CommandDescriptionDefault Value
ACCESS_LEVELChanges the access level of a configuration item to make it available to lower ranked users
ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMINMinimal access level for /admin command.2
ACCESS_LEVEL_ANNOUNCE_LOGINMaximal access level that determines if a player's login/logout message can be announced.20
ACCESS_LEVEL_AUTOKICK_IMMUNITYMinimal access level to be protected against autokicks.7
ACCESS_LEVEL_CHATMinimal access level for chatting.20
ACCESS_LEVEL_CHAT_TIMEOUTTime in seconds between public announcements that someone wants to chat, but can't. Set to 0 to disable the public warnings.60
ACCESS_LEVEL_HIDE_OFMinimal access level to be able to hide it's own user account information.20
ACCESS_LEVEL_HIDE_TOMinimal access level to see everyone's user account information.5
ACCESS_LEVEL_IPSMinimal access level you need for seeing IPs of other players in the /players command.5
ACCESS_LEVEL_LIST_ADMINSAccess level required to be able to use the "/admins" command.2
ACCESS_LEVEL_LIST_ADMINS_SEE_EVERYONEUsers with this access level or better will be able to list any configured admin, regardless of ADMIN_LIST_MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL.2
ACCESS_LEVEL_NVERMinimal access level you need for seeing Network versions/strings from other players in /players.2
ACCESS_LEVEL_OPMinimal access level for /op and /deop co-admin management commands commands.7
ACCESS_LEVEL_OP_MAXMaximal access level directly attainable by /op commands.2
ACCESS_LEVEL_OP_MINMinimal access level directly attainable by /op commands.21
ACCESS_LEVEL_PLAYMinimal access level for playing20
ACCESS_LEVEL_PLAY_SLIDERSThe access level required to play will only slide up if at least this many players of a higher level are online.4
ACCESS_LEVEL_PLAY_SLIDINGSliding minimal access level for playing; if enough players of a higher access level than given by ACCESS_LEVEL_PLAY are online, their level will be the minimal level for play; however, it will never be higher than ACCESS_LEVEL_PLAY_SLIDING.20
ACCESS_LEVEL_QUEUE_CONFIGSSets the access level required to use chat commands /cq add & remove.20
ACCESS_LEVEL_QUEUE_MAPSSets the access level required to use chat commands /mq add & remove.20
ACCESS_LEVEL_RTFMMinimal access level for /teach or /rtfm command.2
ACCESS_LEVEL_SHOUTMinimal access level for shouting.20
ACCESS_LEVEL_SHUFFLE_UPMinimal access level for shuffling up8
ACCESS_LEVEL_SPY_CONSOLEMinimal access level you need for seeing console input from other (in-game) admins.2
ACCESS_LEVEL_SPY_MSGMinimal access level you need for seeing /msg messages directed to others.0
ACCESS_LEVEL_SPY_TEAMMinimal access level you need for seeing /team messages as a spectator.2
ACCESS_LEVEL_SUBSTITUTERequired access level to switch with another player.7
ACCESS_LEVEL_TEAMMinimal access level for /lock, /unlock, /invite and /uninvite team management.7
ACCESS_LEVEL_VIEW_CHATSPlayers with access level equal to or lower than this are able to see messages sent from the same access leveled player.2
ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_COMMANDMinimal access level required to issue command votes.2
ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_COMMAND_EXECUTEMinimal access level successful command votes will be executed at.2
ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_INCLUDEMinimal access level required to issue include votes.2
ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_INCLUDE_EXECUTEMinimal access level successful include votes will be executed at.2
ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_KICKMinimal access level required to issue kick votes.20
ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_SILENCEMinimal access level required to issue silence and voice votes.20
ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_SUSPENDMinimal access level required to issue suspend votes.20
ADD_HELP_TOPICAdd a new help topic to be used with /help. Usage: ADD_HELP_TOPIC <topic> <short description> <text>
ADD_MASTER_SERVERAnnounce this server to another master server. Usage: ADD_MASTER_SERVER host port(optional, default=4533).
ADD_SCORE_PLAYERGive/Take points for that player. Usage: ADD_SCORE_PLAYER [name] [points] [message].
ADD_SCORE_TEAMGive/Take points for that team. Usage: ADD_SCORE_PLAYER [name] [points] [message].
ADD_ZONE_ID_ROUTEadd to a zones route. Usage: ADD_ZONE_ROUTE <name> <x1> <y1> [<x2> <y2> ...]
ADD_ZONE_ROUTEadd to a zones route. Usage: ADD_ZONE_ROUTE <name> <x1> <y1> [<x2> <y2> ...]
ADMINSLists the server admins. You should use /admins or /listadmins instead of this.
ADMIN_KILL_MESSAGEIf set to 1, announce when players get killed due to the command "KILL"1
ADMIN_LIST_COLORS_BEST_BLUEBlue color component to the best access level listed by /admins0
ADMIN_LIST_COLORS_BEST_GREENGreen color component to the best access level listed by /admins0
ADMIN_LIST_COLORS_BEST_REDRed color component to the best access level listed by /admins15
ADMIN_LIST_COLORS_WORST_BLUEBlue color component to the worst access level listed by /admins7
ADMIN_LIST_COLORS_WORST_GREENGreen color component to the worst access level listed by /admins15
ADMIN_LIST_COLORS_WORST_REDRed color component to the worst access level listed by /admins15
ADMIN_LIST_MIN_ACCESS_LEVELMinimal access level to be shown in /admins2
ADMIN_LOGWrite all admin chat commands to var/adminlog.txt (Works only in a server)0
ADMIN_NAMEThe name to speak as when using the command "SAY".Admin
AI_IQIQ of the AI opponents50
ALLOW_CONTROL_DURING_CHATIf set to 1, this allows a player to issue cycle and camera control commands during chat (losing the chatbot and the yellow chat pyramid).0
ALLOW_ENEMIES_SAME_CLIENTIf set to 1, this allows two players that play on the same client to fight for points with each other.0
ALLOW_ENEMIES_SAME_IPIf set to 1, this allows two players that apparently come from the same machine to fight for points with each other.0
ALLOW_IMPOSTERSIf set to 1, players with identical names are tolerated. If set to 0, all but one will be renamed.0
ALLOW_IMPOSTORSIf set to 1, players with identical names are tolerated. If set to 0, all but one will be renamed.0
ALLOW_RENAME_PLAYERGives the given player the ability to rename.
ALLOW_TEAM_CHANGEIf set to 1, all players can change teams. If set to 0, players can only change teams if they've been specifically allowed to by ALLOW_TEAM_CHANGE_PLAYER1
ALLOW_TEAM_CHANGE_PLAYERAllow a specific player to change teams even if ALLOW_TEAM_CHANGE is disabled
ALLOW_TEAM_NAME_COLORAllow a team to be named after a color1
ALLOW_TEAM_NAME_LEADERAllow team leader to set a team.0
ALLOW_TEAM_NAME_PLAYERAllow a team to be named after the leading player1
ALLOW_VOTINGIf set to 1, voting will be allowed for players.1
ALLOW_VOTING_SPECTATORIf set to 1, voting will be allowed for spectators.0
ALPHA_BLENDEnable alpha blending1
ANNOUNCEUse like a public announcement. Displays Announcement: [message]
ANTI_SPOOFIf set to 1, checks connecting clients for spoofed IPs. Only clients passing a connectivity test are allowed in. This is done in turtle mode automatically, but may be useful to have on at all times.0
APPLY_ROTATIONApplies current round's map or next map, depending on ROTATION_TYPE.
ARENA_AXESIn how many directions a cycle can turn 4 is the default, 6 is hexatron4
ARENA_AXES_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when ARENA_AXES differs from its default?3
ARENA_BOUNDARYThis is the distance players can travel safely outside the arena boundary.-20
ARENA_BOUNDARY_KILLDetermines what action to take when players are beyond the ARENA_BOUNDARY. 1: Kills players instantly. 2: Depletes their rubber until they're dead.1
AUTHORITY_BLACKLISTComma separated list of authorities your server should refuse to query.
AUTHORITY_LEVELChanges the access level for all users from the same authority. Mainly only useful for private authorities.
AUTHORITY_WHITELISTIf non-empty, only authorities on this comma separated list will be queried by your server.
AUTO_AISAutomatically spawn AI players?0
AUTO_IQAutomatically adjust AI IQ?0
AUTO_SUBSTITUTIONIf set to 1, players will be substituted when leaving.0
AUTO_TEAMFlag indicating whether players should be put into teams automatically.1
AUTO_TEAM_SPEC_SPAMIf set to 0, spectators won't be announced when joining or leaving, provided AUTO_TEAM is set to 0.1
AXES_INDICATORShould the Axis Indicator be rendered?0
BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITYMaximum number of old protocol versions to support.1000
BALLS_INTERACTFlag indicating whether balls can bounce off one another0
BALL_AUTORESPAWNFlag indicating whether balls should automatically respawn when goal is scored1
BALL_CYCLE_ACCEL_BOOSTBoost Cycle gives the ball when colliding0
BALL_KILLSFlag indicating if a team owned ball can kill opposing team players0
BALL_SPEED_DECAYRate at which the ball slows down0
BALL_SPEED_HIT_DECAYAmount the ball slows down when hitting an object0
BALL_STOP_IF_RIM_AND_CYCLEShould the ball stop when interacting with both a cycle and the rim?0
BALL_TEAM_MODEFlag 0=ball score other team, 1=ball score only team owner0
BANBans the specified player from the server (kicks them first) for a variable time in minutes.
BANNED_WORDSThe list of words banned for various reasons.
BANNED_WORDS_ADDAdd a word to the banned words list.
BANNED_WORDS_DELIMITERSThe delimiters to remove from in the messages in case people encased banned words in them.`~!@#$%^&*()-=_+[] {}|;':",./<>?
BANNED_WORDS_LISTDisplay the list of words currently banned.
BANNED_WORDS_OPTIONS0: disable. 1: Block and alert message to sender. 2: Replace bad word with chosen character(s).0
BANNED_WORDS_REMOVERemove a word from the banned words list.
BANNED_WORDS_WHOLE0: Shorten bad words to first and last letters. 1: All bad words get censored.1
BAN_IPBans the specified IP address from the server for a variable time.
BAN_LISTPrints a list of currently banned IPs.
BAN_USERAllows to ban players based on their authentication ID.
BAN_USER_LISTGives a list of banned users.
BASE_ENEMY_KILLFlag indicating whether a base will kill enemy players0
BASE_ENEMY_RESPAWNFlag indicating whether a base will respawn team if an enemy player enters it0
BASE_RESPAWNFlag indicating whether a base will respawn team if a team player enters it0
BASE_RESPAWN_REMIND_TIMETime between respawn reminders-1
BIG_BROTHERDid we already send the big brother information?1
BOOKMARK_0_ADDRESSServer address of the 1st server bookmark
BOOKMARK_0_NAMEName of the 1st server bookmark
BOOKMARK_0_PORTServer port of the 1st server bookmark4534
BOOKMARK_10_ADDRESSServer address of the 11th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_10_NAMEName of the 11th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_10_PORTServer port of the 11th server bookmark4534
BOOKMARK_1_ADDRESSServer address of the 2nd server bookmark
BOOKMARK_1_NAMEName of the 2nd server bookmark
BOOKMARK_1_PORTServer port of the 2nd server bookmark4534
BOOKMARK_2_ADDRESSServer address of the 3rd server bookmark
BOOKMARK_2_NAMEName of the 3rd server bookmark
BOOKMARK_2_PORTServer port of the 3rd server bookmark4534
BOOKMARK_3_ADDRESSServer address of the 4th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_3_NAMEName of the 4th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_3_PORTServer port of the 4th server bookmark4534
BOOKMARK_4_ADDRESSServer address of the 5th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_4_NAMEName of the 5th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_4_PORTServer port of the 5th server bookmark4534
BOOKMARK_5_ADDRESSServer address of the 6th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_5_NAMEName of the 6th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_5_PORTServer port of the 6th server bookmark4534
BOOKMARK_6_ADDRESSServer address of the 7th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_6_NAMEName of the 7th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_6_PORTServer port of the 7th server bookmark4534
BOOKMARK_7_ADDRESSServer address of the 8th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_7_NAMEName of the 8th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_7_PORTServer port of the 8th server bookmark4534
BOOKMARK_8_ADDRESSServer address of the 9th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_8_NAMEName of the 9th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_8_PORTServer port of the 9th server bookmark4534
BOOKMARK_9_ADDRESSServer address of the 10th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_9_NAMEName of the 10th server bookmark
BOOKMARK_9_PORTServer port of the 10th server bookmark4534
BOOKMARK__MASTER0_ADDRESSAddress of the first subculture master
BOOKMARK__MASTER0_NAMEName of the first subculture
BOOKMARK__MASTER0_PORTPort of the first subculture master4534
BOOKMARK__MASTER10_ADDRESSAddress of the 11th subculture master
BOOKMARK__MASTER10_NAMEName of the 11th subculture
BOOKMARK__MASTER10_PORTPort of the 11th subculture master4534
BOOKMARK__MASTER1_ADDRESSAddress of the second subculture master
BOOKMARK__MASTER1_NAMEName of the second subculture
BOOKMARK__MASTER1_PORTPort of the second subculture master4534
BOOKMARK__MASTER2_ADDRESSAddress of the 3rd subculture master
BOOKMARK__MASTER2_NAMEName of the 3rd subculture
BOOKMARK__MASTER2_PORTPort of the 3rd subculture master4534
BOOKMARK__MASTER3_ADDRESSAddress of the 4th subculture master
BOOKMARK__MASTER3_NAMEName of the 4th subculture
BOOKMARK__MASTER3_PORTPort of the 4th subculture master4534
BOOKMARK__MASTER4_ADDRESSAddress of the 5th subculture master
BOOKMARK__MASTER4_NAMEName of the 5th subculture
BOOKMARK__MASTER4_PORTPort of the 5th subculture master4534
BOOKMARK__MASTER5_ADDRESSAddress of the 6th subculture master
BOOKMARK__MASTER5_NAMEName of the 6th subculture
BOOKMARK__MASTER5_PORTPort of the 6th subculture master4534
BOOKMARK__MASTER6_ADDRESSAddress of the 7th subculture master
BOOKMARK__MASTER6_NAMEName of the 7th subculture
BOOKMARK__MASTER6_PORTPort of the 7th subculture master4534
BOOKMARK__MASTER7_ADDRESSAddress of the 8th subculture master
BOOKMARK__MASTER7_NAMEName of the 8th subculture
BOOKMARK__MASTER7_PORTPort of the 8th subculture master4534
BOOKMARK__MASTER8_ADDRESSAddress of the 9th subculture master
BOOKMARK__MASTER8_NAMEName of the 9th subculture
BOOKMARK__MASTER8_PORTPort of the 9th subculture master4534
BOOKMARK__MASTER9_ADDRESSAddress of the 10th subculture master
BOOKMARK__MASTER9_NAMEName of the 10th subculture
BOOKMARK__MASTER9_PORTPort of the 10th subculture master4534
BOOTKicks the specified player from the server.
