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Log from 2019-04-11: [00:31:15] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) [03:29:11] <Lucifer_arma> Z-Man: pics, or it didn't happen :) [03:29:28] <Lucifer_arma> (yes, although I wasn't consciously aware of that knowledge until I looked here again) [12:35:56] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Quit: physkets) [13:51:48] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) [14:10:40] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Quit: physkets) [17:10:58] <Lucifer_arma> I'm sorry Beresheet crashed, but I'm fucking excited that they made it as far as they did. Crashing on the surface of the moon is awesome for a private company in a tiny country. :) [21:55:51] *** Joins: Z-Man- (~Z-Man@p5B326DF2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [21:55:51] *** Z-Man is now known as Guest22229 [21:55:51] *** Quits: Guest22229 (~Z-Man@p5B326D7E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (niven.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services))) [21:55:51] *** Z-Man- is now known as Z-ManView entire month