes
00:24 <armabot> madmax: the back of the others; any time you logged into the computer it was even money whether it would say "users" or "losers". Finally, someone tried the compromise "lusers", and it stuck. Later one of the ITS machines supported `luser' as a request-for-help command. ITS died the death in mid-1990, except as a museum piece; the usage lives on, however, and the term `luser' is often seen in (4 more messages)
00:24 <Vanhayes> #more madmax vanhayes
00:24 <armabot> Vanhayes: (more [<nick>]) -- If the last command was truncated due to IRC message length limitations, returns the next chunk of the result of the last command. If <nick> is given, it takes the continuation of the last command from <nick> instead of the person sending this message.
00:24 <Vanhayes> #more vanhayes
00:24 <armabot> Vanhayes: the back of the others; any time you logged into the computer it was even money whether it would say "users" or "losers". Finally, someone tried the compromise "lusers", and it stuck. Later one of the ITS machines supported `luser' as a request-for-help command. ITS died the death in mid-1990, except as a museum piece; the usage lives on, however, and the term `luser' is often seen in (4 more messages)
00:24 <Vanhayes> #more vanhayes
00:25 <armabot> Vanhayes: the back of the others; any time you logged into the computer it was even money whether it would say "users" or "losers". Finally, someone tried the compromise "lusers", and it stuck. Later one of the ITS machines supported `luser' as a request-for-help command. ITS died the death in mid-1990, except as a museum piece; the usage lives on, however, and the term `luser' is often seen in (4 more messages)
00:25 <madmax> armabot carefully splits the text so it encourages us to #more
00:25 <Vanhayes> heh ya, makes you want to see the end of the sentence
00:26 <Vanhayes> #more
00:26 <armabot> Vanhayes: program comments and on Usenet. Compare {mundane}, {muggle}. = M =; foldoc: luser <jargon, abuse> /loo'zr/ A {user}; especially one who is also a {loser}. ({luser} and {loser} are pronounced identically.) This word was coined around 1975 at {MIT}. Under {ITS}, when you first walked up to a terminal at MIT and typed Control-Z to get the computer's attention, it printed out some status (3 more messages)
00:27 <Vanhayes> #more
00:27 <armabot> Vanhayes: information, including how many people were already using the computer; it might print "14 users", for example. Someone thought it would be a great joke to patch the system to print "14 losers" instead. There ensued a great controversy, as some of the users didn't particularly want to be called losers to their faces every time they used the computer. For a while several hackers struggled (2 more messages)
00:31 -!- internetExplorer [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has quit ["Ragequit."]
00:41 <madmax> #roulette
00:41 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
00:42  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
00:42 <madmax> x_o
00:52 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit ["Quitte"]
00:55 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
01:07 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []
01:16 -!- AshitakA [n=AshitakA@pD9E016FD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ["...draws the curtains."]
01:29 <Flex> http://www.zshare.net/audio/6175689297122c6f/
01:29 <Flex> madmax
01:29 -!- perlbot2 [n=perlbot2@2002:3ff5:9f07:1234:20c:f1ff:fea6:2c87] has joined #armagetron
01:29 <Vanhayes> ha
01:29 <Vanhayes> is that the rec?
01:30 <madmax> lame, it complains I'm using an ad blocker
01:31 <Flex> hehehe
01:31 <Flex> no, it's a remix of it, Vanhayes
01:31 <madmax> and disabling jscript is ftw.
01:32 <madmax> wait, radian's song?
01:32 <Flex> no
01:32 <madmax> errr, sine
01:32 <Flex> yeah
01:32 <Flex> he did an awesome job
01:34 -!- dubStep [n=mya_baby@host86-138-247-211.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #armagetron
01:34 <dubStep> oi
01:35 <Flex> hey it's her!
01:35 -!- perlbot2 [n=perlbot2@2002:3ff5:9f07:1234:20c:f1ff:fea6:2c87] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
01:36 <madmax> who?
01:36 <madmax> this is a remix of what?
01:37 <Vanhayes> dubStep's cyber sex tape
01:37 <dubStep> haha
01:38 <Flex> ha
01:48 <madmax> #quote get 88
01:48 <armabot> madmax: Quote #88: "Flex: you start your grind at the zone, by the time you get to the split it's weak, not to mention the guy is burning the same rubber.." (added by madmax at 01:15 AM, January 31, 2009)
01:48 <Flex> lol, seriously
01:48 <dubStep> rofl
01:48 <Flex> are you starting madmax
01:48 <madmax> it's awesome
01:48 <dubStep> lmao
01:48 <Flex> i didn't respond!
01:48 <dubStep> do it
01:48 <dubStep> dont tell me theres none of max
01:48 <dubStep> and max dont u dare add what i just said to quote
01:48 <dubStep> -.-'
01:49 <Flex> well, i never knew he would get me when my back was turned!
01:49 <Flex> so to speak
01:49 <dubStep> lol
01:49 <Flex> that quote is justified.. nobody even knows how rubber and grinding actually works
01:49 <madmax> yes we do
01:49 <Vanhayes> #quote add http://www.zshare.net/audio/6175689297122c6f/  <madmax>this is a remix of what? <Vanhayes> dubStep's cyber sex tape
01:49 <Flex> yeah right!
01:49 <armabot> Vanhayes: The operation succeeded.  Quote #94 added.
01:49 <dubStep> lmao
01:50 <dubStep> why would u add that
01:50 <dubStep> lol
01:50 <Vanhayes> there we go, its on there forever
01:50 <dubStep> lool
01:50 <dubStep> the other one was better
01:50 <Vanhayes> #quote get 93
01:50 <armabot> Vanhayes: Quote #93: "<Lucifer> Never, ever, jack yourself off using the same hand that held the jalapenos you cut up for dinner" (added by Vanhayes at 09:17 PM, June 17, 2009)
01:50 <dubStep> rofl
01:50 <Vanhayes> thats solid advice right there
01:50 <dubStep> lol
01:50 <madmax> haha
01:50 <Flex> ouchh
01:51 <dubStep> why would it hurt though
01:51 <dubStep> its just skin oO
01:51 <Vanhayes> then there is one about me jerking turkeys but i forget what # that is
01:51 <Vanhayes> ..
01:51 <Vanhayes> wet skin
01:51 <Vanhayes> like eyes
01:51 <Flex> you don't know much about the male body do you, dubStep
01:51 <dubStep> lol
01:51 <Flex> i expected more..
01:51 <madmax> #quote search turkey
01:51 <Vanhayes> aw
01:51 <armabot> madmax: 1 found: #38: "<GodTodd> hayes jerks off turkeys?"
01:51 <Flex> lol
01:51 <dubStep> cant say ive ever asked a bf of mine to strip down so i can study his anatomy
01:52 <Vanhayes> well thats just out of context
01:52 <Vanhayes> missed oppurtunity then dubs
01:52 <dubStep> lol
01:52 <dubStep> as if
01:52 <dubStep> if ur gf said
01:52 <dubStep> get naked so i can look at u naked
01:52 <dubStep> u would do it?
01:52 <Flex> i'll /flex
01:52 <dubStep> lol!
01:53 <dubStep> well for the moment im single so it'll have to wait
01:53 <dubStep> ^^
01:54 <madmax> #q
01:54 <armabot> madmax: Quote #18: "so you can't send a note to spidey or other noobs. -wrtlprnft" (added by Vanhayes at 05:23 AM, June 21, 2006)
01:54 <dubStep> how did u add that quote
01:54 <dubStep> add flex's "i'll lick you a link" or w/e he said
01:54 <madmax> where's spidey anyway?
01:54 <Flex> it was a typo
01:54 <dubStep> lol
01:56 <madmax> #q
01:56 <armabot> madmax: Quote #26: "<Lucifer_arma> I want fundamentalism just so I can wipe my ass with luke-jr_'s face" (added by spidey at 05:44 AM, October 25, 2006)
01:56 <dubStep> :O
01:56  * dubStep doesnt wana laugh
01:57 <Flex> yeah, don't piss of luke!
01:57 <dubStep> lol f*** luke he hates me anyway
01:57 <Flex> :o
01:57  * dubStep is going to hell!
01:58 <Vanhayes> i have a hunch spidey is in rehab
01:58 <Vanhayes> #quote get 1
01:58 <armabot> Vanhayes: Quote #1: "Was this compiled by our friend Sum Ting Wong? --WallyWallWhackr" (added by Lucifer_arma at 06:37 AM, March 24, 2006)
01:58 <dubStep> oO
01:58 <dubStep> #quote get 2
01:59 <armabot> dubStep: Quote #2: "God gave me fingers and a clitoris, I mean, it's pretty obvious. --Lola Garcia" (added by Lucifer_arma at 07:07 AM, March 24, 2006)
01:59 <Flex> #quote get 101
01:59 <armabot> Flex: Error: There is no Quote with id #101 in my database for #armagetron.
01:59 <dubStep> lol
01:59 <dubStep> #quote get 3
01:59 <Vanhayes> 94 is the last one
01:59 <armabot> dubStep: Quote #3: "um, try spelling it wirght :) -- Lucifer" (added by Lucifer_arma at 06:22 AM, March 27, 2006)
01:59 <dubStep> lol fail
01:59 <Vanhayes> there are a few good ones with luke in them
01:59 <Flex> #quote get 14
01:59 <armabot> Flex: Quote #14: "On a full moon, Christopher Walken transform in a wereworm. Not as dangerous as a werewolf, but twice as cunning. - philippeqc" (added by n54 at 07:58 PM, April 25, 2006)
01:59 <dubStep> oO
01:59 <Vanhayes> #quote search
01:59 <armabot> Vanhayes: 87 found: #12: "'ebuild blah portage rocks emerge hotplug...", #13: "<hang3r> How many microbuscity's does it take...", #14: "On a full moon, Christopher Walken transform in...", #15: "You see a body ripped appart, blood splatter on...", #16: "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code...", #17: "And I hate dying nearly as much as I hate...", #18: "so you can't send a note to spidey (11 more messages)
01:59 <Vanhayes> #quote search luke
01:59 <armabot> Vanhayes: 17 found: #20: "ok luci, you'd know better on this one -- luke-jr", #21: "<Luke-Jr_work__> btw, pedophile is good", #23: "<spidey> you wanna fuck Luke-Jr ?", #26: "<Lucifer_arma> I want fundamentalism just so I...", #45: "better an idiot that can admit it than a luke-...", #58: "luke, your so cute when you think you are right...", #59: "-Kick- You have been kicked from channel...", #60: (2 more messages)
02:00 <dubStep> #quote get 45
02:00 <Vanhayes> "<Luke-Jr_work__> btw, pedophile is good" thats a classic one
02:00 <armabot> dubStep: Quote #45: "better an idiot that can admit it than a luke-jr....er, idiot that can't --GodTodd" (added by Lucifer_arma at 03:35 AM, March 12, 2007)
02:00 <dubStep> #quote get 58
02:00 <armabot> dubStep: Quote #58: "luke, your so cute when you think you are right about some crazy position. - philippeqc2" (added by GodTodd at 03:34 AM, August 13, 2007)
02:00 <dubStep> #quote get 59
02:00 <armabot> dubStep: Quote #59: "-Kick- You have been kicked from channel #armagetron by luke-jr (sorry)." (added by Lucifer_arma at 05:33 AM, September 17, 2007)
02:00 <dubStep> lol
02:00 <Vanhayes> #more
02:00 <armabot> Vanhayes: "<luke-jr> fanatics are good", #63: "GodTodd: definition of great : agrees with...", #64: "[14:14] <luke-jr> and needless to say, don't...", #68: "[12:54] <luke-jr> …. ok, you win", #69: "gentoo ebuild is as broken as luke-jr himself...", #70: "(20:09:38) luke-jr: StickyNoob: what does that...", #73: "<Lucifer> if you don't want to nitpick, don't...", #80: "<luke-jr> Intel GPU pwns (1 more message)
02:01 <dubStep> #quote get 63
02:01 <armabot> dubStep: Quote #63: "GodTodd: definition of great : agrees with luke-jr's views" (added by ct|kyle at 04:27 AM, November 17, 2007)
02:01 <dubStep> lmao
02:01 <dubStep> #quote get 64
02:01 <armabot> dubStep: Quote #64: "[14:14] <luke-jr> and needless to say, don't abuse power" (added by GodTodd at 11:42 PM, December 04, 2007)
02:01 <Vanhayes> #quote search eliza
02:01 <armabot> Vanhayes: 1 found: #31: "<Fonkay> #eliza you are stupid <armabot>..."
02:01 <madmax> hah
02:01 <dubStep> lol
02:01 <madmax> #quote get 31
02:01 <Vanhayes> #quote get 31
02:01 <armabot> madmax: Quote #31: "<Fonkay> #eliza you are stupid <armabot> Fonkay: Why do you say i are stupid?" (added by Vanhayes at 01:05 AM, November 02, 2006)
02:01 <Flex> #quote search flex
02:01 <armabot> Vanhayes: Quote #31: "<Fonkay> #eliza you are stupid <armabot> Fonkay: Why do you say i are stupid?" (added by Vanhayes at 01:05 AM, November 02, 2006)
02:01 <armabot> Flex: 1 found: #88: "Flex: you start your grind at the zone, by the..."
02:02 <dubStep> #quote search dubStep
02:02 <armabot> dubStep: 1 found: #94: "http://www.zshare.net/audio/6175689297122c6f/..."
02:02 <Flex> :D
02:02 <dubStep> :O
02:02 <Vanhayes> hmm
02:02 <Vanhayes> #quote search sex
02:02 <armabot> Vanhayes: 3 found: #30: "Fonkay: Are you afraid of sex? -armabot", #87: "<BabyBug> the thought of rabbit teeth near my...", and #94: "http://www.zshare.net/audio/6175689297122c6f/..."
02:02 <madmax> Flex: others have quotes in numbers, but you have in quality \o/
02:02 <dubStep> #quote get 30
02:02 <armabot> dubStep: Quote #30: "Fonkay: Are you afraid of sex? -armabot" (added by spidey at 01:02 AM, November 02, 2006)
02:03 <Flex> why are you hatin on me madmax
02:03 <dubStep> #quote get 87
02:03 <armabot> dubStep: Quote #87: "<BabyBug> the thought of rabbit teeth near my clit is in no way sexy" (added by Lucifer_arma at 04:58 AM, January 18, 2009)
02:03 <Vanhayes> oh eliza, how i love thee
02:03 <madmax> lol
02:03 <dubStep> hahahahahaha @ babybug
02:03 <Flex> nice one
02:03 <dubStep> lool
02:04 <Vanhayes> #eliza long time no see baby
02:04 <armabot> Vanhayes: Why do you say long time no see baby?
02:05 <Flex> gay
02:05 <dubStep> ljrbot
02:05 <dubStep> fick i think he made it ignore me a while ago
02:05 <Flex> .ping
02:05 <tronner> pong
02:05 <Flex> @ping
02:05 <teabot> pong
02:05 <dubStep> ]ping
02:05 <ljrbot> pong
02:05 <Flex> ]ping
02:05 <dubStep> woot
02:05 <ljrbot> pong
02:05 <dubStep> ]8ball is flex gay?
02:06 <ljrbot> dubStep: Obviously.
02:06 <dubStep> haha
02:06 <Flex> lol
02:06 <Flex> ]8ball is dubStep gay?
02:06 <ljrbot> Flex: Yes!
02:06 <dubStep> lol!
02:06 <Flex> ahha!
02:06 <dubStep> ]8ball did you just lie?
02:06 <ljrbot> dubStep: You know the answer better than I.
02:06 <dubStep> yea i am not gay -_-
02:06 <Flex> ]8ball do you ever lie?
02:06 <ljrbot> Flex: The answer is a resounding no.
02:06 <dubStep> b.s
02:06 <Flex> i thought so!
02:06 <dubStep> unless ur gay?
02:06 <Vanhayes> ha
02:06 <dubStep> are u gay then flex?
02:07 <Flex> oh...
02:07 <dubStep> :o
02:07 <dubStep> haha
02:07 <Flex> lmao
02:07 <Flex> that part didn't count
02:07 <dubStep> ]marry flex Vanhayes
02:07 <dubStep> ]marry Flex Vanhayes
02:07 <dubStep> aw
02:07 <Flex> it don't do marrige
02:07 <dubStep> it used to
02:08 <dubStep> ]ljrbot
02:08 <ljrbot> dubStep: no u!
02:08 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
02:08 <Flex> hihi
02:08 <dubStep> hi
02:08 <dubStep> i want coco pops
02:08 <dubStep> :/
02:08 <Flex> weirdo
02:08 <dubStep> ]8ball should i go get coco pops?
