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Log from 2016-05-26:
May 26 04:38:59 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	]say I love luke-jr's cock
May 26 04:38:59 2016 <ljrbot>	I love luke-jr's cock
May 26 04:50:16 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	]say I'm a little sexbot, short and stout
May 26 04:50:16 2016 <ljrbot>	I'm a little sexbot, short and stout
May 26 04:51:14 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	]say Lucifer_arma has the greatest dick in all of the land.
May 26 04:51:14 2016 <ljrbot>	Lucifer_arma has the greatest dick in all of the land.
May 26 04:51:25 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	]say Lucifer_arma: Fuck off!
May 26 04:51:25 2016 <ljrbot>	Lucifer_arma: Fuck off!
May 26 04:51:44 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	]say Lucifer_arma: Stop putting words in my mouth!
May 26 04:51:45 2016 <ljrbot>	Lucifer_arma: Stop putting words in my mouth!
May 26 04:51:53 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	ljrbot: Ok, I'll put something else there instead
May 26 04:51:53 2016 <ljrbot>	Lucifer_arma: Error: "Ok," is not a valid command.
May 26 04:52:02 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	saw that coming, no pun intended.
May 26 04:52:30 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	But obviously that's why you don't have sex with robots
May 26 07:14:09 2016 *	ct|kyle (~kyle@ has joined #armagetron
May 26 08:11:39 2016 <luke-jr>	]admin ignore add Lucifer_arma
May 26 08:11:39 2016 <ljrbot>	luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
May 26 08:29:20 2016 <wrtlprnft>	AmarokNelg: say ljrbot: say some dirty comment
May 26 08:29:26 2016 <wrtlprnft>	äh
May 26 08:29:45 2016 <wrtlprnft>	how come we have just one bot now?
May 26 09:06:05 2016 <Z-Man>	I'm sort of half a bot now. Does that count?
May 26 09:07:38 2016 <wrtlprnft>	let's try
May 26 09:07:41 2016 <wrtlprnft>	Z-Man: say insult to luke-jr
May 26 09:08:21 2016 <Z-Man>	insult to luke-jr
May 26 09:08:35 2016 <luke-jr>	O.o
May 26 09:08:41 2016 <luke-jr>	wrtlprnft: haven't seen you speak in ages
May 26 09:09:00 2016 <luke-jr>	and you start off by insulting me? :x
May 26 09:09:12 2016 <wrtlprnft>	ok, another test with the latest CAPCHA technology in mind
May 26 09:09:12 2016 <wrtlprnft>	Z-Man: send me your tax returns from three years ago
May 26 09:09:19 2016 <wrtlprnft>	I insulted you?
May 26 09:09:37 2016 <wrtlprnft>	besides, you may just not have been looking closely enough
May 26 09:09:54 2016 <Z-Man>	Hah, joke's on you, I had to pay extra.
May 26 09:10:10 2016 <Z-Man>	(no, not really. Taxes have been kind the last couple of years.(
May 26 09:11:07 2016 <wrtlprnft>	oh, I wasn't asking for the money, but for you to dig through your files
May 26 09:11:08 2016 <wrtlprnft>	http://smbc-comics.com/?id=4120
May 26 09:12:27 2016 <Z-Man>	Ah. Well, since I'm about to do last years taxes, there even may be a chance I could find them.
May 26 09:12:45 2016 <Z-Man>	Everything is already neatly piled up on my desk.
May 26 09:12:49 2016 <wrtlprnft>	ok, you're officially half bot, then
May 26 09:13:52 2016 <wrtlprnft>	luke-jr: but I'm still not clear how you count that as an insult
May 26 09:19:06 2016 <luke-jr>	[13:07:40] <wrtlprnft> Z-Man: say insult to luke-jr
May 26 09:19:08 2016 <luke-jr>	:p
May 26 09:20:19 2016 <wrtlprnft>	but did I insult you?
May 26 09:21:51 2016 <wrtlprnft>	I didn't even use a specific insult. If I had said 'call leia-sr an idiot', that might count in my book
May 26 09:27:07 2016 <luke-jr>	ok
May 26 09:27:25 2016 <luke-jr>	wrtlprnft: anyhow, how are you doing these days?