BUG_COLOR_OVERFLOWAllows the player's colors to overflow and wrap around for the cycle, allowing different colors for cycle and trail.1
BUG_RIPAllows the rim wall to be ripped open by a VERY close grind.0
BUG_TRANSPARENCYUnsupported: make all rim walls semi-transparent by rendering them without occlusion tests
BUG_TRANSPARENCY_DEMANDUnsupported: use transparency instead of lowering walls
BUG_TUNNELAllows players to pass through walls on odd occasions.0
CAMERA_CUSTOM_BACKPosition of the custom camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle?6
CAMERA_CUSTOM_BACK_FROMSPEEDThis value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_CUSTOM_BACK.0.5
CAMERA_CUSTOM_PITCHPosition of the custom camera: how much does it look up/down?-0.58
CAMERA_CUSTOM_RISEPosition of the custom camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle?4
CAMERA_CUSTOM_RISE_FROMSPEEDThis value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_CUSTOM_RISE.0.4
CAMERA_CUSTOM_TURN_SPEEDSpeed the custom camera turns with4
CAMERA_CUSTOM_TURN_SPEED_180Extra factor to CAMERA_CUSTOM_TURN_SPEED after a quick reverse4
CAMERA_CUSTOM_ZOOMPosition of the custom camera: how much the camera zooms in your cycle at the beginning of the round (to show the team's formation0
CAMERA_FOLLOW_START_XStart position of the fixed external camera-30
CAMERA_FOLLOW_START_YStart position of the fixed external camera-30
CAMERA_FOLLOW_START_ZStart position of the fixed external camera80
CAMERA_FORBID_CUSTOMForbids the use of the custom camera on all clients0
CAMERA_FORBID_CUSTOM_GLANCEForbids use of special glance camera settings0
CAMERA_FORBID_FOLLOWForbids the use of the fixed external camera on all clients0
CAMERA_FORBID_FREEForbids the use of the free camera on all clients0
CAMERA_FORBID_INForbids the use of the internal camera on all clients0
CAMERA_FORBID_MERForbids the use of Meriton's camera0
CAMERA_FORBID_SERVER_CUSTOMForbids the use of the server custom camera1
CAMERA_FORBID_SMARTForbids the use of the internal camera on all clients0
CAMERA_FREE_START_XStart position of the free camera10
CAMERA_FREE_START_YStart position of the free camera-70
CAMERA_FREE_START_ZStart position of the free camera100
CAMERA_GLANCE_BACKPosition of the glance camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle?6
CAMERA_GLANCE_BACK_FROMSPEEDThis value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_GLANCE_BACK.0.5
CAMERA_GLANCE_PITCHPosition of the glance camera: how much does it look up/down?-0.58
CAMERA_GLANCE_RISEPosition of the glance camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle?4
CAMERA_GLANCE_RISE_FROMSPEEDThis value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_GLANCE_RISE.0.4
CAMERA_IN_TURN_SPEEDSpeed the internal camera turns with40
CAMERA_OVERRIDE_CUSTOM_GLANCEOverrides custom glance settings with values from the server0
CAMERA_OVERRIDE_CUSTOM_GLANCE_SERVER_CUSTOMOverrides custom glance settings with values from the server only for the server custom camera0
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_BACKPosition of the custom camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle?30
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_BACK_FROMSPEEDThis value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_BACK.0
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_PITCHPosition of the custom camera: how much does it look up/down?-0.7
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_RISEPosition of the custom camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle?20
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_RISE_FROMSPEEDThis value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_RISE.0
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_TURN_SPEEDSpeed the server custom camera turns with. Turn values are taken from the client-side settings if this is negative.-1
CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_BACKPosition of the server glance camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle?30
CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_BACK_FROMSPEEDThis value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_BACK.0
CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_PITCHPosition of the server glance camera: how much does it look up/down?-0.7
CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_RISEPosition of the server glance camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle?20
CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_RISE_FROMSPEEDThis value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_RISE.0
CAMERA_SMART_START_XStart position of the smart camera10
CAMERA_SMART_START_YStart position of the smart camera30
CAMERA_SMART_START_ZStart position of the smart camera2
CAMERA_VISIBILITY_CLIP_SPEEDSpeed with which the visibility targets is brought into view40
CAMERA_VISIBILITY_EXTENSIONDistance (measured in seconds, gets multiplied by speed) of the visibility targets from the watched object1
CAMERA_VISIBILITY_LOWER_WALLIf set to 1, walls are lowered when they block the view and the camera is not moved1
CAMERA_VISIBILITY_RECOVERY_SPEEDThe speed the external visibility targets recovers from wall hits1
CAMERA_VISIBILITY_SIDESKEWExtra forward component of the sideways visibility targets0.5
CAMERA_VISIBILITY_WALL_DISTANCEThe distance the visibility targets keep from walls0.5
CASACLFor the duration of the rest of the configuration file this directive appears in, elevate the access level.
CENTER_MESSAGEPrints a big message on the screen of all connected clients.
CENTER_PLAYER_MESSAGESends a center message to a specified player.
CFG_USER_SAVECan the user.cfg be saved after work?1
CHATBOT_ALWAYS_ACTIVEif set to 1, the chatbot is active all of the time0
CHATBOT_CONTROLLED_BY_SERVERIf enabled, the server controls the chatbot and ignores client input when chatting0
CHATBOT_DECAYrate at which the quality of the chatbot decays over time0.02
CHATBOT_DELAYtime between entering chat and chatbot activation0.5
CHATBOT_MIN_TIMESTEPminimal time in seconds between chatbot thoughts0.3
CHATBOT_NEW_WALL_BLINDNESSthe chatbot won't see walls that were built less than this many seconds ago0.3
CHATBOT_RANGEtime in seconds the bot is capable of planning ahead1
CHATLOG_WRITE_TEAMWrite /team messages to chatlog [1: on | 0:off]0
CHATTERS_KILLAll players in chat mode are killed by an administrator.
CHATTERS_LISTAll players in chat mode are listed.
CHATTERS_SILENCEAll players in chat mode are silenced by an administrator.
CHATTERS_SUSPENDAll players in chat mode are suspended for this-many rounds by an administrator.
CHATTER_REMOVE_TIMETime in seconds after which a permanent chatter is removed from the game180
CHAT_LOGWrite machine parsable chat messages to var/chatlog.txt0
CHAT_LOG_COLORSWrites chat messages to var/chatlog_colors.txt0
CHECK_ERRORSListen to errors claiming a video mode does not exist1
CLEAR_CHATLOGClear all data from chatlog.txt located in ./var folder.
CLEAR_LADDERLOGClear all data from ladderlog.txt located in ./var folder.
CLEAR_REPORTSClear all data from reports.txt located in ./var folder.
CLEAR_SCORELOGClear all data from scorelog.txt located in ./var folder.
CLIENT_DOWNLOAD_SETTINGSIf set to 1, clients with the supported feature can download the server settings.1
CLIENT_PORTPort we try to connect to4534
COLLAPSE_ALLCauses all zones to vanish smoothly.
COLLAPSE_ZONEcollapse a zone by name (or, if no arguments, collapses all zones without assigned names)
COLLAPSE_ZONE_IDCollapse the zone by the given ID.
COLORDEPTHColor depth to use (0: 16 1: desktop 2: 24)1
COLOR_DEATHZONE_BLUEDefault: 0, blue portion of the zone's color0
COLOR_DEATHZONE_GREENDefault: 0, green portion of the zone's color0
COLOR_DEATHZONE_REDDefault: 15, red portion of the zone's color15
COLOR_RUBBERZONE_BLUEBlue portion of the color for rubber zone from 0 to 15.3
COLOR_RUBBERZONE_GREENGreen portion of the color for rubber zone from 0 to 15.10.5
COLOR_RUBBERZONE_REDRed portion of the color for rubber zone from 0 to 15.15
COLOR_STRINGSPrint colored strings1
COLOR_TELEPORTZONE_BLUEDefault: 0, blue portion of the zone's color0
COLOR_TELEPORTZONE_GREENDefault: 15, green portion of the zone's color15
COLOR_TELEPORTZONE_REDDefault: 0, red portion of the zone's color0
COLOR_WINZONE_BLUEDefault: 0, blue portion of the zone's color0
COLOR_WINZONE_GREENDefault: 15, green portion of the zone's color15
COLOR_WINZONE_REDDefault: 0, red portion of the zone's color0
CONDENSE_CONQUEST_OUTPUTCondense fort zone conquered output into one line for multiple wiiners.0
CONFIG_ROTATIONA list of config files to rotate through, with values separated by semicolons. Optionally you can enter in the round like this: config|round_number;
CONFIG_ROTATION_ADDAdd a config item to the CONFIG_ROTATION list of items. Optionally you can also add in the round of selection. Usage: CONFIG_ROTATION_ADD <config>{|round_number}
CONFIG_ROTATION_LOADLoads the selected config from it's designated id from the list of CONFIG_ROTATION items. Usage: CONFIG_ROTATION_LOAD <config_id>
CONFIG_ROTATION_REMOVERemoved the selected config from the list of CONFIG_ROTATION items. Usage: CONFIG_ROTATION_REMOVE <config>
CONFIG_ROTATION_SETSet the selected config to the round provided. Usage: CONFIG_ROTATION_SET <config> <round>
CONFIG_ROTATION_TYPEHow will the CONFIG_ROTATION files load? 0-INCLUDE or 1-RINCLUDE?; Default: 00
CONFIG_STORAGEIs mainly use for non-rotation purposes, queue mainly. Usage is similar to CONFIG_ROTATION, except without round.
CONNECTION_FLOOD_SENSITIVITYThe times PING_FLOOD_TIME_X, multiplied by this value, count for all incoming messages from clients not connected already. A flood here activates turtle mode. Negative values disable global flood protection.0.01
CONNECTION_LIMITMaximum number of packets from unknown peers to handle at one5
CONSOLE_DECORATE_IDDecorates every line of console output with the client ID1
CONSOLE_DECORATE_IPDecorates every line of console output with the client IP0
CONSOLE_DECORATE_TIMESTAMPDecorates every line of console output with the current date and time0
CONSOLE_LADDER_LOGSends ladder log output to the console0
CONSOLE_LOGWrite all console messages to var/consolelog.txt0
CONSOLE_LOG_COLORWrite color console messages to var/consolelogcolor.txt0
CONSOLE_MESSAGEPrints a message on the console of all connected clients.
CONSOLE_ROWSNumber of lines of console output without user intervention5
CONSOLE_ROWS_MAXNumber of lines of console output when scrolling back19
CUSTOM_AUTHORITYThe custom authority to trigger when a player tries to login.
CUSTOM_AUTHORITY_CONNECTIONThe link to connect to when using custom authority. Do not include "http://".
CUSTOM_CENTER_MESSAGESend custom message in the form of a center message.
USAGE: CUSTOM_CENTER_MESSAGE ${language_string} param1 param2 param3 ...
CUSTOM_CONFIGSList of configs, seperated by ;, to load during the star-up of the client/server.
CUSTOM_INVALID_COMMANDSContains the list of commands to be executed as chat commands: Usage: CUSTOM_INVALID_COMMANDS {command_method1};{command_method2};
CUSTOM_MESSAGESend custom message using language string commands. Have spaces between each parameter.
Usage: CUSTOM_MESSAGE ${language_string} param1 param2 param3 ...
CUSTOM_PLAYER_MESSAGESend custom message to player using language string commands. Have spaces between each parameter.
Usage: CUSTOM_MESSAGE_PLAYER [player] ${language_string} param1 param2 param3 ...
CUSTOM_SCREEN_ASPECTCustom screen aspect ratio ( pixel width/pixel height)1
CUSTOM_SCREEN_HEIGHTCustom screen size200
CUSTOM_SCREEN_WIDTHCustom screen size320
CUSTOM_SERVER_NAMEName of the server to connect to
CUSTOM_SHORTHANDThe custom authority to trigger when a player tries to login.
CUSTOM_SHORTHAND_CONNECTIONThe link to connect to when using custom shorthand. Do not include "http://".