02:08 <ljrbot> dubStep: You know the answer better than I.
02:09 <dubStep> thnx for all the help 8 ball...     not.
02:09 <Vanhayes> coco puffs you mean?
02:09 <dubStep> no
02:09 <dubStep> pops
02:09 <Flex> Lackadaisical is still awake!
02:09 <Lackadaisical> shhh
02:09 <Flex> lets terrorize him
02:09 <dubStep> lol
02:10 <dubStep> theyre like rice krispies but chocolate
02:11 <Flex> google it
02:11 <dubStep> hes playing :/
02:11 <Vanhayes> im telling you they are coco puffs
02:11 <dubStep> no
02:11 <Flex> http://www.kelloggs.co.uk/products/cocopops/Cereal/coco_pops.aspx
02:11 <dubStep> theyre coco pops
02:11 <Vanhayes> im coocoo for coco puffs
02:11 <dubStep> thats what theyre called
02:11 <dubStep> no!
02:11 <dubStep> different thing
02:11 <dubStep> noob
02:11 <dubStep> =P
02:12 <Flex> it's probably a UK brand
02:12 <dubStep> do they have kellogs elsewhere?
02:12 <Vanhayes> yes
02:12 <dubStep> then
02:12 <dubStep> theyre called coco pops.
02:12 <Vanhayes> kellogs corn flakes
02:12 <dubStep> made by kelloggs
02:12 <Vanhayes> coco puffs made by kelloggs
02:12 <dubStep> with the lil monkey dude
02:12 <Flex> it's a global company
02:13 <Flex> no they didn't Vanhayes
02:13 <dubStep> coco puffs arent by kelloggs
02:13 <dubStep> only "puffs" i know are sugar puffs
02:13 <Vanhayes> well ive never seen coco pops
02:13 <dubStep> and theyre disgusting.
02:13 <Flex> it's the same Kelloggs brand
02:13 <dubStep> sugar puffs are kelloggs?
02:13 <Flex> that made Corn Flakes
02:13 <dubStep> or nestle?
02:14 <Flex> "The popularity of his new ‘Corn Flakes’ cereal, discovered almost by accident in 1876, encouraged William to set up the Kellogg company, now the most successful cereal manufacturer in the world."
02:14 <dubStep> lol
02:14 <dubStep> corn flakes suck tho
02:14 <dubStep> frosties ftw
02:14 <Flex> orginally called, Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flakes Company
02:14 <dubStep> no, crunchy nut
02:14 <dubStep> ahyes u know what crunchy nut is right?
02:14 <Vanhayes> mini wheats
02:14 <Lackadaisical> Cocoa Krispies (known as Choco Krispis, Choco Krispies, or Coco Pops outside of the United States)
02:15 <dubStep> lol
02:15 <Vanhayes> oh ok
02:15 <dubStep> see i told u
02:15 <dubStep> rice krispies but chocolate
02:15 <dubStep> lol
02:15 <Vanhayes> so you have rice pops?
02:15 <dubStep> no
02:15 <dubStep> we have
02:15 <dubStep> rice krispies
02:15 <dubStep> lmao
02:15 <dubStep> so
02:15 <dubStep> basically
02:15 <Flex> we don't HAVE we MADE IT!
02:15 -!- akira_arma [n=lost_chi@77-64-160-240.dynamic.primacom.net] has joined #armagetron
02:15 <Vanhayes> psh
02:15 <Flex> i think
02:15 <dubStep> they just switched two words around
02:16 <Vanhayes> no, we dont have rice pops either
02:16 <dubStep> coco pops & rice krispies vs. coco krispies & rice pops
02:16 <dubStep> what are rice pops?
02:16 <madmax> #shuffle rice krispies choco puffs pops flakes corn
02:16 <armabot> madmax: puffs corn rice flakes krispies choco pops
02:16 <dubStep> lol max
02:16 <Vanhayes> i have no idea
02:16 <madmax> how the hell did choco pops end up together
02:16 <dubStep> lol
02:16 <Flex> oh wait.. nm the guy is american
02:16 <Vanhayes> #shuffle Cocoa Krispies (known as Choco Krispis, Choco Krispies, or Coco Pops outside of the United States)
02:16 <armabot> Vanhayes: Choco as Coco Krispis, the (known outside Choco United Pops Krispies Cocoa of States) Krispies, or
02:16 <dubStep> no hes canadian
02:17 <Flex> oh.. wiki says he's american
02:17 <dubStep> cocoa of states
02:17 <dubStep> lol
02:17 <Flex> way to trust wiki!
02:17 <dubStep> who are u on about?
02:17 <Vanhayes> no im canadian, kellogs would be american
02:17 <Flex> William Keith Kellogg
02:17 <madmax> bah, #crazylate doesn't work anymore
02:17 <dubStep> oh
02:17 <dubStep> no i mean hayes
02:17 <dubStep> lol
02:17 <Vanhayes> #crazylate
02:17 <armabot> Vanhayes: Babelfish has foiled our plans by changing its webpage format.
02:17 <Vanhayes> aw
02:18 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lckdscl@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit ["gone! quit! exit! etc."]
02:18 <Vanhayes> #eliza how are you
02:18 <armabot> Vanhayes: I'm ok. Describe yourself.
02:19 <Flex> so cereal only came out in 1900's
02:19 <Vanhayes> before that it was all oatmeal
02:19 <Flex> wait 1800's
02:19 <dubStep> lool
02:19 <Vanhayes> #eliza im good
02:19 <armabot> Vanhayes: Why do you say you are good?
02:19 <madmax> careful van, she'll ask you to strip next
02:19 <Vanhayes> #eliza because i am
02:19 <armabot> Vanhayes: Does it bother you that i ask you that?
02:19 <dubStep> #eliza eh?
02:19 <armabot> dubStep: Can you elaborate on that?
02:19 <Vanhayes> #eliza it is annoying me yes
02:19 <armabot> Vanhayes: Why do you say it is annoying you yes?
02:20 <Vanhayes> #eliza because your sole function is to annoy
02:20 <armabot> Vanhayes: Is it because my sole function is to annoy that you came to me?
02:20 <Vanhayes> #eliza i suppose it is
02:20 <armabot> Vanhayes: Why do you say you suppose it is?
02:20 <dubStep> #eliza stop picking on hayes.
02:20 <armabot> dubStep: My secretary will send you a bill.
02:20 <dubStep> lool
02:20 <Flex> man this is driving me nuts.. stop it!
02:20 <Vanhayes> Ha
02:20 <madmax> hey that's new
02:20 <dubStep> #eliza i wont pay it.
02:20 <armabot> dubStep: Why do you say you wont pay it?
02:20 <akira_arma> #eliza go kill Flex
02:20 <armabot> akira_arma: This is not a healthy way of thinking.
02:20 <Vanhayes> ha
02:20 <dubStep> #eliza because i don't see why i should
02:21 <armabot> dubStep: Does it bother you that i ask you that?
02:21 <Flex> yeah.. you nutcase akira_arma
02:21 <dubStep> #eliza yes it does bother me.
02:21 <armabot> dubStep: Why do you say yes it does bother you?
02:21 <akira_arma> #eliza They call me nutcase.
02:21 <armabot> akira_arma: Why do you say they call you nutcase?
02:21 <dubStep> #eliza because it bothered me DUH
02:21 <akira_arma> ..
02:21 <Vanhayes> #eliza Can you answer a question without asking another question?
02:21 <armabot> dubStep: Is it because it bothered you duh that you came to me?
02:21 <armabot> Vanhayes: What do you think?
02:21 <akira_arma> flooood
02:21 <Flex> is this why armabot is down all the time
02:21 <dubStep> lool
02:21 <Vanhayes> #eliza Shut your filthy mouth!
02:21 <armabot> Vanhayes: Why do you say shut my filthy mouth?
02:21 <Vanhayes> #eliza Bitch
02:21 <Flex> #eliza do you like me?
02:21 <armabot> Vanhayes: Can you elaborate on that?
02:22 <armabot> Flex: What do you think?
02:22 <Flex> yes? :(
02:22 <Vanhayes> #eliza You are a bitch
02:22 <madmax> #eliza eliza
02:22 <armabot> Vanhayes: Please, watch your tongue!
02:22 <armabot> madmax: Can you elaborate on that?
02:22 <madmax> #eliza armabot
02:22 <armabot> madmax: Can you elaborate on that?
02:22 <madmax> heh
02:22 <Vanhayes> #eliza will you have sex with me?
02:22 <armabot> Vanhayes: What do you think?
02:22 <dubStep> #eliza why are you called eliza?
02:22 <akira_arma> Are there better chatbot routines?
02:22 <armabot> dubStep: What do you think?
02:22 <Vanhayes> #yes?
02:22 <Vanhayes> #eliza yes?
02:22 <armabot> Vanhayes: I see... Well, why do you say this is so?
02:22 <dubStep> #eliza i dont think, thats why i asked you.
02:22 <armabot> dubStep: Is it because you asked me that you came to me?
02:22 <dubStep> #eliza can you elaborate on that?
02:22 <Flex> mental brake down incoming
02:22 <Vanhayes> #eliza Fuck you
02:22 <armabot> dubStep: What do you think?
02:22 <madmax> I never saw that bill phrase before
02:22 <armabot> Vanhayes: Are you afraid of sex?
02:23 <dubStep> LOL
02:23 <madmax> so eliza has some secrets up her sleeve
02:23 <Vanhayes> i have i think if you say stop it says that
02:23 <Flex> just leave eliza alone!!!!
02:23 <Flex> 1
02:23 <Vanhayes> #eliza stop
02:23 <armabot> Vanhayes: My secretary will send you a bill.
02:23 <dubStep> #eliza are YOU afraid of sex?
02:23 <Vanhayes> see
02:23 <armabot> dubStep: What do you think?
02:23 <dubStep> #eliza i think you're a virgin
02:23 <madmax> yeah, responds on keywords
02:23 <armabot> dubStep: Are you afraid of sex?
02:23 <dubStep> #eliza no, are you?
02:23 <armabot> dubStep: What do you think?
02:23 <dubStep> #eliza i think you're a virgin, (again)
02:23 <armabot> dubStep: Are you afraid of sex?
02:23 <dubStep> lol
02:23 <akira_arma> #eliza rain
02:23 <dubStep> keyword = virgin
02:23 <Vanhayes> #eliza I will slap some sense into you
02:24 <armabot> akira_arma: Can you elaborate on that?
02:24 <Flex> lol
02:24 <Luke-Jr> #eliza stfu
02:24 <armabot> Vanhayes: Why do you say you will slap some sense into me?
02:24 <armabot> Luke-Jr: Can you elaborate on that?
02:24 <Flex> it seems to ask that question only to girls
02:24 <Luke-Jr> #eliza SHUT UP
02:24 <armabot> Luke-Jr: Why do you say shut up?
02:24 <Luke-Jr> #eliza you're spammy
02:24 <armabot> Luke-Jr: Why do you say i am spammy?
02:24 <Vanhayes> #eliza sex
02:24 <armabot> Vanhayes: Can you elaborate on that?
02:24 <Luke-Jr> #eliza cuz it's TRUE
02:24 <armabot> Luke-Jr: Why do you say cuz it's true?
02:24 <Vanhayes> #eliza sex me up
02:24 <akira_arma> hm
02:24 <armabot> Vanhayes: Are you afraid of sex?
02:24 <Luke-Jr> #eliza just shut it
02:24 <Flex> Luke-Jr: Why do you say shut up?
02:24 <armabot> Luke-Jr: Why do you say just shut it?
02:24 <dubStep> lol
02:24 <joda_bot> . kick armabot :-P
02:24 <Vanhayes> anything to do with sex and it says are you afraid...
02:24 <dubStep> lol hey joda
02:24 <Luke-Jr> #eliza Vanhayes is afraid of sex.
02:24 <armabot> Luke-Jr: Are you afraid of sex?
02:24 <Luke-Jr> #eliza no.
02:24 <armabot> Luke-Jr: Why not?
02:24 <Vanhayes> Ha
02:24 <dubStep> lol!
02:24 <Flex> ha
02:25 <Luke-Jr> #eliza I'm used to it.
02:25 <dubStep> quote it
02:25 <akira_arma> #tea
02:25 <armabot> Luke-Jr: Why do you say you are used to it?
02:25 <dubStep> zomg plz someone quote it
02:25 <armabot> akira_arma: Fortress Café: Players (0/32):
02:25 <akira_arma> #si fort
02:25 <Vanhayes> nah there is already one in there
02:25 <armabot> akira_arma: .×] Twi¦×¦ted ¦×¦ats Fortress (US) [×.: Players (5/32): -»|hoop (hoop@forums), FlyingMonkey, noob13 (noob13@forums), Ricochet, ~|DS|~AshitakA
02:25 <Flex> Luke-Jr: Why do you say shut up?
02:25 <Luke-Jr> #eliza I have sex with my wife about every other night.
02:25 <armabot> Luke-Jr: Are you afraid of sex?
02:25 <akira_arma> care to join there guys?
02:25 <Luke-Jr> #eliza you fail
02:25 <armabot> Luke-Jr: Why do you say me fail?
02:25 <Flex> relax! it's only a bot!
02:25 <dubStep> nah
02:25 <Flex> it doesn't win for real!
02:25 <dubStep> #eliza take a chill pill
02:25 <Vanhayes> thats what it wants you to think
02:25 <Luke-Jr> #eliza I'll send you a bill.
02:25 <armabot> dubStep: Why do you say take a chill pill?
02:25 <armabot> Luke-Jr: Why do you say you will send me a bill?
02:26 <joda_bot> epic: Luke-Jr: #eliza I have sex with my wife about every other night. eliza: Luke-Jr: Are you afraid of sex?
02:26 <Luke-Jr> #eliza you've wasted my valuable time.
02:26 <Vanhayes> #eliza I need pills
02:26 <armabot> Luke-Jr: Why do you say i have wasted your valuable time?
02:26 <armabot> Vanhayes: Why do you say you need pills?
02:26 <dubStep> ahh my eyes.
02:26 <Flex> #eliza i like you very much
02:26 <Vanhayes> #eliza dubStep
02:26 <armabot> Flex: Much what?
02:26 <armabot> Vanhayes: Can you elaborate on that?
02:26 <dubStep> #eliza needs a good shag
02:26 <armabot> dubStep: Why do you say you might want to have this good shag?
02:26 <Flex> oh! how rude!
02:26 <dubStep> lol
02:26 <dubStep> #eliza flex is single
02:26 <armabot> dubStep: Why do you say flex is single?
02:26 <akira_arma> this is somewhat silly
02:26 <Flex> yeah!
02:26 <dubStep> #eliza cause he is
02:26 <armabot> dubStep: Why do you say cause he is?
02:27 <dubStep> #eliza cause he is duh
02:27 <Flex> yeah why!
02:27 <armabot> dubStep: Why do you say cause he is duh?
02:27 <akira_arma> it isnt even a good bot :(
02:27 <dubStep> #eliza cause he is duh!
02:27 <armabot> dubStep: Why do you say cause he is duh?
02:27 <Vanhayes> #list alias
02:27 <armabot> Vanhayes: monologue, r, roulette, #lags, #noob, /me, 42, aawiki, action, add, afl, aka, armaconfig, armapwnage, armaservers, armasettings, arrow, as, away, babel, ball, bigbrother, bigos, bing, botsnack, bounce, brb, bug, bugs, bye, bzr, bzrsty, c, cafe, calc, cat, cfg, cfg2, chainfight, chatlog, check, cheers, cinf, cink, commands, cookie, crashme, crazylate, ctos, ctwf, dance, date, (5 more messages)
02:27 <dubStep> #eliza fail.com, where you belong. kthxbai
02:27 <armabot> dubStep: Why do you say fail com where me belong kthxbai?
02:27 <Flex> we
02:27 <Vanhayes> #date
02:27 <armabot> Vanhayes: 02:27 AM, June 25, 2009
02:27 <Flex> #list alias flex
02:27 <armabot> Flex: (list [--private] [<plugin>]) -- Lists the commands available in the given plugin. If no plugin is given, lists the public plugins available. If --private is given, lists the private plugins.
