Searching from 2024-08-27 00:00:00 to 2024-08-27 23:59:59.999999.
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[2024-08-27 01:19:38] -!- Juest changed nick to Guest1590
[2024-08-27 01:19:48] --> Juest has joined the channel
[2024-08-27 01:23:01] <-- Juest has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[2024-08-27 01:24:11] --> Juest has joined the channel
[2024-08-27 01:25:55] <-- Guest1590 has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
[2024-08-27 02:00:25] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| Rip
[2024-08-27 02:00:25] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| Rip
[2024-08-27 02:06:07] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @northernscrub where else is this bridged now? matrix and another irc channel that isnt libera?
[2024-08-27 02:06:07] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @northernscrub where else is this bridged now? matrix and another irc channel that isnt libera?
[2024-08-27 13:17:37] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2024-08-27 13:21:19] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| No, matrix isn't bridged here. We have OFTC, Libera, and our own Revolt instance. The revolt instance is bridged over most channels, but isn't 100% ready yet. I need to fix a few things, like naming structures and integrations with pickup bots/matchup bots/sumobar league bots, as well as implement mod access across all platforms.
[2024-08-27 13:21:19] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| No, matrix isn't bridged here. We have OFTC, Libera, and our own Revolt instance. The revolt instance is bridged over most channels, but isn't 100% ready yet. I need to fix a few things, like naming structures and integrations with pickup bots/matchup bots/sumobar league bots, as well as implement mod access across all platforms.
[2024-08-27 13:21:20] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Modesetting is something else I have to do, but that will have to be done at a later date because I need to add a significant amount of patchwork to the three libraries I'm using first. It's also nowhere near as important as pickup integration, and we now have `#armagetron-pickup' on both IRC platforms so we don't have to be overly concerned.
[2024-08-27 13:21:20] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Modesetting is something else I have to do, but that will have to be done at a later date because I need to add a significant amount of patchwork to the three libraries I'm using first. It's also nowhere near as important as pickup integration, and we now have `#armagetron-pickup' on both IRC platforms so we don't have to be overly concerned.
[2024-08-27 13:28:53] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-08-27 13:28:53] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-08-27 13:29:16] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| revolt is similar to matrix,, etc?
[2024-08-27 13:29:16] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| revolt is similar to matrix,, etc?
[2024-08-27 13:47:55] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| no, its mroe like a foss discord clone
[2024-08-27 13:47:55] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| no, its mroe like a foss discord clone
[2024-08-27 13:48:27] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| and you can self host it, meaning we can maintian an instance that we (or, in this case, me, but on behalf of the community) have direct control over our data
[2024-08-27 13:48:27] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| and you can self host it, meaning we can maintian an instance that we (or, in this case, me, but on behalf of the community) have direct control over our data
[2024-08-27 18:28:38] <-- monr0e has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2024-08-27 22:13:59] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah ok, like spacebat iirc
[2024-08-27 22:13:59] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah ok, like spacebat iirc
[2024-08-27 22:15:01] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i'll take that as a yes since those are basically self-hosted solutions of sorta kind of clones, well sorta is a clone of slack
[2024-08-27 22:15:01] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i'll take that as a yes since those are basically self-hosted solutions of sorta kind of clones, well sorta is a clone of slack
[2024-08-27 22:15:17] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| chat solutions*
[2024-08-27 22:15:17] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| chat solutions*
[2024-08-27 23:24:14] <-- Juest has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[2024-08-27 23:31:52] --> Juest has joined the channel
[2024-08-27 23:43:04] -!- Juest changed nick to Guest1675
[2024-08-27 23:43:14] --> Juest has joined the channel
[2024-08-27 23:45:51] <-- Juest has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[2024-08-27 23:47:41] --> Juest has joined the channel
[2024-08-27 23:49:44] <-- Guest1675 has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
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