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[11:49:26] <Lucifer_arma> https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-48442662 <--- why is this news, but the fact that contestants in Miss America/Miss Universe *also* all look the same, regardless of ethnicity, isn't?
[11:49:49] <Lucifer_arma> (yes, I realize it's the BBC)
[12:04:11] <physkets> Lucifer_arma: You can write about that
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[16:51:20] <Z-Man> Yep, fake. Removed them from view.
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[06:19:27] <hmw_metalab> I used to have a colored name in the game, but apparently, the string length is shorter now, so it won't fit: core\0xff0000war ... am I missing something or is it actually different now?
[06:36:15] <hmw_metalab> Disregard that. No backslash needed, I got my nice nick :) But... EVERY server has 0 players? :(
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[10:04:12] <Z-Man> I hate delivery tracking. I saw the truck hours ago (and it was the right truck), yet the tracking page insists the packet is going to be delivered half an hour ago.
[10:05:51] <Z-Man> The drivers here have the habit of just dropping all parcels at the small corner shop, I suspect that's what he already did.
[10:06:23] <Z-Man> But without a delivery notice, I can't go there and fetch it.
[10:08:17] <Z-Man> What really drives me up the wall is the tracking page's insistence on displaying information in obvious conflict with reality.
[10:11:03] <Z-Man> Ah, I think I get part of the system. When a packet is loaded onto the truck, its tracking goes into the "in delivery" state.
[10:11:50] <Z-Man> When the truck comes back to the depot without it, it is considered "delivered".
[10:12:57] <Z-Man> I suppose the handheld signature collecting devices can also trigger that change early.
[10:13:42] <Z-Man> And at the shop, they skip that step, presumably.
[10:54:53] <physkets> Z-Man: what'd you order?
[11:37:36] <Z-Man> A nice, fat 2TB SSD.
[11:50:45] <physkets> oooh what make/model ? and how much did it cost you?
[11:55:50] <Z-Man> A relatively cheap intel 660P for 200 Euros. Its one caveat is the low specified durability of only 400TB total written.
[11:56:43] <Z-Man> I checked the one regular hard drive that collects stats that I have, and I wrote about 20TB total to it over several years. So I will probably be fine.
[11:58:05] <Z-Man> Especially since the regular old HDs are going to stay and I if a subset of the stuff I do causes to many writes, I can move it there. The main advantage I want from a SSD is fast reads.
[12:01:35] <Z-Man> Also, no particular reason I can't keep the smaller SSD (256 GB) installed and use that for high-write stuff. I don't really need it anywhere else, maybe for Z-Girls future computer.
[12:03:04] <physkets> ah
[12:31:01] <Z-Man> Yep, it was at the shop. Installed it already. 730MB/s read, 200MB/s write. That'll do.
[12:32:06] <Z-Man> Now, my weekend is the usual OS reinstallation gauntlet :)
[12:41:28] <physkets> ya, SSDs are becoming pretty cheap now, and ther eis a wide variety
[12:42:45] <physkets> I recently got a low-end, 256GB Crucial BX500 for ₹2500
[13:29:46] <Z-Man> Nice.
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Log from 2019-06-09:
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[00:41:29] <Lucifer_arma> we have a delivery driver that claims they handed the package to the customer (me), and then steals it
[00:41:33] <Lucifer_arma> I'm pretty sure, anyway
[00:42:03] <Lucifer_arma> it's amazon. UPS and USPS are fine, and also mark the package as delivered right after they actually deliver it
[00:42:27] <Lucifer_arma> but, heh, I ordered two tires for my little scooter, and the UPS driver actually stuck them under the welcome mat
[00:43:01] <Lucifer_arma> that was funny as fuck, because it didn't really hide them, but it did successfully conceal what they were (they don't box tires when they ship, they just stick labels on them and ship them)
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Log from 2019-06-10:
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[04:20:43] <Z-Man> We haven't had any problems with disappearing packets here so far, which is a small miracle given how things are run. I'm not even thinking about theft, just chaos.
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[18:44:17] <Lucifer_arma> now I have the wonderful situation where the regular Amazon van has already been here, but only delivered one of the two packages that were delayed yesterday
[18:44:29] <Lucifer_arma> both of them were guaranteed to be delivered yesterday, mind you
[18:44:57] <Lucifer_arma> the second package (also the most important one, because it has my wheel weights in it so I can balance my scooters' front wheels) is still marked "out for delivery"
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[04:12:10] <Z-Man> Lovely indeed.