02:28 <Vanhayes> #vanhayes
02:28 <armabot> eh? eh? eh? eh? eh? eh? EH?!?!?!!!!!!1111ONEONE
02:28 <Flex> #flex
02:28 <dubStep> lol
02:28 <dubStep> u broke it
02:28 <Vanhayes> no #flex
02:28 <Flex> add #dubStep as her link
02:28 <Vanhayes> #more
02:28 <armabot> Vanhayes: davestupidwebsite"rss, ddl, del, devhelp, dicht, die, die, digg, digitx, ding, disclaimer, dns, do, dofinger, dog, dong, donkey, doping, dorka, eds, eliza, emmy, epicfail, eroulette, f, fail, fart, farton, fastfood, fetch2, fight, finc, fingers, fink, flashyy, flerxytyme, flirt, fofo, forest, fortune, forums, freeciv, fuck!, g, gcalc, gfight, go, godtodd, going, goodbye, goodnight, grep, (4 more messages)
02:28 <Flex> add #dubStep as her link
02:28 <Vanhayes> #dog
02:28 <joda_bot> #more
02:28 <armabot> Vanhayes: Crazy Tronners Wild Dogfight: Players (0/6):
02:28 <Vanhayes> #more
02:29 <Vanhayes> #more
02:29 <armabot> Vanhayes: grep2, hd, hack, hell, hello, hey, hoop, hungary, hyphy, impregnate, insight, ircstats, jesus, joke, kill, killsomeone, kinc, kinf, kyle, kyo, laddle10, lags, lastseen, lastseenf, lastseen flexsmum, legit, lies, llog, lock, log, log, logs, lp, lpbug, ls, lukejrworks, m, mail, makeop, man, mcalc, meow!, mfaq, monologue, morning, move, mrbougo, murder, myip, n00b, n9, nano, nerd, new, (3 more messages)
02:29 <armabot> Vanhayes: night, no, noob, null, nwctfs, nwers, nwfortress, obsolete, onlineplayers, onlineservers, pacman, path, path2, peek, phail, phlail, pingme, pingy, piong, plzpwn, poing, pong, praise, ptfort, pwn, q, quot, quote, r, raaaaaaape, randomnick, rape, rating, rating2, rating2test, real, realchatlogs, remove, removeop, res, resources, ring, rou, roulette, roulette, roulete, roulotte, (2 more messages)
02:29 <Vanhayes> #fuck!
02:29 <armabot> whatssa matter Vanhayes?
02:29 <madmax> #bigbrother
02:29 <dubStep> omg
02:29 <Vanhayes> ha
02:29 <armabot> madmax: Usage: #lastseen [-f] <nick> -OR- #lastseen -g <nick>@<authority>
02:29 <Flex> #quote get 94
02:29 <Vanhayes> #bigbrother Vanhayes
02:29 <armabot> Flex: Quote #94: "http://www.zshare.net/audio/6175689297122c6f/ <madmax>this is a remix of what? <Vanhayes> dubStep's cyber sex tape" (added by Vanhayes at 01:49 AM, June 25, 2009)
02:29 <armabot> Vanhayes: Vanhayes seems to be on 1 on 1 Sumo (London, Europe) right now.
02:29 <Vanhayes> ha
02:29 <dubStep> #bigbrother dubStep
02:29 <Vanhayes> #flexsmum
02:29 <armabot> dubStep: ~*dubStep*~ has last been seen on 1 on 1 Sumo (London, Europe) 1 minute ago.
02:29 <madmax> what's there a random one...
02:30 <Flex> which cunt added that
02:30 <Vanhayes> #lastseen flexsmum
02:30 <joda_bot> #makeop
02:30 <Flex> oh right
02:30 <Vanhayes> hmm
02:30 <armabot> Vanhayes: timed out
02:30 <Vanhayes> #lastseenf
02:30 <armabot> cpio --FucKThiS has last been seen on Fortress Café 1 hour 41 minutes ago.  
02:30 <dubStep> lol
02:30 <Flex> add #1on1london
02:30 <Flex> to that server
02:30 <dubStep> .si sl
02:30 <tronner> dubStep: De5t!Ny\'s Sumo Treasure Island: Players (0/12):
02:30 <joda_bot> lol, I just noticed tronner told me that he can't kick armabot because he is not opped
02:31 <Vanhayes> lol
02:31 <dubStep> .sl
02:31 <Flex> .si flex
02:31 <tronner> dubStep: This data is 26 seconds old; -=}ID< Clan Presents< -=}Flower Power< (11/12), Afrothunder's High Rubber (9/10), Wild West  =Capture The Flag= (8/10), .Ã] Twi¦Ã¦ted ¦Ã¦ats Fortress (US) [Ã. (8/32), $tronners->racing (8/10), [] Cheers! [] The friendly server. (6/12), |FA| Black Tar! (5/16), Swampland Mud Puddle (5/8), 1 on 1 Sumo (London, Europe) (4/20), - | D u r k a  D u r k a  L a n d | - (3/16), Wild (1 more message)
02:31 <tronner> Flex: There doesn\'t seem to be a server matching “flex” at the moment, sorry.
02:31 <dubStep> .more
02:31 <tronner> dubStep: West  =CTF Shooting= (3/10), ~*SpeederS*~ Server (3/12), -  [ Nano's Playground | Nano Standard ]  -         . (3/8), Wild Fox's High Rubber (3/8), -=VcL.Clan High Rubber (2/10), The Tavern (2/16), ~Night Walker's Central~DF~ (1/10), ~Night Walker's Central~Loose DF~ (1/8), d0t test SerVer (1/16), The YELLOW Submarine (1/12), SPACEZONE I [HIGH SPEED!!] (1/8)
02:31 <joda_bot> #kick tronner
02:31 <Vanhayes> #ring
02:31 <Luke-Jr> anyone wanna play glob2?
02:31 <armabot> wrong
02:31 <Vanhayes> #ring
02:31 <armabot> wrong
02:31 <joda_bot> #ring ring
02:31 <Vanhayes> glob2?
02:31 <dubStep> #sing
02:31 <Flex> .sl flex
02:31 <armabot> song
02:31 <tronner> Flex: This data is 65 seconds old; -=}ID< Clan Presents< -=}Flower Power< (11/12), Afrothunder's High Rubber (9/10), Wild West  =Capture The Flag= (8/10), .Ã] Twi¦Ã¦ted ¦Ã¦ats Fortress (US) [Ã. (8/32), $tronners->racing (8/10), [] Cheers! [] The friendly server. (6/12), |FA| Black Tar! (5/16), Swampland Mud Puddle (5/8), 1 on 1 Sumo (London, Europe) (4/20), - | D u r k a  D u r k a  L a n d | - (3/16), Wild West (1 more message)
02:31 <dubStep> boo
02:31 <Luke-Jr> or freeciv
02:31 <Vanhayes> #rape Vanhayes
02:31 <Luke-Jr> ]y
02:31 <armabot> Vanhayes is a child molestor
02:31 <ljrbot> A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "]yandere" to join.
02:32 <Vanhayes> ack
02:32 <Flex> hah
02:32 <dubStep> lmao
02:32 <Vanhayes> #rape Vanhayes
02:32 <armabot> Vanhayes is a child molestor
02:32 <dubStep> ]y
02:32 <madmax> ]yandere
02:32 <Vanhayes> ]yandere
02:32  * joda_bot goes offline before luke's yandere mania starts
02:32 <Flex> oh noe
02:32 <madmax> hum
02:32 <dubStep> lol bb joda
02:32 <dubStep> brb
02:32 <Vanhayes> #peek
02:32 <joda_bot> have a nice night
02:32 <armabot> Vanhayes: poke
02:32 <Luke-Jr> pfft joda_bot
02:32 <Vanhayes> cya joda_bot
02:32 <Flex> #ls flex
02:32 <joda_bot> off to bed :-) (I can sleep :-)
02:32 <Vanhayes> #pwnt
02:32 <armabot> Flex: Flex seems to be on 1 on 1 Sumo (London, Europe) right now.
02:33 <Vanhayes> #pwn
02:33 <armabot> Vanhayes: (pwn <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo http://www.$1.justgotowned.com".
02:33 <ljrbot> Everybody loves Taro-kun, except for whoever set him on fire last night. Now Taro-kun is charcoal. He seems to have been the victim of a yandere!
02:33 <ljrbot> This game has 1 yandere. It's your job to determine the yanderes.
02:33 <ljrbot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
02:33 <ljrbot> Current players: luke-jr, dubstep, madmax, and vanhayes.
02:33 <Luke-Jr> madmax likes fire ö
02:33 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-026-043.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
02:33 <Flex> #ls flex
02:33 <armabot> Flex: Flex seems to be on 1 on 1 Sumo (London, Europe) right now.
02:33 <madmax> I do? :-O
02:34 <Luke-Jr> ]a
02:34 <Vanhayes> so what do we do now
02:34 <ljrbot> Luke-Jr has voted to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 3
02:34 <Vanhayes> ]a
02:34 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has voted to abstain. Abstains: 2, Undecided: 2
02:34 <Luke-Jr> to lynch someone use ]y name
02:34 <Vanhayes> lynch luke
02:34 <madmax> ]a
02:34 <Luke-Jr> no u
02:34 <ljrbot> madmax has voted to abstain. Abstains: 3, Undecided: 1
02:34 <Luke-Jr> ]y Vanhayes
02:34 <Vanhayes> dubStep,
02:34 <ljrbot> Luke-Jr has switched from abstain to vote for vanhayes. vanhayes: 1, Abstains: 2, Undecided: 1
02:34 <Vanhayes> hey
02:34 <Vanhayes> noo
02:35 <madmax> eh?
02:35 <Vanhayes> didnt know you could change your vote
02:35 <Luke-Jr> ]yh
02:35 <Vanhayes> dubStep, ping
02:35 <Vanhayes> ]y Luke-Jr
02:35 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has switched from abstain to vote for luke-jr. vanhayes: 1, luke-jr: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 1
02:35 <Vanhayes> bam
02:36 <Luke-Jr> ]a
02:36 <ljrbot> Luke-Jr has switched from vanhayes to vote to abstain. luke-jr: 1, Abstains: 2, Undecided: 1
02:36 <Vanhayes> ]a
02:36 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has switched from luke-jr to vote to abstain. Abstains: 3, Undecided: 1
02:36 <Vanhayes> ok then
02:36 <Luke-Jr> ]yh
02:36 <madmax> yh is what?
02:36 <dubStep> ]a
02:36 <Vanhayes> what is yh?
02:36 <Flex> Oh, I was going to ask! what's the command to enable/disable auth feature that waits till round over, before processing it.
02:36 <ljrbot> dubStep has voted to abstain. Abstains: 4, Undecided: 0
02:36 <ljrbot> You abstain from lynching anyone.
02:36 <ljrbot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
02:36 <ljrbot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg ljrbot yandere <command>" or "/msg ljrbot yandere abstain".
02:36 <ljrbot> Current players: luke-jr, dubstep, madmax, and vanhayes.
02:36 <Luke-Jr> Flex: that's the LACK of thread support
02:36 <Flex> oh
02:36 <Luke-Jr> ]yh
02:36 <ljrbot> People are getting impatient! The night roles have 1 minute to make their decisions before the night ends.
02:37 <Flex> how do you support it?
02:37 <dubStep> ]yh
02:37 <ljrbot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
02:37 <ljrbot> luke-jr, a yandere, was assassinated with a giant snake.
02:37 <ljrbot> dubstep, who is not a yandere, was done in by a giant snake.
02:37 <ljrbot> Congratulations! The last yandere has been defeated!
02:37 <Luke-Jr> Flex: right now, you need zThreads installed
02:37 <Luke-Jr> f u -.-
02:37 <ljrbot> Evil yandere doppelgangers: luke-jr
02:37 <ljrbot> Idols: dubstep
02:37 <ljrbot> Snoops: vanhayes
02:37 <dubStep> idiot
02:37 <Flex> oh right, yeah
02:37 <ljrbot> Warriors: madmax
02:37 <ljrbot> There's no game here.
02:37 <dubStep> whyd u kill me
02:37 <Luke-Jr> madmax: jerk
02:37 <dubStep> lol
02:37 <madmax> haha
02:37 <Vanhayes> ha
02:37 <Luke-Jr> ]y
02:37 <ljrbot> A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "]yandere" to join.
02:37 <Vanhayes> wd max
02:37 <dubStep> ]y
02:37 <Luke-Jr> madmax: dumb luck
02:37 <Luke-Jr> madmax: if you were wrong, you'd have lost
02:37 <Vanhayes> but he wasnt
02:38 <Vanhayes> and he didnt
02:38 <madmax> it's always you Luke-Jr, face it
02:38 <Luke-Jr> >.>
02:38 <Vanhayes> so you killed dubs Luke-Jr ?
02:38 <Luke-Jr> yup
02:38 <Vanhayes> }yandere
02:38 <dubStep> lol
02:38 <Vanhayes> ]yandere
02:38 <dubStep> w/e he still lost
02:38 <madmax> ]yandere
02:38 <Vanhayes> i checked madmax out
02:38 <ljrbot> TAIHEN!! The village wakes up one morning to a horrible surprise: Hanako-chan has been brutally murdered by ESP. There's only one explanation: there is a yandere among us!
02:38 <ljrbot> This game has 1 yandere. It's your job to determine the yanderes.
02:38 <ljrbot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
02:38 <ljrbot> Current players: luke-jr, dubstep, vanhayes, and madmax.
02:38 <Vanhayes> ]a
02:39 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has voted to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 3
02:39 <dubStep> ]a
02:39 <ljrbot> dubStep has voted to abstain. Abstains: 2, Undecided: 2
02:39 <Luke-Jr> I'm an esper.
02:39 <Luke-Jr> Vanhayes looks like a yandere.
02:39 <dubStep> wth is an esper?
02:39 <Luke-Jr> esper can spy at day
02:39 <dubStep> right... k
02:39 <madmax> ]y Luke-Jr
02:39 <Luke-Jr> ]y help esper
02:39 <Vanhayes> how do i look like a yabdere?
02:39 <ljrbot> madmax has voted for luke-jr. luke-jr: 1, Abstains: 2, Undecided: 1
02:39 <Luke-Jr> Espers can inspect another player's role one time during a day or night of your choosing. Type "/msg ljrbot yandere spy <user>". Be careful of disguised roles like traps and tsunderes which will be misreported.
02:39 <Vanhayes> ]y madmax
02:39 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has switched from abstain to vote for madmax. madmax: 1, luke-jr: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 1
02:40 <madmax> huh disguised roles?
02:40 <Luke-Jr> ]y madmax
02:40 <ljrbot> Luke-Jr has voted for madmax. madmax: 2, luke-jr: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 0
02:40 <ljrbot> You lynch madmax, and it turns out madmax was NOT a yandere!
02:40 <ljrbot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
02:40 <ljrbot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg ljrbot yandere <command>" or "/msg ljrbot yandere abstain".
02:40 <ljrbot> Current players: luke-jr, dubstep, and vanhayes.
02:40 <Luke-Jr> ]yh
02:40 <ljrbot> People are getting impatient! The night roles have 1 minute to make their decisions before the night ends.
02:40 <ljrbot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
02:40 <ljrbot> dubstep, a yandere, was done in by an axe.
02:40 <ljrbot> luke-jr, who is not a yandere, was knocked off with a staple gun.
02:40 <ljrbot> Congratulations! The last yandere has been defeated!
02:40 <ljrbot> Dayspies: madmax
02:40 <ljrbot> Evil tsunderes: vanhayes
02:40 <ljrbot> Evil yandere doppelgangers: dubstep
02:40 <madmax> Luke-Jr: what is yh then?
02:40 <dubStep> lol
02:40 <ljrbot> Warriors: luke-jr
02:40 <Luke-Jr> win.
02:40 <Vanhayes> ha I won
02:40 <Luke-Jr> madmax: "yandere hurry"
02:40 <dubStep> lmao
02:40 <Vanhayes> you lost Luke-Jr
02:40 <Luke-Jr> Vanhayes: no, you lost
02:41 <Vanhayes> no im not dead therefore i win
02:41 <dubStep> lmao
02:41 <Luke-Jr> Vanhayes: it doesn't work like that
02:41 <Vanhayes> you got shot with a staple gun
02:41 <dubStep> lmao
02:41 <Vanhayes> ]yandere
02:41 <ljrbot> A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "]yandere" to join.
02:41 <Luke-Jr> ]y
02:41 <dubStep> ]y
02:41 <madmax> ]y
02:41 <Vanhayes> i was goos in the beginning then i went evil when i lynched madmax
02:41 <Vanhayes> good*
02:42 <Luke-Jr> I was bluffing. :þ
02:42 <Vanhayes> so you were just normal then Luke-Jr ?
02:42 <Flex> #ls flex
02:42 <Luke-Jr> Vanhayes: I was a warrior.
02:42 <armabot> Flex: Flex seems to be on 1 On 1 Sumo (London, UK) right now.