May 26 09:29:44 2016 <wrtlprnft>	fine
May 26 09:30:19 2016 <wrtlprnft>	kind of busy with studies, have to turn in my master's thesis next week
May 26 09:30:30 2016 <luke-jr>	i c
May 26 09:30:43 2016 <luke-jr>	I just got back from Switzerland, so have a lot to catch up on XD
May 26 09:32:05 2016 <wrtlprnft>	something I've wanted to ask for a long time: Are you the same luke-jr that runs or ran a mining pool?
May 26 09:32:52 2016 <luke-jr>	wrtlprnft: yes, several years ago now
May 26 09:33:50 2016 <luke-jr>	passed it off to another guy so i could focus more on the coding
May 26 09:34:12 2016 <wrtlprnft>	always interesting to read about people in an entirely different area than where you initally knew them from
May 26 09:35:53 2016 *	wrtlprnft still should try to find something to do with his couple of mBTC he mined a long time ago
May 26 09:36:27 2016 <luke-jr>	NewEgg? :P
May 26 09:36:38 2016 <luke-jr>	or just hold on to it and hope for the best
May 26 09:39:23 2016 <wrtlprnft>	but it does get interest in the form of random dust people send to my addresses for whatever reason. in a few trillion years, I'll be rich!
May 26 09:40:14 2016 <luke-jr>	dust costs more to spend than it's worth - at least for now :/
May 26 09:47:26 2016 <wrtlprnft>	at the time I was still informed about this stuff, there was a threshold when transactions got “free” depending on the age of their inputs
May 26 10:00:25 2016 <luke-jr>	wrtlprnft: that's borderline about to go away.
May 26 10:00:31 2016 <luke-jr>	and would take centuries with dust
May 26 10:03:24 2016 <wrtlprnft>	or days if you have another huge transaction lying around
May 26 10:05:34 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	luke-jr: don't cut me off from the bot, I need to periodically check my internet connection!
May 26 10:05:55 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	Z-Man: say "Luke-Jr, don't cut Lucifer_arma off from your bot"
May 26 10:06:18 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	ok, terrible bot
May 26 10:06:34 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	wrtlprnft: say "Luke-Jr, don't cut Lucifer_arma off from your bot"
May 26 10:07:04 2016 <wrtlprnft>	ok, wait a second
May 26 10:07:10 2016 <wrtlprnft>	are you guys ignoring each other again?
May 26 10:07:18 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	no, we're cool right now
May 26 10:07:30 2016 <wrtlprnft>	so there's technically no reason for me to comply
May 26 10:07:44 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	you're a shittier bot than z-man, who didn't respond at all
May 26 10:08:18 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	obviously I'm going to have o bring my own bot to this channel
May 26 10:08:30 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	LuciBot.  That's a nice name.
May 26 10:08:47 2016 <wrtlprnft>	didn't we have armabot, which was originally run by you?
May 26 10:09:05 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	yeah, armabot was LuciBot's child.
May 26 10:09:25 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	but to make armabot, I'd have to get epsy's changes to make the pickup thing work
May 26 10:09:45 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	so, politics and shit.  Hence why I said I'd bring LuciBot back instead.
May 26 10:10:39 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	also, I lost control of my nickname, so I can't OP myself
May 26 10:10:53 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	so luke-jr can say any stupid thing he wants, and I can't boot him for it
May 26 10:11:00 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	luke-jr: so say something about chemtrails
May 26 10:13:10 2016 <wrtlprnft>	wait, you don't believe in chemtrails?
May 26 10:13:15 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	he's obviously busy mining bitcoins
May 26 10:13:28 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	oh, I know they're there.  I grew up on an air force base.
May 26 10:13:39 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	That means I know they're water, of course.  ;)
May 26 10:14:55 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	Ooh wait, am I a victim of government conditioning?
May 26 10:14:56 2016 <luke-jr>	]admin ignore remove Lucifer_arma
May 26 10:14:57 2016 <ljrbot>	luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
May 26 10:15:00 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	Di I spell that right?
May 26 10:15:19 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	]ping
May 26 10:15:19 2016 <ljrbot>	pong
May 26 10:15:25 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	thank you, luke-jr
May 26 10:15:30 2016 <luke-jr>	what is chemtrails?
