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Log from 2018-12-10:
[13:32:03] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Quit: physkets)
[16:47:08] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r17 moving log into subdirectories sorted by year/month.... || [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r16 Added sync_loop.sh, running sync process in a loop whenever ...
[17:47:16] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r18 Added script with remote hook, waited for via ssh....
[17:52:25] <Z-Man> Anybody know a good canonical way to let a raspi do something primitive based on a webhook (no actual parameters, just a trigger) without exposing a complete webserver running on it to the internet?
[17:53:07] <Z-Man> Right now, my solution is to have the webserver on my real server, that writes something to a file, and the raspi sshs into the webserver and runs a script waiting for that file to change.
[17:53:32] <Z-Man> Kinda klunky.
[18:01:38] <Z-Man> I could just use netcat as a web server.
[21:49:45] *** Joins: Z-Man- (~Z-Man@p4FE3E646.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
[21:49:45] *** Z-Man is now known as Guest1760
[21:49:46] *** Quits: Guest1760 (~Z-Man@p4FE3E91E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (tepper.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services)))
[21:49:46] *** Z-Man- is now known as Z-Man
[23:10:22] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets)

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