02:42 <dubStep> gayy
02:42 <ljrbot> Today is Taro-kun's birthday! And he's having ichigo cake! All the townspeople eagerly come to his house, but they're met with a surprise: Taro-kun was eliminated by a mouse trap. This looks like the work of a yandere!
02:42 <ljrbot> This game has 1 yandere. It's your job to determine the yanderes.
02:42 <ljrbot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
02:42 <Luke-Jr> by lynching madmax, I got 2 kills :þ
02:42 <ljrbot> Current players: vanhayes, luke-jr, dubstep, and madmax.
02:42 <Luke-Jr> 66% chance of win
02:42 <dubStep> this is pathtic
02:42 <dubStep> pathetic
02:42  * dubStep is a civillian
02:42 <Luke-Jr> we need more players :þ
02:43 <Luke-Jr> like 7 or 8
02:43 <Vanhayes> ]a
02:43 <Luke-Jr> ]nicks
02:43 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has voted to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 3
02:43 <ljrbot> Luke-Jr: aeropi, akira_arma, armabot, armabuilder, CodeBlock, Concord, ct|kyle, dlh, dubStep, eddiefantastic, emphasis, Flex, GodTodd, guru3, lavacano201014, ljrbot, Lucifer, Luke-Jr, madmax, noob13, Novocaine, P4, Stewah, Sticky_, teabot, tronner, Ttech, Ttech[daedalus], Vanhayes, wrtlprnft, and z-man-work
02:43 <dubStep> ooh
02:43 <Luke-Jr> that command is evil
02:43 <CodeBlock> uh
02:43 <madmax> uh oh
02:43 <CodeBlock> hi?
02:43 <Flex> hehe
02:43 <Luke-Jr> CodeBlock: hi
02:43  * CodeBlock growls :(
02:43 <madmax> ]a
02:43 <ljrbot> madmax has voted to abstain. Abstains: 2, Undecided: 2
02:43 <Luke-Jr> ]a
02:43 <dubStep> oooh
02:43 <ljrbot> Luke-Jr has voted to abstain. Abstains: 3, Undecided: 1
02:43 <Luke-Jr> CodeBlock: play next game?
02:43 <dubStep> wait
02:43  * CodeBlock returns -1;   xD
02:43 <dubStep> who upgraded me?
02:43 <madmax> hmm
02:44 <Luke-Jr> ]yu
02:44 <CodeBlock> Luke-Jr: what are we playing?
02:44 <ljrbot> Luke-Jr has switched from abstain to undecided. Abstains: 2, Undecided: 2
02:44 <dubStep> i can ask that right?
02:44 <Luke-Jr> CodeBlock: yandere
02:44 <madmax> ]y dubStep
02:44 <CodeBlock> never heard of it
02:44 <ljrbot> madmax has switched from abstain to vote for dubstep. dubstep: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 2
02:44 <Luke-Jr> dubStep: yes, but the yandere could lie and claim it was him
02:44 <dubStep> ok
02:44 <Luke-Jr> CodeBlock: like mafia
02:44 <Sticky_> stop that pinging
02:44 <Flex> who's CodeBlock?
02:44 <dubStep> ]a
02:44 <Flex> hey Sticky_!
02:44 <ljrbot> dubStep has voted to abstain. dubstep: 1, Abstains: 2, Undecided: 1
02:44 <Luke-Jr> Flex: good question
02:44 <CodeBlock> Flex: a block of code
02:44 <Luke-Jr> lol
02:44 <Luke-Jr> who upgraded dubStep⁇
02:44 <dubStep> ]y luke
02:44  * CodeBlock is just a random block of code that returns -1, or so he's told.
02:44 <ljrbot> dubStep: luke isn't in this game.
02:44 <Vanhayes> ]y Luke-Jr
02:44 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has switched from abstain to vote for luke-jr. luke-jr: 1, dubstep: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 1
02:44 <Luke-Jr> ]a
02:44 <ljrbot> Luke-Jr has voted to abstain. luke-jr: 1, dubstep: 1, Abstains: 2, Undecided: 0
02:44 <ljrbot> You abstain from lynching anyone.
02:45 <ljrbot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
02:45 <dubStep> ]y Luke-jr
02:45 <ljrbot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg ljrbot yandere <command>" or "/msg ljrbot yandere abstain".
02:45 <ljrbot> Current players: vanhayes, luke-jr, dubstep, and madmax.
02:45 <ljrbot> Commands in the channel are ignored during the night. Please PM them to me instead. This message does not imply that dubstep has any special ability.
02:45  * CodeBlock goes away again :P
02:45 <Luke-Jr> CodeBlock: nooooooo
02:45  * CodeBlock goes back to returning -1.
02:45 <Flex> shouldn't it be Blockcode
02:45 <CodeBlock> Luke-Jr: i'm about to play urban terror for a bit :(
02:45 <Flex> or nm
02:45 <Luke-Jr> CodeBlock: that sucks
02:45 <Vanhayes> play flex
02:45 <CodeBlock> Luke-Jr: why?
02:45 <CodeBlock> Luke-Jr: :S
02:45 <Sticky_> Flex: yo
02:45 <Flex> i'll pass
02:45 <Luke-Jr> CodeBlock: it just does
02:45  * CodeBlock cries
02:45 <Flex> what you doing sticky
02:46 <Sticky_> typing atm
02:46 <Luke-Jr> lulz
02:46 <dubStep> lol
02:46 <Luke-Jr> ]yh
02:46 <ljrbot> People are getting impatient! The night roles have 1 minute to make their decisions before the night ends.
02:46 <dubStep> ]yh
02:46 <Sticky_> just finnished a game of Dota
02:46 <Vanhayes> dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn
02:47 <dubStep> zZz
02:47 <ljrbot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
02:47 <ljrbot> madmax, a yandere, has been slain by AIDS.
02:47 <ljrbot> Congratulations! The last yandere has been defeated!
02:47 <Luke-Jr> lol?
02:47 <madmax> aw
02:47 <ljrbot> Evil yanderes: madmax
02:47 <dubStep> pwned
02:47 <ljrbot> Shisho-tachi: vanhayes
02:47 <Luke-Jr> how did that happen
02:47 <ljrbot> Snoops: luke-jr
02:47 <Vanhayes> ha AIDS
02:47 <ljrbot> Warriors: dubstep
02:47  * dubStep pwned max
02:47 <dubStep> ^^
02:47 <Vanhayes> ]y
02:47 <ljrbot> A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "]yandere" to join.
02:47 <Luke-Jr> ]y
02:47 <madmax> ]y
02:47 <dubStep> ]y
02:47 <madmax> heh needs more people
02:47 <Luke-Jr> Sticky_: CodeBlock flex
02:47 <Vanhayes> i upgraded dubs that time Luke-Jr
02:48 <Sticky_> worst game ever
02:48 <Vanhayes> she said she was a civilian
02:48 <Sticky_> ]y
02:48 <dubStep> i was
02:48 <Luke-Jr> Vanhayes: when will you learn, there are no girls on the internet
02:48 <Vanhayes> ya then i gave you the powah
02:48 <Vanhayes> #quote get 94
02:48 <armabot> Vanhayes: Quote #94: "http://www.zshare.net/audio/6175689297122c6f/ <madmax>this is a remix of what? <Vanhayes> dubStep's cyber sex tape" (added by Vanhayes at 01:49 AM, June 25, 2009)
02:48 <ljrbot> It's Christmas morning! Taro-kun rushes into the living room and sees a great big present with his name on it. Full of excitement, he rips open the box and finds some sort of weird alarm clock attached to several red sticks. It proceeds to explode. He seems to have been the victim of a yandere!
02:48 <ljrbot> This game has 1 yandere. It's your job to determine the yanderes.
02:48 <Vanhayes> sounds girlish to me
02:48 <ljrbot> This game starts at NIGHT. If you have a night role, type "/msg ljrbot yandere <command>" or "/msg ljrbot yandere abstain".
02:48 <ljrbot> Current players: vanhayes, luke-jr, madmax, dubstep, and sticky_.
02:49 <Luke-Jr> ]y hurry
02:49 <ljrbot> People are getting impatient! The night roles have 1 minute to make their decisions before the night ends.
02:49 <ljrbot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
02:49 <ljrbot> luke-jr, who is not a yandere, was taken out by poison cake.
02:49 <ljrbot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
02:49 <ljrbot> Current players: vanhayes, madmax, dubstep, and sticky_.
02:49 <Luke-Jr> -.-
02:49 <Luke-Jr> I don't even LIKE cake
02:49 <madmax> poison cake sounds good
02:49 <ljrbot> A limousine pulls up and the famous idol vanhayes steps out! vanhayes hands everyone autographed copies of the latest album, "I Want You Lovely".
02:49 <dubStep> loool
02:50 <Vanhayes> i am not a yandere
02:50 <madmax> just because you're famous?
02:50 <dubStep> lmao
02:50 <Luke-Jr> right
02:50 <Vanhayes> im an idol, that means im not
02:50 <Luke-Jr> famous idols are never yanderes :þ
02:50 <Vanhayes> im a musician damnit!
02:50 -!- aeropi [n=evan@c-75-67-51-36.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has quit []
02:50 <Vanhayes> hmm
02:50 <Sticky_> ponies!!!
02:51 <dubStep> zZz
02:51 <Vanhayes> shouldnt have done that so soon
02:51 <dubStep> [a
02:51 <dubStep> ]a
02:51 <dubStep> lol
02:51 <ljrbot> dubStep has voted to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 3
02:51 <madmax> ]y Sticky_
02:51 <ljrbot> madmax has voted for sticky_. sticky_: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 2
02:51 <Luke-Jr> Vanhayes: or rather, you should expect everyone else to tell you what they are
02:51 <madmax> Sticky is too quiet
02:51 <Vanhayes> ]y Sticky_
02:51 <Luke-Jr> Vanhayes: via PM
02:51 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has voted for sticky_. sticky_: 2, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 1
02:51 <dubStep> ]y Sticky_
02:51 <ljrbot> dubStep has switched from abstain to vote for sticky_. sticky_: 3, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
02:51 <Vanhayes> sry sticky
02:51 <Luke-Jr> Vanhayes: then weigh the liklihood of liars
02:51 <dubStep> :S
02:51 <Vanhayes> bah, what do you know, you ate a poison cake
02:51 <dubStep> lool
02:51 <Sticky_> i dont trust myself
02:52 <Sticky_> ]t Sticky_
02:52 <ljrbot> Sticky_: Error: "t" is not a valid command.
02:52 <Luke-Jr> I'm the 2nd best player XD
02:52 <Vanhayes> y
02:52 <Sticky_> ]y Sticky_
02:52 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has joined #aRmAGetRoN
02:52 <ljrbot> You can't vote for yourself.
02:52 <Vanhayes> ha
02:52 <Sticky_> but its me
02:52 <Vanhayes>  ]a then
02:52 <Sticky_> ]a
02:52 <ljrbot> Sticky_ has voted to abstain. sticky_: 3, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 0
02:52 <ljrbot> You lynch sticky_, and it turns out sticky_ was NOT a yandere!
02:52 <ljrbot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
02:52 <ljrbot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg ljrbot yandere <command>" or "/msg ljrbot yandere abstain".
02:52 <ljrbot> Current players: vanhayes, madmax, and dubstep.
02:52 <dubStep> :S
02:52 <Vanhayes> hmm
02:52 <madmax> warrior here
02:52 <ljrbot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
02:52 <ljrbot> madmax, who is not a yandere, was done in by excalibolg.
02:52 <ljrbot> Game over! The yandere wins!
02:52 <ljrbot> Civilians: luke-jr and sticky_
02:52 <ljrbot> Evil yandere doppelgangers: dubstep
02:52 <ljrbot> Idols: vanhayes
02:52 <dubStep> boo yah
02:52 <madmax> pfff.
02:52 <ljrbot> Warriors: madmax
02:53 <Vanhayes> damn
02:53 <Vanhayes> ]y
02:53 <ljrbot> A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "]yandere" to join.
02:53 <dubStep> ]y
02:53 <Luke-Jr> ]y
02:53 <madmax> ]y
02:53 <Vanhayes> i have survived the last few games but i dont win
02:53 <Luke-Jr> Vanhayes: I guess you're not seen as a serious threat :þ
02:54 <Vanhayes> oh well at least i didnt eat poison cake
02:54 <Luke-Jr> >_<;;
02:54 <ljrbot> Everybody loves Hanako-chan, except for whoever set her on fire last night. Now Hanako-chan is charcoal. She seems to have been the victim of a yandere!
02:54 <ljrbot> This game has 1 yandere. It's your job to determine the yanderes.
02:54 <ljrbot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
02:54 <ljrbot> Current players: vanhayes, dubstep, luke-jr, and madmax.
02:54 <dubStep> ew
02:54 <dubStep> thats horrible
02:54 <Vanhayes> burnt alive?
02:54 <dubStep> yea
02:54 <dubStep> :S
02:54 <Vanhayes> worse then poison cake i guess
02:54 <Luke-Jr> depends on if you consider sleeping to be alive
02:55 <Vanhayes> well i sleep and im alive so yes
02:57 <Vanhayes> ]a
02:57 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has voted to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 3
02:57 <Luke-Jr> ]a
02:57 <ljrbot> Luke-Jr has voted to abstain. Abstains: 2, Undecided: 2
02:57 <madmax> ]a
02:57 <ljrbot> madmax has voted to abstain. Abstains: 3, Undecided: 1
02:57 <dubStep> wait
02:57 <Vanhayes> for?
02:57 <dubStep> oh i didnt miss anything
02:57 <dubStep> lol nothing i joined a server on tron wondered what i missed
02:57 <dubStep> ]a
02:57 <ljrbot> dubStep has voted to abstain. Abstains: 4, Undecided: 0
02:57 <ljrbot> You abstain from lynching anyone.
02:57 <ljrbot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
02:57 <ljrbot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg ljrbot yandere <command>" or "/msg ljrbot yandere abstain".
02:57 <ljrbot> Current players: vanhayes, dubstep, luke-jr, and madmax.
02:57 <Luke-Jr> speaking of which, this game supports running on tron servers :þ
02:57 <madmax> so who's the evil one?
02:57 <Flex> #ping
02:57 <Flex> aw you guys are dicks.. armabot is dead
02:57 <dubStep> what?
02:57 <Vanhayes> i dont know who is the evil one
02:57 <Vanhayes> #ping
02:57 <dubStep> u can plsy yandere on tron?
02:57 <dubStep> play*
02:57 <Vanhayes> yes
02:57 <Luke-Jr> yeah
02:57 <dubStep> oO
02:57 <Vanhayes> want to do that after this game?
02:57 <Flex> you guys killed armabot!!
02:57 <dubStep> in which servers?
02:57 <armabot> pong
02:57 <Vanhayes> #pong
02:57 <Luke-Jr> no
02:57 <Vanhayes> ha
02:57 <Luke-Jr> dubStep: none afaik
02:57 <armabot> pong
02:57 <Luke-Jr> but the engine supports it XD
02:57 <armabot> ping
02:57 <Flex> #ping
02:57 <dubStep> :/
02:57 <Vanhayes> Luke-Jr, one of yours says the worm game
02:57 <Flex> .ping
02:57 <tronner> pong
02:57 <armabot> pong
02:57 <Luke-Jr> Vanhayes: does it work tho?
02:57 <Vanhayes> anyways who is evil
02:57 <Luke-Jr> it's night
02:57 <Vanhayes> i dont know
02:57 <Luke-Jr> shhhh
02:57 <Flex> ok just leave it alone, before it dies
02:57 <Luke-Jr> sleep
02:57 <Luke-Jr> ]yh
02:57 <ljrbot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
02:57 <ljrbot> dubstep, a yandere, is lying on the floor, murdered by a sugar overdose.
02:57 <ljrbot> luke-jr, who is not a yandere, was done in by a fork.
02:58 <ljrbot> Congratulations! The last yandere has been defeated!
02:58 <ljrbot> Detectives: luke-jr
02:58 <ljrbot> Evil yandere doppelgangers: dubstep
02:58 <Vanhayes> ha I kill you
02:58 <ljrbot> Idols: madmax
02:58 <ljrbot> Warriors: vanhayes
02:58 <ljrbot> There's no game here.
02:58 <Luke-Jr> too many mad warriors -.-
02:58 <dubStep> lool
02:58 <Vanhayes> i killed the yandere i win
02:58 <dubStep> killed by a fork
02:58 <dubStep> rofl
02:58 <Luke-Jr> ]y
02:58 <Vanhayes> thats how i roll
02:58 <ljrbot> A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "]yandere" to join.