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Log from 2019-06-14:
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[05:03:09] <Lucifer_arma> ]math calc 80/22
[05:03:10] <ljrbot> Lucifer_arma: 3.63636363636
[05:03:52] <Lucifer_arma> here's one for you
[05:04:12] <Lucifer_arma> postmates has lowered their minimum payout per delivery from $4 to $3
[05:04:19] <Lucifer_arma> you still keep 100% of your tips
[05:04:41] <Lucifer_arma> now, I realize the US is a little weird with tips, and it's a bunch of BS that we have tips in the first place, but it's what we've got
[05:04:57] <Lucifer_arma> so there's a group trying to get people to actively get pissed at postmates and protest their lowering of pay
[05:05:17] <Lucifer_arma> I'm not happy about the lower pay, mind you, but here's the kind of propaganda they're passing out:
[05:05:46] <Lucifer_arma> they cited a seattle worker who did ~$200 in deliveries, subtracted his expenses, and ended up with him earning about $80 after expenses
[05:06:04] <Lucifer_arma> then they say "So he only got $4/hour!!!!!11!!!1!one!!one!111"
[05:06:30] <Lucifer_arma> but they also say he also got around $80 in tips, but they didn't use that to figure his hourly for the time worked
[05:07:07] <Lucifer_arma> if they *did* use that, then he came out to ~$8/hour. It's not great, but minimum wage is $7.25, and this is all after his expenses (independent contractor pays their own expenses)
[05:07:57] <Lucifer_arma> now, on a bad day, I might get $6/hour or $8/hour. On a mediocre day, I still break $10/hour, and on good days, which happen more often than not, I still break $15/hour, even after postmates lowering the minimum payout per delivery
[05:08:21] <Lucifer_arma> so, am I happy about what postmates did? No. Are they also showing signs of offering less opportunities for more pay? Yes. This is concerning.
[05:08:44] <Lucifer_arma> But don't fucking lie to me and tell me this guy only earned $4/hour.
[05:08:54] <Lucifer_arma> Also, they're calculating his expenses based on the fact that he drives a car.
[05:09:24] <Lucifer_arma> The $120 or so he spent putting gas in his car? I would have run the same deliveries for $4 of gas, because I was smart and bought a scooter for the work
[05:09:43] <Lucifer_arma> So my hourly for the same work would have been more like:
[05:09:59] <Lucifer_arma> ]math calc (190+80)/22
[05:10:00] <ljrbot> Lucifer_arma: 12.2727272727
[05:10:08] <Lucifer_arma> $12.27/hour, right there
[05:10:42] <Lucifer_arma> So, now I'm supposed to cry for the guy for the desperate situation he's in and go and protest postmates' move?
[05:11:17] <Lucifer_arma> I'm actually on board with protesting postmates' move. THey're going the path of Uber where they're cutting pay to their core service providers, and that's never a good move, and we should be angry and fighting it
[05:11:30] <Lucifer_arma> so cut out the fucking propaganda! Seriously!
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[05:22:36] <Z-Man> It's also before taxes, right?
[05:25:03] <Z-Man> And you guys can, if you want to, pay your taxes for a whole year all at once after reporting earnings and expenses and stuff to the IRS?
[05:26:46] <Z-Man> Independent contractors can do that here, too. Normal folks get the maximum amount of taxes they may have to pay deduced right from the paycheck and can get a refund come tax time.
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[15:40:12] <Lucifer_arma> yes, it's before taxes. We work with hourly rates before taxes because of historical variances in payroll deductions that change from one person to the next, so to be able to compare pay between jobs, we look at pre-tax rates
[15:40:47] <Lucifer_arma> hourly, in this case. But my wife, who doesn't get paid by the hour, we look at her yearly gross to compare to other jobs (or her previous pay when she gets a raise)
[15:41:30] <Lucifer_arma> but there are complications in taxes. :) The social security tax is a flat 12.5% for everyone, but if you're a regular W-2 employee (not a contractor), your employer pays half of that
[15:42:08] <Lucifer_arma> independent contractors pay all of it. It's the self-employment tax. But you get a credit for it that you can apply to your income tax, so unless you earn more than $100k/year, you still wind up not paying it
[15:43:09] <Lucifer_arma> anyway, the tax computations every month are slightly more complicated than simply "pay the max and get a refund". Your employer actually has to (quarterly) estimate how much you earn for the entire year and make the tax deductions based on that
[15:43:30] <Lucifer_arma> so in some jobs, you can get a raise partway into the year but see no net increase in pay because of the increase in payroll tax deductions
[15:44:18] <Lucifer_arma> for independent contractors, if we make less than $10k/month, we're "required" to file quarterly taxes with the appropriate payment. More than $10k/month and we're required to file monthly
[15:44:48] <Lucifer_arma> but if we don't do that, then in tax season, yeah, we can either pay it all with one big payment, or hope we get enough credits (from like the earned income credit) to offset our taxes
[15:45:21] <Lucifer_arma> when I was working for SugarCRM, that's what I did. I had three kids and a full-time mom (my first wife) as dependents, so my EIC was huge and I didn't bother filing quarterly taxes
[15:46:11] <Lucifer_arma> anyway, right now I'm doing the extra work in a spreadsheet to see what my hourly rate looks like so that whenever my wife says "get a job", I can point to my spreadsheet and say "Only if I can do better than that"
[15:46:20] <Lucifer_arma> self-employment = awesome
[15:46:52] <Lucifer_arma> she doesn't do that, though. She did, at first, a bit, but now she knows better. Instead, she says "You need to work more", and she's not wrong :)
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[06:11:29] <Z-Man> The wife is NEVER wrong.