CYCLE_ACCELWall acceleration factor10
CYCLE_ACCEL_ENEMYMultiplicator to CYCLE_ACCEL for your enemies' walls1
CYCLE_ACCEL_ENEMY_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_ACCEL_ENEMY differs from its default?3
CYCLE_ACCEL_OFFSETMinimum numeric wall distance, must be positive2
CYCLE_ACCEL_RIMMultiplicator to CYCLE_ACCEL for the rim walls0
CYCLE_ACCEL_RIM_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_ACCEL_RIM differs from its default?3
CYCLE_ACCEL_SELFMultiplicator to CYCLE_ACCEL for your own wall1
CYCLE_ACCEL_SELF_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_ACCEL_SELF differs from its default?3
CYCLE_ACCEL_SLINGSHOTMultiplicator to the total effect of CYCLE_ACCEL, if the cycle is between its own wall and another wall1
CYCLE_ACCEL_SLINGSHOT_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_ACCEL_SLINGSHOT differs from its default?3
CYCLE_ACCEL_TEAMMultiplicator to CYCLE_ACCEL for your teammates' walls1
CYCLE_ACCEL_TEAM_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_ACCEL_TEAM differs from its default?3
CYCLE_ACCEL_TUNNELMultiplicator to the total effect of CYCLE_ACCEL, if the cycle is between two walls not created by it1
CYCLE_ACCEL_TUNNEL_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_ACCEL_TUNNEL differs from its default?3
CYCLE_AVOID_OLDCLIENT_BAD_SYNCIf set to 1, old clients will not get sync messages in situations that are known to confuse them0
CYCLE_BLINK_FREQUENCYFrequency in Hz an invulnerable cycle blinks with.10
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_ENEMYFactor your speed is multiplied with when breaking from an enemy wall1
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_ENEMY_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_ENEMY differs from its default?3
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_RIMFactor your speed is multiplied with when breaking from the rim wall1
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_RIM_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_RIM differs from its default?3
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_SELFFactor your speed is multiplied with when breaking from your own wall1
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_SELF_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_SELF differs from its default?3
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_TEAMFactor your speed is multiplied with when breaking from a teammate's wall1
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_TEAM_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_TEAM differs from its default?3
CYCLE_BOOST_ENEMYSpeed boost when breaking from an enemy wall0
CYCLE_BOOST_ENEMY_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_BOOST_ENEMY differs from its default?3
CYCLE_BOOST_RIMSpeed boost when breaking from the rim wall0
CYCLE_BOOST_RIM_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_BOOST_RIM differs from its default?3
CYCLE_BOOST_SELFSpeed boost when breaking from your own wall0
CYCLE_BOOST_SELF_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_BOOST_SELF differs from its default?3
CYCLE_BOOST_TEAMSpeed boost when breaking from a teammate's wall0
CYCLE_BOOST_TEAM_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_BOOST_TEAM differs from its default?3
CYCLE_BRAKEBrake intensity30
CYCLE_BRAKE_DEPLETERate at which the brake reservoir depletes when you are braking1
CYCLE_BRAKE_DEPLETE_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_BRAKE_DEPLETE differs from its default?3
CYCLE_BRAKE_REFILLRate at which the brake reservoir refills when you are not braking0.1
CYCLE_BRAKE_REFILL_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_BRAKE_REFILL differs from its default?3
CYCLE_DEATH_TELEPORTTeleport a player instead of killing them. 1=Start position; 2=Reverse direction;0
CYCLE_DEATH_TELEPORT_RESETReset cycle parameters such as rubber and brakes?1
CYCLE_DELAYMinimum time between turns (must be greater than 0)0.1
CYCLE_DELAY_BONUSExtra fudge factor to CYCLE_DELAY applied on the dedicated server only.0.95
CYCLE_DELAY_DOUBLEBIND_BONUSFactor CYCLE_DELAY is multiplied with for consecutive turns in the same direction1
CYCLE_DELAY_DOUBLEBIND_BONUS_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_DELAY_DOUBLEBIND_BONUS differs from its default?3
CYCLE_DELAY_TIMEBASEDTurn delays will be based on the time since the last turn if this is 1 (default) and the distance if this is 0. Intermediate values and values out of these bounds are supported as well.1
CYCLE_DELAY_TIMEBASED_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_DELAY_TIMEBASED differs from its default?3
CYCLE_DIST_WALL_SHRINKDistance multiplier in wall length calculation. All values are legal. See settings.cfg for full docs.0
CYCLE_DIST_WALL_SHRINK_OFFSETDistance offset in wall length calculation. See settings.cfg for full docs.0
CYCLE_EXPLOSION_RADIUSRadious of the explosion when a cycle gets destroyed.4
CYCLE_FAIR_ANTILAGIf set to 1, this deactivates the anti lag-sliding code when old clients are connected1
CYCLE_FIRST_SPAWN_PROTECTIONSet to 1 if the invulnerability and wall delay should already be active on the initial spawn at the beginning of a round.0
CYCLE_INVULNERABLE_TIMETime in seconds a cycle is invulnerable after a respawn.0
CYCLE_MAX_REFCOUNTMaximum allowed reference count on cycles before they self destruct. This setting is to protect against performance related DOS attacks.30000
CYCLE_PACKETLOSS_TOLERANCECycle death is prevented as long as the player's failure to turn can be explained by the loss of this many network packets. Enabling this allows cheating.0
CYCLE_PING_RUBBERAdditional niceness for high ping players3
CYCLE_RESPAWN_ZONESet to 1 to spawn a zone to respawn player of their death.0
CYCLE_RESPAWN_ZONE_ENEMYSet to 1 to enable enemies entering respawn zone to respawn player.1
CYCLE_RESPAWN_ZONE_ENEMY_KILLSet to 1 to enable respawn zone to kill enemies for entering its zone.0
CYCLE_RESPAWN_ZONE_GROWTHThe growth rate of respawn zone. Can increase(value>0) or decrease(value<0).-0.4
CYCLE_RESPAWN_ZONE_RADIUSThe radius of respawn zone to spawn when player dies.2.5
CYCLE_RESPAWN_ZONE_RESPAWNSet to 1 to enable respawn zone to reappear after vanishing.0
CYCLE_RESPAWN_ZONE_TYPEThe type of respawn occurs. 0-spawn on the location of death; 1-spawn on the starting location. Default: 00
CYCLE_RUBBERNiceness factor to allow you drive really close to a wall1
CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAYDuring this fraction of the cycle delay time after each turn, rubber efficiency will be multiplied with CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY_BONUS.0
CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY_BONUS_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY_BONUS differs from its default?3
CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY differs from its default?3
CYCLE_RUBBER_DEPLETE_ENEMYIf set to 1, rubber depletes for players when hitting enemys' tails.1
CYCLE_RUBBER_DEPLETE_RIMIf set to 1, rubber depletes for players when hitting rim walls.1
CYCLE_RUBBER_DEPLETE_SELFIf set to 1, rubber depletes for players when hitting their own tails.1
CYCLE_RUBBER_DEPLETE_TEAMIf set to 1, rubber depletes for players when hitting their teams' tails.1
CYCLE_RUBBER_LEGACYRevert to old, framerate dependent and old-clients-ripping, rubber code if old clients are present. Old means <= here.0
CYCLE_RUBBER_MALUS_TURN_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_MALUS_TURN differs from its default?3
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINADJUSTWhen adjusting to or 180ing into a wall, allow going closer by at least this amount (relative to the last distance)0.05
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINADJUST_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_MINADJUST differs from its default?3
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCEThe minimal distance rubber code keeps you from the wall in front of you0.001
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_GAPIf > 0, CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE effectively is never taken to be bigger than this value times the size of any detected gaps the cycle can squeeze through. For "Open" gameplay.0
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_GAP_BACKDOORIf > 0, CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE effectively is never taken to be bigger than this value times the size of any detected backdoor gaps the cycle can squeeze through. For "Open" gameplay. If = 0, CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_GAP applies to backdoors, too.0
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_GAP_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_GAP differs from its default?3
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_GAP_SIDEGap detection only sees gaps that the cycle may reach in no less than this many seconds.0.5
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_LEGACYExtra factor for minimal distance to walls enforced by the rubber code, active when peers with the rip bug are connected1
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE differs from its default?3
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_PREPARATIONTimescale in seconds a cycle's last turn time is compared with to determine the effect of CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_UNPREPARED.0.2
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_RATIOAdditional distance to CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE for every length unit of the wall you have in front of you0.0001
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_RESERVOIRAdditional distance if you have an empty rubber meter (gets faded out gradually as you use up all your rubber)0.005
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_UNPREPAREDAdditional distance for unprepared grinds; it gets applied when the cycle's last turn was just a fraction of a second ago and faded out preparation times larger than CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_PREPARATION.0.005
CYCLE_RUBBER_SPEEDLogarithmic speed of wall approximation when rubber is in effect (every second, you get closer to the wall by a factor of ~0.4^{this value})40
CYCLE_RUBBER_SPEED_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_SPEED differs from its default?3
CYCLE_RUBBER_TIMETimescale rubber is restored on.10
CYCLE_RUBBER_TIMEBASEDRubber usage is based on distance travelled if this is 0 (default) and the time passed if this is 1. Intermediate values and values out of these bounds are supported as well.0
CYCLE_RUBBER_TIMEBASED_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_TIMEBASED differs from its default?3
CYCLE_RUBBER_TIME_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_TIME differs from its default?3
CYCLE_RUBBER_WALL_SHRINKWith finite length trails, the used rubber is multiplied with this value and the result is subtracted from the wall length.0
CYCLE_RUBBER_WALL_SHRINK_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_WALL_SHRINK differs from its default?3
CYCLE_SMOOTH_MIN_SPEEDMinimum speed of smooth correction relative to cycle speed.0.2
CYCLE_SMOOTH_THRESHOLDOnly syncs that differ from your position by less than this amount (measured in speed) will be handled smoothly, bigger differences will be applied instantly.0.2
CYCLE_SMOOTH_TIMETimescale for smoothing options. Increasing this will make interpolation smoother, but less accurate. Decreasing it will make network synchronization jumpy.0.3
CYCLE_SOUND_SPEEDSound speed divisor30
CYCLE_SPEEDBasic speed of your cycle if you drive straight and not close to walls30
CYCLE_SPEED_DECAY_ABOVERate of cycle speed approaching the value of CYCLE_SPEED from above0.1
CYCLE_SPEED_DECAY_ABOVE_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_SPEED_DECAY_ABOVE differs from its default?3
CYCLE_SPEED_DECAY_BELOWRate of cycle speed approaching the value of CYCLE_SPEED from below5
CYCLE_SPEED_DECAY_BELOW_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_SPEED_DECAY_BELOW differs from its default?3
CYCLE_SPEED_MAXMaximal speed of your cycle, measured relative to CYCLE_SPEED. A value of 0 means no top speed.0
CYCLE_SPEED_MAX_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_SPEED_MAX differs from its default?3
CYCLE_SPEED_MINMinimal speed of your cycle, measured relative to CYCLE_SPEED0.25
CYCLE_SPEED_MIN_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_SPEED_MIN differs from its default?3
CYCLE_START_SPEEDInitial cycle speed20
CYCLE_SYNC_FFSpeed of simulation of the extrapolating sync; decrease for lower CPU load, but higher effective ping10
CYCLE_SYNC_FF_STEPSNumber of extrapolation simulation timesteps each real timestep; increase for better accuracy1
CYCLE_SYNC_INTERVAL_ENEMYTime in seconds between server-client updates of enemy cycles1
CYCLE_SYNC_INTERVAL_SELFTime in seconds between server-client updates of enemy cycles owned by the client itself0.1
CYCLE_TIME_TOLERANCEMaximum time difference of execution of turns on server and client (for clients that send timing information)0.1
CYCLE_TIME_TOLERANCE_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_TIME_TOLERANCE differs from its default?3
CYCLE_TURNMake the cycle turn. Usage: CYCLE_TURN [times to turn] <turn: left or right>.
CYCLE_TURN_MEMORYNumber of pending turns a cycle will memorize exactly3
CYCLE_TURN_SPEED_FACTORFactor the speed of a lightcycle is multiplied with when turning0.95
CYCLE_TURN_SPEED_FACTOR_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when CYCLE_TURN_SPEED_FACTOR differs from its default?3
CYCLE_WALLS_LENGTHThe length of the tails, automatically sets current wall length to the given length during round.-1
CYCLE_WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAYThe number of seconds the tails remain on the field after their owner is dead.8
CYCLE_WALL_NEARMaximum accelerating wall distance6
CYCLE_WALL_TIMETime in seconds a cycle does not make a wall after a respawn. Values below 0 disable wall building.0
CYCLE_WIDTHThe width of the cycle collision object. It can only squeeze through tunnels wider than that without taking harm.0
CYCLE_WIDTH_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_WIDTH differs from its default?3
CYCLE_WIDTH_RUBBER_MAXIf the cycle_width conditions are massively violated, use up this much rubber.If set to 1, the rubber usage rate is the same as if you were sitting in front of a wall.1
CYCLE_WIDTH_RUBBER_MAX_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_WIDTH_RUBBER_MAX differs from its default?3
CYCLE_WIDTH_RUBBER_MINIf the cycle_width conditions are barely violated, use up this much rubber.If set to 1, the rubber usage rate is the same as if you were sitting in front of a wall.1
CYCLE_WIDTH_RUBBER_MIN_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_WIDTH_RUBBER_MIN differs from its default?3
CYCLE_WIDTH_SIDEMinimum distance of a cycle to a wall on either side before it takes harm.0
CYCLE_WIDTH_SIDE_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients if CYCLE_WIDTH_SIDE differs from its default?3
CYCLE_ZONES_APPROCHThe distance a cycle can approch the zone without trigging the OnNear() event.100
CYCLE_ZONES_AVOIDIf set to 1, cycles will do their best at avoiding the zone. Is slightly buggy but works often.1
CYCLE_ZONES_AVOID_CHATBOTIf enabled, chatbots are also included in CYCLE_ZONES_AVOID.0
DEADLY_EXPLOSIONSShould cycles in the blast radius of an explosion be destroyed?0
DEATHZONE_RANDOM_COLORSDefault: 0; If set to 1, deathzones will have their colors by randomness.0
DEATHZONE_ROTATIONIf set to 1, DEATHZONE_ROTATION_SPEED will be used for the speed of deathzones.0
DEATHZONE_ROTATION_SPEEDThe speed at which the rotation of the deathzones. Negative values cause it to spin in the other way.0.3
DEATH_SHOTIf set to 1, killed players will release a death shot if they had been about to shoot.1
DECLARE_ROUND_WINNERDeclare the winner of the current round and end the round. Usage: DECLARE_ROUND_WINNER <player>
DEDICATED_FPSMaximum simulation steps per second the dedicated server will perform40
DEDICATED_FPS_IDLE_FACTORNumber of times per frame the server should check whether simulation can be done if no network input is coming2
DEDICATED_IDLEAfter running this time (in hours), the dedicated server takes the next chance to quit.0
DEFAULT_KICK_REASONThe reason given to a player kicked by KICK if none is specified.
DEFAULT_KICK_TO_PORTDefault server port a player is redirected to by KICK_TO and MOVE_TO.4534
DEFAULT_KICK_TO_REASONThe reason given to a player kicked by KICK_TO or MOVE_TO if none is specified.
DEFAULT_KICK_TO_SERVER # Default server IP/name a player is redirected to by KICK_TO and MOVE_TO.
DEFAULT_MAP_FILEThe default map to revert to when no players are active
DEFAULT_MAP_FILE_ON_EMPTYIf set to 1, the DEFAULT_MAP_FILE is selected when no players are active0
DEFAULT_SHOUT_PLAYER1 if the default chat action for players should be shouting, 0 if it should be team chat. 2 if the default action should be shouting and the access level requirement should be overridden.1
DEFAULT_SHOUT_SPECTATOR1 if the default chat action for spectators should be shouting, 0 if it should be spectator chat. 2 if the default action should be shouting and the access level requirement should be overridden.1
DELAY_COMMANDA command to execute at given time. Usage: DELAY_COMMAND [time] [command] [parameters] ...
DELAY_COMMAND_CLEARClears all delayed command from cache.
DELAY_COMMAND_REMOVERemoves a delay command at the specified id number. Usage: DELAY_COMMAND_REMOVE [id] ...
DEOPReverses /op; it takes away a player's access level, effectively making them unauthenticated again.
DESTROY_ALLCauses all zones to vanish instantly.
DESTROY_ZONEDestroy, simply meaning: causes the zone with the given name to disappear instantly.
DESTROY_ZONE_IDDestroy, simply meaning: causes the zone with the given id to disappear instantly.
DISALLOW_RENAME_PLAYERPrevents the given player from rename-ing.
DISPLAY_SCORES_DURING_CHATIf enabled, scores will continue showing while in chat.1
DITHERUse dithering1
DOUBLEBIND_TIMETime in seconds during which no two different keyboard events can trigger the same action-10
DOUBLEBIND_TIME_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when DOUBLEBIND_TIME differs from its default?3
ENABLE_CHATIf set to 0, all chat will be suppressed (if reset on the server, messages from logged in players and private/team messages are still shown)1
ENABLE_FRIENDSTurn on/off mates filtering.0
ENABLE_FRIENDS_CASINGIf set to 1, matching friends will appear. If set to 0, no matter what casing it is, names with our friends will appear.1
ENEMY_CHATBOT_PENALTYPenalty in seconds if the victim is in chatbot state and the enemy influence is just the chatbot evading a wall30
ENEMY_CURRENTTIME_INFLUENCEIf set to 1, not the build time of the encountered wall, but the current time enters the comparison of enemy influences. Arbitrary blending values are allowed.0
ENEMY_DEAD_PENALTYPenalty on the effective time in seconds if the enemy influence detection comes from a dead player0
ENEMY_SUICIDE_TIMEOUTIf no enemy influence can be found for the last this many seconds, a player's death counts as a suicide.10000
ENEMY_TEAMMATE_PENALTYPenalty on the effective time in seconds if the enemy influence detection is from a teammate2500
EXITShuts the dedicated server down and quits.