02:58 <dubStep> ]y
02:58 <Vanhayes> ]y
02:58 <madmax> ]y
02:58 <madmax> I'm guessing this is better with more people
02:58 <Luke-Jr> yeah
02:58  * epsy works dubStep 
02:59 <epsy> errrrrrrrrrrrr
02:59 <Luke-Jr> at 7 people, the yanderes are two
02:59 <epsy> FORKS
02:59 <dubStep> what?
02:59 <dubStep> lol!
02:59 <Luke-Jr> epsy: PLAY
02:59 <Vanhayes> epsy, join?
02:59 <epsy> no thx
02:59 <Luke-Jr> pfft
02:59 <epsy> http://twitpic.com/photos/epsy46
02:59 <Luke-Jr> ]y force epsy
02:59 <madmax> #echo ]y
02:59 <armabot> madmax: Error: Spurious "]".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
02:59 <epsy> enjoy my power ranger shots
02:59 <Luke-Jr> madmax: I chose ] specifically for that reason
02:59 <ljrbot> Hanako-chan is baking cookies! Everyone comes over to her house to taste her yummy treats. But where is Hanako-chan? And what's that funny smell coming from the oven? Uh oh! It looks like it's Hanako-chan-flavored cookies now. There's only one explanation: there is a yandere among us!
02:59 <ljrbot> This game has 1 yandere. It's your job to determine the yanderes.
02:59 <ljrbot> This game starts at NIGHT. If you have a night role, type "/msg ljrbot yandere <command>" or "/msg ljrbot yandere abstain".
02:59 <Luke-Jr> madmax: also, ljrbot ignores armabot
02:59 <ljrbot> Current players: luke-jr, dubstep, vanhayes, madmax, and epsy.
02:59 <epsy> #echo "]y"
02:59 <armabot> ]y
02:59 <dubStep> oh for gods sake
02:59 <epsy> he ignores it anyway
02:59 <madmax> aw
02:59  * dubStep is a tsundere
03:00 <dubStep> or w/e
03:00 <Luke-Jr> ljrbot ignores *bot, I think
03:00 <epsy> like any sane bot in this chan
03:00 <ljrbot> Luke-Jr: Error: "ignores" is not a valid command.
03:00 <epsy> same for teambot and armabot
03:00 <epsy> teambot duh
03:00 <dubStep> someone upgrade me
03:00 <Luke-Jr> it's night
03:00 <dubStep> oh
03:00 <dubStep> boo
03:00 <dubStep> ]yh
03:00 <ljrbot> People are getting impatient! The night roles have 1 minute to make their decisions before the night ends.
03:01 <epsy> http://www.quake-live.tv/live.php <-- if anyone wants to watch :)
03:01 <ljrbot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
03:01 <ljrbot> madmax, who is not a yandere, has been murdered by a crowbar.
03:01 <Vanhayes> what is that a pic of epsy?
03:01 <ljrbot> luke-jr, who is not a yandere, was assassinated with a staple gun.
03:01 <ljrbot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
03:01 <ljrbot> Current players: dubstep, vanhayes, and epsy.
03:01 <madmax> x_o
03:01 <dubStep> watch what?
03:01 <epsy> should be on in a minute or so
03:01 <dubStep> someone upgrade mee
03:01 <Luke-Jr> madmax: you got it easy
03:01 <Vanhayes> crowbar is easy?
03:01 <Vanhayes> that sounds not easy to me
03:01 <Luke-Jr> better than a staple gun
03:02 <Vanhayes> ]y epsy
03:02 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has voted for epsy. epsy: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
03:02 <epsy> er
03:02 <dubStep> someone upgrade me plox
03:02 <dubStep> ]y epsy
03:02 <ljrbot> dubStep has voted for epsy. epsy: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
03:02 <epsy> you can vote against people outside the game?
03:02 <Luke-Jr> epsy: you're in the game
03:02 <epsy> uh
03:02 <epsy> wtf
03:02 <Vanhayes> you are playing Luke-Jr forced you
03:02 <Vanhayes> type ]a
03:02 <epsy> k
03:02 <epsy> ]a
03:02 <ljrbot> epsy has voted to abstain. epsy: 2, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 0
03:02 <Luke-Jr> Vanhayes is clearly hte yandere
03:02 <Vanhayes> hah
03:02 <ljrbot> You lynch epsy, and it turns out epsy was NOT a yandere!
03:02 <ljrbot> Game over! The yandere wins!
03:02 <ljrbot> Evil yanderes: vanhayes
03:02 <ljrbot> Guardians: madmax
03:02 <ljrbot> Spies: luke-jr
03:02 <ljrbot> Tsunderes: dubstep and epsy
03:02 <dubStep> epsy what was that a link for?
03:03 <Luke-Jr> and madmax is the fail guardian
03:03 <Luke-Jr> ]y
03:03 <ljrbot> A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "]yandere" to join.
03:03 <madmax> lol
03:03 <Vanhayes> you killed him
03:03 <madmax> ]y
03:03 <epsy> king of the hill QL duels going live soon
03:03 <Vanhayes> i killed you Luke-Jr
03:03 <dubStep> oO
03:03 <Luke-Jr> Vanhayes: you killed him too
03:03 <epsy> the stream just started
03:03 <Luke-Jr> Vanhayes: he tried to protect you
03:03 <Vanhayes> ha
03:03 <Vanhayes> awsome
03:03 <dubStep> idk what this is that im watching
03:03 <dubStep> oO
03:04 <ljrbot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "]yandere" to join.
03:04 <epsy> they're starting some kind of duel evening
03:04 <Vanhayes> ]y
03:04 <dubStep> who
03:04 <epsy> winner stays and fights next guy to show up
03:04 <epsy> and match is shoutcast
03:04 <epsy> looks like stywo0 vs xp0gam3r
03:05 <epsy> never heard of the 2nd
03:05 <dubStep> lol
03:05 <ljrbot> There aren't enough players to start a yandere game. Try again later.
03:05 <dubStep> idk what this is :S
03:05 <dubStep> rofl
03:05 <epsy> shoutcaster says he'll be trashed :D
03:05 <epsy> cause stywoo's was yesterday's king
03:05 <Vanhayes> ]y
03:05 <ljrbot> A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "]yandere" to join.
03:05 <Luke-Jr> ]y
03:05 <madmax> ]y
03:05 <Vanhayes> ]y force Luke-Jr
03:05 <Luke-Jr> f u Vanhayes
03:05 <dubStep> ]y
03:06 <Vanhayes> ]yh
03:06 <ljrbot> All her life, Hanako-chan had been plagued by an illness that confined her to her room. But today, she decided to fulfill her dream: to risk it and go to school like all the other kids. But her lunch was poisoned and she died. There's only one explanation: there is a yandere among us!
03:06 <ljrbot> This game has 1 yandere. It's your job to determine the yanderes.
03:06 <ljrbot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
03:06 <ljrbot> Current players: vanhayes, luke-jr, madmax, and dubstep.
03:06 <epsy> but fking players never ready up :D
03:06 <dubStep> tokokyohi ew
03:06 <epsy> why is is always the same japanese name out of a random generator
03:06 <Vanhayes> ha poison luch
03:06 <epsy> match starting btw
03:07 <madmax> there's always lots of discussion
03:07 <Vanhayes> ok, im not a yandere
03:07 <Vanhayes> ]a
03:07 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has voted to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 3
03:07 <dubStep> lol what is this game epsy?
03:07 <dubStep> its gay
03:07 <dubStep> ]a
03:07 <ljrbot> dubStep has voted to abstain. Abstains: 2, Undecided: 2
03:07 <madmax> dubStep always says something when she's not a yandere
03:07 <epsy> it's a game you cant understand? :D
03:08 <dubStep> lol what max
03:08 <dubStep> im watching this stupid thing
03:08 <madmax> you didn't screm "upgrade meeee" this time :p
03:08 <Vanhayes> ha
03:08 <madmax> *scream
03:08 <dubStep> lol
03:08 <dubStep> hey if u upgrade me that would be sweet
03:08 <Vanhayes> you are right madmax
03:08 <Luke-Jr> ]a
03:08 <ljrbot> Luke-Jr has voted to abstain. Abstains: 3, Undecided: 1
03:08 <madmax> oh is it
03:08 <epsy> actually they guy isn't getting trashed :>
03:08 <Vanhayes> ]y dubStep
03:08 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has switched from abstain to vote for dubstep. dubstep: 1, Abstains: 2, Undecided: 1
03:08 <dubStep> fine
03:08 <dubStep> kill me
03:08 <dubStep> big mistake
03:08 <madmax> ]y dubStep
03:08 <ljrbot> madmax has voted for dubstep. dubstep: 2, Abstains: 2, Undecided: 0
03:08 <ljrbot> Everyone has voted, but there is a tie. Someone will need to switch their vote, or you can type "]yandere next" and force the group to abstain.
03:08 <dubStep> *shruf*
03:08 <dubStep> g*
03:09 <Vanhayes> ]yandere next
03:09 <madmax> what are you then?
03:09 <ljrbot> You fail to make a decision. No one is lynched.
03:09 <ljrbot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
03:09 <ljrbot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg ljrbot yandere <command>" or "/msg ljrbot yandere abstain".
03:09 <ljrbot> Current players: vanhayes, luke-jr, madmax, and dubstep.
03:09 <madmax> dubStep: what are you then?
03:09 <dubStep> someone is gona kill me :/
03:09 <dubStep> truthfully im a
03:09 <dubStep> lemi scroll up
03:09 <dubStep> im a trap
03:09 <dubStep> but i look like a yohohw/e
03:09 <madmax> and you van?
03:09 <dubStep> tokokyohi
03:09 <dubStep> lol
03:10 <Vanhayes> i think luke is the yandere
03:10 <Vanhayes> i am spy
03:10 <Vanhayes> or sneek
03:10 <dubStep> epsy do u play this?
03:10 <ljrbot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
03:10 <ljrbot> luke-jr, who is not a yandere, is dead, killed by a machine gun.
03:10 <ljrbot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
03:10 <ljrbot> Current players: vanhayes, madmax, and dubstep.
03:10 <epsy> yeah, not as good obsly
03:10 <Vanhayes> uh oh
03:10 <dubStep> lol
03:10 <madmax> that was me killing him
03:10 <madmax> ]a dubStep
03:10 <ljrbot> madmax: I don't recognize that command.
03:10 <Luke-Jr> X.X
03:10 <madmax> come on day!
03:10 <dubStep> no
03:10 <dubStep> i was loling t epsy
03:10 <Vanhayes> hmm
03:11 <dubStep> not at someone dying
03:11 <dubStep> rofl
03:11 <Vanhayes> so you are what mad?
03:11 <Vanhayes> so you are what madmax ?
03:11 <madmax> shogun
03:11 <dubStep> its hayes
03:11 <Vanhayes> ]y dubStep
03:11 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has voted for dubstep. dubstep: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
03:11 <madmax> ]y dubStep
03:11 <dubStep> oh meh i cant win unless yandere wins so
03:11 <ljrbot> madmax has voted for dubstep. dubstep: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
03:11 <dubStep> :/
03:11 <Vanhayes> vote
03:11 <dubStep> but if u kill me i wont win anyway
03:11 <madmax> if it's van it's win.
03:11 <Vanhayes> ]y madmax
03:12 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has switched from dubstep to vote for madmax. madmax: 1, dubstep: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
03:12 <Vanhayes> there letsa get madmax
03:12 <dubStep> ]y madmax
03:12 <ljrbot> dubStep has voted for madmax. madmax: 2, dubstep: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 0
03:12 <ljrbot> You lynch madmax, and it turns out madmax was NOT a yandere!
03:12 <madmax> erm, mistake van
03:12 <ljrbot> Game over! The yandere wins!
03:12 <dubStep> yes!
03:12 <Vanhayes> boo
03:12 <ljrbot> Evil traps: dubstep
03:12 <dubStep> wooot
03:12 <ljrbot> Shoguns: madmax
03:12 <ljrbot> Tsunderes: luke-jr
03:12 <ljrbot> Witnesses: vanhayes
03:12 <dubStep> lol
03:12 <Vanhayes> oh
03:12 <dubStep> who was yandere?
03:12 <dubStep> no1
03:12 <dubStep> rofl
03:12 <madmax> why oh why did you not trust me van!
03:12 <Vanhayes> it wasnt called a yandere that time
03:12 <dubStep> i wasnt yandere tho
03:12 <Luke-Jr> ]y
03:12 <dubStep> trap is a civillian who only wins if yandere wins
03:12 <ljrbot> A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "]yandere" to join.
03:12 <madmax> ]y
03:12 <Vanhayes> well i was a spy, luke wasnt a yander dubs said she was a trap
03:12 <dubStep> ]y
03:12 <Luke-Jr> dubStep: it's a bug. trap is a yandere now. :þ
03:13 <Vanhayes> ]y
03:13 <Vanhayes> ]yh
03:13 <dubStep> lol
03:13 <ljrbot> Shin-chan has always been small, but she used to be taller than 1cm. At this new size, she was easily swallowed by the pet kitten she got for her birthday last week. What caused her to shrink anyway? There's only one explanation: there is a yandere among us!
03:13 <ljrbot> This game has 1 yandere. It's your job to determine the yanderes.
03:13 <ljrbot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
03:13 <ljrbot> Current players: luke-jr, madmax, dubstep, and vanhayes.
03:13 <dubStep> lol @ nurse
03:13 <Vanhayes> how does a yandere shrink someone?
03:13 <madmax> what can a nurse do?
03:13 <dubStep> lmao swallowed by a kitten
03:14 <dubStep> nothing
03:14 <madmax> heh
03:14 <Vanhayes> youd think there would be an easier way to kill someone
03:14 <dubStep> upgrade!
03:14 <Vanhayes> ]a
03:14 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has voted to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 3
03:14 <dubStep> sum1 upgrade me :(
03:14 <dubStep> ]a
03:14 <Vanhayes> im thinking Luke-Jr for this one
03:14 <ljrbot> dubStep has voted to abstain. Abstains: 2, Undecided: 2
03:14 <madmax> so Luke-Jr, what are you?
03:14 <Vanhayes> so if i die it was Luke-Jr
03:15 -!- sinewav [n=sinewav@adsl-76-197-240-174.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
03:15 <Luke-Jr> snoop
03:15 <dubStep> hey husband
03:15 <Vanhayes> hey sinewav
03:15 <dubStep> upgrade the nurse plox
03:15 <Vanhayes> vote!
03:15 <dubStep> :/
03:15 <madmax> ]a
03:15 <ljrbot> madmax has voted to abstain. Abstains: 3, Undecided: 1
03:15 <sinewav> hello beautiful tronners
03:15 <Vanhayes> hi
03:16 <dubStep> as if he was talking to you
03:16 <epsy> sinewav, http://www.quake-live.tv/live.php
03:16 <dubStep> :X
03:16 <sinewav> loading...
03:16 <Luke-Jr> ]a
03:16 <dubStep> Flex:
03:16 <ljrbot> Luke-Jr has voted to abstain. Abstains: 4, Undecided: 0
03:16 <ljrbot> You abstain from lynching anyone.
03:16 <ljrbot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
03:16 <ljrbot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg ljrbot yandere <command>" or "/msg ljrbot yandere abstain".
03:16 <ljrbot> Current players: luke-jr, madmax, dubstep, and vanhayes.
03:16 <Flex> ?
03:16 <dubStep> im in the server
03:16 <madmax> so the snoop does what?
03:16 <Flex> oh ok, waiting for it to appear
03:17 <ljrbot> The dawn comes, and it seems everyone survived the night.
03:17 <Luke-Jr> ]y force madmax help snoop
03:17 <ljrbot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
03:17 <ljrbot> Current players: luke-jr, madmax, dubstep, and vanhayes.
03:17 <Vanhayes> snoop snoops on people
03:17 <sinewav> epsy: hmmm. Should I give up playing on competitions and become a full time Arma anouncer?
03:17 <epsy> if you can :D
03:18 <madmax> so who did you snoop luke?
03:18 <Vanhayes> why did no one die
03:18 <Luke-Jr> I am waiting for him to give me the OK to tell
03:18 <dubStep> upgradeeeeeeeeeee meeeee
03:18 <Flex> not sure if this will make sense, but do any of you get the background logo when you press escape to show the menu, during game?
03:18 <madmax> ]a Luke-Jr
03:18 <Flex> i get it when i run MoniTron
03:18 <ljrbot> madmax: I don't recognize that command.
03:18 <madmax> ]y Luke-Jr
03:19 <madmax> ack
03:19 <ljrbot> madmax has voted for luke-jr. luke-jr: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 3
03:19 <sinewav> epsy: I'll look into this over the weekend... thanks...