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[12:33:24] <Z-Man> Computer wishlist:
[12:35:13] <Z-Man> 1. A backup system that is super smart about git/bzr repositories. Don't store its raw .git/ files. Don't store regular files that are in git and not modified from ther. Do store the full repository content, but if the same repository is in some other place in the to-be-backed-up files, do so only once.
[12:36:18] <Z-Man> 2. Menu items to boot from Windows to Linux and back. I constantly miss the GRUB prompt. (I know I can have a script doing that from Linux to Windows, but I want a button).
[12:38:28] <Z-Man> 3. A monitor that can switch between GSync/FreeSync without pulsing backlight and constant refresh rate with pulsing backlight automatically. Preferably with all the other monitor bells and whistles.
[12:42:19] <Z-Man> 4. Make multiscreen setups with mixed resolutions not suck, or alternatively, someone dropping three 4k monitors at my door (Hey, it's MY wishlist :) )
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[01:11:31] <luke-jr> Z-Man: dual booting is obsolete
[01:11:51] <luke-jr> no clue what GSync/FreeSync are
[04:13:36] <Z-Man> The theoretically awesome possibility that the monitor adapts its refresh to when the GPU has a new frame ready for it.
[04:14:58] <Z-Man> Instread of doing 60 refreshes per second no matter what and if the GPU doesn't have a frame ready in time, too bad, you get tearing or stuttering.
[04:16:31] <Z-Man> Started as gsync, a proprietary thing by Nvidia (so no wonder you didn't care), monitors supporting it have like a 200 dollar premium.
[04:17:45] <Z-Man> AMD countered with freesync, an open standard. May have been just a rebranding of a pre-existing Vesa thing.
[04:18:38] <Z-Man> It didn't work as well in the first iteration, but was a lot cheaper.
[04:19:25] <Z-Man> Now, luckily, newer Nvidia cards also support Freesync, so all is relatively well.
[04:22:41] <Z-Man> Except that I only have an older card and not much other reason to switch. Personally, high refresh rates + triple buffering pretty much satisfies me anyway.
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[12:59:46] <Z-Man> In case that was too technical: G/FreeSync combines most advantages of Vsync on and Vsync off with little of the drawbacks left.
[13:01:10] <Z-Man> The one drawback that is left: Since the monitor then only displays full frames, you get increased latency compared to vsync off in the case your GPU manages to pump out more frames than the monitor can show.
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[13:03:11] <Z-Man> The new drawback is that in practical implementations, both are incompatible with pulsing backlight motion blur reduction. I suppose it's too difficult to drive the backlight with variable framerates and still maintain constant, non-flickering brightness.
[13:34:05] <Lucifer_arma> that list bit could be solved by simple refreshing with the last known complete frame
[13:34:17] <Lucifer_arma> I wonder if that could cause jitteriness in the case of an extremely varying framerate
[13:35:16] <Lucifer_arma> but I wanted to disagree that the wife is never wrong. :) She is often wrong, and in the worst possible way: she believes she is right and is willing to wage scorched earth warfare to prove it
[13:35:56] <Lucifer_arma> when I say "You can be right, or you can be married", she scoffs and says that doesn't work, in spite of the fact that that saying comes directly from thousands of marriage/relationship counselors
[13:36:42] <Lucifer_arma> of course, in practice, rarely is anybody ever truly "right" or "wrong", since there's a lot of variance between the two extremes
[13:37:07] <Lucifer_arma> so picking which spouse is going to be followed should be based entirely on circumstances and what's going to work for the couple
[13:37:23] <Lucifer_arma> to her, of course, that means letting the man "win an argument", and that's verboten in her family
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[13:22:08] <Z-Man> I usually trust user reviews, with exceptions. There have to be a couple that are not obviously planted by the seller/manufacturer.
