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Log from 2019-01-18: [00:25:31] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) [00:29:30] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Client Quit) [00:30:42] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) [00:32:16] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Client Quit) [00:32:54] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) [00:33:11] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Client Quit) [00:33:51] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) [00:34:40] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Remote host closed the connection) [00:35:17] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) [00:42:01] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Quit: physkets) [00:43:09] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) [00:54:31] *** Joins: wrtlprnft (~quassel@ipbcc05397.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) [03:57:28] *** Quits: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [07:41:29] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Quit: physkets) [08:14:28] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) [12:42:12] *** Joins: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) [13:10:28] *** Quits: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [13:39:34] *** Joins: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) [14:36:01] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Quit: physkets) [15:30:24] *** Quits: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [15:34:15] *** Joins: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) [16:06:55] <Z-Man> Yeah, but then GitHub and GitLab will both think we mean THEIR issue. [16:08:08] <Z-Man> Granted, that could be easily solved by disabling the issue tracker on one of them, but right now, while we're getting the feel of things, I'd like to give both a bit of a try. [16:45:34] <ct|kyle> Z-Man: I agree I think both have differnt pros / cons. Also a side note, I am working on the delay command thing (should not take too much time, just having a hard time finding the time) hopefully soon we can close that branch [17:05:02] *** Quits: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [17:32:45] *** Joins: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) [21:46:46] *** Joins: Z-Man- (~Z-Man@p5B3262B5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [21:46:46] *** Quits: Z-Man (~Z-Man@p4FE3E6D4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (orwell.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services))) [21:46:46] *** Z-Man- is now known as Z-ManView entire month