03:19 <dubStep> ]y Luke-Jr
03:19 <ljrbot> dubStep has voted for luke-jr. luke-jr: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
03:19 <Vanhayes> hmm
03:19 <dubStep> upgradeeeeeeeeeee meeeee
03:19 <Vanhayes> ]a
03:19 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has voted to abstain. luke-jr: 2, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 1
03:20 <dubStep> lol
03:20 <dubStep> zZz
03:20 <dubStep> ]yh
03:20 <epsy> if you need bandwidth/relaying over EU ask
03:20 <Flex> hmm ok. how about? does anyone know how to toggle off the setting where it shows the start logo when you press escape during in-game?
03:21 <madmax> ]yh
03:21 <ljrbot> People are getting impatient! You all have 1 minute to cast your vote before the day ends. We're still waiting on luke-jr.
03:21 <dubStep> ]yh
03:21 <Vanhayes> ok i dont think its luke
03:21 <ljrbot> A limousine pulls up and the famous idol vanhayes steps out! vanhayes hands everyone autographed copies of the latest album, "I Want You Lovely".
03:21 <madmax> why so?
03:21 <Luke-Jr> madmax: I snooped Vanhayes
03:22 <epsy> omg <333333333333333 Vanhayes
03:22 <dubStep> lool
03:22  * sinewav loves the hayes
03:22 <Vanhayes> im saying dubs
03:22 <epsy> *shouts like a 13yo girl*
03:22 <dubStep> ffs
03:22 <Vanhayes> ]y dubStep
03:22 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has switched from abstain to vote for dubstep. luke-jr: 2, dubstep: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
03:22 <ljrbot> You lynch luke-jr, and it turns out luke-jr was NOT a yandere!
03:22 <dubStep> just kill me so i can go play tron
03:22 <ljrbot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
03:22 <ljrbot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg ljrbot yandere <command>" or "/msg ljrbot yandere abstain".
03:22 <ljrbot> Current players: madmax, dubstep, and vanhayes.
03:22 <dubStep> just kill me so i can go play tron
03:22 <Luke-Jr> fail
03:22 <Vanhayes> argh
03:22 <Vanhayes> told you
03:22 <Concord> dubStep: new record in flower power, btw
03:22  * dubStep wants to go to aot racing
03:22 <madmax> huh
03:22 <dubStep> haha nice 1 concz
03:22 <Vanhayes> ]yh
03:23 <ljrbot> People are getting impatient! The night roles have 1 minute to make their decisions before the night ends.
03:23 <dubStep> ]yh
03:23 <Concord> 2410
03:23 <Concord> :)
03:23 <ljrbot> The dawn comes, and it seems everyone survived the night.
03:23 <ljrbot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
03:23 <dubStep> hayes wana come to racing? or do u still suck =P
03:23 <ljrbot> Current players: madmax, dubstep, and vanhayes.
03:23 <Luke-Jr> w00t
03:23 <dubStep> Concord: did you set it just now?
03:23 <Vanhayes> i still suck
03:23 <Concord> 1 hour ago
03:23 <Vanhayes> madmax, are you a yander
03:23 <dubStep> so, u can still come
03:23 <dubStep> nice :)
03:23 <madmax> no
03:23 <dubStep> sinewav:
03:24 <madmax> dubStep: sure a nurse does nothing?
03:24 <Vanhayes> thats exactlly what a yandere would say
03:24 <madmax> what if I said yes?
03:24 <dubStep> lol kill me
03:24 <dubStep> i am it!
03:24 <dubStep> omg
03:24 <Vanhayes> ]y dubStep
03:24 <Luke-Jr> lol
03:24 <ljrbot> Vanhayes has voted for dubstep. dubstep: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
03:24 <madmax> hmm
03:24 <madmax> ]y dubStep
03:24 <ljrbot> madmax has voted for dubstep. dubstep: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
03:24 <dubStep> ]y dubStep
03:24 <ljrbot> You can't vote for yourself.
03:24 <dubStep> ffs
03:24 <Vanhayes>  ]a
03:24 <dubStep> ]a
03:24 <ljrbot> dubStep has voted to abstain. dubstep: 2, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 0
03:24 <ljrbot> You lynch dubstep, and it turns out dubstep was a yandere!
03:25 <dubStep> -_-
03:25 <ljrbot> Congratulations! The last yandere has been defeated!
03:25 <dubStep> thanks
03:25 <dubStep> tron plox
03:25 <ljrbot> Evil traps: dubstep
03:25 <ljrbot> Hikikomoris: madmax
03:25 <ljrbot> Idols: vanhayes
03:25 <ljrbot> Snoops: luke-jr
03:25 <madmax> woot
03:25 <Luke-Jr> u suck dubStep
03:25 <madmax> nurse huh
03:25 <dubStep> yes i do suck
03:25 <Vanhayes> ha
03:25 <Vanhayes> i beilived
03:25 <dubStep> 5 dolla sucky sucky
03:25 <Vanhayes> you love me long time?
03:25 <dubStep> haha
03:25 <dubStep> come race with meh
03:25 <dubStep> :/
03:25 <madmax> I'm out, gnight
03:26 <dubStep> night
03:26 <Vanhayes> ya im off for a while, night
03:26 -!- madmax [n=x@unaffiliated/madmax] has quit ["ø"]
03:26 <dubStep> bb
03:31 -!- dubStep [n=mya_baby@host86-138-247-211.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has quit []
03:35 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
03:36 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
03:47 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []
04:29 -!- akira_arma [n=lost_chi@77-64-160-240.dynamic.primacom.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060215]"]
04:38 -!- Flex [n=savas@unaffiliated/flex] has quit ["bye"]
04:44 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
05:10  * Lucifer worries a bit
05:11 <Lucifer> 2x = 1/2
05:11 <Lucifer> x = 1/4
05:11 <Lucifer> 1/2 * x = 4
05:11 <Lucifer> x = 2
05:11 <Lucifer> hmmm
05:11 <Lucifer> so, if the fire that burns twice as bright, burns half as long
05:12 <Lucifer> and then if the fire that burns half as bright burns 4x as long
05:12 <Lucifer> does that mean the fire burning law is an inverse square law?
05:12 <Lucifer> let's see
05:12 <Lucifer> L = luminescence of the fire
05:12 <Lucifer> t = time it burns
05:12 <Lucifer> L = 1/t^2
05:13 <Lucifer> 1/L = t^2
05:13 <Lucifer> t = sqrt(1/L)
05:14  * Lucifer isn't seeing it, for some reason
05:14 <Lucifer> #monologue
05:14 <armabot> Lucifer: Your current monologue is at least 17 lines long.
05:14 <Lucifer> wait a minute, I've got my variables confused
05:14 <Lucifer> t = 1/L&2
05:14 <Lucifer> er
05:14 <Lucifer> t = 1/L^2
05:14 <Luke-Jr> Lucifer: want to reverse engineer some code with me?
05:14 <Lucifer> no
05:15 <Lucifer> why did you break up my math monologue?
05:15 <Lucifer> #monologue
05:15 <armabot> Lucifer: Your current monologue is at least 3 lines long.
05:15 <Lucifer> ok, it's an inverse square law, that works out
05:18  * Lucifer is such a nerd
05:24 <GodTodd> problems with the new chick?
05:24 <Lucifer> maybe
05:24 <Lucifer> only had one date, too early to tell
05:25 <GodTodd> you seemed happy with it before
05:25 <Lucifer> but man, she's text messaging me 2-3 times during the day to say "I miss you", or "I wish I was in your arms"
05:25 <GodTodd> ahh
05:25 <Lucifer> it's real sweet, but it's starting to get scary
05:25 <GodTodd> clinger?
05:25 <Lucifer> maybe she's just really excited
05:25 <Lucifer> you know, fresh love and all that
05:25 <Lucifer> maybe she's a psycho
05:25 <Lucifer> how long should it take to make an accurate determination?
05:25 <Lucifer> (she's going to hate how I approach everything scientifically, I can tell you, haha)
05:25 <GodTodd> hrmmm...even with fresh love you have to play it cooler than that...
05:26 <GodTodd> i'd give it at least a couple more dates
05:26 <GodTodd> then if it increases proportionally, or worse, exponentially, then you may have a psycho
05:26 <Lucifer> well, she put out on the first date (meaning I did too, mind you), so I figure I owe her a couple more dates just so she doesn't get stuck with a one night stand
05:26 <GodTodd> hmmm
05:27 <GodTodd> putting out on the first date + "i miss you" == not particularly normal
05:27 <GodTodd> for a chick anyway
05:27 <GodTodd> ;)
05:27 <Lucifer> normal people don't work EMS either
05:28 <Lucifer> she's not normal, and that's not entirely bad, I just need to determine, preferably sooner rather than later, if her abnormalness is good or bad for a relationship with me
05:28 <GodTodd> yeah but she's still a chick...and chicks equate sex and feelings for the most part
05:28 <Lucifer> I'm waaaay too independent to get with a needy chick, so if she really is needy, then I need to dump her asap
05:28 <GodTodd> especially at our age
05:29 <Lucifer> exactly, which is why I figure she gets a couple more dates anyway, if only to see how it goes
05:29 <GodTodd> right
05:29 <GodTodd> that's how i'd play it
05:29 <Lucifer> and try to cut off sex, or at least spread it out a bit
05:29 <Lucifer> never thought I'd have a touch of regret for putting out on the first date, haha
05:30 <GodTodd> heh
05:30 <Lucifer> I think that in the future I'll play the "I'm not ready for sex" card for the first couple of dates, no matter who it is or how long I've known them
05:31 <Lucifer> we'll see how long that determination lasts, since I had already made that determination before last night, haha
05:31 <GodTodd> unless it's a 20 year old you just wanna do ;)
05:31 <Luke-Jr> then they'll think your wife divorced you because you still were never ready? :þ
05:31 <Lucifer> Luke-Jr: most people think it's reasonable to wait at least a few weeks to introduce sex into a relationship :)
05:31 <GodTodd> as you can tell, Luke-Jr has no idea how to date
05:31 <Lucifer> what do you tradcaths believe is reasonable?
05:31 <GodTodd> heh
05:32 <Luke-Jr> Lucifer: obviously, Catholics only believe in sex within marriage.
05:32 <Luke-Jr> GodTodd: nope, can't say I really care how.
05:32 <GodTodd> Luke-Jr, didn't say you cared
05:32 <GodTodd> just said you have no clue
05:32 <GodTodd> heh
05:32 <Luke-Jr> Freeciv?
05:33 <Lucifer> I have to cook dinner, but since I keep staying up late IMing with this chick, I can probably play some freeciv while I'm talking to her
05:33 <Lucifer> after I finish cooking dinner, of course
05:33 <Lucifer> so I guess I'd better get out and thaw the meat
05:33 <Luke-Jr> your server or mine?
05:34 <GodTodd> Lucifer, thought you did that last night. ;)
05:34 <Lucifer> in fact, I think I'd like to do that, see what she thinks of me responding to a friend's gaming challenge and talking to her
05:34 <Lucifer> GodTodd: haha
05:34 <Lucifer> she's saying stuff like "when we're making out, you should be thinking only about me"
05:34 <Lucifer> which I disagree with in principal, and in practice it never works out that way for me
05:35 <GodTodd> hrmm
05:35 <Lucifer> and I'm not going to lie about what I'm thinking, I'm only going to choose whether or not to say it or to keep it to myself
05:35 <GodTodd> just make sure you don't have any rabbits near your cooking pots :)
05:35 <Lucifer> GodTodd: that link I put up to "how to date an entrepreneur" wasn't in my feed, I wanted her to read it, heh
05:35 <GodTodd> heh
05:35 <Lucifer> but I didn't want to give her a reading assignment
05:36 <Lucifer> so, hey, I just had a date, "the article was on my feed reader", it was on-topic!
05:36 <GodTodd> smoooove ;)
05:36 <Lucifer> so we hope
05:36 <Lucifer> I knew about the article because it had appeared on my feed at some point in the past, heh
05:37 <Lucifer> and it tells a story about my marriage and divorce :)
05:37 <GodTodd> has she been married?
05:38 <Lucifer> yes
05:38 <GodTodd> k
05:38 <Lucifer> divorced for 4 years
05:38 <GodTodd> just once?
05:38 <Lucifer> yes
05:38 <GodTodd> k
05:38 <Lucifer> a measurement I'd like is the ratio of time she spends telling me about exes
05:38  * GodTodd is gathering information so when i tell you to dump her clingy ass it's as informed as possible ;)
05:38 <Lucifer> heh
05:39 <Lucifer> since we met in a divorce support group, there's a somewhat higher allowance of ex talk
05:39 <GodTodd> yeah...talking about exes is never good
05:39 <GodTodd> you end up battling phantoms
05:39 <GodTodd> true
05:39 <Lucifer> but I didn't mention my ex at all, except for when she asked, and then I answered and steered the conversation away
05:39 <GodTodd> but even then it should be minimal
05:40 <Lucifer> yeah, should still be minimal, which is why I'd like a measurement
05:40 <Lucifer> is it 0.1, or 0.05, or 0.5?
05:40 <Lucifer> what's a reasonable number?
05:40 <Luke-Jr> 20
05:41 <Lucifer> Luke-Jr: the ratio would be in the range [0,1]
05:41 <Lucifer> no, that's wrong
05:41 <Luke-Jr> :þ
05:41 <Lucifer> (0,1]
05:41 <Luke-Jr> unless she talks about ex more than everything else combined
05:42 <GodTodd> i would go as high as .15-.20 at a max since you met in a support group that encouraged it
05:42 <Luke-Jr> or is it ratio to total talking
05:42 <GodTodd> with a sharp dropoff as the dates continue
05:42 <Lucifer> ratio to total time together
05:42 <Lucifer> not including sleep time
05:42 <GodTodd> out of every 5 topics, no more than 1 should include one or both exes
05:43 <Lucifer> right, excluding kid talk, provided the ex mention that might come up is only in passing
05:43 <GodTodd> should drop to .10 within 3-5 dates
05:43 <GodTodd> right
05:43 <Lucifer> because she has a kid, and my kids are a big part of my life anyway
05:43 <GodTodd> "i'm waiting on my ex to drop off the kids" doesn't count
05:43 <Lucifer> I think .1 is too high for the fifth date
05:44 <Lucifer> should be more like 0.05 or less
05:44 <GodTodd> right...i'm talking extreme maxes
05:44 <Lucifer> now, that's all exes combined, I think.  She's got continuing issues with her ex-husband, her daughter's father
05:44 <Lucifer> stuff like he got remarried, and the step-mom is telling the daughter "now you'll have a new mother, you won't need your old one anymore"
05:44 <Lucifer> so that's the sort of on-going situation that's allowed, provided it doesn't turn into a rant about their marriage
05:45 <GodTodd> yeah, that's why it'll *never* get to 0...when you have kids with an ex and the ex is in their lives it's a given that you're connected to the ex a bit anyway
05:45 <Lucifer> it shouldn't get to 0 anyway, there's a certain amount of ex talk that is healthy in a relationship
05:46 <Lucifer> like, she asks where I learned a particular move, and the honest answer is "with my ex", or "My ex showed me"
05:46 <GodTodd> the ex talk in my marriage is approaching zero pretty well
05:46 <GodTodd> heh
05:46 <Lucifer> frequency should drop off quite a bit, I totally agree with that
05:46 <Lucifer> it should be near 0 by the end of the first month, period.  Ideally, the first date should be 0, I think.
05:47 <GodTodd> ideally
05:47 <Lucifer> you know what, I'm going to go out on a limb and say it should be 0 on the first date always
05:47 <Lucifer> the first date should be about "us" and having a good time, getting to know each other
05:47 <Lucifer> not ideally, reasonably
05:48 <Lucifer> go ask your girly if she's still up so we can get a girly opinion on it
05:48 <GodTodd> well...i'm loathe to say *always*...you never know when there's going to be a "oh shit, there's my ex...doesn't he know what a restraining order is?"