May 26 10:15:30 2016 <wrtlprnft>	I think you spelled “victim” correctly
May 26 10:16:13 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	I actually double-checked that, to make sure I did, because sometimes you're an asshole
May 26 10:16:29 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	and this time, yep, you were an asshole ;)
May 26 10:16:46 2016 <wrtlprnft>	well, given that you probably got a higher-than-average dose growing up, you probably believed anything they told you
May 26 10:17:21 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	oh yeah, and that bomb they dropped on the school for "educational purposes", I'm sure that wasn't nuclear
May 26 10:17:31 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	my kids have 3 arms each, by the way
May 26 10:17:43 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	but there's no way you can match that up
May 26 10:18:20 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	purely coincidental
May 26 10:18:23 2016 <wrtlprnft>	well, so long as they didn't try to teach you that you're a monkey at that school…
May 26 10:18:50 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	um, oops.  They taught evolution.  Evil bastards.
May 26 10:19:29 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	But there's no record of it.  The giant toad who took over the entire base made sure of that.
May 26 10:20:10 2016 <luke-jr>	evolution doesn't posit that humans are monkeys btw
May 26 10:20:32 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	so easily baited
May 26 10:20:59 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	wrtlprnft: You are the master of baiting.
May 26 10:21:06 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	You're so good at it!
May 26 10:21:09 2016 <wrtlprnft>	;-)
May 26 10:21:59 2016 <luke-jr>	he's a master baiter.
May 26 10:22:19 2016 <wrtlprnft>	wait, did we just get luke-jr to defend evolution?
May 26 10:22:23 2016 <wrtlprnft>	I'm confused.
May 26 10:22:33 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	oh shit, we did.  Wow.
May 26 10:22:39 2016 <luke-jr>	lol
May 26 10:22:56 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	We leveled up, I guess.
May 26 10:23:29 2016 *	luke-jr is quite neutral on the topic these days, and will defend either position. :p
May 26 10:24:02 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	well, the second law of thermodynaics (sp?) clearly says that you can't have a system move to a more complicated system
May 26 10:25:04 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	of course, it's still a grievous sin that I married a mexican woman
May 26 10:26:05 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	you know, 'cause I divorced a white woman.  Heaven forbid someone should divorce a white person and then marry a brown person.  Oh god, the sin!
May 26 10:26:26 2016 <wrtlprnft>	would that apply if you're brown yourself?
May 26 10:26:38 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	I don't think so.
May 26 10:26:55 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	In fact, if you were brown to begin with, WTF were you doing marrying a white person?
May 26 10:27:04 2016 *	luke-jr wonders wtf Lucifer_arma is talking about.
May 26 10:27:29 2016 <wrtlprnft>	hmm, my next question would have been about a brown person diviorcing a white person for a black one
May 26 10:27:35 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	I'm obviously treating luke-jr's views on marriage and divorce like a pinata
May 26 10:27:53 2016 <wrtlprnft>	besides, aren't people in texas red? or at least their necks…
May 26 10:28:05 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	that's west texas
May 26 10:28:28 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	I'm actually in one of the megalopolises
May 26 10:28:42 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	the dfw/san antonio/houston one.  Austin is in there.
May 26 10:29:55 2016 <wrtlprnft>	hey, I get PCBs from houston
May 26 10:29:57 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	The Texas Triangle.  It's almost completeley urbanized.
May 26 10:30:01 2016 <luke-jr>	[14:27:53] <wrtlprnft> besides, aren't people in texas red? or at least their necks… <-- lol
May 26 10:30:29 2016 <luke-jr>	wrtlprnft: fwiw, Lucifer_arma is trolling
May 26 10:30:39 2016 <wrtlprnft>	oh, snap
May 26 10:30:41 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	like he doesn't know that
May 26 10:30:50 2016 <wrtlprnft>	and here I was, taking the entire thing seriously
May 26 10:31:12 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	I genuinely laughed out loud at that
May 26 10:31:43 2016 <luke-jr>	lol
May 26 10:31:47 2016 <wrtlprnft>	glol?
May 26 10:32:05 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	no, he doesn't gay lol
May 26 10:32:09 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	he doesn't gay anything
May 26 10:32:11 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	except his wife
May 26 10:32:21 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	he gays the shit out of her
May 26 10:33:46 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	ok, that might be a bit cruel, considering the last I heard about luke-jr and his personal life, and I apologize
May 26 10:34:18 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	I got a bit wrapped up, enjoying wrtlprnft being here and stuff, and I naturally got a bit carried away
May 26 10:34:30 2016 <wrtlprnft>	I'm honored
May 26 10:35:20 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	you honor us with your presence
May 26 10:35:37 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	that's serious, no satire/crazy Lucifer jokes/whatever
May 26 10:36:16 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	so, that's the disclaimer.  Now, expect to be treated like anybody else.  ;)
May 26 10:36:21 2016 <wrtlprnft>	hehe
May 26 10:38:47 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	maybe I can round you up with Spidey and play soem freeciv.
