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Searching from 2024-06-20 00:00:00 to 2024-06-20 23:59:59.999999.
Query completed in 0.56 seconds
[2024-06-20 00:03:26] <-- Lucifer_arma has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[2024-06-20 01:03:06] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-06-20 01:04:16] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-06-20 01:04:17] -!- tantalum.libera.chat set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-06-20 01:04:17] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-06-20 01:08:17] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-06-20 01:08:50] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[2024-06-20 01:09:00] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-06-20 01:09:01] -!- molybdenum.libera.chat set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-06-20 01:09:01] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-06-20 01:09:21] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-06-20 01:09:21] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | http://www.armagetronad.org/ | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-06-20 01:09:21] -!- Topic set by ChanServ!services@services.oftc.net on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-06-20 01:09:23] -!- reflection.oftc.net set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-06-20 01:09:23] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-06-20 07:23:22] <-- Juest has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2024-06-20 07:25:36] --> Juest has joined the channel
[2024-06-20 13:04:41] --> Lucifer_arma has joined the channel
[2024-06-20 14:18:46] <Lucifer_arma> Woohoo, got another subscriber :)
[2024-06-20 14:18:46] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| Woohoo, got another subscriber :)
[2024-06-20 14:37:47] <-- Lucifer_arma has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[2024-06-20 17:14:29] --> Lucifer_arma has joined the channel
[2024-06-20 18:17:07] <-- Lucifer_arma has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2024-06-20 18:23:19] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| Hello guys
[2024-06-20 18:23:20] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| Hello guys
[2024-06-20 18:23:24] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| Im nee to the community
[2024-06-20 18:23:25] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| Im nee to the community
[2024-06-20 18:39:38] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| hi and welcome @spoodermanpotato
[2024-06-20 18:39:38] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| hi and welcome @spoodermanpotato
[2024-06-20 20:06:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:grapejuice_42| https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/209759416604426242/1253501307835252776/use-with-discretion-v0-jkvs7oujpd7d1.png?ex=66761590&is=6674c410&hm=db1d91d1b67fef6c8664ba042f539271997a70210cea8e964bbe16867cc13c44&
[2024-06-20 20:06:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:grapejuice_42| https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/209759416604426242/1253501307835252776/use-with-discretion-v0-jkvs7oujpd7d1.png?ex=66761590&is=6674c410&hm=db1d91d1b67fef6c8664ba042f539271997a70210cea8e964bbe16867cc13c44&
[2024-06-20 20:51:15] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| too smol
[2024-06-20 20:51:15] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| too smol
[2024-06-20 20:51:23] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| never
[2024-06-20 20:51:23] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| never
[2024-06-20 20:51:29] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| i will not harm my eyes
[2024-06-20 20:51:29] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| i will not harm my eyes
[2024-06-20 20:51:50] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| anyway i spent the last 4 hours playing retro cycles
[2024-06-20 20:51:51] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| anyway i spent the last 4 hours playing retro cycles
[2024-06-20 20:51:57] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| its almost 3 am
[2024-06-20 20:51:57] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:spoodermanpotato| its almost 3 am
[2024-06-20 21:25:03] --> Lucifer_arma has joined the channel
[2024-06-20 21:25:41] <Lucifer_arma> Well, I made a new title sequence.  Hopefully people don't hate it so much, but I wanted something that, while not necessarily better, reflected my increasing skills in editing :)
[2024-06-20 21:25:41] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| Well, I made a new title sequence.  Hopefully people don't hate it so much, but I wanted something that, while not necessarily better, reflected my increasing skills in editing :)
[2024-06-20 21:28:33] <Lucifer_arma> I have now been sober again for an entire February :)
[2024-06-20 21:28:33] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I have now been sober again for an entire February :)
[2024-06-20 21:58:39] <Lucifer_arma> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPn5nAgun8g  More about Starliner :(
[2024-06-20 21:58:39] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPn5nAgun8g  More about Starliner :(

View entire month
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Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.

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