[13:22:18] <Z-Man> There are the idiot cases you mention to ignore.
[13:22:26] <Z-Man> There are also EXPERT cases to ignore.
[13:25:15] <Z-Man> Like, when reviewing a baby bottle sterilizator (using ambient pressure water vapor), there was a review by a doctor who evaluated a unit for medical use. Which they are obviously not made for, they are only supposed to make drinking bottles more rid of bacteria than just washing them.
[13:26:31] <Z-Man> And some bodybuilder gave Wii Fit (the thing with the board you step on) a bad review because it did nothing for him. Of course, meathead. What part of the package you thought would give you significant resistance?
[13:28:47] <Z-Man> Also, I would not trust reviews of a anti-suicide-self help book, because those who would give a negative review on account of it not working are not in a position to write one. If they bought it for themselves, obvs. Also, don't buy anti-suicide self help books as gifts, maybe.
[13:30:04] <Z-Man> Of course, a backup system could totally handle .bzr/.git better. I suppose none do automatically because they're only some of the formats where smarter handling would lead to more usable backups.
[13:30:44] <Z-Man> Photoshop/Gimp images, for example, also have a history in them you don't need to backup more than once.
[13:32:03] <Z-Man> There is one system called bup, it uses the same deduplication techniques as git. That one may simply automatically handle such cases smartly.
[13:33:24] <Z-Man> I used it a couple of years back, but it didn't work too well for me. Can't remember why exacly. Now I'm on areca, that is easy to set up and forget about.
[13:34:03] <Z-Man> And yes, monitors could probably adapt their flashing backlight to the variable refresh.
[13:35:27] <Z-Man> First potential problem, though: Due to nonlinearities in the light, it may be difficult to maintain brightness. They do manage to precisely drive the backlights for HDR, so I suppose that's under control.
[13:36:33] <Z-Man> You could simply flash the backlight to display a frame when the GPU is just starting to send the next frame, with a brightness/duration proportional to the time since the last flash/frame.
[13:37:35] <Z-Man> That would add lateny, something between 0 and 1 frames, depending on when the flash would normally come. And also, for those with dual GPUs in a SLI configuration,
[13:38:20] <Z-Man> there the two GPUs alternate frame generation. That can lead to cases where one is consistently a couple of ms tardy compared to the other.
[13:39:51] <Z-Man> And well, with the flash-afterwards scheme, that would cause flickering at half the refresh frequency, because you get two flashes close together, then a longer pause.
[13:40:44] <Z-Man> And if the full refresh is < 120 Hz, half is < 60 Hz and very well visible.
[13:42:44] <Z-Man> That's probably only solvable if you introduce even more latency. So I guess you simply can't have low persistence, variable refresh and low latency all at once. You have to pick two. Accepting higher latency probably is a no-no for gamers.
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[14:57:36] <Lucifer_arma> on a game-related note, I was riding my scooter to my recovery meeting last night, and while I was going through a turnaround, I saw the cars in front of me using their brakes
[14:57:49] <Lucifer_arma> I wasn't, and I thought to myself, "Brakes are for weaks!"
[14:57:58] <Lucifer_arma> <3 Blade Runner :)
[15:01:37] <Lucifer_arma> I've been thinking about writing an anti-suicide help book and calling it "How to commit suicide"
[15:02:14] <Lucifer_arma> between the ensuing controversy (assuming anybody notices it) from the name, and the idea that the only people that would buy it are people actively seeking suicide, it would theoretically put a "don't kill yourself" book in the hands of someone who needs it
[15:03:02] <Lucifer_arma> definitely when it comes to automotive parts, I want to read the expert cases, because those are the most valuable to me
[15:03:29] <Lucifer_arma> but for someone who falls into the home mechanic classification, the expert cases are probably too terse and jargon-filled to be of value
[15:04:26] <Lucifer_arma> but easily my biggest problem with this chinese scooter is that the drivetrain is nearly universal amongst chinese scooters, particularly for scooters of the same engine size,
[15:04:55] <Lucifer_arma> so finding specific parts for this specific bike is really difficult, but finding universal parts that'll work is easy, but then figuring out if they'll fit on this frame is difficult
[15:05:31] <Lucifer_arma> I'm weighing building my own intake air duct vs buying one, so I can use my high performance air filter that came with the new carburator
[15:06:06] <Lucifer_arma> and it keeps coming back to "build your own, because then you can guarantee it fits", but the "build your own" option is the more expensive option
[15:07:13] <Lucifer_arma> but the universal options all require me to make modifications I don't want to make, like bypassing some emissions stuff
[15:07:27] <Lucifer_arma> why in the fuck would I be driving a scooter if I didn't also want the low emissions benefits?