05:48 <GodTodd> heh...we're a good hour or two past her bedtime
05:48 <GodTodd> i can get her opinion tomorrow though :)
05:52 <Lucifer> heh, ok
05:52 <Lucifer> I think exceptions for safety's sake are allowed
05:52 <GodTodd> yep
05:52 <GodTodd> that's why i'd say *nearly always* zero :)
05:53 <GodTodd> but you're right the first date should be about gauging each other and looking forward...not backward
05:54 <Lucifer> well, what I'm saying is it should always be 0, but there's some other thing about watching out for another that's true for any two people that are out
05:54 <Lucifer> so, like, say we went to a movie on a first date and my ex was there, and came over to say hi
05:54 <Lucifer> I would introduce her as an old friend of mine, and not say she's my ex
05:54 <GodTodd> depending on the chick that could even be dangerous
05:55 <GodTodd> some chicks would take it as a "lie"
05:55 <Lucifer> if the girl I'm with gets jealous, there won't be a second date, because "old friend" is a good enough introduction for a first date when said "friend" is someone with whom I must have contact with regularly
05:55 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
05:55 <Lucifer> if the chick takes it as a lie, fine, she can dump me and I don't care
05:55 <GodTodd> true
05:55 <Lucifer> I would totally understand if she doesn't want to introduce someone that's in her present life as an ex
05:55 <Lucifer> my past sex life is none of her concern, provided safety issues are handled appropriately
05:56 <Luke-Jr> …
05:56 <Luke-Jr> Lucifer: how's supper?
05:56 <Lucifer> Luke-Jr: thawing
05:56 <Lucifer> it won't take long to cook, it's the deboning the breast that might take a few minutes, heh
05:56 <GodTodd> yeah...the only part of the sex life that needs to be disclosed pretty soon is STDs and the like
05:57 <GodTodd> hell, i know pretty much nothing about karen's sex life with her ex (and vice versa) and that's fine by me
05:58 <Lucifer> I'm also fine with full disclosure, neither matters to me, but I agree about STDs
05:58 <Lucifer> I just dropped "conversate" into the conversation
05:58 <Lucifer> let's see if she corrects me
05:58 <GodTodd> goddammit...what are these fuckers doing to my toilets?  is my food giving them the runs or what?
05:58 <Lucifer> she's a facebook friend, she should have seen it
05:58 <GodTodd> i liked my conversate pun
05:58 <GodTodd> ;)
05:59 <GodTodd> worthy of piers anthony, it was :)
05:59 <Lucifer> I liked it too, haha
05:59 <Lucifer> laughed out loud, I did
05:59 <Lucifer> hey, how long is I am the Law?
05:59 <GodTodd> ummm...let me check
05:59 <Luke-Jr> I don't get it..
06:00 <Lucifer> What song did Anthrax play when they played over Yahoo Messenger?
06:00 <GodTodd> hrmm...i think i need a new copy of POT....i don't have i am the law on my player :(
06:01 <Lucifer> that's not the album it's on, it's on, ummmmmmmm
06:01 <Lucifer> the one with indians
06:01 <Lucifer> right after spreading the disease
06:01 <Lucifer> dammit, why can't I remember?
06:02 <Lucifer> so answer my question:  What song did Anthrax play when they played over Yahoo Messenger?
06:02 <GodTodd> hell if i know
06:02 <Lucifer> IM the Law!
06:03 <GodTodd> ahhh 5:54
06:03 <GodTodd> it's on ATL
06:03 <Lucifer> #math calc 5*60 + 54
06:03 <armabot> Lucifer: 354
06:04 <GodTodd> that's right...i obviously need to listen to more anthrax
06:04 <GodTodd> heh
06:04 <Lucifer> ATL = ?
06:04  * Lucifer is totally drawing a blank
06:05 <Lucifer> #math calc 4/354
06:05 <armabot> Lucifer: 0.0112994350282
06:05 <GodTodd> Among The Living
06:05 <Lucifer> ahhh, right!
06:05 <Lucifer> I think I want seconds/drop, rather than drops/second
06:05 <GodTodd> *that* one is on my player ;)
06:05 <Lucifer> #math calc 354/4
06:05 <armabot> Lucifer: 88.5
06:06 <GodTodd> seconds/drop?
06:06 <Lucifer> juggling
06:06 <Lucifer> what sort of measurement would you take to determine if you're improving or not?
06:07 <GodTodd> i suppose that one's as good as any :)
06:07 <Lucifer> well it's not totally accurate, because it depends on what you're doing, too
06:07 <Lucifer> I dropped a lot more today because I was working on trick throws, if I had just cascaded, I probably would have more like 130 seconds/drop
06:10 <Lucifer> well, she didn't correct me for conversate
06:22 <GodTodd> hmmm
06:22 <GodTodd> how big a test is that for you? ;)
06:22 <Lucifer> dunno, maybe it's too broad
06:22 <Lucifer> see, maybe she was irked by it herself, but didn't want to correct me for other reasons
06:23 <Lucifer> does that show a lack of assertiveness that is unattractive, or a level of respect that is attractive?
06:23 <GodTodd> it could be the "don't blow this by trying to be a know-it-all"
06:24 <Lucifer> yeah
06:24 <Lucifer> hmmmm, I've got a wonderful bomb waiting to drop on her
06:25 <Lucifer> but, uhhhh, hm
06:25 <GodTodd> a bomb, eh?
06:25 <Lucifer> yeah
06:26 <GodTodd> good bomb, bad bomb?
06:26 <Lucifer> the last girl I slept with is a mutual friend
06:26 <GodTodd> aha
06:27 <Lucifer> and she keeps trying to find out details about it, but the girl and I agreed to keep it private
06:28 <GodTodd> so she knows about the sleeping with her part?
06:28 <Lucifer> no, she only knows the approximate last time I had sex (before last night, of course)
06:28 <Lucifer> I haven't even told her the gender of my partner, haha
06:28 <GodTodd> does she know you were "seeing" the friend?
06:28 <Lucifer> I wasn't "seeing" the friend, it was very casual
06:29 <Lucifer> we were supposed to do it again, but I sort of got all anxious, and then didn't talk to her for awhile
06:29 <Lucifer> not on purpose, just got busy with other things
06:29 <GodTodd> that's why "seeing" was in quotes ;)
06:30 <GodTodd> what i'm trying to judge is if she's trying to deduce that it's the friend you did last before her
06:30 <GodTodd> for some chicks that's kind of creepy and they try to figure it out
06:30 <GodTodd> heh
06:31 <Lucifer> she'll probably dump me over it
06:31 <GodTodd> you think?
06:31 <Lucifer> even though it's absolutely none of her business
06:31 <Lucifer> I think that now, I didn't think that a few days ago when she was asking
06:31 <GodTodd> hmmm
06:31 <Lucifer> so, this other girl, we'll call her, ummm, Kate (since this is an anonymous chat place, right?)
06:31 <GodTodd> heh
06:32 <Lucifer> Kate posts on her facebook pages some stuff about "getting knocked down", she's "amazed, surprised, worried" etc
06:32 <Lucifer> best guesses right now are pregnant, or hurt by some guy
06:32 <Lucifer> now, she's not pregnant by me
06:32 <Lucifer> guaranteed :)
06:32 <GodTodd> haha
06:32 <GodTodd> otherwise you need yer money back
06:33 <Lucifer> and I haven't heard anything about her seeing anybody, or having any current love interest
06:33 <Lucifer> in fact, quite the contrary, she as much as told me she wanted to sleep around a bit
06:33 <GodTodd> yeah...those chicks end up knocked up usually
06:33 <Lucifer> so, the story goes, after she and I fooled around, a week or so later, she calls and asks me about this other girl, we'll call her, ummm, Zebra
06:34 <Lucifer> she says "Zebra annoys me, she has to be the center of every man's attention, she thinks she's real hot, but she's not, she's just a fat whore" yadayada
06:34 <Lucifer> then: "What do *you* think of her?"
06:34 <Lucifer> Well, Zebra annoys me too, so I related with her about it
06:34 <Lucifer> within a few days, she puts on facebook "I'm going out with my bff Zebra"
06:35 <GodTodd> haha
06:35 <Lucifer> so, Kate is quite a bit older than me
06:35 <Lucifer> around 10 years older, in fact
06:35 <GodTodd> ah...is that the "porking on the rocks" chick?
06:35 <Lucifer> Zebra is 3 years younger, and the girl I'm "talking to" (not willing to say "seeing" yet, haha) is 2 years younger than me
06:35 <Lucifer> yes, that chick
06:36 <Lucifer> so, anyway, I just directed the current love interest to Kate's profile to see the stuff she's been putting up lately
06:36 <GodTodd> sounds like kate has a bad case of the "i'm fighting getting older" disease
06:36 <Lucifer> got her to email Kate to try to find out what's wrong with her
06:37 <Luke-Jr> lol
06:37 <Lucifer> I have a suspicion, and if my suspicion is correct, all of my current questions will be answered, and most of my current girl situation will resolve itself
06:37 <Lucifer> and it'll be in Kate's answer
06:37 <Lucifer> to the email
06:37 <GodTodd> hrmm
06:37 <Lucifer> so if Kate responds with "you're seeing the guy I want to see, I fucked him first" yadayada....
06:38 <GodTodd> right
06:40 <Lucifer> anyway, if my suspicion is correct, Kate may not respond to me anyway, asking her what's up
06:40 <GodTodd> true
06:41 <Lucifer> ok, she just failed the "I never sit in one window when I'm using my computer" test
06:42 <GodTodd> she sits in one window?
06:42 <Lucifer> apparently
06:43 <Lucifer> which is fine by me, but she can't expect me to sit in one window
06:43 <Lucifer> I use X.org!
06:43 <GodTodd> heh...i wouldn't know *how* to sit in one window
06:43 <Lucifer> if we were at a party, would she expect me to go sit in the corner with her and talk to no one else?
06:43 <Lucifer> now, here's a serious question
06:44 <Lucifer> how much am I reading into it based on my marriage?
06:44 <Lucifer> or,
06:44 <Lucifer> what are the chances that I'm not where I thought I was, emotionally?
06:44 <Lucifer> not that it's bad, even if it dooms this relationship, because I need the experience anyway
06:44 <Lucifer> so what if she only appears clingy and is in fact not clingy at all
06:45 <GodTodd> well...there's some equation somewhere that says it takes a certain length of time to "get over" an ex based on how long you were with that ex
06:45 <Lucifer> last I heard was one month for every year you were together
06:46 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has quit ["Ragequit."]
06:46 <GodTodd> and you're always going to compare a new relationship with your marriage on some level because we learn from mistakes
06:46 <Lucifer> right
06:46 <Lucifer> well, I can at least say that I became interested in her based on positive attractions (i.e. "she's like <this>", rather than "she's not like my ex <in this way>"
06:47 <GodTodd> but you don't want to sway 180 degrees from your ex necessarily either
06:47 <Lucifer> actually, I think I do
06:47 <Lucifer> my ex was cowardly, selfish, self-centered, and dumb
06:47 <GodTodd> sometimes you do
06:47 <Lucifer> I think I read the compass wrong
06:47 <GodTodd> "you" being humanity
06:47 <GodTodd> :)
06:47 <Lucifer> that's the only explanation :)
06:48 <GodTodd> that and she had big tits
06:48 <GodTodd> ;)
06:48 <Lucifer> yeah, but tits whose mass could be easily represented by a point mass
06:49 <Lucifer> um, so, yeah, heh
06:49 <Lucifer> you been following facebook today?
06:49 <GodTodd> some
06:49 <Lucifer> did you see me putting the fire that burns twice as bright comment this afternoon?
06:50 <Lucifer> asking because the girl I'm "talking to" is the girl that responded with "Are things not going well with the new girly?"
06:50 <GodTodd> yeah
06:50 <Lucifer> kind of a silly facebook game we've got going on, but that status update generated a text message too
06:50 <GodTodd> yeah, i surmised that much the day before ;)
06:50 <Lucifer> well, it is obvious, isn't it?
06:50 <GodTodd> it is to me
06:51 <Lucifer> a lot of our mutual friends and some friends she has on her own keep trying to "pry" it out of her, so we thought it'd be fun to play it cool
06:51 <GodTodd> then again, i'm awesomely smart :D
06:51 <Lucifer> jeez, Christine beat you to it
06:51 <Lucifer> she had it figured out last friday, haha
06:51 <GodTodd> nah, i had it figured out a while back...but it was patently obvious yesterday
06:52 <GodTodd> :)
06:52 <Lucifer> anyway, *you* know why I was saying that
06:52 <GodTodd> yeah
06:52 <Lucifer> but someone was supposed to respond with "The fire that burns half as bright burns twice as long"
06:52 <Lucifer> then I was going to dig out what the Creator said and finish it, so I was baiting
06:52 <GodTodd> ah
06:52 <GodTodd> heh
06:53 <Lucifer> instead of attracting a red dwarf bite, I attracted a new-girl-getting-worried bite
06:53 <Lucifer> :(
06:53 <Lucifer> she deleted her comment, and I deleted my response, so they're gone now
06:53 <Lucifer> no, it's 4 times as long, duh
06:53 <Lucifer> because it's an inverse square law
06:54 <GodTodd> in my defense, we're only up to season 6 right now and i don't remember much of back to earth ;)
06:55 <Lucifer> well, I'm going to setup what the creator says like a trig identity, verify it, then post "has just proven that <whatever the creator said>"
06:55 <Lucifer> and put the proof in a comment
06:55  * GodTodd is indoctrinating karen into the Red Dwarf Cult.
06:55 <Lucifer> and, of course, provide the red dwarf credit then
06:55 <Lucifer> haha
06:55 <Lucifer> red dwarf is the best thing to come out since Hitchhiker's
06:56 <GodTodd> i'm preferring brit tv right now
06:56 <GodTodd> even the new dr who series is pretty goo
06:56 <GodTodd> d
06:57 <Lucifer> I've heard that, considering spending some quality time with ktorrent again
06:57 <GodTodd> it's already had two doctors and going on a third
06:58 <GodTodd> i'm currently working on getting the first 26 seasons :/
06:58 <Luke-Jr> I've been noticing KTorrent is an evil memory hog -.-;;
06:58 <GodTodd> also been kinda hooked on torchwood
06:58 <GodTodd> it's a not-bad dr who spinoff
06:59 <GodTodd> that show primeval, however, didn't get my boner up
07:00 <Lucifer> so, Zebra has been texting this girl all day to ask her what EMT girl I'm seeing, heh
07:00 <GodTodd> haha
07:00 <Lucifer> saying whoever she is, she's lucky to have such a sweet guy yadayada
07:00 <Lucifer> mind you, Zebra is the one who "has to be the center of all male attention in the room"
07:00 <GodTodd> did you do her too?
07:00 <Lucifer> no
07:00 <Lucifer> I don't like her
07:00 <GodTodd> ah...ok
07:01 <Lucifer> well, I say that, but she's a fun person to hang out with
07:01 <Lucifer> I like her in small doses
07:01 <Lucifer> doses smaller than the minimum required dose to screw
07:01 <GodTodd> ok i know the type
07:01 <Lucifer> know the type?  I AM the type!  ;)
07:01 <Lucifer> er
07:01 <Lucifer> uh
07:01 <GodTodd> haha
07:02 <Lucifer> Bill Cosby - A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones that need the advice.
07:02 <Lucifer> do I need to have seen the old Dr Who to know wtf is going on in the new one?
07:03 <Luke-Jr> anything with 26 seasons has to be like Law & Order
07:03 <GodTodd> no
07:03 <Luke-Jr> completely unrelated episodes
07:03 <Lucifer> Luke-Jr: I don't think I'm going to manage a freeciv game tonight, sorry
07:03 <Luke-Jr> Lucifer: np, I started without you hours ago
07:03 <Lucifer> I have to apply for the job at the school still, cook and eat dinner, obviously
07:03 <Lucifer> I want to play, though, does that count?  ;)
07:03 <Luke-Jr> ☺
07:03 <Lucifer> british series are different, aren't they?
07:04 <Lucifer> we do 27 episodes in a season, but they only do 8
07:04 <Lucifer> #math calc 26*8
07:04 <armabot> Lucifer: 208
07:04 <Luke-Jr> oh
07:04 <GodTodd> dr who and torchwood do 13
07:04 <GodTodd> we do 26 or so
07:04 <Luke-Jr> yeah, 208 episodes is a long time for a continuous plot
07:04 <Lucifer> oh, so red dwarf did 6 for a few, then 8 for a few, and that's just how it is?
07:04 <Luke-Jr> but not impossible I guess
07:04 <GodTodd> yep
07:05 <Lucifer> HHGTTG was 6 episodes, iirc
07:05 <GodTodd> Luke-Jr doesn't watch soap operas apparently
07:05 <Luke-Jr> not really
07:05 <GodTodd> Lucifer, yeah...i think i have that one
07:05 <Luke-Jr> I like science fiction and mystery type stuff
07:06 <Luke-Jr> so things like Noein, Sixth Sense, X-Files, Law & Order
07:06 <Luke-Jr> err, s/Sixth Sense/Fifth Element/
07:06 <Luke-Jr> I don't think I've seen 6th sense..