EXPECT_ACK_ON_CLIENT_PLAYBACKIf 1, a client playing back a recording will expect correct ack responses from the server, at the default of 0 it tries to hobble along. Activate to accurately debug network problems.0
EXPLOSIONEnable explosions?1
EXPLOSION_RADIUSBlast radius of the cycle explosions4
EXTRA_ROUND_TIMELength of an extra pause at the beginning of the round0
FADEOUT_NAME_DELAYTime the player names are shown. Set to 0 if you don't want to show them at all or -1 if you want to show them always.
FAILED_ATTEMPTSNumber of failed attempts to initialize graphics mode0
FAST_FORWARD_MAXSTEPMaximum recording time between rendered frames in fast forward mode1
FAST_FORWARD_MAXSTEP_REALMaximum real time between rendered frames in fast forward mode0.05
FAST_FORWARD_MAXSTEP_RELMaximum fraction of the time left until the end of FF mode between rendered frames0.1
FILTER_COLOR_NAMESFilter color codes from player names.0
FILTER_COLOR_SERVER_NAMESFilter color codes from server names in the server browser.0
FILTER_COLOR_STRINGSFilter color codes from strings coming in over the network.0
FILTER_COLOR_TEAMFilter color codes from /team messages.0
FILTER_DARK_COLOR_NAMESFilter dark color codes from player names.0
FILTER_DARK_COLOR_SERVER_NAMESFilter dark color codes from server names in the server browser.1
FILTER_DARK_COLOR_STRINGSFilter dark color codes from strings coming in over the network.0
FILTER_DARK_COLOR_TEAMFilter dark color codes from /team messages.0
FILTER_NAME_ENDSFilter whitespace and other junk from beginnings and ends of player names.1
FILTER_NAME_MIDDLEFilter excess whitespace and other junk from the middle of player names.1
FINISH_TYPEWhat happens when the last human is dead?2
FIRST_USEIs this the first time you use Armagetron Advanced?1
FLAG_BLINK_ENDPercentage of the flag radius to end the flag blink at.1
FLAG_BLINK_ESTIMATE_POSITION0 to start the flag blink at the current player position, 1 to start the flag blink where the player would be at the end of the blink at current speed and direction0.6
FLAG_BLINK_ON_TIMETime in seconds that flag is on in a blink (not recommended to set this below 0.1)0.3
FLAG_BLINK_STARTPercentage of the flag radius to start the flag blink at.0.2
FLAG_BLINK_TIMETime in seconds between flag blinking over player with the flag, -1 to disable1.5
FLAG_BLINK_TRACK_TIMEIf set above zero, this tracks the cycle position and speed at the rate defined by this setting. it is not recommended to set this below 0.1 for lag reasons.-1
FLAG_CHAT_BLINK_TIMETime in seconds that the chat triangle above a player with a flag will blink, -1 to disable-1
FLAG_COLOR_B(0-15) blue color for a neutral flag-1
FLAG_COLOR_G(0-15) green color for a neutral flag-1
FLAG_COLOR_R(0-15) red color for a neutral flag-1
FLAG_CONQUEST_WINS_ROUNDFlag indicating whether capturing the flag wins the round or not0
FLAG_CONTROLSIs a player allowed to use flag commands (/drop, /pass) ?1
FLAG_DROP_HOMEFlag indicating whether dropping the flag sends it home0
FLAG_DROP_TIMEIf positive, enables player to drop flag by chatting "/drop". value is the number of seconds they can't pick up the flag afterwards, 2-3 recommended.-1
FLAG_HOLD_SCOREPoints given for holding the flag see FLAG_HOLD_SCORE_TIME1
FLAG_HOLD_SCORE_TIMESeconds until points are awarded for holding the flag see FLAG_HOLD_SCORE-1
FLAG_HOLD_TIMETime in seconds that the player can hold the flag before it is returned home, -1 to disable-1
FLAG_HOME_RANDOMNESS_XY direction the flag can vary from its starting spot when returned.-1
FLAG_HOME_RANDOMNESS_YX direction the flag can vary from its starting spot when returned.-1
FLAG_PASS_DISTANCEThe distance in which the team member should be in order to receive the flag.5
FLAG_PASS_MODEThe mode of selection for passing the flag; o-disable, 1-closest, 2-furthest, 3-distance, 4-name.0
FLAG_PASS_SPEEDThe speed at which the flag should be passed (+ the speed the receive is travelling at).30
FLAG_REQUIRED_HOMEFlag indicating whether flags need to be home to score1
FLAG_TEAM0 - Flags are neutral, 1 Flags have team that own them1
FLOOR_BLUEFloor color0.2
FLOOR_DETAILFloor detail settings2
FLOOR_GREENFloor color0.2
FLOOR_MIRRORFloor mirror mode0
FLOOR_MIRROR_INTIntensity of the floor mirror effect
FLOOR_REDFloor color0.2
FONT_SMALL_THRESHOLD_HEIGHTMinimal pixel size of small font8
FONT_SMALL_THRESHOLD_WIDTHMinimal pixel size of small font5
FORBID_HUD_MAPDisallow clients to display the HUD minimap?0
FORCE_RESPAWN_SCRIPTSpawns an external script from a scripts/ subdirectory on the data path after killing the other possibly running instance.
FORCE_TURTLE_MODEForces turtle mode, usually only active while a server is under attack. For testing, mainly.0
FORTRESS_COLLAPSE_SPEEDSpeed a fortress zone collapses with0.5
FORTRESS_CONQUEST_DECAY_RATERate a fortress zone "recovers" from being conquered0.1
FORTRESS_CONQUEST_RATERate a fortress zone gets conquered with for each enemy in it0.5
FORTRESS_CONQUEST_TIMEOUTTime without enemy contact that makes a fortress zone collapse harmlessly. A negative value implies the zone never harmlessly collapses in any case.0
FORTRESS_DEFEND_RATERate a fortress zone "recovers" for each defending player0.25
FORTRESS_HELD_SCOREScore you get for holding your fortress.0
FRIEND_1A friend
FRIEND_10A friend
FRIEND_2A friend
FRIEND_3A friend
FRIEND_4A friend
FRIEND_5A friend
FRIEND_6A friend
FRIEND_7A friend
FRIEND_8A friend
FRIEND_9A friend
FULLSCREENFullscreen or windowed mode?1
FULLSCREEN_MESSAGEPrints a big message all over the screen, interrupting gameplay for a configurable timeout. Use with care.
FULLSCREEN_PLAYER_MESSAGEPrints a big message all over the screen only to the specified player without pausing the game. Use with care.
GAME_TIMEOUTBase timeout for game state synchronisation; gives approximately the maximum time between rounds.10
GAME_TYPEType of game played. 0 for freestyle, 1 for last team standing and 2 for humans vs. AIs.1
GET_CURRENT_MAPDisplays the current map players are playing in.
GIVE_POINTS"Hugs" a player, giving them a specified amount of points.
GLOBAL_IDIf set to 1, Global IDs (Armathentication) will be enabled on this server.0
GL_EXTENSIONSOpenGL system information
GL_RENDEREROpenGL system information
GL_VENDOROpenGL system information
GL_VERSIONOpenGL system information
GOAL_ROUND_ENDFlag indicating whether the round ends when a goal is shot1
GRID_SIZEDistance between grid lines1
GRID_SIZE_MOVIEPACKDistance between grid lines when moviepack is active2
HASH_METHOD_BLACKLISTList of hash authentication methods to disable support for.
HELP_INTRODUCTORY_BLURBMessage that is displayed before the list of help topics if someone uses /help without arguments
HELP_MESSAGEA help message sent to those calling it. Works through "/help" as well.
HELP_MESSAGE_TYPESet 0 to use HELP_{ADD|REMOVE}_TOPIC commands. Set 1 to use HELP_MESSAGE. Default: 0;0
HIGH_RIMDraw high rim walls1
HISTORY_SIZE_CHATNumber of lines kept in the chat history.10
HISTORY_SIZE_CONSOLENumber of lines kept in the console history.10
IDLE_KICK_EXEMPTExempt the access_level from being idle kicked. USAGE: IDLE_KICK_EXEMPT [access_level]0
IDLE_KICK_TIMETime in seconds after which an inactive player is kicked0
IDLE_REMOVE_TIMETime in seconds after which an inactive player is removed from the game0
INCLUDEIncludes the following file
INFINITY_PLANEUse infinite points (Does not work properly on most Windows systems)0
INTERCEPT_COMMANDSList of chat commands to accept and log to stdout.
INTERCEPT_UNKNOWN_COMMANDSIf 1, accept and log all unknown chat commands.0
KEEP_PLAYER_SLOTIf set to 1, every time the server gets full, an unworthy spectator is kicked.0
KEEP_WINDOW_ACTIVEKeeps rendering active when the program window loses input focus.1
KEYBOARDKeyboard settings
KICKKicks the specified player from the server.
KICK_TOKicks the specified player from the server and, if the client supports it, redirects them to a different server.
KILLKill a specific player (as warning before a kick)
KILL_ALLKills everyone on the grid.
KILL_ALL_SCRIPTSKills all active scripts.
KILL_IDKill a specific player using their id.
KILL_SCRIPTKills a script. Argument must match the SPAWN_SCRIPT argument.
KOH_SCOREScore given for being the only one in a zone for KOH_SCORE_TIME1
KOH_SCORE_TIMEThe interval that KOH_SCORE is added5
LADDERLOG_DECORATE_TIMESTAMPDecorates every line of ladderlog output with the current date and time0
LADDERLOG_ENABLEDIf set to 1, ladderlog output is enabled.1
LADDERLOG_GAME_TIME_INTERVALIf non-negative, write a line with the current game time to the ladder log every n seconds.-1
LADDERLOG_OBJECTZONE_ZONE_ENTERED_POLLRATERate at which zones are checked for interactions with objectzones. Lower values increase accuracy at the cost of performance. -1 disables.0.2
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ADMIN_COMMANDWrite to ladderlog: ADMIN_COMMAND <name> <setting>0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ADMIN_LOGINWrite to ladderlog: ADMIN_LOGIN [login_name] [ip_address]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ADMIN_LOGOUTWrite to ladderlog: ADMIN_LOGOUT [login_name] [ip_address]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_AI_POSITIONSIf set to 1, the team positions for AI Teams will output under "POSITIONS"0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ALLSet all the LADDER_LOG_WRITE_* settings to the same value
LADDERLOG_WRITE_AUTHORITY_BLURBWrite to ladderlog: AUTHORITY_BLURB <blurb> <player> <text>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_BALL_VANISHWrite to ladderlog: BALL_VANISH <object id> <zone_name> <cx> <cy>0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_BASE_RESPAWNWrite to ladderlog: BASE_RESPAWN <spawner> <spawned>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_CHATWrite to ladderlog: CHAT <chatter> [/me] <chat string>0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_CURRENT_MAPWrite to ladderlog: CURRENT_MAP [size_factor] [size_multiplier] [MAP_FILE]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_CUSTOM_INVALID_COMMANDWrite to ladderlog: CUSTOM_INVALID_COMMAND <command> <player_log> <ip> <access_level> <params>0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_CYCLE_CREATEDWrite to ladderlog: CYCLE_CREATED [auth_name] [posx] [posy] [dirx] [diry] [team_name] [time]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_CYCLE_DEATH_TELEPORTWrite to ladderlog: CYCLE_DEATH_TELEPORT [auth_name] [posx] [posy] [dirx] [diry] [team_name] [time] [reason] [predator]1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_CYCLE_DESTROYEDWrite to ladderlog: CYCLE_DESTROYED [auth_name] [posx] [posy] [dirx] [diry] [team_name] [time] [reason] [predator]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_DEATH_FRAGWrite to ladderlog: DEATH_FRAG <prey> <predator>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_DEATH_SHOT_FRAGWrite to ladderlog: DEATH_SHOT_FRAG <prey> <predator>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_DEATH_TEAMKILLWrite to ladderlog: DEATH_TEAMKILL <prey> <predator>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ENCODINGWrite to ladderlog: ENCODING <charset>. Specifies the encoding for data in ladderlog.txt.1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_FLAG_DROPWrite to ladderlog: FLAG_DROP <player> <flag team>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_FLAG_HELDWrite to ladderlog: FLAG_HELD <player>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_FLAG_SCOREWrite to ladderlog: FLAG_SCORE <player> <flag team>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_FLAG_TAKEWrite to ladderlog: FLAG_TAKE <player> <flag team>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_FLAG_TIMEOUTWrite to ladderlog: FLAG_TIMEOUT <player> <flag team>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_GAME_ENDWrite to ladderlog: GAME_END <date and time>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_INVALID_COMMANDWrite to ladderlog: INVALID_COMMAND [command] [player_username] [ip_address] [access_level] [params]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_MATCH_SCOREWrite to ladderlog: MATCH_SCORE [player_score] [player_username] [team_name]1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_MATCH_SCORE_TEAMWrite to ladderlog: MATCH_SCORE_TEAM [team_score] [team_name] [sets_won]1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_MATCH_WINNERWrite to ladderlog: MATCH_WINNER <team> <players>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_NEW_MATCHWrite to ladderlog: NEW_MATCH <date and time>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_NEW_ROUNDWrite to ladderlog: NEW_ROUND <date and time>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_NEW_SETWrite to ladderlog: NEW_SET [current_set] [time]1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_NEXT_ROUNDWrite to ladderlog: NEXT_ROUND [next_round_number] [total_rounds] [map_file] [center_message]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_NUM_HUMANSWrite to ladderlog: NUM_HUMANS <number of humans>0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_OBJECTZONE_PLAYER_ENTEREDWrite to ladderlog: OBJECTZONE_PLAYER_ENTERED [zone_id] [zone_name] [zone_pos_x] [zone_pos_y] [player_name] [player_pos_x] [player_pos_y] [player_direction_x] [player_direction_y] [game_time]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_OBJECTZONE_PLAYER_LEFTWrite to ladderlog: OBJECTZONE_PLAYER_LEFT [zone_id] [zone_name] [zone_pos_x] [zone_pos_y] [player_name] [player_pos_x] [player_pos_y] [player_direction_x] [player_direction_y] [game_time]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_OBJECTZONE_SPAWNEDWrite to ladderlog: OBJECTZONE_SPAWNED [id] [name] [pos_x] [pos_y] [xdir] [ydir]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_OBJECTZONE_ZONE_ENTEREDWrite to ladderlog: OBJECTZONE_ZONE_ENTERED [zone_id] [zone_name] [zone_posx] [zone_posy] [target_id] [target_name] [target_pos_x] [target_pos_y] [target_dir_x] [target_dir_y] [game_time]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ONLINE_AIWrite to ladderlog: ONLINE_AI <name> <team> <score>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ONLINE_PLAYERWrite to ladderlog: ONLINE_PLAYER <name> <id> <r> <g> <b> <access_level> <did_login?