[15:07:48] <Lucifer_arma> I want to maximize performance AND minimize emissions
[15:08:20] <Lucifer_arma> I want to be able to smugly pass a Tesla and know that my gas-burning bike is more environmentally friendly than their electric car!
[15:08:56] <Lucifer_arma> (I'm willing to install a catalytic converter to do it, too, especially since my little yamaha actually has one)
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[17:42:13] <Lucifer_arma> I was already leaning towards Elizabeth Warren's plan to break up Big Tech
[17:42:18] <Lucifer_arma> now I'm an ardent believer
[17:42:37] <Lucifer_arma> Amazon has fucked up again, and I'm really getting tired of paying for Prime and getting Shit
[17:42:54] <Lucifer_arma> I talked to their customer service rep, and he basically said there isn't anything they can do
[17:43:15] <Lucifer_arma> how is there nothing you can do? You own the entire logistics train, except the actual delivery drivers!
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[20:29:34] <Lucifer_arma> I'm never setting foot on a blue origin rocket
[20:29:57] <Lucifer_arma> Amazon can't even manage to send things to locations here on earth, there's not a chance they can get anything in the right place in space
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[23:47:10] <luke-jr> Lucifer_arma: lol
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[22:33:15] <Lucifer_arma> Here is the format for headlines on Martian discoveries:
[22:33:42] <Lucifer_arma> <NASA explorer robot> discovered <something>, indicating the possibility of life on Mars!
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[13:49:08] <Lucifer_arma> If any of you have the chance to download the software that spammers use to spam our boards, lemme know
[13:49:12] <Lucifer_arma> I need a name generator
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[13:57:40] <Armanelgtron> maybe you guys can find a stronger captcha system to use with your forums
[14:00:32] <Armanelgtron> or some kind of clever confirmation system that involves armagetron in some way, maybe to login to tron or something
[14:57:37] <Lucifer_arma> it's not the spam that's the problem, since our approval system is working fine
[14:57:55] <Lucifer_arma> the problem here is that I suck at naming characters, and the spammers are way better at it than I am, so I want their name generator :)
[14:58:15] <Lucifer_arma> in other news, Bill Gates is saying that his biggest mistake was "letting" Android take over the market for non-Apple phones
[14:58:51] <Lucifer_arma> I disagree. To the extent that Microsoft failed in the phone market, it's not because Android was so much better than anything they'd make. It's because they weren't willing to embrace open source development,
[14:59:06] <Lucifer_arma> which is Android's biggest strength, and WHY it is the dominant mobile OS
[15:00:01] <Lucifer_arma> it only took a few major revisions for Android to surpass iOS, and now, even though iOS gets some neat bells and whistles with every release, Apple just can't keep up
[15:00:44] <Lucifer_arma> Microsoft wouldn't have been able to compete with that, either. Had, say, Ubuntu 4 existed in 1995, Microsoft would have lost their OS monopoly.
[15:01:18] <Lucifer_arma> in the Linux world, we surpassed Microsoft Windows some time ago. Inertia (and possibly package management) is the reason they've stayed dominant in desktops.
[15:02:09] <Lucifer_arma> they're being beat everywhere. The only place they're not explicitly "losing" is desktop OS's in the US. And that market is shrinking.
[15:02:42] <Lucifer_arma> so, Bill Gates's biggest mistake? Not embracing open source development before 2005.
[15:03:35] <Lucifer_arma> (I don't know when they actually started embracing it, I'm declaring 2005 the year they started falling behind. While XP was the first desktop OS they released that was inferior to any Linux distribution, it was Vista that confirmed it)
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[22:57:15] <Lucifer_arma> Holy crap! Europe's breaking 100F!
[22:57:34] <Lucifer_arma> I was seriously going to come in here and talk about how we're trading summers, but then I realized something that's kind of important.
[22:57:44] <Lucifer_arma> There aren't a lot of air conditioners around there, is there?
[22:58:18] <Lucifer_arma> They're standard in Texas, part of the building codes, and if the A/C breaks and the landlord doesn't fix it in a timely fashion, you can break your lease, get the landlord fined significantly, etc.