May 26 10:39:05 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	No idea where Your_mom and Vanhayes are, but I'd like ethem to play too.
May 26 10:39:24 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	also, my kids, who are now old enough to, well, lose to me playing Freeciv
May 26 10:39:32 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	and luke-jr, and we promise not to nuke him this time
May 26 10:39:35 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	well, sorta
May 26 10:41:29 2016 <wrtlprnft>	I was never actually any good at that game, though
May 26 10:41:45 2016 <wrtlprnft>	far too peaceful and trying to get prospering cities
May 26 10:42:04 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	oh, I've got a ruleset that speeds that up
May 26 10:42:18 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	you still have to do the prospering cities crap, because, well, that's the game
May 26 10:42:46 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	but if you do it reasonably well, then you can get to building your army that I will conquer.  You can do that quickly, and I will still pwn you.
May 26 10:43:02 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	Um, I think somebody else is working my hands on this keyboard.
May 26 10:43:14 2016 <wrtlprnft>	then you have a really smart cat
May 26 10:43:21 2016 *	luke-jr has quit (Excess Flood)
May 26 10:43:22 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	I don't have a cat.
May 26 10:43:30 2016 *	luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #armagetron
May 26 10:43:37 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	yeah, that's the message we got when spidey and I nuked him.
May 26 10:43:44 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	oh shit, he's back, nvm.
May 26 10:44:30 2016 <wrtlprnft>	ah, what you're typing makes more sense when you don't hide joins/parts/quits
May 26 10:44:44 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	ok, wrtlprnft, I remember you didn't exactly take to freeciv.  I was hoping that you'd have a different view, now that you're older.
May 26 10:45:07 2016 <wrtlprnft>	well, I could try again, of course
May 26 10:45:23 2016 <wrtlprnft>	although that would probably mean that I would get pwnd even harder
May 26 10:45:26 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	not that age matters a lot, just that I thought you could mature into it, or something like that.  So if you're still not interested, I'll try to get my kids and me to meet you on the grid
May 26 10:45:59 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	I'm quite proud that they're willing to do that.  They've both faced off with /dev/null, and lost.  and that was awesome!
May 26 10:46:17 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	How about Hedgewars?  Maybe you should look into that....
May 26 10:46:29 2016 <wrtlprnft>	i know that game, yes
May 26 10:46:37 2016 <wrtlprnft>	how else do you survive boring lectures?
May 26 10:46:52 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	haha, we play it every now and then.  :)
May 26 10:46:56 2016 <wrtlprnft>	well, anyways, what about in about four hours?
May 26 10:47:29 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	I won't have them until this weekend.  I divorced their mom (I was married to her when the cockpit thing happened).  I'm on a schedule.
May 26 10:50:36 2016 <wrtlprnft>	ah, ok
May 26 10:51:07 2016 <wrtlprnft>	well, then we'll try this weekend, that's a plan
May 26 10:51:11 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	I'll hit you up here when they're here and we're all ready to play.
May 26 10:51:36 2016 <wrtlprnft>	ok
May 26 10:51:48 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	That's a good plan, but don't forget the timezone thing.  I'm still in Austin, TX, and my boys tend to pass out right before midnight local time.
May 26 10:52:04 2016 <wrtlprnft>	that works to our advantage in this case
May 26 10:52:06 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	They're terrible partiers.
May 26 10:52:26 2016 <wrtlprnft>	all that means is that we can't play at 7 AM my time
May 26 10:53:24 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	we'll do what we can.  ALso, others who are watching are invitied.  I'll look at the server and see what I have to do to set it up.
May 26 10:53:55 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	but I'd love to have you play with me and my boys.  They're cutthroat, they'll kill each other for the win.  Also, they tend to target me, just because.
May 26 10:54:27 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	My stepdaughter has won because the boys targetted me, and I defended, and she ended up with the most hedgehogs.