> [<ping> <team>]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ONLINE_PLAYERS_ALIVEWrite to ladderlog: ONLINE_PLAYERS_ALIVE <player1> <player2> <player3> ...1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ONLINE_PLAYERS_COUNTWrite to ladderlog: ONLINE_PLAYERS_COUNT <humans> <ais> <humans alive> <ai alive> <humans dead> <ai dead>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ONLINE_PLAYERS_DEADWrite to ladderlog: ONLINE_PLAYERS_DEAD <player1> <player2> <player3> ...1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ONLINE_TEAMWrite to ladderlog: ONLINE_TEAM <name> <screen name>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_AI_ENTEREDWrite to ladderlog: PLAYER_AI_ENTERED <name> <screen name>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_COLORED_NAMEWrite to ladderlog: PLAYER_COLORED_NAME [player_useranme] [player_colored_name]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_GRIDPOSWrite to ladderlog: PLAYER_GRIDPOS [player_username] [pos_x] [pos_y] [dir_x] [dir_y] [cycle_speed] [player_rubber] [cycle_rubber] [team] [player_braking] [player_brake_reservoir]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_KILLEDWrite to ladderlog: PLAYER_KILLED [player_username] [ip_address] [pos_x] [pos_y] [dir_x] [dir_y]1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_RENAMEDWrite to ladderlog: PLAYER_RENAMED <old name> <new name> <ip> <did_login?> <screen name>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_POSITIONSWrite to ladderlog: POSITIONS <team> <player1 player2 ...>0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ROUND_COMMENCINGWrite to ladderlog: ROUND_COMMENCING [current_round] [total_rounds]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ROUND_SCOREWrite to ladderlog: ROUND_SCORE <score difference> <player> [<team>]1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ROUND_SCORE_TEAMWrite to ladderlog: ROUND_SCORE_TEAM <score difference> <team>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ROUND_WINNERWrite to ladderlog: ROUND_WINNER <team> <players>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_SACRIFICEWrite to ladderlog: SACRIFICE <player who used the hole> <player who created the hole> <player owning the wall the hole was made into>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_SET_WINNERWrite to ladderlog: SET_WINNER [team_name]1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_SHUTDOWNWrite to ladderlog: SHUTDOWN <time> when the server has been shut down using exit/quit commands1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_SOCCER_GOAL_PLAYER_ENTEREDWrite to ladderlog: SOCCER_GOAL_PLAYER_ENTERED [player_auth_name] [player_team] [team owner of the goal]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_SOCCER_GOAL_SCOREDWrite to ladderlog: SOCCER_GOAL_SCORED <goal's team> <scored team> <scored player> <time>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_SPAWN_POSITION_TEAMWrite to ladderlog: SPAWN_POSITION_TEAM [team_name] [new_position]1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TACTICAL_POSITIONWrite to ladderlog: TACTICAL_POSITION [time] [name] [tact_pos]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TACTICAL_STATISTICSWrite to ladderlog: TACTICAL_STATISTICS [tact_pos] [name] [time] [state] [kills]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TARGETZONE_CONQUEREDWrite to ladderlog: TARGETZONE_CONQUERED <object_id> <zone_name> <cx> <cy> [<player> [<team>]]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TARGETZONE_PLAYER_ENTERWrite to ladderlog: TARGETZONE_PLAYER_ENTER <object_id> <zone_name> <cx> <cy> <player> <x> <y> <xdir> <ydir> <time>0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TARGETZONE_PLAYER_LEFTWrite to ladderlog: TARGETZONE_PLAYER_LEFT <object_id> <zone_name> <cx> <cy> <player> <x> <y> <xdir> <ydir>0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TARGETZONE_TIMEOUTWrite to ladderlog: TARGETZONE_TIMEOUT <object_id> <zone_name> <cx> <cy>0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TEAM_COLORED_NAMEWrite to ladderlog: TEAM_COLORED_NAME [team_name] [team_colored_name]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TEAM_PLAYER_ADDEDWrite to ladderlog: TEAM_PLAYER_ADDED <team name> <player>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TEAM_RENAMEDWrite to ladderlog: TEAM_RENAMED <old team name> <new team name>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_VOTERWrite to ladderlog: VOTER [player_name] [0-against|1-for] [description]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_VOTE_CREATEDWrite to ladderlog: VOTE_CREATED [suggestor] [description]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_WINZONE_ACTIVATEDWrite to ladderlog: WINZONE_ACTIVATED [id] [name] [xpos] [ypos]1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_WINZONE_PLAYER_ENTERWrite to ladderlog: WINZONE_PLAYER_ENTER <player> <x> <y> <xdir> <ydir> <time>1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ZONE_COLLAPSEDWrite to ladderlog: ZONE_COLLAPSED <zone_id> <object_id> <cx> <cy>0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ZONE_CREATEDWrite to ladderlog: ZONE_CREATED [effect] [id] [name] [xpos] [ypos] [xdir] [ydir]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ZONE_GRIDPOSWrite to ladderlog: ZONE_GRIDPOS [effect] [id] [name] [radius] [growth] [posx] [posy] [velx] [vely] [r] [g] [b]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ZONE_ROUTE_STOPPEDWrite to ladderlog: ZONE_ROUTE_STOPPED [effect] [id] [name] [posx] [posy] [velx] [vely]1
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ZONE_SHOT_RELEASEDWrite to ladderlog: ZONE_SHOT_RELEASED [0-shot|1-deathshot] [id] [player_name] [zone_pos_x] [zone_pos_y] [zone_dir_x] [zone_dir_y]0
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ZONE_SPAWNEDWrite to ladderlog: ZONE_SPAWNED <zone_effect> <object id> <zone_name> <x> <y> <xdir> <ydir>0
LADDER_GAIN_EXTRAPing dependent ladder extra score for the winner1
LADDER_HIGHSCORE_OUTPUTIf set to >1, high scores will be announced to all players.1
LADDER_LOSE_MIN_ON_LOADMinimum of you ladder score lost on each load0.2
LADDER_LOSE_PERCENT_ON_LOADPercentage of your ladder score lost on each load0.2
LADDER_MIN_BETMinimum score you put in the ladder pot1
LADDER_PERCENT_BETPercentage of your score you put in the ladder pot10
LADDER_TAXPercentage of the ladder pot the IRS takes1
LAG_CREDITMaximal seconds of total lag credit.0.5
LAG_CREDIT_SINGLEMaximal seconds of lag credit for a single lag credit event.0.1
LAG_CREDIT_TIMETimescale lag credit is restored on.600
LAG_CREDIT_VARIANCEMaximal multiple of the lag variance for a single lag credit event.3
LAG_FAST_TIMETimescale the fast lag measurement decays on.2
LAG_FAST_WEIGHTExtra weight lag reports from the server influence the fast lag compensation with.1
LAG_FREQUENCY_THRESHOLDMinimal frequency of lag events (measured against the total number of input events) that needs to be exceeded before the server informs the client. Should be between 0 and 1.0.2
LAG_MAX_SPEEDUP_TIMERMaximal speed increase of timer while lag is compensated for.0.2
LAG_OFFSET_CLIENTExtra amount of lag compensation, determined by the client.0
LAG_OFFSET_LEGACYExtra amount of lag compensation for clients that don't support automatic compensation, determined by the server.0
LAG_OFFSET_SERVERExtra amount of lag compensation, determined by the server.0
LAG_O_METERDraw Lag-O-Meter in network play1
LAG_O_METER_BLENDAmount the player color should be blended with white to get the color of the Lag-O-Meter. 1 means white, 0 means the color of the player.0.5
LAG_O_METER_SCALEScale of the Lag-O-Meter. 1.0 is the "correct" value, older clients were hardcoded to .5 due to a bug.1
LAG_O_METER_THRESHOLDThe Lag-O-Meter will only be drawn if the product of cycle speed and lag is bigger than this value.0.5
LAG_O_METER_USE_OLDShould we use the old buggy Lag-O-Meter? This functionality will go away soon.0
LAG_SLOW_TIMETimescale the slow lag measurement decays on.30
LAG_SLOW_WEIGHTExtra weight lag reports from the server influence the slow lag compensation with.0.2
LAG_SWEET_SPOTSweet spot, the fill ratio of lag credit the server tries to keep the client at.0.2
LAG_THRESHOLDAmount of lag not compensated for on each lag event.0
LANGUAGE_FIRSTThe language Armagetron Advanced will useAmerican English
LANGUAGE_RELOADImmediately reload languages from file.
LANGUAGE_SECONDFallback language if the first language is not availableAmerican English
LAST_CHAT_BREAK_TIMELast round time a player in chat mode is able to pause the timer-1
LAST_CHECK_ERRORSListen to errors claiming a video mode does not exist, last successful init1
LAST_COLORDEPTHColor depth, last successful init1
LAST_FULLSCREENFullscreen or windowed mode, last successful init0
LAST_ZDEPTHz buffer depth, last successful init1
LEGACY_LADDERLOG_COMMANDIf set to 1, COMMAND will output similar things to INVALID_COMMAND.1
LEGACY_LOG_NAMESIf 1, the log names of unauthenticated players are kept like they were before authentication was implemented. If 0, log names are escaped so that authenticated player names look best.0
LIMIT_ADVANCEEnd the match when the first team in score is this number of points ahead of the second team100000
LIMIT_ROUNDSEnd the match after this number of rounds10
LIMIT_SCOREEnd the match when a player reaches this score100
LIMIT_SCORE_MIN_LEADOnly consider LIMIT_SCORE when this lead is achieved by the winning team0
LIMIT_SETSSet the match set limit. Teams winning more sets win the match.1
LIMIT_TIMEEnd the match after this number of minutes30
LIST_ALL_COMMANDSAll commands and their values are stored in ./var/commands_list.txt
LIST_ALL_COMMANDS_LEVELSAll commands are their access levels are stored in ./var/commands_levels_list.txt
LIST_SCRIPTSLists active scripts.
LOAD_CUSTOM_CONFIGSLoad the custom configs loaded in CUSTOM_CONFIGS command.
LOCAL_TEAMAdds a local account for an entire team (team tags are compared).
LOCAL_USERAdds a local user account from a name/password pair.
LOGINUsing this command you can prompt/login the selected player under the <name> with the given <username>.
Usage: LOGIN <name> <username>.
LOGOUTUsing the given <name>, find the player and logs them out if they already logged in.
Usage: LOGOUT <name>.
LOG_TURNSIf set to 1, this setting will log the spawned time, death time and the positions of which players move to in the file ./var/log_turns/<name>.txt0
LOG_TURNS_TIMESTAMPIf set to 1, [TIME-STAMP] <message> will be sent to all the players logging file in ./var/log_turns/<name>.txt0
LOG_TURNS_WINNERIf set to 1, spawned and finished position, direction when a player enters a win zone or a target zone for the first time to the file ./var/log_turns/winner/<name>.txt0
LOWER_SKYDraw lower sky plane0
MAP_FILEFile that contains the map used for playingAnonymous/polygon/regular/square-1.0.1.aamap.xml
MAP_FILE_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when MAP_FILE differs from its default?3
MAP_ONCHANGE_INCLUDEconfiguration file included before verifying the new map
MAP_ROTATIONA list of map files to rotate through, with values separated by semicolons. Optionally you can enter in the round like this: map|round_number;
MAP_ROTATION_ADDAdd a map item to the MAP_ROTATION list of items. Optionally you can also add in the round of selection. Usage: MAP_ROTATION_ADD <map>{|round_number}
MAP_ROTATION_LOADLoads the selected map from it's designated id from the list of MAP_ROTATION items. Usage: MAP_ROTATION_LOAD <map_id>
MAP_ROTATION_REMOVERemoved the selected map from the list of MAP_ROTATION items. Usage: MAP_ROTATION_REMOVE <map>
MAP_ROTATION_SETSet the selected map to the round provided. Usage: MAP_ROTATION_SET <map> <round>
MAP_STORAGEIs mainly use for non-rotation purposes, queue mainly. Usage is similar to MAP_ROTATION, except without round.
MAX_CLIENTSMaximum number of network clients to accept16
MAX_CLIENTS_SAME_IP_HARDMaximum number of network clients to accept from the same IP; more logins will be ignored8
MAX_CLIENTS_SAME_IP_SOFTMaximum number of network clients to accept from the same IP; more logins will get kicked when the server is full4
MAX_IN_RATEMaximum network input rate8
MAX_OUT_RATEMaximum network output rate8
MAX_PLAYERS_SAME_IPmaximum number of players from the same IP (note that each client can legally host up to four players)4
MAX_PROTOCOL_VERSIONIf > 0, maximum protocol version allowed to play; features not supported by this version are going to be permanently disabled.0
MAX_VOTESThe maximum number of total votes that can be active at any given moment.5
MAX_VOTES_PER_VOTERThe maximum number of votes suggested by each voter that can be active at any given moment.2
MD5_PREFIXExtra hash prefix for local accounts used to scramble the password
MD5_SUFFIXExtra hash suffix for local accounts used to scramble the password
MEGA_SHOT_DIRThe number of shots released after full brake release (depending on MEGA_SHOT_THRESH value).3
MEGA_SHOT_EXPLOSIONIf set to 1>, explosions occur when a mega shot is released.1
MEGA_SHOT_MULTThe boost for the mega shot after being released.0.3
MEGA_SHOT_THRESHThe amount of braking to do before ready to shoot mega shot. If set >1, mega shot is disabled. SHOT_THRESH needs to be enabled for this to work.2
MESSAGE_OF_DAYMessage sent to clients on connection, if supported by the client, it will be displayed fullscreen
MESSAGE_OF_DAY_TIMEOUTTime message_of_day is displayed for in fullscreen mode60
MIN_FLAGS_HOMENumber of flags that must be home in order to capture a flag0
MIN_PLAYERSMinimum number of players0
MIN_PLAY_TIME_ONLINEOnline play time in minutes required to play here0
MIN_PLAY_TIME_TEAMTeam play time in minutes required to play here0
MIN_PLAY_TIME_TOTALTotal play time in minutes required to play here0
MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSIONMinimum protocol version allowed to play.0
MIN_VOTERSNumber of voters that need to be online to enable voting.3
MOUSE_GRABGrab the mouse pointer, so it can't leave the window0
MOVE_TOKicks the specified player from the server and, if the client supports it, redirects them to a different server. Does not imply an autoban penalty.
