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Log from 2019-07-22:
[11:56:15] *** Joins: Armanelgtron (~AmarokNel@unaffiliated/amaroknelg)
[11:56:15] *** Server sets mode: +cnrt 
[11:58:17] <Z-Man> Oh! Thanks for maintaining that.
[12:34:22] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Quit: physkets)
[13:50:22] *** Joins: nelg-bot (~nelg-bot@unaffiliated/amaroknelg/bot/nelg-bot)
[13:54:17] *** Quits: nelg-bot (~nelg-bot@unaffiliated/amaroknelg/bot/nelg-bot) (Remote host closed the connection)
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[20:00:08] *** Joins: lukedashjr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
[20:01:14] *** Joins: nelg-bot (~nelg-bot@unaffiliated/amaroknelg/bot/nelg-bot)
[20:01:23] <Armanelgtron> !checkmaster master4.armagetronad.net
[20:01:23] <nelg-bot> Armanelgtron: Connecting to master4.armagetronad.net...
[20:01:35] <nelg-bot> Armanelgtron: Failure: Master rejected... Maybe it's full?
[20:01:36] <Armanelgtron> !checkmaster master1.armagetronad.net
[20:01:37] <nelg-bot> Armanelgtron: Connecting to master1.armagetronad.net...
[20:01:41] <nelg-bot> Armanelgtron: clientID = 1; version_min = 0; version_max = 17
[20:01:42] <nelg-bot> Armanelgtron: Recieved 76 servers on 28 unique hosts. (1 tries)
[20:03:12] *** Quits: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[20:04:14] *** lukedashjr is now known as luke-jr
[20:17:11] *** Quits: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) (Excess Flood)
[20:17:29] *** Joins: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
[21:07:41] *** Joins: zmanuel (~Z-Man@p5B3265D5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
[21:07:41] *** Z-Man is now known as Guest95200
[21:07:41] *** Quits: Guest95200 (~Z-Man@p5B326353.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (tolkien.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services)))
[21:07:41] *** zmanuel is now known as Z-Man
[22:57:59] <Lucifer_arma> wooo!  7 of 9 is going to be in Star Trek: Picard!
[22:58:15] * Lucifer_arma is actually excited about a new Star Trek show, which hasn't happened since...well, ever.
[23:01:36] <Lucifer_arma> yes, I've thought about it, and after watching the trailer, I think it makes the most sense if the borg cube shown in the trailer is Picard's new ship :)
[23:49:17] <Armanelgtron> @Lucifer_arma master 4
[23:50:02] <Armanelgtron> (I hope you didnt reply to me already, I noticed my client isn't always rejoining this server)
[23:51:09] <Armanelgtron> ((I also feel like you may have mentioned it in the past but I'm too lazy to find it))

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