[22:58:56] <Lucifer_arma> the City of Austin Utilities even have a rule (I think it's a city ordnance) that prevents them from shutting off power to people who can't pay their bills, because killing the power to the A/C also kills real people
[22:59:17] <Lucifer_arma> so, if you're in europe and suffering through this heat wave and you HAVE A/C, then hahahaha! Welcome to Texas!
[22:59:25] <Lucifer_arma> This is Tuesday, for us!
[22:59:37] <Lucifer_arma> if you don't have A/C, then go buy a window unit or something!
[23:00:16] <Lucifer_arma> (dunno how much they run for over there, but I picked up a decent one about 18 years ago for $100, during a heat wave in Seattle)
[23:00:34] <Lucifer_arma> and try not to get killed, because man, heat is deadly
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Log from 2019-06-28:
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[15:52:31] <Z-Man> I mean a bicycle. No motor. Motorized stuff is heavily regulated over here. The kind of electrical bikes you're allowed to ride without driver's license are limited to 25 km/h, and they just now legalized electric stand-up scooters (skateboards with handlebar), and they are only allowed to go 20km/h and do require insurance (not expensive, but annoying). Those aren't really useful speeds.
[15:52:44] <Z-Man> ]math convert 20 km/h to miles/h
[15:52:45] <ljrbot> Z-Man: Error: h is not a valid unit.
[15:52:51] <Z-Man> ]math convert 20 km to miles
[15:52:52] <ljrbot> Z-Man: 12.4274238447
[15:52:57] <Z-Man> ]math convert 25 km to miles
[15:52:57] <ljrbot> Z-Man: 15.5342798059
[15:54:01] <Z-Man> Electric skateboards and all the other toys where you don't have a firm handle to grab on to are still not legal to use on public ground.
[15:55:48] <Z-Man> Those bicycles with electric support are probably great for going uphill or accelerating when the lighs go green or if you are transporting something heavy, but Cologne is mostly flat and I personally tend to optimize my routes so that I don't have to stop too often.
[15:56:58] <Z-Man> Anyway, turns out not just Americans suck at geography across the ocean :) I totally didn't know Texas was this big and varied. Though I do remember you talking about floods before.
[16:02:26] <Z-Man> Yep, AC units in homes are not very common in all of Europe, even Greece where it can get murderously hot. As a result, whenever there is a really big heatwave, the death toll can be measured in the low thousands. Mostly old people, their circulation just can't keep up.
[16:03:41] <Z-Man> In the workplace and shops, they're pretty much standard, though. There, every degree too high is MONEY lost, much more important than lives.
[16:18:14] <Z-Man> A proper AC unit costs around 500/600 Euros. By proper I mean one that consists of a part inside the building, one outside, and the one outside gives away the heat extracted from the inside.
[16:18:46] <Z-Man> Somehow, I don't see any where the outside unit just evaporates water and uses the lost latent heat to cool the inside.
[16:20:49] <Z-Man> Just crappy ones for < 50 Euros without an outside unit, they essentially just evaporate the water and give off the high humidity air. Not sure those are a good idea.
[17:16:55] <Lucifer_arma> Those are swamp coolers, and they're used extensively throughout the southwest
[17:17:24] <Lucifer_arma> they can make it fucking cold, too. My bed used to be directly under one of the vents for one when I lived in New Mexico, and in the summer I needed two blankets :)
[17:17:48] <Lucifer_arma> in the desert, they work great because of the dry air. The added moisture to the air from the cooler really helps improve the indoor climate, as well
[17:18:38] <Lucifer_arma> standard a/c like we use in texas, with freon and the outdoor unit, actually takes moisture out of the atmosphere, which, in a subtropical climate like we have in Austin actually improves the indoor climate quite a bit
[17:19:04] <Lucifer_arma> when you try to use a swamp cooler here, though, there's already too much moisture in the air and it just can't take much more, so the swamp coolers don't work all that well, if at all
[17:19:57] <Lucifer_arma> the nice thing about the window units, like I mentioned, is that they hang the condenser outside and the evaporator inside, but they're still wrapped up in one tight unit
[17:20:20] <Lucifer_arma> the a/c's we had at Wendy's, in Kansas, were gigantic roof-mounted units that were essentially the same thing, just much bigger
[17:23:58] <Lucifer_arma> and wow, the electrical push scooters are really popular here. In densely packed inner city areas, like downtown Austin, especially immediately north where the capitol is and the big university, you can get a lot of mileage out of them
[17:24:15] <Lucifer_arma> and uber, bird, et al have the rentals just laying around, littering up the place
[17:24:38] <Lucifer_arma> but we also have a really shitty public transportation system
[17:25:03] <Lucifer_arma> the entire metro area is around 2 million people, and we still only have one single light rail line and a shitload of buses that don't go where we actually need them to go
[17:25:44] <Lucifer_arma> the looser motor regulations are nice because it means I can drive my scooters for pennies on the dollar what it would take to drive a car, and I can zip through traffic like there's no tomorrow :)