MOVIEPACKUse the moviepack if available1
MOVIEPACK_RIM_WALL_STRETCH_XExtension of one square of rim wall texture in the horizontal direction for the moviepack50
MOVIEPACK_RIM_WALL_STRETCH_YExtension of the rim wall texture in the vertical direction for the moviepack50
NETWORK_AUTOBAN_FACTORAutoban players for NETWORK_AUTOBAN_FACTOR * ( kph - NETWORK_AUTOBAN_OFFSET ) minutes when they get kicked; kph is the average number of kicks per hour they get.10
NETWORK_AUTOBAN_MAX_KPHMaximal value of the kicks per hour; larger values are smoothly clamped.30
NETWORK_AUTOBAN_OFFSETAutoban players for NETWORK_AUTOBAN_FACTOR * ( kph - NETWORK_AUTOBAN_OFFSET ) minutes when they get kicked; kph is the average number of kicks per hour they get.5
NETWORK_MIN_BANWhen a client's connection is blocked because they're banned, make them banned for at least this many seconds.120
NETWORK_SPECTATOR_TIMEIf set to something bigger than zero, this is the maximal time in seconds a client without players is tolerated.0
NEW_FEATURE_DELAYDisable features that only came in during the last X protocol versions.0
NEW_TEAM_ALLOWEDIs it currently allowed to create a new team?0
NUM_AISNumber of AI players0
ONLINE_STATS_INTERVALThe time between previous "online_players_*" output to the next.1
OPGives another player a higher or a lower access level. OP <player> [+|-]<optional access level>
PASSWORDPassword setting
PASSWORD_STORAGEDetermines where your passwords are stored: 1 means on hard disk (dangerous), 0 in memory and -1 means they are not stored at all.0
PING_CHARITYHow much ping are you willing to take over from your opponent?100
PING_CHARITY_MAXServer option: maximum ping charity value. Set to 0 to avoid instant kills. Active only if all clients are or better.500
PING_CHARITY_MINServer option: minimum ping charity value. Use to enforce fairness. Active only if all clients are or better.0
PING_CHARITY_SERVERDon't touch: the server says this is the maximal ping compensation.500
PING_FLOOD_GLOBALThe times PING_FLOOD_TIME_X, multiplied by this value, count for all pings from all machines. Negative values disable global flood protection.0.1
PING_FLOOD_TIME_10Minimum time for 10 ping packets from one machine to arrive.1
PING_FLOOD_TIME_100Minimum time for 100 ping packets from one machine to arrive.100
PING_FLOOD_TIME_20Minimum time for 20 ping packets from one machine to arrive.4
PING_FLOOD_TIME_50Minimum time for 50 ping packets from one machine to arrive.20
PLAYERSPrints list of currently active players
PLAYER_CENTER_MESSAGESends a center message to a specified player.
PLAYER_CHAT_WAIT_FRACTIONMaximum fraction of time to wait for a single player to stop chatting.0
PLAYER_CHAT_WAIT_MAXMaximum time in seconds to wait for a single player to stop chatting.0
PLAYER_CHAT_WAIT_SINGLESet to 1 if only one player should get their chat wait time reduced at any given time.0
PLAYER_CHAT_WAIT_TEAMLEADERSet to 1 if only team leaders, and 0 if all players, should be allowed to pause the timer.1
PLAYER_FULLSCREEN_MESSAGEPrints a big message all over the screen only to the specified player without pausing the game. Use with care.
PLAYER_GRIDPOS_INTERVALThe time between previous "player_gridpos" output to the next.1
PLAYER_GRIDPOS_ON_TURNWrite PLAYER_GRIDPOS event when someone turns?0
PLAYER_LIST_HIDDEN_PLAYER_PREFIXThe prefix that is shown on hidden players' Global ID and access level when we can see it.0xaaaaaa
PLAYER_MESSAGESends a message to a specified player.
PLAYER_RANDOM_COLORGives a player a random color every round. The max range is 32 allowing multi-colored tails / bikes.0
PLAYER_UNIQUE_COLORGives a player a semi-random unique color every round. Attempts to generate colors that are different from other players.0
PLAY_TIME_ONLINETotal time in minutes someone has played with this client online480
PLAY_TIME_TEAMTotal time in minutes someone has played with this client in a team480
PLAY_TIME_TOTALTotal time in minutes someone has played with this client480
PORT_MAXThe highest network port that is scanned when looking for a LAN server.4540
PORT_MINThe lowest network port that is scanned when looking for a LAN server.4534
PREDICT_OBJECTSPredict cycle movement in network play0
PREDICT_WALLSPredict cycle walls. Useful for avoiding instant kills1
PREFIX_SPAM_ENABLEShould spam prefix checking be enabled? Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable.1
PREFIX_SPAM_LENGTH_MULTIPLIERMultiplier applied to prefix length when calculating prefix spam score.1.2
PREFIX_SPAM_NUMBER_COLOR_CODES_MULTIPLIERMultiplier applied to the number of color codes in prefix when calculating prefix spam score.1.2
PREFIX_SPAM_NUMBER_KNOWN_PREFIXES_MULTIPLIERMultiplier applied to the number of known spam prefixes when calculating prefix spam score.1
PREFIX_SPAM_REQUIRED_SCOREThe required prefix spam score a prefix must have for it to be considered spam.10
PREFIX_SPAM_START_COLOR_MULTIPLIERIf a prefix begins with a color code it will have this multiplier applied to its score.1.5
PREFIX_SPAM_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIERMultiplier applied to time calculation to determine how long a known prefix is remembered.15
PROTECT_SENSITIVE_FILESTry to protect user.cfg from read access by other users?1
QUEUERS_LISTDisplays the list of queuers and their queues.
QUEUE_CONFIGStores config that exists in CONFIG_ROTATION. Stops rotation temporarly to complete the listed maps.
QUEUE_ENABLEDShould players be allowed to queue maps?0
QUEUE_GIVEGive a set of queues to the given player's name. Usage: QUEUE_GIVE <name> <amount>
QUEUE_INCREMENTIf set to >0, players will get their queues increased during refill by this amount.0
QUEUE_LIMITThis is the amount that players can use up for queueing maps or configs.20
QUEUE_LIMIT_ENABLEDShould the people have limits when queueing?0
QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEMPTAccess level equal to or below this do not have queue limit.2
QUEUE_LOGIf set to 1, players queueing maps/configs will get written to queuelog.txt0
QUEUE_MAPStores map that exist in MAP_ROTATION. Stops rotation temporarly to complete the listed maps.
QUEUE_MAXThe maximum queues allowed due to the increase in their slots.30
QUEUE_REFILLRefill the queue fuel of the given player's name. Usage: QUEUE_REFILL <name>
QUEUE_REFILL_ACTIVEShould players be in server to have their queue refill active?0
QUEUE_REFILL_TIMEHow long each time should players refill take? This is measured in hours.2400
QUITShuts the dedicated server down and quits.
RACE_CHANCESThe number of chances player get to play again in the same round after death. Depletes each time you use it up and resets for next round.0
RACE_CHECKPOINT_COUNTDOWNNumber of seconds to give individual racers to complete the race.70
RACE_CHECKPOINT_LAPSDefault: 1; 0-won't do anything; 1-after each completed lap, your completed checkpoints data is cleared to do again.1
RACE_CHECKPOINT_REQUIRE_HITDefault: 1; 0-will let you finish regarless of doing the checkpoints; 1-MUST complete all checkpoints but not in order; 2-MUST complete all checkpoints in order;0
RACE_END_DELAYNumber of seconds to give players to finish before the round is finished.60
RACE_FINISH_COLLAPSEIf set to 1, all zones will collapse at the end of round.1
RACE_FINISH_KILLIf set to 1, players crossing the finish line will get killed.1
RACE_IDLE_KILLIf set to 1, kills players that are idle for RACE_IDLE_TIME seconds.0
RACE_IDLE_SPEEDSet to >= 0, idle activates if players stay for RACE_IDLE_TIME under the set idle speed.30
RACE_IDLE_TIMENumber of seconds a player is idle on grid before being warned and then killed.5
RACE_IDLE_WARNINGSThe number of times a player should be warned for being idle.1
RACE_LAPSIf set to >1, these are the number of laps to complete to finish the race.1
RACE_LOG_LOGINIf enabled, it will only log the time records of players that have logged in.0
RACE_LOG_TIMEIf enabled, it displays the reached time and the position of arrival.0
RACE_LOG_UNFINISHEDIt set to 1, logs in the players that have not yet finished that racing course. Time values will be set to -1.0
RACE_NUM_RANKS_SHOW_ENDThe number of ranks to display at the end of round.3
RACE_NUM_RANKS_SHOW_STARTThe number of ranks to display at the start of round.3
RACE_POINTS_TYPEIf set to 0, players receive points depending on SCORE_RACE_FINISH. if set to 1, players receive points depending on RACE_SCORE_DEPLETE.1
RACE_RANKS_SHOW_ENDIf set to 1, ranks will appear at the end of the round; If set to 2, personal ranks will be shown to those players only.2
RACE_RANKS_SHOW_STARTIf set to 1, ranks will appear at the start of the round; If set to 2, personal ranks will be shown to those players only.1
RACE_RANK_HEADER_LENGTHThe length of the header "rank" should be.8
RACE_RANK_HEADER_PLAYER_LENGTHThe length of the header "player" should be.16
RACE_RANK_HEADER_TIME_LENGTHThe length of the header "time" should be.0
RACE_RANK_SHOW_LENGTHThe length of the name of the rank should the rank be aligned by.7
RACE_RANK_SHOW_PLAYER_LENGTHThe limit length of players to display in the display of ranks.15
RACE_RECORDS_LOADDefault: 1, if set to 0, race records will not load.1
RACE_RECORDS_SAVEDefault: 1, if set to 0, race records will not save.1
RACE_SAFE_ANGLESThese are the angles that are safe to travel in. Anything else and your dead. Usage: degrees1,degrees2,degrees3,...
RACE_SCORE_DEPLETENumber the score depletes by everytime a player enters the win zone.1
RACE_SMART_TIMERIf set to 1, timer is decided depending on the top 3 racing ranks.0
RACE_SMART_TIMER_FACTORThe factor by which countdown is multiplied when smart timer is enabled.1.2
RACE_SMART_TIMER_NUMThe number of records to look to obtain the average time for the countdown.3
RACE_TIMER_ENABLED0 = Disable, 1 = Enable) race timer. Don't change during round.0
RACE_UNSAFE_ANGLES_KILLDefault: 0; If set to 1, kills all players that are in the unsafe angles as they finish the race.0
REAL_ARENA_SIZE_FACTORThe currently active arena size. Leave it alone! Change size_factor instead.0.353553
REAL_CYCLE_SPEED_FACTORThe currently active cycle speed multiplier. Leave it alone! Change speed_factor instead.1
RECORDING_DEBUGLEVELLevel of additional information in recording file.0
RECORD_TURTLE_MODEKeep debug recording even in turtle mode. Normally, it is stopped to keep the server responsive. The begginning of an attack is recorded anyway, of course.0
RELOAD_CONFIGReload the initial settings that are loaded during the beginning of the client/server.
REMOVE_HELP_TOPICRemove a help topic.
RENAMERenames the given player.
RESERVE_SCREEN_NAMEReserves a screen name to a registered user
RESET_CONFIG_QUEUEINGReset config queueing.
RESET_MAP_QUEUEINGReset map queueing.
RESET_ROTATIONResets map and config rotation
RESET_ROTATION_ON_START_NEW_MATCHIf enabled, map and config rotation will be reset when a START_NEW_MATCH command is issued0
RESOURCE_REPOSITORY_CLIENTURI the client uses to search for map files if they aren't stored locally. Better leave it alone
RESOURCE_REPOSITORY_SERVERURI clients and the server use to search for map files if they aren't stored locally
RESPAWNRespawns a player that had been killed.
USAGE: RESPAWN <player> <xpos> <ypos> <xdir> <ydir>.
RESPAWN_ALLRespawns all players that were killed during the round at a random spot.
RESPAWN_DEFAULT_POSITIONThe default position to respawn players at. 0="Least dangerous"; 1=Original spawnpoint; 2=Last position0
RESPAWN_MESSAGEDisplay the "You've been respawned" message for RESPAWN?0
RESPAWN_PLAYERRespawns a player that had been killed.
USAGE: RESPAWN_PLAYER <player> <xpos> <ypos> <xdir> <ydir>.
RESPAWN_SCRIPTSpawns an external script from a scripts/ subdirectory on the data path if no already running instance is found.
RESPAWN_STRICTIf enabled, players in spectator or going into spectator cannot be respawned.0
RESPAWN_TIMESeconds greater than 0 makes sure any dead player will be respawned within that time of them being dead. Default: -1.-1
REVERT_MAP_FILEbehaviour of the map verficiation
RIM_WALL_STRETCH_XExtension of the rim wall texture in the horizontal direction100
RIM_WALL_STRETCH_YExtension of the rim wall texture in the vertical direction50
RIM_WALL_WRAP_YSet to 1 if the rim wall texture should repeat in the vertical direction0
RINCLUDEIncludes a file using the resource system. Use the direct link syntax to your profit here.
ROTATION_MAXThe maximum number of rounds the currently loaded map should remain before new map should be selected and loaded.10
ROTATION_MAX_TYPEThe type of rotation to occur at the end of ROTATION_MAX: ordered rotation or random rotation.0
ROTATION_MESSAGEDisplay a message every round with stats about the rotation?0
ROTATION_TYPEDetermines when map and config rotation should occur. Possible values: (0) Do not do any rotation, (1) Ordered Rotate every round, (2) Ordered Rotate every match, (3) Random Rotate every round, (4) Random Rotate every match, (5) Activates ROTATION_MAX, (6) Activates for rotation where maps and configs load depending on the round they are set for.0
ROUND_CENTER_MESSAGEBig message sent to clients after every round
ROUND_CONSOLE_MESSAGEMessage sent to clients after every round. Each time this is used, the message is stored and executed at round start.
RUBBERZONE_RATERate multiplier at which rubber zones take rubber.40
SAVED_IN_VERSIONUsed internally to remember which version the user configuration file was last saved it0.2.9-sty+ct+ap_alpha_z3320
SAYDedicated server only: let the server administrator say something.
