40-gon-0...xml 5 KB |
40-gon-0...xml 5 KB |
diamond-1...xml 1 KB |
hype-1...xml 2 KB |
hype-1...xml 2 KB |
README.txt 805 bytes |
spinning_squ...xml 2 KB |
spinning_squ...xml 2 KB |
square-1...xml 1 KB |
square2-1...xml 1 KB |
Weird-1...xml 1 KB |
Directory for arenas of regular, polygonal type. Definition: polygonal maps are described in the README one level up. A regular polygon is a polygon with the highest possible symmetry: all sides have equal length and all inner angles have equal size. See here for a mathematical definition: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RegularPolygon.html This is a very restrictive criterion; That's why it's a special category in the Anonymous folder. There is not much creativity involved in doing a regular, polygonal map. You can only choose the number of sides and the orientation (the size is more or less fixed by our requirement that maps should be about 500x500 units). You get to pick the spawn-points, though. Use <Map author="Anonymous" category="polygon/regular" ...> to categorize your map here.