[17:26:23] <Lucifer_arma> but we also have a huge urban sprawl problem, which, when combined with our shitty public transportation, makes bicycles require a lot of dedication to be viable transportation
[17:29:34] <Lucifer_arma> some tricks you might try, though, that are used in the southwest, and that I've managed to make work in kansas
[17:30:15] <Lucifer_arma> get a big box fan, drape a damp towel over the back. You'll have to change the towel every now and then, but it'll function as a swamp cooler, as long as your relative humidity doesn't get too close to 100%
[17:30:50] <Lucifer_arma> check your open window air circulation, because the damp towl over an open window that takes in air can help lower the indoor temp
[17:31:08] <Lucifer_arma> ummm, I found stainless steel ice buckets near the air intake to be helpful, as well
[17:31:18] <Lucifer_arma> none of these are going to make the indoors comfortable, but they can take the edge off the heat
[17:31:53] <Lucifer_arma> loose fitting cotton clothes help your body's natural swamp cooler function more effectively
[17:32:30] <Lucifer_arma> that's more of a desert survival trick, though, but I've found it works in Austin most of the year
[17:32:56] <Lucifer_arma> and, of course, salty ice water on the back of a fan can really help a lot :)
[17:33:27] <Lucifer_arma> I never had any luck trying to use a bucket of ice water behind a fan with a towel dipped in it, hoping to use the capillary effect to pump water up into the towel
[17:33:55] <Lucifer_arma> it's one of those things that should work theoretically, but I may have just been in the wrong place for it
[17:34:36] <Lucifer_arma> and, of course, don't forget the value of a good mist spray :)
[17:35:11] <Lucifer_arma> we use those around here on shaded patios to cool the area a bit. I've gotten some mileage out of the mist setting on a spray bottle.
[17:35:24] <Lucifer_arma> you probably already know the wet towel on the neck trick for when you're riding
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[11:22:25] <Z-Man> It's practically never not at least a bit windy around here, and we have windows to the east and west. So in the summer, if we open both sides, we always get a nice draft. We don't even have a fan :) When I'm too hot, I just make myself wet a little and let the wind/draft do the rest. The inner parts of the forearms are particularly effective, that's where all the veins are, so you cool your blood and that at least leads to feeling not so
[11:22:25] <Z-Man> hot quickly.
[11:22:45] <Z-Man> WET WITH TAP WATER, just to clear that up
[11:25:31] <Z-Man> What also helps is that our building is massive 50cm concrete on the outside walls, which keeps the cold of the night in reserve a bit for the day.
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[11:31:05] <Z-Man> Cologne is niche and compact, like most our cities (except possibly Hamburg and Berlin, they're just too big). Even though we live on the outer rim, it's still only 7km to the center.
[11:32:41] <Z-Man> And our supermarkets are spread throughout, so it's never a huge treck to get to one. We have two that are as huge as they get about one km away.
[11:35:00] <Z-Man> It would all be super bicicle friendly, it's just that the bike lanes are often in bad shape or badly designed (too narrow to safely overtake, mostly)
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[15:12:44] <Lucifer_arma> heh, around here, with the advent of AC, builders got lazy and just started pointing every home in arbitrary directions. The home I was living in right before my divorce had the least insulated part with the most windows pointing directly at the rising sun.
[15:13:27] <Lucifer_arma> so when the AC is out, 19th century cooling techniques don't work so well. I once watched a documentary going into detail on how 19th century ranchers in their ranch houses were able to keep a cool 80F inside their homes,
[15:13:52] <Lucifer_arma> and there was a lot of "Build it with the windows pointing east and west, put a roof over the patios on both sides" stuff going on
[15:14:06] <Lucifer_arma> out in the desert, of course, they build with adobe, which has the same effect as your concrete building
[15:15:04] <Lucifer_arma> but around here, everything is still wood-framed. I'm in a three storey building that's a wood framed building, for example. Luckily, our windows point north and south, and we're in the middle, so the top apartment is the hot one and the bottom one is the cool one
[15:15:16] <Lucifer_arma> *I meant windows facing north and south int he ranch houses, of course
[15:16:01] <Lucifer_arma> anyway, 7km doesn't get you too far in Austin. I'm probably more like 14km from the center of town, and 3km from the edge, and that's not even counting that the town wasn't really designed well, so there are no direct routes to go anywhere
[15:17:35] <Lucifer_arma> and we're so humid, we don't get cold of the night. If the daily high is 90F, the overnight low will be around 84F. When you factor in how much heat the atmosphere can hold, our altitude above sea level, and so forth,
[15:18:04] <Lucifer_arma> I'm in the NW corner of the hottest part of the world. So we don't get it as bad as Corpus Christi, and down where the Rio Grande drains into the gulf is the hottest place.