SCORE_BLASTZONEWhat you get for hitting the Blast Zone-1
SCORE_DEATHZONEWhat you get for hitting the Death Zone-1
SCORE_DEATHZONE_TEAMWhat you get for hitting a team Death Zone-1
SCORE_DEATH_SHOTNumber of points a player gets for shooting someone with their deathshot1
SCORE_DIEWhat you get for dying-2
SCORE_DIFF_WINThe number of points after SCORE_WIN to declare round winner.1
SCORE_EXPLOSIONPoints the enemy cycle destroyed in an explosion gains.0
SCORE_EXPLOSION_OWNERPoints the owner of an explosion gains for destroying another enemy cycle.0
SCORE_FLAGNumber of points a player scores on returning a captured flag to their base1
SCORE_FLAG_HOME_BASEPoints to get for returning your flag home.1
SCORE_GOALNumber of points a player scores on kicking the ball into the enemy goal1
SCORE_HOLEWhat you get for making a hole for your teammates0
SCORE_KILLWhat you get for killing someone3
SCORE_RACEWhat you get for reaching the win zone in a race10
SCORE_RACE_FINISHPoints players get awarded for crossing the finish line.10
SCORE_RUBBERZONEScore player is given for dieing on a rubber zone.-1
SCORE_SELF_DESTRUCTNumber of points a player gets1
SCORE_SHOTNumber of points a player shoots another player1
SCORE_SHOT_BASEPoints player's team receives for shooting at a base.0
SCORE_SHOT_SUICIDENumber of points a player shoots themselves of their teammates0
SCORE_SUICIDEWhat you get for stupidly dying-4
SCORE_SURVIVEWhat you get for surviving0
SCORE_WINWhat you get for winning a round10
SCORE_ZOMBIE_ZONENumber of points a player gets for killing a zombie zone0
SCORE_ZOMBIE_ZONE_REVENGENumber of points a player gets for having their zombie kill someone1
SCRIPT_ENVSet custom environment variables for scripts. Usage: SCRIPT_ENV <variable name> <value>
SELF_DESTRUCTIf set to 1, once a player gets killed, a large zone will appear at the spot and kill inside of it.0
SELF_DESTRUCT_FALLThe speed at which zone's radius falls after increasing.2
SELF_DESTRUCT_RADIUSThe initial radius of the destruct zone.18
SELF_DESTRUCT_RISEThe speed at which zone's radius increases initially.5
SELF_DESTRUCT_ROTThe speed at which the zone rotates.7
SELF_DESTRUCT_VANISHFlag for if a self distruct zone should vanish1
SERVER_DNSIf your server is on dynamic IP and you set up a dynamic DNS that always points to it, you can set this variable to the DNS name to help clients remember your server across IP changes.
SERVER_IPIP the server listens onANY
SERVER_NAMEName of this serverUnnamed Server
SERVER_OPTIONSShort description of the options on this serverAll settings at default values.
SERVER_PORTPort this server listens on4534
SETTING_LEGACY_BEHAVIOR_ANNOYINGDefault legacy behavior for settings that only cause minor annoyances on old clients, like enemy cycles stopping for .1 seconds after each turn. Example: CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE0
SETTING_LEGACY_BEHAVIOR_BREAKINGDefault legacy behavior for settings that absolutely break the client and make play impossible. Example of an affected setting: MAP_FILE2
SETTING_LEGACY_BEHAVIOR_BUMPYDefault legacy behavior for settings that allow play on old clients in principle, but with severe limitations (cycles bouncing around, player commands not executed on time). Example: CYCLE_DELAY_TIMEBASED2
SETTING_LEGACY_BEHAVIOR_CHEATINGDefault legacy behavior for settings where the default behavior could be considered cheating if non-default was set. Example: DOUBLEBIND_TIME2
SETTING_LEGACY_BEHAVIOR_VISUALDefault legacy behavior for settings that only affect status displays and visuals, not game physics. Example: CYCLE_RUBBER_* (the client displays the rubber meter, but it's not used for anything)0
SET_AI_POSITIONSet the route at which the ai player should follow. Usage: SET_AI_POSITION [name] [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2] ...
SET_COMMANDS_ACCESSLEVELSet the access level of ALL the commands to the given level.
SET_CYCLE_BRAKINGSets whether a player is braking. Usage: SET_CYCLE_BRAKING <name> <braking>
SET_CYCLE_RUBBERSet the current used up rubber of the owner: Usage: SET_CYCLE_RUBBER <name> <rubber>
SET_CYCLE_SPEEDSet the current travelling speed of the owner: Usage: SET_CYCLE_SPEED <name> <speed>
SET_PLAYER_TEAMForcably place the selected player into the given team. Usage: SET_PLAYER_TEAM [name] [team]
SET_TARGET_COMMANDAdd commands for a target zone to issue when someone enters it.
SET_ZONE_COLORChange the color of a zone (floats always out of 1). Usage: SET_ZONE_COLOR <name> <r> <g> <b>
SET_ZONE_COORDchange a zones actual position. Usage: SET_ZONE_COORD <name> <x> <y>
SET_ZONE_DIRchange a zones direction. Usage: SET_ZONE_DIR <name> <xdir> <ydir>
SET_ZONE_EXPANSIONChange the Expansion rate of a zone. Usage: SET_ZONE_EXPANSION <name> <growth>
SET_ZONE_ID_COLORChange the color of a zone (floats always out of 1). Usage: SET_ZONE_ID_COLOR <id> <r> <g> <b>
SET_ZONE_ID_COORDchange a zones actual position. Usage: SET_ZONE_ID_COORD <id> <x> <y>
SET_ZONE_ID_DIRchange a zones direction. Usage: SET_ZONE_ID_DIR <id> <xdir> <ydir>
SET_ZONE_ID_EXPANSIONChange the Expansion rate of a zone. Usage: SET_ZONE_ID_EXPANSION <id> <growth>
SET_ZONE_ID_PENETRATEChange whether the zone penetrates through walls. Usage: SET_ZONE_ID_PENETRATE <id> <bool>
SET_ZONE_ID_RADIUSchange zones radius. Usage: SET_ZONE_ID_RADIUS <id> <radius> <rate>
SET_ZONE_ID_ROTATIONChange the rotation speed of a zone. Usage: SET_ZONE_ID_ROTATION <id> <rotation>
SET_ZONE_ID_ROUTESets a zones route. Usage: SET_ZONE_ROUTE <name> <x1> <y1> [<x2> <y2> ...]
SET_ZONE_ID_SPEEDchange a zones speed. Usage: SET_ZONE_ID_SPEED <id> <speed>
SET_ZONE_PENETRATEChange whether the zone penetrates through walls. Usage: SET_ZONE_PENETRATE <name> <bool>
SET_ZONE_RADIUSchange zones radius. Usage: SET_ZONE_RADIUS <name> <radius> <rate>
SET_ZONE_ROTATIONChange the rotation speed of a zone. Usage: SET_ZONE_ROTATION <name> <rotation>
SET_ZONE_ROUTESets a zones route. Usage: SET_ZONE_ROUTE <name> <x1> <y1> [<x2> <y2> ...]
SET_ZONE_SPEEDchange a zones speed. Usage: SET_ZONE_SPEED <name> <speed>
SHOT_BASE_ENEMY_RESPAWNIf a shot enters into an enemy's base, respawn their dead team mates.0
SHOT_BASE_RESPAWNIf a shot enters into their own base, respawn their dead team mates.0
SHOT_COLLISIONFlag for if shots can collide and bounce off one another.0
SHOT_DISCARD_TIMETime, in seconds, to wait before ready to shoot.0.3
SHOT_EXPLOSIONIf set to 1>, explosions take place after every normal shot.0
SHOT_KILL_ENEMIESIf set to 1, player's shot kills enemies for entering into it.1
SHOT_KILL_INVULNERABLEFlag for if Shot can kill invulnerable cycles1
SHOT_KILL_SELFFlag for if a player can shot themself or their team0
SHOT_KILL_VANISHFlag for if a shot should vanish1
SHOT_PENETRATE_WALLSFlag for if a shot should go through walls when its not bouncing0
SHOT_RADIUS_MAXThe maximum radius of the shot zone.5
SHOT_RADIUS_MINThe minimum radius of the shot zone.0.7
SHOT_ROT_MAXThe maximum rotation of the shot zone.10
SHOT_ROT_MINThe minimum rotation of the shot zone.2
SHOT_SEEK_UPDATE_TIMEThe interval in which the shot seeking is updated.0.5
SHOT_START_DISTThe distance from which the shot is released from the owner's bike.1
SHOT_THRESHThe amount of braking necessary to make a shot. If >1, shooting is disabled.2
SHOT_VELOCITY_MULTThe velocity at which the shot's velocity multiplies after being released.1.8
SHOT_WALL_BOUNCEFlag for if shots can bounce off walls0
SHOW_FPSEnable fps display1
SHOW_MAP_AXESIf set to 1, shows the map's axes.1
SHOW_MAP_CREATIONIf set to 1, shows the map's name and creator's name.1
SHOW_MAP_DETAILSDisplay the map's details for everyone to view.0
SHOW_OWN_NAMEShould your name be displayed above your cycle on your screen?
SHOW_RECORDING_TIMEEnable display of recording/playback time1
SHUFFLE_SPAM_MESSAGES_PER_ROUNDPer round, per player limit on the number of shuffle messages displayed. A negative or zero value disables this check.3
SHUTDOWNThis command activates the shutdown process for the game. Usage: SHUTDOWN <optional: seconds>
SHUTDOWN_STOPThis command automatically stops the shutdown process if it is currently active.
SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUTThis command sets the default seconds timeout before game is closed.10
SILENCESilence a specific player so they can't use public chat any more (/msg and /team still work)
SILENCE_ALLSilence everyone present in the server.
SILENCE_DEADSilence all the players that have died.0
SILENCE_DEFAULTIf set to 1, new players will be silenced0
SILENCE_ENEMIESWhen enabled, chat sent from enemies is not displayed on your client if you are alive. If you are dead all chat is displayed.0
SINCLUDEIncludes the following file silently, without error message if it is not found
SIZE_FACTORArena size modifier0
SKY_WOBBLESky animation1
SLAPSlaps the given player by penalizing them with the specified amount of points. Be smart and you may be able to hug your users, too ;)
SMOOTH_SHADINGEnable smooth shading1
SOCCER_BALL_FIRST_WINIf set to 1, first team to shot the ball into other team's goal wubs the round.0
SOCCER_BALL_SCORE_OWN_GOALIf enabled, counts scoring your own goal as points to the enemy teams through the usual systems. If disabled, the ball will just move back to where it started.0
SOCCER_BALL_SHOTS_WINIf set to > 0, the number of times the ball must enter other team's goal. Sending the ball in their own goal does not count.0
SOCCER_BALL_SLOWDOWNIf set to 1, soccer balls will slow down.1
SOCCER_BALL_SLOWDOWN_SPEEDThe speed at which the ball show slow down at.0.07
SOCCER_BALL_SLOWDOWN_SYNC_INTERVALTime in seconds between synchronizations when slowing down soccerballs.0.05
SOCCER_GOAL_KILL_ENEMIESIf set to 1, enemy players entering other team's base will get killed.0
SOCCER_GOAL_RESPAWN_ALLIESIf set to 1, teammates entering their own goal will respawn dead teammates.1
SOCCER_GOAL_RESPAWN_ENEMIESIf set to 1, players entering opponent's goal will respawn enemy dead players.1
SOCCER_GOAL_SCOREThe points the team get for scoring a goal.1
SOFTWARE_RENDERERIs the OpenGL renderer not hardware accelerated?0
SOUND_BUFFER_SHIFTBuffer size multiplier0
SOUND_QUALITYSound quality [0=off, 3=high]2
SOUND_SOURCESNumber of sound sources to be heard at the same time10
SPAM_AUTOKICKSpam score that causes you to get kicked instantly.14
SPAM_AUTOKICK_COUNTNumber of spam warnings before a player gets spamkicked.3
SPAM_MAXLENMaximal length of chat message.80
SPAM_MAXLEN_OVERRIDEBlock out older clients when SPAM_MAXLEN differs from its default?3
SPAM_PENALTYNumber of seconds to silence a spammer.0
SPAM_PROTECTIONHarshness of spam protection; determines min delay between chat messages accepted.4
SPAM_PROTECTION_CHATExtra factor for SPAM_PROTECTION for chat messages.0.3
SPAM_PROTECTION_REPEATMinimum time between identical chat messages.5
SPARKSDraw sparks when going too close to a wall1
SPAWN_ALTERNATEIf set to 1, switch positions each round.0
SPAWN_EXPLOSIONSpawns an explosion. Usage: SPAWN_EXPLOSION [x] [y] [radius] [r] [g] [b].
SPAWN_OBJECTZONESpawns an object zone. Usage: SPAWN_OBJECTZONE [x] [y] [growth] [radius] [xdir] [ydir] [interact] [r] [g] [b] [target_radius]
SPAWN_SCRIPTSpawns an external script from a scripts/ subdirectory on the data path.
SPAWN_SOCCERSpawns a soccer zone.
SPAWN_WINGMEN_BACKDetermines how much each wingman is placed backwards in a team.2.2029
SPAWN_WINGMEN_SIDEDetermines how much each wingman is placed sidewards in a team.2.75362
SPAWN_WINNERS_FIRSTIf set to 1, winners from previous round will be spawned first in the next round.0
SPAWN_WRAPNumber of spawns after which to start wrapping new spawns at the beginning.9
SPAWN_ZONEspawn a zone onto the grid
SPEAK_AS_ADMINLet's you speak as admin. Output:= Admin: {message}
SPEAK_TO_ENEMIESLet's you speak as admin to enemies. Output:= Admin --> Enemies: {message}
SPEAK_TO_EVERYONELet's you speak as admin to everyone. Output:= Admin --> Everyone: {message}
SPEED_FACTORSpeed modifier for the cycles0
SP_AI_IQIQ of the AI opponents in single player mode50
SP_AUTO_AISAutomatically spawn AI players in single player mode?0
SP_AUTO_IQAutomatically adjust AI IQ in single player mode?0
SP_EXPLOSION_RADIUSBlast radius of the cycle explosions in single player mode4
SP_FINISH_TYPEWhat happens when the last human is dead in single player mode?1
SP_GAME_TYPEType of game played in single player mode. 0 for freestyle, 1 for last team standing and 2 for humans vs. AIs.1
SP_LIMIT_ADVANCEEnd the match in single player mode when the first team in score is this number of points ahead of the second team100000
SP_LIMIT_ROUNDSEnd the match after this number of rounds in single player mode10
SP_LIMIT_SCOREEnd the match when a player reaches this score in single player mode100000
SP_LIMIT_SCORE_MIN_LEADOnly consider LIMIT_SCORE when this lead is achieved by the winning team in single player mode0
SP_LIMIT_SETSSet the match set limit in single player mode. Teams winning more sets win the match.1
SP_LIMIT_TIMEEnd the match after this number of minutes in single player mode30
SP_MIN_PLAYERSMinimum number of players in single player mode4
SP_NUM_AISNumber of AI players in single player mode0
SP_SCORE_DIFF_WINThe number of points after SP_SCORE_WIN to declare round winner1
SP_SCORE_WINWhat you get for winning a round in single player mode10
SP_SIZE_FACTORArena size modifier-3
SP_SPEED_FACTORSpeed modifier for the cycles0
SP_TEAMS_MAXMaximum number of teams in single player mode16
SP_TEAMS_MINMinimum number of teams in single player mode1
SP_TEAM_BALANCE_ON_QUITBalance teams on player quit in single player mode?0
SP_TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AISBalance teams with AI players in single player mode?1
SP_TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCEMaximum allowed team imbalance in single player mode1
SP_TEAM_MAX_PLAYERSMaximum number of players per team in single player mode1
SP_TEAM_MIN_PLAYERSMinimum number of players per team in single player mode1
SP_WALLS_LENGTHLength of the cycle walls in meters; negative values will make the walls infinite.-1
SP_WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAYNumber of seconds the walls stay up after a player died; negative values will keep them up forever.8
SP_WIN_ZONE_MIN_LAST_DEATHMinimum number of seconds since the last death before the instant win zone is activated in single player mode1e+06
SP_WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIMEMinimum number of seconds the round has to be going on before the instant win zone is activated in single player mode1e+06
START_NEW_MATCHInitiates a new match
STOP_RECORDINGStops a currently running recording to save resources. Resuming is impossible.