07:07 <Lucifer> woo hoo, I'm Courtney Love
07:08  * Lucifer dances around a bit
07:09 <GodTodd> ummm
07:09 <GodTodd> okie doke
07:10 <GodTodd> You are this perfect balance between girly chick and tough chick. <=== yep, that's you ;)
07:10 <Lucifer> and don't you fucking forget it, mister!
07:11 <GodTodd> that's "smurfing", pottymouth
07:11 <GodTodd> :)
07:13 <GodTodd> i want a recount
07:13 <Lucifer> you got smurfette, didn't you?
07:14 <GodTodd> err...no...for that one i got papa smurf
07:14  * GodTodd is sinead o'connor
07:14 <Lucifer> bahahahaha
07:15 <Lucifer> you're papa smurf!  :)
07:15 <GodTodd> hey...he gets to do smurfette
07:16 <GodTodd> and he has smurf lackeys do smurf all the smurfing smurf for him while he gets it on with her ;)
07:18 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@] has joined #armagetron
07:21  * GodTodd notes that Lucifer must not associate with papa smurf. ;)
07:21 <Lucifer> careful, I'll build a jail around you if you smurf me off you mother smurfer!
07:22 <GodTodd> and i'll have 99 other smurfs to smurf you up you smurf sucker
07:24 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []
07:24 <Lucifer> then who's going to fix their smurfs when they can't smurf it up?
07:25 <Lucifer> face it, smurfy-boy, you need me more than I smurfing need you
07:26 <GodTodd> bull smurf
07:28 <Lucifer> smurfhead
07:28 <Lucifer> you think you're smurf of the smurfs, well come over here, smurfeater and I'll smurf you up
07:28 <GodTodd> you're just mad because you have a small smurf
07:29 <GodTodd> go eat a smurf sandwich
07:29 <Lucifer> at least my small smurf has had a smurfer in the last three decades, your smurf hasn't smurfed since I was knee high to a smurfhopper
07:30 <GodTodd> yeah, sure...ask smurfette...i smurf that smurf up...smurf the smurf out of that smurf...she smurfs loud enough to wake the smurf
07:30 <Lucifer> currently smurfing out loud
07:30 <GodTodd> you're just upset that she smurfed at you when you dropped your smurfs
07:31 <Lucifer> she wasn't smurfing!  she was smurfing, and you're jealous
07:32 <GodTodd> smurf that smurf!  she smurfed me that your smurf made my smurf look even smurfier than it already did
07:33  * GodTodd wonders if this falls under the word "smurfate" ;)
07:33 <Lucifer> smurfate isn't a word, you smurfhead
07:33 <Luke-Jr> Lucifer: do you play The Game?
07:33 <Lucifer> which smurfing game is that?
07:33 <Luke-Jr> it's called The Game.
07:34 <Luke-Jr> if you think about The Game, you lose.
07:34 <Luke-Jr> that's pretty much it
07:34 <Luke-Jr> and you can't quit
07:34 <GodTodd> i'm smurfing papa smurf...if i smurfing smurf that a smurf is a smurf then godsmurf it, it's a smurfing smurf!
07:34 <Lucifer> that sound smurfing, I'm not doing it
07:34 <Luke-Jr> so if you are in fact playing The Game, you've probably just lost
07:34 <Luke-Jr> me either
07:34 <Luke-Jr> some idiots playing The Game in #anime insist everyone is automatically
07:34 <Luke-Jr> but I keep telling them, games require consent before the rules apply
07:35 <Lucifer> dude, you're smurfing the channel, do you want to get smurfed?
07:35 <Luke-Jr> smurf you
07:35  * GodTodd is actually quite proud of that last line he had. :)
07:35 <Lucifer> and smurfit, I don't smurfing care who you smufring smurf you smurf, you little smurf!  I'll smurf you up!
07:36 <Luke-Jr> smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf
07:36 <Luke-Jr> smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf
07:36 <Luke-Jr> smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf
07:36 <Luke-Jr> smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf
07:36 -!- Luke-Jr [n=luke-jr@2002:46bb:1a76:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has quit [Excess Flood]
07:36  * Lucifer is currently smurfing out loud
07:36 <GodTodd> you're getting too smurfing big for your smurfing smurfs you little smurf
07:36  * GodTodd is as well.
07:36 -!- Luke-Jr [n=luke-jr@2002:46bb:1a76:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has joined #Armagetron
07:37 <Luke-Jr> smurf that
07:37 <Lucifer> smurfing idiot
07:37 <GodTodd> is it sad that we actually remember the rules for using "smurf"?
07:37 <Lucifer> no, it's smurfy
07:38 <GodTodd> is it sad that i remember their creator?
07:38 <Lucifer> yes, that's sad
07:38 <GodTodd> okay
07:38 <GodTodd> i figured some part of it had to be sad
07:39 <Lucifer> you remember smurfberry crunch breakfast cereal?
07:39 <GodTodd> yep
07:39 <Lucifer> boy, that stuff was fun to eat
07:39 <GodTodd> it made the milk into blood :)
07:39 <Luke-Jr> lol
07:39 <GodTodd> tasted a lot like crunchberries though
07:40 <GodTodd> hell...i remember Nerds cereal
07:40 <GodTodd> the grape tasted like newsprint
07:40 -!- Xeio [n=zeiothex@pool-98-111-239-113.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
07:41 <Lucifer> never tasted newsprint, myself
07:41 <GodTodd> i have
07:41 <GodTodd> when it rubs off on your fingers and you eat a sandwich
07:43 <GodTodd> damn...how many former AHS students moved to this friggen state?
07:43 <Lucifer> apparently a lot, who did you find this time?
07:43 <Luke-Jr> 78432783.2
07:44 <GodTodd> it's just the sheer number
07:44 <GodTodd> not sure if it's bad or indifferent that nick hockman lives in DFW
07:44 <GodTodd> heh
07:44 <GodTodd> you remember cyndi worley don't you?
07:44 <Lucifer> indifferent
07:44 <Lucifer> yeah
07:44 <Lucifer> isn't she in HI?
07:44 <GodTodd> yeah
07:45 <Lucifer> and really smoking hot?
07:45 <GodTodd> yeah
07:45 <GodTodd> she looks a lot the same i remember from 20 years or so ago
07:45 <GodTodd> bitch :)
07:46 <Lucifer> I thought she looked different, more mature, hotter
07:46 <Lucifer> man, she grew up well
07:46  * Lucifer wipes his forehead
07:46 <GodTodd> she sure did
07:47 <GodTodd> heh...i wonder whatever happened to harold lee
07:47 <GodTodd> other than a military career i mean
07:48 <GodTodd> i guess i don't feel as old now...loretta johnson has a daughter that just graduated 8th grade
07:50 -!- Xeio [n=zeiothex@pool-98-111-239-113.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net] has left #armagetron []
07:55 <GodTodd> holy smurf...she didn't do too bad, either : http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/profile.php?id=1078897283&ref=sgm
08:06 <Lucifer> well, one of my other female friends suspects this girl is a nutjob
08:07 <Lucifer> and that I shouldn't see her
08:09 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50870D2F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
08:09 <Lucifer> what is it with you? do you wear some kind of pheremone to make women want to date you? <--- bahahaha, she's awesome
08:10 <GodTodd> is this a fairly impartial female friend?
08:10 <Lucifer> yes
08:10 <GodTodd> k
08:10 <GodTodd> she agrees with my initial instinct then...but i'd still give it a little time
08:13 -!- sinewav [n=sinewav@adsl-76-197-240-174.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
08:13 <Luke-Jr> Lucifer: coming from a woman, that could be interpreted further..
08:14 <Lucifer> yes, but this particular woman, ummmmmmmm
08:14 <GodTodd> coming from a woman of a certain age, perhaps
08:17 <Lucifer> cancer patient, early menopause from the chemo, yadayada
08:17 <Lucifer> depression, divorce recovery, etc
08:17 <Lucifer> :)
08:17 <GodTodd> yeah...not from her :)
08:17 <Lucifer> great, now I've got like 3 conversations going on in 3 separate windows
08:18 <GodTodd> heh
08:18 <Luke-Jr> only 3?
08:20 <GodTodd> i only have 1 going
08:21 <Lucifer> yeah, only 3
08:21 <Lucifer> normally there's 3 here
08:26 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-026-043.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
08:30 <Lucifer> this poor girl is missing every sci-fi reference I drop
08:30 <Lucifer> how am I going to communicate with her?
08:30 <GodTodd> haha
08:31 <Luke-Jr> Lucifer: RFC 3832
08:35 <GodTodd> is she a kirk or a picard?
08:36 <GodTodd> oh ffs...i'm an "alamogordo wizard" :/
08:38 <Lucifer> alamogordo wizard?
08:38 <GodTodd> yeah
08:38 <Lucifer> what's that?
08:39 <GodTodd> apparently someone who knows alamo well
08:39 <GodTodd> heh
08:39 <Lucifer> you can summon fat cottonwhatsit trees?
08:40 <Lucifer> picard
08:40 <Lucifer> she likes picard
08:40 <GodTodd> it was kind of a stupid quiz...i mean...the last question had you pick an elementary school there and it had north and sierra as choices
08:40 <GodTodd> ahhh...that passes then :)
08:40 <Lucifer> what?
08:40 <Lucifer> PASSES?
08:40 <GodTodd> hell yeah
08:40 <Lucifer> DOES NOT!
08:41 <GodTodd> picard is way better than kirk
08:41 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o Lucifer] by ChanServ
08:41 -!- GodTodd was kicked from #armagetron by Lucifer [smurf off]
08:41 -!- GodTodd [n=Truth@pool-173-74-72-105.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
08:41 <GodTodd> i may be blinded by more current exposure but i loved picard
08:42 <GodTodd> never did like shatner, either
08:43 <@Lucifer> I like shatner, I think his kirk is a good kirk :)
08:44 <GodTodd> well, yeah, he was the best kirk...but i don't like people that overact
08:44 <GodTodd> heh
08:44 <GodTodd> though kirk had the coolest middle name
08:46 <GodTodd> if she knows kirk's middle name she might be a keeper
08:49 <@Lucifer> he never overacted
08:49 <@Lucifer> I've actually know people who talked like that normally
08:49 <GodTodd> not anyone i'd like to hang around
08:50 <@Lucifer> but, see
08:50 <@Lucifer> they were just
08:50 <@Lucifer> um
08:50 <@Lucifer> shit
08:50 <@Lucifer> 2020 talks like that, doesn't he?
08:51 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o Lucifer] by Lucifer
08:51 <GodTodd> yeah...and it annoys the hell out of me :)
09:02 <GodTodd> blergle flergle farf
09:22 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50870D2F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
09:41 <Lucifer> hmmm, that was interesting
09:41 <Lucifer> but I can't talk about because I'm cooking dinner :)
10:07 -!- CodeBlock [n=CodeBloc@about/windows/regular/CodeBlock] has quit ["Buh-bye."]
10:07 -!- CodeBloc- [n=CodeBloc@] has joined #armagetron
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11:50 -!- CruZ [n=CruZ@p57AF73C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
11:51 -!- CruZ [n=CruZ@p57AF73C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Client Quit]
11:55 -!- PinkTomato [n=PinkToma@5aca0656.bb.sky.com] has joined #armagetron
12:05 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lckdscl@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #armagetron
12:14 -!- sunny [n=sunny@p5B00E5C9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
14:10 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
14:18 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
14:22 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
14:24 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has joined #aRmAGetRoN
14:33 -!- madmax [n=x@unaffiliated/madmax] has joined #armagetron
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15:28 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
15:54 -!- PinkTomato [n=PinkToma@5aca0656.bb.sky.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
15:56 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has quit ["Ragequit."]
16:03 -!- madmax [n=x@unaffiliated/madmax] has quit ["ø"]
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17:09 -!- PinkTomat1 [n=PinkToma@5aca0656.bb.sky.com] has joined #armagetron
17:11 -!- sunny_ [n=sunny@p5B00E5C9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
17:19 -!- tronner [i=p4@unaffiliated/tronner] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
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17:22 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit ["Quitte"]
17:27 -!- sunny [n=sunny@p5B00E5C9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
17:36 -!- Flex [n=savas@unaffiliated/flex] has joined #Armagetron
17:45 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lckdscl@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit ["gone! quit! exit! etc."]
18:06 -!- sunny_ [n=sunny@p5B00E5C9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]
18:52 -!- akira_arma [n=lost_chi@77-64-160-240.dynamic.primacom.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060215]"]
18:53 -!- akira_arma [n=lost_chi@77-64-160-240.dynamic.primacom.net] has joined #armagetron
19:11 -!- Flex [n=savas@unaffiliated/flex] has quit ["bye"]
19:13 -!- G5 [n=G5@cl-506.dus-01.de.sixxs.net] has joined #armagetron
19:14 -!- PinkTomato [n=PinkToma@5aca0656.bb.sky.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
19:14 -!- PinkTomat1 [n=PinkToma@5aca0656.bb.sky.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
19:16 <noob13> .tea
19:16 <tronner> noob13: Fortress Café: Players (0/32):
19:16 <noob13> .sd fort
19:16 <tronner> noob13: .×] Twi¦×¦ted ¦×¦ats Fortress (US) [×.0xffff88: 0xffff88Players (15/32): 'BS'|Sunrise, -=VcL.Student, .×] Liza (Liza@x/member), .x] JJBean (Joe@forums), apparition (apparition@forums), £øne£¥, CT_emphasis, dangerous^^, KarmA, Mallefranz, Player 1, slov_the_one, Starscream, _~R~_Tðbê (Tobe@forums), ~DaWg~
19:23 <dlh>  /wii z-man-work
19:23 <dlh> oops
19:31 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50870BA5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
19:53 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lckdscl@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #armagetron
19:56 <armabot> armacommits: [0.2.8-armagetronad-work] Language tweak || [0.2.8-armagetronad-work] Documented negative/zero value for SHUFFLE_SPAM_MESSAGES_PER... || [0.2.8-armagetronad-work] Removed double semicolon typo || [0.2.8-armagetronad-work] Players can no longer spam chat with /shuffle messages. Adde... || [0.2.8-armagetronad-work] A player is now removed from the game immediately when suspe...
20:01 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
20:17 <Luke-Jr> lol
20:17 <Luke-Jr> Lucifer: ivantis is still silenced here; should we un-silence him? XD
20:36 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50870BA5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
20:45 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has joined #aRmAGetRoN
21:10 -!- Flex [n=savas@unaffiliated/flex] has joined #Armagetron
21:17 <Concord> and South Africa
21:17 <Concord> looking to pull a USA
21:17 <Concord> 44th minute, 0-0
21:20 <Concord> half
21:23 <Luke-Jr> are you drunk?
21:25 <K-Yo> I was wondering the same!
21:26 <Concord> ?
21:28 -!- ljrbot [n=supybot-@2002:46bb:1a76:0:2b0:d0ff:fe49:6b31] has quit [Excess Flood]
21:29 -!- ljrbot [n=supybot-@2002:46bb:1a76:0:2b0:d0ff:fe49:6b31] has joined #armagetron
21:29 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []
21:30 -!- GodTodd [n=Truth@pool-173-74-72-105.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
21:43 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has quit ["Ragequit."]
21:44 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50870BA5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
22:03 -!- G5 [n=G5@cl-506.dus-01.de.sixxs.net] has quit ["Over and out."]
22:24 -!- akira_arma [n=lost_chi@77-64-160-240.dynamic.primacom.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060215]"]
22:28 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50870BA5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
22:42 -!- madmax [n=x@unaffiliated/madmax] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
22:42 -!- madmax|pt [n=x@] has joined #armagetron
22:58 -!- madmax|pt [n=x@] has quit [Client Quit]
23:02 <Flex> he was talking about the football?
23:03 <Flex> you guys living under a rock or something
23:16 -!- sunny [n=sunny@p5B00B92B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
23:16 <sunny> heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey all
23:19 -!- Surb [n=surb@unaffiliated/surb] has joined #armagetron
23:22 -!- sunny [n=sunny@p5B00B92B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]
23:22 -!- sunny [n=sunny@p5B00B92B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
23:25 <Flex> heyyy sunny
23:25 <sunny> hey flex
23:26 <sunny> fort?
23:27 <Flex> sure
23:27 <sunny> :)
23:38 -!- sunny [n=sunny@p5B00B92B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]
23:39 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-173-74-72-105.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
23:47 <K-Yo> .tea
23:48 <tronner> K-Yo: Fortress Café: Players (0/32):
23:48 <K-Yo> .ls sunny
23:48 <tronner> K-Yo: sunnygirl has last been seen on ~|DS|~DarkSyndicate's Mega Fortress 10 minutes ago.
23:58 -!- dubStep [n=mya_baby@host86-128-72-142.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #armagetron

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