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[15:18:40] <Lucifer_arma> we don't get the highest temperatures, because those are invariable in the middle east, but we get the most heat/m^3 stored in the atmosphere
[15:19:38] <Lucifer_arma> you're experiencing subtropical climate right now, but typically the only one in europe is southern France/Italy, and that's one of the cooler ones.
[15:19:55] <Lucifer_arma> iirc, Hong Kong competes with Texas for heat overall.
[15:22:27] <Lucifer_arma> but right now, we're more temperate, and it's very much out-of-season and out-of-character. So we're hitting low-90s during the day, but dropping to low-70s at night. It's nice, but disturbing, because I keep coming back to Texas being a Republican state
[15:23:04] <Lucifer_arma> our lawmakers technically work part-time, but when they're in session, it's right here in Austin where they're living, and they make Texas energy policy very much based on the climate in Austin
[15:23:28] <Lucifer_arma> if climate change is causing us to be more temperate now, then our lawmakers in Texas will be much more inclined to deny climate change than they already were
[15:24:02] <Lucifer_arma> and Texas is not only one of the big energy states, but we're the second most populous state in the country. We're so big, when our state school board decides that science textbooks have to have "intelligent design" presented,
[15:24:18] <Lucifer_arma> at least 15 other states are stuck having to buy those textbooks, regardless of what their own educational policies are
[15:25:29] <Lucifer_arma> economically, we're bigger than France and most of the individual EU countries. So Texas state energy/climate policies have an outsized impact on the world.
[15:26:06] <Lucifer_arma> luckily, the legislation just finished their session, so they're not actually making laws in this climate (and they did *some* good things, for a change). It'll be a year and a half before they're in session again.
[15:29:50] <Lucifer_arma> also, luckily, we're a leader in renewable energy (mostly wind), and natural gas power. Rick Perry tried really hard to push coal, but the coal market kept getting more expensive
[15:30:26] <Lucifer_arma> but he also saw that renewable energy would be a big market for Texas, since we export not only oil and natural gas, but generated electricity, so he pushed for that, all the time denying climate change :)
[15:30:52] <Lucifer_arma> our new governor is doubling down, with the intention of being like 50% renewable in 10-15 years or something like that.
[15:31:44] <Lucifer_arma> but they keep backing away from any significant public transit initiatives and pushing toll roads and more car driving, naturally because the oil companies are paying them
[17:43:01] <luke-jr> [19:23:28] <Lucifer_arma> if climate change is causing us to be more temperate now, then our lawmakers in Texas will be much more inclined to deny climate change than they already were <-- or embrace climate change, more like?>
[18:02:07] <Lucifer_arma> luke-jr: that would be nice, but remember that it was originally "global warming", hence why a Republican senator took a snowball into the senate chamber to argue against climate change just last year or so
[18:02:30] <Lucifer_arma> we'll know if Texas republicans embrace climate change when they start worrying about Houston
[18:04:52] <luke-jr> Lucifer_arma: no, I meant literally embrace it :P
[18:05:06] <luke-jr> "yeah! climate change FTW"
[18:13:34] <Lucifer_arma> oh, haha. :)
[18:13:47] <Lucifer_arma> like that time Spidey and I tried to cause global warming in civ
[18:14:20] <Lucifer_arma> I've actually been wondering if Russia's been baiting us intentionally to cause global warming to strengthen their own land and open up the northwest passage
[18:15:03] <Lucifer_arma> luke-jr: I also wonder how many texas lawmakers and their friends have been investing in property out in Bastrop with the hope that it'll be coastal property in twenty years
[18:16:00] <Lucifer_arma> but I guarantee you there'll be an "inland coastal property" land grab once the models clear up enough to figure out where the new sea levels will stabilize
[18:31:41] <luke-jr> if I ever get that far in civ, I do try to mix nuclear winter and global warming
[18:32:06] <luke-jr> freeze the oceans, then thaw it a bit :D
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Log from 2019-06-30:
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