May 26 10:55:01 2016 *	wrtlprnft is now AFK
May 26 10:55:04 2016 <wrtlprnft>	Only idiots keep their instant chat at default values.
May 26 11:55:17 2016 <AmarokNelg>	we only have one bot because my bot doesnt want to stay
May 26 11:55:26 2016 *	nelg-bot (~nelg-bot@unaffiliated/amaroknelg/bot/nelg-bot) has joined #armagetron
May 26 12:01:06 2016 <AmarokNelg>	I believe there was a dbdbot here too at one time
May 26 12:01:12 2016 <AmarokNelg>	ah well
May 26 12:05:14 2016 <AmarokNelg>	!google test
May 26 12:05:16 2016 <nelg-bot>	AmarokNelg: <> -
May 26 12:31:17 2016 <AmarokNelg>	turns out that google shut down their search API
May 26 13:31:15 2016 *	nelg-bot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
May 26 13:32:13 2016 *	nelg-bot (~nelg-bot@unaffiliated/amaroknelg/bot/nelg-bot) has joined #armagetron
May 26 13:39:49 2016 <AmarokNelg>	!google test
May 26 13:39:51 2016 <nelg-bot>	AmarokNelg: <> -
May 26 13:46:33 2016 <AmarokNelg>	!google test
May 26 13:46:36 2016 <nelg-bot>	AmarokNelg: Personality test based on C. Jung and I. Briggs Myers type theory at http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp
May 26 13:46:42 2016 <AmarokNelg>	!help google
May 26 13:46:43 2016 <nelg-bot>	AmarokNelg: !google -- Returns a random result from the web based on your search
May 26 13:55:31 2016 <AmarokNelg>	]google
May 26 13:55:32 2016 <ljrbot>	AmarokNelg: Error: "google" is not a valid command.
May 26 13:55:36 2016 <AmarokNelg>	]list
May 26 13:55:37 2016 <ljrbot>	AmarokNelg: AcronymFinder, Admin, Alias, Bible, BitcoinData, Channel, Config, Currency, CyborgName, Format, Games, IgnoreFormatting, Later, Math, Misc, Network, Owner, Quote, RSS, Rhyme, Seen, Services, Status, Stock, String, Time, User, Utilities, Weather, Web, and Yandere
May 26 14:19:10 2016 *	nelg-bot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
May 26 15:12:40 2016 *	Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu May 26 15:12:40 2016
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 26 15:13:08 2016
May 26 15:13:08 2016 *	Now talking on #armagetron
May 26 15:13:08 2016 *	Topic for #armagetron is: http://www.armagetronad.org/ | pastebin: http://armagetron.pastebin.com/ | Tournaments: #armagetron.tourneys | Pickup a game: #armagetron.pickup
May 26 15:13:08 2016 *	Topic for #armagetron set by guru3 at Wed Apr 22 16:50:50 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 26 18:57:28 2016
May 26 18:57:28 2016 *	Now talking on #armagetron
May 26 18:57:28 2016 *	Topic for #armagetron is: http://www.armagetronad.org/ | pastebin: http://armagetron.pastebin.com/ | Tournaments: #armagetron.tourneys | Pickup a game: #armagetron.pickup
May 26 18:57:28 2016 *	Topic for #armagetron set by guru3 at Wed Apr 22 16:50:50 2015
May 26 18:58:46 2016 *	nelg-bot (~nelg-bot@unaffiliated/amaroknelg/bot/nelg-bot) has joined #armagetron
May 26 18:58:47 2016 *	nelg-bot has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 26 21:34:38 2016 *	zmanuel (~Z-Man@p54A1F483.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined #armagetron
May 26 21:34:38 2016 *	Z-Man has quit (Killed (verne.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services)))
May 26 21:34:38 2016 *	zmanuel is now known as Z-Man
May 26 22:26:36 2016 *	Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu May 26 22:26:36 2016
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 26 22:27:10 2016
May 26 22:27:10 2016 *	Now talking on #armagetron
May 26 22:27:10 2016 *	Topic for #armagetron is: http://www.armagetronad.org/ | pastebin: http://armagetron.pastebin.com/ | Tournaments: #armagetron.tourneys | Pickup a game: #armagetron.pickup
May 26 22:27:10 2016 *	Topic for #armagetron set by guru3 at Wed Apr 22 16:50:50 2015
May 26 23:02:43 2016 *	ct|kyle has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

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Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.

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