STYCT_COMPATIBILITY_LADDERLOG_PLAYER_GRIDPOSPLAYER_GRIDPOS becomes: PLAYER_GRIDPOS [player_username] [pos_x] [pos_y] [dir_x] [dir_y] [team] [cycle_speed] [player_rubber] [cycle_rubber] [player_braking] [player_brake_reservoir]0
STYCT_COMPATIBILITY_SPAWN_ZONEIf eanbled, SPAWN_ZONE will take colors out of 1 rather than 15.0
SUICIDE_MESSAGEIf set to 1, announce when player kills themselves.1
SUSPENDSuspend a player from playing for the following N rounds (default is set by SUSPEND_DEFAULT_ROUNDS)
SUSPEND_ALLSuspends all active players by the SUSPEND_DEFAULT_ROUNDS or <rounds> specified.
Usage: SUSPEND_ALL <rounds>.
SUSPEND_DEFAULT_ROUNDSSets default round timeout for SUSPEND.5
SUSPEND_LISTOne execution and it displays the list of currently suspended players.
SWAP_WINZONE_DEATHZONE_COLORS0:Default, original colors and 1:Swap, swaps their colors with each other.0
TAKE_POINTSSlaps the given player by punishing them with the specified amound of points. Be careful or you will lose a of points :P
TALK_TO_MASTERAnnounce this server on the Internet?0
TARGETZONE_COLOR_BThe blue portion of the target zone's color.0
TARGETZONE_COLOR_GThe green portion of the target zone's color.15
TARGETZONE_COLOR_RThe red portion of the target zone's color.0
TARGET_DECLARE_WINNERLast target zone is a winzone ?;1
TARGET_INITIAL_SCOREScore for the first player entering the zone10
TARGET_LIFETIMETime in seconds before the zone vanished. -1 for infinite-1
TARGET_SCORE_DEPLETEScore suppress to the zone score each time a player entered2
TARGET_SURVIVE_TIMETime in sec before the zone vanished once a player entered. -1 for infinite10
TEAMSGet a list of all teams with a somewhat graphic representation of their formation. Same as saying /teams
TEAMS_MAXMaximum number of teams16
TEAMS_MINMinimum number of teams1
TEAM_BALANCE_ON_QUITBalance teams on player quit?1
TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AISBalance teams with AI players?1
TEAM_BLUE_1blue portion of team 1's color15
TEAM_BLUE_2blue portion of team 2's color4
TEAM_BLUE_3blue portion of team 3's color4
TEAM_BLUE_4blue portion of team 4's color4
TEAM_BLUE_5blue portion of team 5's color15
TEAM_BLUE_6blue portion of team 6's color15
TEAM_BLUE_7blue portion of team 7's color15
TEAM_BLUE_8blue portion of team 8's color7
TEAM_CENTER_IS_BOSSIf set to 1, the center player is the team's boss. If at 0, it's the player who is on that team longest.1
TEAM_ELIMINATION_MODEDefines the way ArmagetronAd should eliminate teams when there's more teams than TEAMS_MAX: Set to 0 it will try to keep as many players as possible, kicking teams that have the lowest score if teams are balanced; Set to 1 it will try to keep the best team colors (Team blue, then Team gold, then Team red, etc); Set to 2 it will kick out the teams that have the lowest score, regardless of balance.0
TEAM_GREEN_1green portion of team 1's color8
TEAM_GREEN_2green portion of team 2's color15
TEAM_GREEN_3green portion of team 3's color4
TEAM_GREEN_4green portion of team 4's color15
TEAM_GREEN_5green portion of team 5's color4
TEAM_GREEN_6green portion of team 6's color15
TEAM_GREEN_7green portion of team 7's color15
TEAM_GREEN_8green portion of team 8's color7
TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCEMaximum allowed team imbalance1
TEAM_MAX_PLAYERSMaximum number of players per team5
TEAM_MIN_PLAYERSMinimum number of players per team1
TEAM_NAME_1name of team 1$team_name_blue
TEAM_NAME_2name of team 2$team_name_gold
TEAM_NAME_3name of team 3$team_name_red
TEAM_NAME_4name of team 4$team_name_green
TEAM_NAME_5name of team 5$team_name_violet
TEAM_NAME_6name of team 6$team_name_ugly
TEAM_NAME_7name of team 7$team_name_white
TEAM_NAME_8name of team 8$team_name_black
TEAM_RED_1red portion of team 1's color4
TEAM_RED_2red portion of team 2's color15
TEAM_RED_3red portion of team 3's color15
TEAM_RED_4red portion of team 4's color4
TEAM_RED_5red portion of team 5's color15
TEAM_RED_6red portion of team 6's color4
TEAM_RED_7red portion of team 7's color15
TEAM_RED_8red portion of team 8's color7
TELEPORTTeleports player to a new location. Usage: TELEPORT [player] [xpos] [ypos] [rel|abs] [xdir] [ydir]
TELEPORT_PLAYERTeleports player to a new location. Usage: TELEPORT_PLAYER [player] [xpos] [ypos] [rel|abs] [xdir] [ydir]
TEXTURES_HIUse high color textures0
TEXTURE_MODE_0Floor Texture:0
TEXTURE_MODE_1Wall Textures:0
TEXTURE_MODE_2Object Textures:0
TEXT_BRIGHT_BACKGROUNDEnable the bright white background behind text considered dark0
TEXT_OUTEnable console text output0
TIMEBOT_ACTION_HIGHAction to take on a high suspicion of timebottery. 0: do nothing, 1: log it, 2: message moderators, 3: message all players, 4: kick the offending player.1
TIMEBOT_ACTION_MAXAction to take on a very high suspicion of timebottery. 0: do nothing, 1: log it, 2: message moderators, 3: message all players, 4: kick the offending player.1
TIMEBOT_ACTION_MEDIUMAction to take on a medium suspicion of timebottery. 0: do nothing, 1: log it, 2: message moderators, 3: message all players, 4: kick the offending player.1
TIMEBOT_KICK_SEVERITYIf players get kicked by the timebot detection, it's done with this severity level.0.5
TIMEBOT_SENSITIVITYThe sensitivity of the timebot detection code. 1.0 is the default and you probably shouldn't deviate more than .5 from that.1
TIMER_MAXThe maximum time for timer to reach.80
TIMER_MINThe minimum time for timer to reach.0
TIMER_MODE0-countdown ticks down, 1-countdown ticks up, 2-countdown depends on the target time.2
TIMER_RESETResets the ingame timer back to default.
TIMER_RESUMEIf the timer was previously stopped, it resumes from where it last stopped.
TIMER_STARTStarts a ingame timer, giving players <seconds> to do something. Usage: TIMER_START <seconds> <target>
TIMER_STOPPerfectly stops the ingame timer.
TIMER_TYPE0-do nothing, 1-kill all cycles, 2-kill all zones, 3-kill everything.2
TITLE_OF_DAYIf fullscreen display is supported, this will be the title above message_of_dayMessage of the Day
TOPOLOGY_POLICEThe topology police does posterior checks to determine whether game moves were legal.0
TOPOLOGY_POLICE_PARALLELExtra topology police flag to check for walls that are put into the grid data-structure exactly parallel to each other. Requites TOPOLOGY_POLICE to be active.1
TRUST_LANIf set to 1, the server assumes that your LAN is safe and that nobody can run a pharming server on it.0
UNBAN_IPRevokes the ban of the specified IP address.
UNLOCK_ALL_TEAMSUnlocks all teams.
UNSILENCEReverts a SILENCE command
UNSUSPENDRemoves a player suspension.
UNSUSPEND_ALLUnsuspends all players that were suspended.
UPPER_SKYDraw upper sky plane0
URLHTTP URI associated with a server
USER_ALIASAllows bending authenticated names around: a player authenticated as X originally can appear as y.
USER_LEVELChanges the access level of a user.
USER_REMOVERemoves an password account for a user or team.
USE_DISPLAYLISTSUse display lists for rendering the cycles?0
VERIFY_COLOR_STRICTVerify color codes before interpreting them if this is set to 1. Capital letters and anything not 0-9, a-f is not considered a color code then. If set to 0 (the in code default), out of range ascii characters are accepted and interpreted as 0.1
VIEWPORT_CONFViewport configuration; decides how many players can play on this computer0
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_1Assign this viewport to a player0
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_2Assign this viewport to a player1
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_3Assign this viewport to a player2
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_4Assign this viewport to a player3
VOTES_CANCELCancels all running polls.
VOTES_SUSPENDSuspends voting for n minutes.
VOTES_UNSUSPENDAllows voting again.
VOTE_KICK_REASONDefault reason given to players when they're vote-kicked.
VOTE_KICK_TO_PORTDefault server port a player is redirected to by vote kicks.4534
VOTE_KICK_TO_SERVERServer IP/name a player is redirected to by vote kicks.
VOTING_BIASAdd virtual voters that oppose every change.0
VOTING_BIAS_CHALLENGEVote-specific extra bias0
VOTING_BIAS_COMMANDAdd virtual voters that oppose every command vote.0
VOTING_BIAS_INCLUDEAdd virtual voters that oppose every include vote.0
VOTING_BIAS_KICKAdd virtual voters that oppose every kick vote.0
VOTING_BIAS_SILENCEAdd virtual voters that oppose every silence vote.0
VOTING_BIAS_SUSPENDAdd virtual voters that oppose every suspend vote.0
VOTING_BIAS_VOICEAdd virtual voters that oppose every voice vote.0
VOTING_DECAYOne non-voter is ignored every time this many seconds pass.60
VOTING_HARM_TIMEThe minimum time in seconds between two harmful votes against the same player.180
VOTING_KICK_MINHARMMinimal number of harmful votes (suspension, kick,..) that need to have been issued (success is not required) against a player before a kick vote issued via the menu really results in a kick; otherwise, the result is a simple suspension.0
VOTING_KICK_TIMEThe minimum time in seconds between two kick votes against the same player.300
VOTING_MATURITYThe minimum time in seconds a player needs to be online with the same name before they can issue votes.300
VOTING_PRIVACYControls logging of voting process. 2: nothing gets logged 1: vote submission is logged for the server admin 0: voting is logged for the server admin -1: vote submission is made public -2: everything is made public1
VOTING_SPAM_ISSUEThe spam level of issuing a vote.1
VOTING_SPAM_REJECTThe spam level of getting your vote rejected.5
VOTING_START_DECAYNumber of seconds after that the non-voters start to get ignored.60
VOTING_SUSPEND_ROUNDSThe number of rounds "/vote suspend <player>" suspends a player for.5
VOTING_TIMEOUTVotes older than this time out and are rejected.60
VOTING_TIMEOUT_PER_VOTERAdditional value for VOTING_TIMEOUT for every voter present.15
WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_SCRIPTLet the server wait for an external script between two rounds until the script switches this setting back to 0.0
WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_SCRIPT_TIMEOUTIf the server has been paused by WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_SCRIPT for more seconds than this, kickstart the game.3
WALLS_LENGTHLength of the cycle walls in meters; negative values will make the walls infinite.-1
WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAYNumber of seconds the walls stay up after a player died; negative values will keep them up forever.8
WHITELIST_ENEMIES_IPAllow any players from the specified IP address to be enemies. Usage: WHITELIST_ENEMIES_IP <ip1> ...
WHITELIST_ENEMIES_USERNAMEAllow players from the same IP address to be enemies if one of them is authenticated, and in this list. WHITELIST_ENEMIES_USERNAME <authenticated name1> <authenticated name2> ...
WHITE_SPARKSDraw sparks in white (instead of cycle colors).0
WINZONE_PLAYER_ENTER_WINIf set to 1, first player to enter the winzone will win the round.1
WIN_ZONE_DEATHSA value of 1 turns it into a death zone.0
WIN_ZONE_EXPANSIONExpansion speed of the instant win zone1
WIN_ZONE_INITIAL_SIZEInitial size of the instant win zone5
WIN_ZONE_MIN_LAST_DEATHMinimum number of seconds since the last death before the instant win zone is activated30
WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIMEMinimum number of seconds the round has to be going on before the instant win zone is activated60
WIN_ZONE_RANDOMNESSRandomness factor of the initial win zone position. 0 fixes it at the arena center, 1 spreads the zone all over it.0.8
WORD_DELIMITERSCharacters that count as word delimiters when skipping over words in a text input field.`~!@#$%^&*()-=_+[] \{}|;':",./<>?
ZDEPTHz buffer depth to use (0: 16 1: from color depth 2: 32)1
ZOMBIE_ZONEIf set to 1, zombie zones are enabled.0
ZOMBIE_ZONE_FALLHow quickly should a zombie zone shrink in size?0
ZOMBIE_ZONE_RADIUSThe initial radius of a zombie zone.6
ZOMBIE_ZONE_RISEHow quickly should a zombie zone rise initially?0.4
ZOMBIE_ZONE_ROTThe speed at which the zombie zone rotates.2
ZOMBIE_ZONE_SHOOTHow much zone to take away from a zombie when a shot enters it1
ZOMBIE_ZONE_SPEEDThe speed at which the zombie zone moves as it chases after players.12
ZOMBIE_ZONE_VANISHFlag for if a zombie zone should vanish0
ZONES_BOUNCE_ON_CYCLE_WALLSFlag indicating whether zones can bounce off cycle walls0
ZONE_ALPHATransparency factor for zone rendering. 1.0 gives full strength.1
ZONE_ALPHA_SERVERTransparency factor for zone rendering, controlled by the server. 1.0 gives full strength.1
ZONE_ALPHA_TOGGLEThis is XORd with ALPHA_BLEND to determine the way to draw zones0
ZONE_BOTTOMWhere to put the zone along the Z axis. Default is 0.00
ZONE_DELAY_CLEARClears all delayed zones from cache.
ZONE_GRIDPOS_INTERVALThe time between previous "zone_gridpos" output to the next.1
ZONE_HEIGHTThe zone segments' height. Default is 5.05
ZONE_SEGMENTSHow many segments the zone is formed with. Default is 1111
ZONE_SEG_LENGTHThe rendered fraction of every segment. Default is .50.5
ZONE_SPEED_DECAYRate at which the zone slows down0
ZONE_SPEED_HIT_DECAYAmount the zone slows down when hitting an object0
ZONE_WALL_BOUNDARYValues <= 0 is the boundary limit in which zone_wall_death will activate.-20
ZONE_WALL_DEATHSet to 1 to enable zones to vanish after hitting the wall boundary.0
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