# WTF IS THIS: Classic arena - vov's bad idea club server. # Map that cuts the corner off - lessens annoying rim hugging. MAP_FILE VOV/arena/cornercut-1.0.aamap.xml(http://www.trontimes.tk/repository/files/VOV/arena/cornercut-1.0.aamap.xml) # Size - somewhat small size_factor -3 sp_size_factor -4 # Wall length - fitting for the arena size, allows for lots of fights and makes it just a small bit crammed. walls_length 350 walls_stay_up_delay 10 sp_walls_length 350 sp_walls_stay_up_delay 10 # Large explosions depending on speed. (Min speed: r=2.5; Max speed: r=6) explosion_radius -1 explosion_radius_speed_factor 0.25 sp_explosion_radius -1 # Turn delay - slightly increased compared to default to make multibinding key spammers less obnoxious cycle_delay 0.13 cycle_delay_timebased 0.8 # Speed - minimum 14, normal 16, maximum 28. A bit of acquired speed is kept as long as you don't turn or brake. cycle_speed 16 cycle_start_speed 15 cycle_turn_speed_factor 0.965 cycle_speed_decay_above 0.2 cycle_speed_decay_below 0 cycle_speed_min .875 cycle_speed_max 1.75 # Acceleration - slightly less accel from tunnels. cycle_accel 10 cycle_accel_rim 0 cycle_accel_slingshot 0.7 cycle_accel_tunnel 0.7 # Brake to somewhat fit acceleration from walls. cycle_brake 15 cycle_brake_deplete 1 cycle_brake_refill 0.1 # For avoiding very close unrealistic spaces, and enabling head on crashes in tunnels. Has the side effect of sometimes slicing your cycle in half on wall ends. cycle_width 0.1 cycle_width_side 0.035 cycle_width_rubber_min 5 cycle_width_rubber_max 5 # Rubber: you'll almost always have it, but not much of it. cycle_rubber 2 cycle_ping_rubber 2 cycle_rubber_time 3.5 # now comes the complicated rubber stuff # Cycles leave a pretty much constant gap on the wall, enough to fit another cycle in; makes sense graphically. cycle_rubber_mindistance 0.3 cycle_rubber_mindistance_unprepared 0.07 cycle_rubber_mindistance_preparation 0.2 cycle_rubber_mindistance_reservoir 0 cycle_rubber_speed 1e9 # No turning directly against the wall you're grinding. cycle_rubber_delay 0.4 cycle_rubber_delay_bonus 0.1 # Speed kills you faster, somewhat cycle_rubber_timebased 0.25 # Tunnels, yay! And they do graphically make sense. cycle_rubber_mindistance_gap 0.5 cycle_rubber_mindistance_gap_side 0.3 # Win zone? No thanks, everyone dies instead! win_zone_min_round_time 120 win_zone_min_last_death 40 win_zone_initial_size 10 win_zone_expansion 200 win_zone_deaths 1 win_zone_randomness .4 sp_win_zone_min_round_time 120 sp_win_zone_min_last_death 40 # Kill detection - with these settings it's likely that recently built walls killed you, maybe not what you died on. enemy_currenttime_influence 0 enemy_dead_penalty 5 enemy_chatbot_penalty 5 enemy_suicide_timeout 40 # Scoring - only kills count! And suicides at the start lose you one. score_kill 1 score_die 0 score_suicide -1 score_hole 0 score_survive 0 score_win 0 limit_score 10 limit_rounds 10 limit_time 20 # Single player is a highscore hunt. sp_score_win 0 sp_limit_score 1000 sp_limit_rounds 1000 sp_limit_time 10 # Teams - all on their own. teams_min 2 teams_max 12 team_max_players 1 # 5 bots to entertain you. # Single player is a highscore hunt over 10 minutes. sp_score_win 0 sp_limit_score 1000 sp_limit_rounds 1000 sp_limit_time 10 sp_teams_min 6 sp_teams_max 6